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Boneless' Bodyweight Training


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Aug 29, 2011

Rockclimbed for 2 hrs.

BW: 157lb


1X7 one arm chins (N)

1X3 one arm chins (N)

1X5 one arm chins (S)

1X5 one arm pullups

Also, reinjured my hamstring in a severe way because there was a brawl and I sprinted up to get involved and in the process F'd my leg up AGAIN. Never going to heal I feel.

Nice 1 arm chins there

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Been training. Bonfire has started for crew chiefs, so I've been busy with that. We get our crews out there next weeks so I'll be busy as hell. Going to be a good year!

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Sept 12, 2011


climbed a bit. Flashed a V5 and sent a V4 (3rd try or so) chalkless. Climbed some easier actual routes 5.8-5.9 or so....which is pathetically easy.


5X5sec front lever

1X1 one arm chin (N)

1X7 one arm chins (N)

1X3 one arm chins (N)

1X5 one arm chins (S)

1X5 one arm pullups

1X35 chins (N)

1X35 chins (S)

1X30 pullups


5X10sec one arm L hangs (10 secs each arm 1 set, so 20 total seconds)

As you can see, I have upped my chinning. Doing sets of 35 now instead of 30. Feeling strong as hell. Grip feels great too, been swinging an ax all day getting ready for bonfire. I can't train as much as I'd like due to all the crew chief stuff, but I'm working with what I've got.

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I like them too!

Sept 13, 2011


2X15 plate wrist curls 25lb plate

2X15 plate wrist curls 25lb plate armwrestling position


1X5X 155lb

1X3X 205lb

1X5X 155lb

3X2X 225lb

2X1X 245lb

1X3X 225lb

3X3X 205lb

2X5X 185lb

Couldn't pick a weight to work with, so I just lifted the hell out of all sorts of weights. Was a weird day, I was still very strong as far as singles go (245 went up easy), but my repping endurance was terrible. It seemed like I couldn't get over 3 reps with anything. I could rep 225 for 3, but if I would go down to 205....I could rep it for 3. Whatever. It was a good ease back into bench kind of day. I think I might start doing some sets of 8-10 reps to get my rep endurance up a bit. I think I've roughly peaked my ability with this low rep scheme.

I wanted to get up to ~300lb by Christmas, but I won't be able to lift as often as I'd like so it probably wont happen. I'm at a 265 max right now so it's a 35lb jump in several months. Should be possible, but I don't know. I only need to bench twice a week to get it done, but I am doubting the possibility of that.

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Got my Aggie Ring yesterday A WHOOP!

Been training. Doing sets of 7 one arm chins, repping with 250lb on benchpress, sets of 10 handstand pushups, one arm chinups off a 3/4" ledge (read severe grip strength) and wrist curling 80lb sets of 25 reps.

That among other things. Been armwrestling a lot. Feel like a brick house right now. Still not training as much as I'd like, but as frustrating as it is...apparently when I rest more frequently I get stronger faster...amazing concept. It's like my body actually recovers when it has some time to rest...I can't believe it.

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That among other things. Been armwrestling a lot. Feel like a brick house right now. Still not training as much as I'd like, but as frustrating as it is...apparently when I rest more frequently I get stronger faster...amazing concept. It's like my body actually recovers when it has some time to rest...I can't believe it.

LOL. Who would have known, right? :grin: Awesome to read you're seeing progress in everything.

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Sept 19, 2011

Rockclimbed for 1hr in my rockclimbing class. We get graded on what we climb during class, today I flashed a V4, onsighted a 5.10 cave route, onsighted a 5.11b overhang route and sent a V5 within the hour we had to climb.


1X1 one arm chin (N)

1X7 one arm chin (N)

1X2 one arm chin (N)

1X1 one arm chin (S)

1X5 one arm chin (S)

1X5 one arm pullups

3X35 chins (1 set each grip N S and pullup)


4 sets of one arm L hangs 10secs one arm switch 10sec switch 10sec switch so 40 total seconds alternating 10sec each arm

some one arm tuck ups


2X50 passes 2 25 plate pinch

feeling strong.

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Sept 21, 2011

Rockclimbed for 2hrs. Sent two V6s, campused a V3 and worked a V7 (climbed numerous V3ish routes).


1X2 handstand pushups

1X2 handstand pushups

1X11 handstand pushups

1X9 handstand pushups

3X10 handstand pushups

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Perhaps, if I can get a friend with a camera around when I'm training.


1st Load! at bonfire. Swung an axe for a bit and sprinted all day loading logs.


Rest, and I have exams Tue and Wed so I was studying.


Got the itch, had to do something


1X1 80lb devon larratt curl

1X3 80lb devon larratt curl

5X5 80lb devon larratt curl

5X10sec hook isometric 80lb weight

3X7 table curls 80lb

Devon Larratt curls are the ones where you lock your arm and lean up and down. The table curls were easy...I've seen a video of Corey Miller table curling 100lb for 7 reps which I am currently shooting for. Finally I can understand the level of strength that these upper class armwrestlers have. From what I felt I think I could certainly do 100lb for at least a single, so I don't think that the man is that much ahead of me with regards to arm strength....though he is certainly ahead.

Time to start hunting. If I can control 100lb the way I can control 80lb right now I will be a very dangerous man on the table for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trained all week. no time to post.

Did some more of the curls with the 80lb. getting a lot stronger with these. Did a chinup day including sets of 7 one armers and 3X35 with the different grips.

Did benchpress at the rec. got weaker at that, but whatever. Wasn't too much weaker. Did tricep press stuff and I also did some armwrestling. Feeling rock right now.

Training grip hard.

Double load this weekend at bonfire A WHOOP!

Walton Loads!

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Rockclimbed 1.5hr today. In that hour I sent a V5, flashed a V5/6, sent a V6, flashed a V4ish crack, and flashed a tricky V4.

My friend has been talking sht on me training wise lately. He is a kinesiology major and he's been training a lot (mostly crossfit style) lately. I've been getting very agitated because our friends now go to him for advice on things like one arm pullups (when he can't even do one) rather than me...the guy who has videos of one arm chins off rolling thunders, 1 finger and + 35lbs. FURTHERMORE, I don't agree with his advice....and the response is "You don't know what you're talking about he MAJORS IN THIS."

Aggravating. Am I right to think that perhaps results and experience trump education in this instance?

So we got into it and he said something to the effect of he wants to vomit when he discusses training philosophy with me (I hate his enduro fest crossfit crap). I told him that I'd kick his ass at his own game, so we did a workout.

10 handstand pushups

20 pistols (20 each leg)

30 chins

40 burpees

50 hanging leg raises (straight leg toe to bar)

60 pushups

70ft of walking lunges holding 50lbs overhead

80ft of monkey bars

90 bodyweight squats

100meter dash


1st of all he did his HSPU against a wall...I did mine freestanding of course

My time 17:48.93

His time 20:12.46

Crossfit sucks

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We both did our chins in one set. The only things that I broke into more than one set were the hanging leg raises and oddly enough pushups (burpees killed my pushups). I could have maybe done the pushups 1 set if I stepped up, but I was trying to save energy. He's a fit dude don't get me wrong, but I fear he drastically underestimates my calisthenics abilities.

Crossfit does what it sets out to do, it just so happens that I am a little biased in my opinions. Crossfit sets out to help you achieve general fitness...which it does; however, I feel that elite athletes are never forged from crossfit style training.

I may be wrong in that assertion, but my real problem with crossfit is the apparent lack of goals. It's just do some workout for time. You may be going as fast as possible, but you don't have a concrete goal. They also vary the workouts so much that say you did the "Ivarboneless" workout in 15:00mins, then you set your GOAL to do it in less than 13mins (ie progress) you might not get another shot at it for a month! So for a whole month you are doing various workouts without any guidance for goals other than "do this as fast as possible."

I find it much more beneficial to have a goal (like "Ivarboneless" sub 13mins) and work on it at least once a week so that you can see progress AND know exactly where you are going. It seems that the way crossfit works is so long as you are trying as hard as you can you are making progress...when that may or may not be the case.

It is too amorphous for my taste. You are getting good exercise by getting out there and working HARD for 15-30mins at a time, and you are becoming more in shape from doing so, but there is no apparent goal in sight which is my problem with it.

The way I train I set out to do say a one arm chinup, an iron cross, 10 handstand pushups, 30 chins, front lever, close the #3 etc and I knock them down each in turn and the progress is apparent and I know exactly where I'm going. If I'm training for the #3 I know exactly what I'm working towards, I can guess how much dedication I have to put in and I'm not inclined to skip a workout because if I never reach the #3 I've failed my goal...whereas if you skip crossfit no harm no foul the next time you workout you are still improving yourself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

She's gonna make you weak really fast :D

Somethings in life are worth it... reminds me of Rocky though...

"No women Rock. They weaken the legs..."

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A few more days until I can start training full time again. I've been busy building Aggie Bonfire which in conjunction with everything else leaves little time for serious training. Hopefully I'll be posting again in about a week.

My legs are getting stronger if anything :D

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We miss your detailed updates buddy. A few days ago I checked the updated rankings list (In the Hook I think?) and saw you ranked pretty high leftie at 70kg, and I think you were top 10 rightie as well! So I hope you stay active in AW as well and bust some arse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Currently 8th right and 2nd left. You can count on me staying around armwrestling for a long time. I'm not as active as a lot of people, but I'm still a college kid without a lot of time. Pretty much the only times I can hit tourneys are summer vacation and very local ones throughout the year.

Once I graduate and get a steady job (and retire from gymnastics) I'll be more widely traveled....and train more specifically.

Anyway....I'm done with bonfire, finals, my girlfriend lives 3hrs away (I'm on winter break from school) etc so I'll actually be training hard again and hopefully updating the log like I used to.

Things I forgot to post about:

1X7 one arm chins PR

1X2 MMS #3 (my #3 which is the hardest I've felt and Paul Knight said it was a very tough 3) PR

started bending again DU like always (lost a fair bit of strength....still blue nail level, but the tough 60Ds I cant do anymore)

Still strong essentially. My endurance is bad and I get shaky and jittery when I train hard but it will come back quickly. Maybe abt 165lb right now. Not too out of shape all things considered.

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