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01/11/2007 Grippers and Bending

Got visited bei Tom and Erik.

Grippers right were bad for all of us, we were around the same level, sub MM1.

Lefty I again was strong and easily won that 'event'. :tongue

Afterwards we did some bending.

'Warmed' up on a 5.2" x 7.6mm bar which I let Tom try and got it back straight. :whacked

I also got a 5 1/8" square, meaning PR.

Coming closer to the magic 5" mark.

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This is from Ironmind.com about Samuelson:

"While awaiting the doctor’s verdict, Magnus is doing plenty of rehab work, including 100-rep deadlifts. Magnus said that he began with 100 kg for 100 reps in the deadlift, gradually increased the weight, and now he is doing 200 kg for 100 reps."

So if Magnus can do this, I'm pretty sure 100x100 in the deadlift is possible for you, Franky!

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Interesting news Florian! :rock

Back from my visit at the swiss.

Together with another nice swiss guy called Rafael we had a great meeting and set some new PRs.

Weather was great so we did it outside.

Started with grippers but no news here. David and me are about equal righty, we both got 4 reps out of his #3. Lefty he got a double.

Oly Deadlifts

Though I failed on 210kg (Got it up 25cm but didn't feel safe so I stopped the attempt) I got 197.5 DO which is a PR.

David did 200kg classic style.

One Hand Snatch

We used a thicker dumbell (~40mm ?).

I thought this should be easy but David got 53kg which was already beyond my old PR. :whacked

So I had to try and got 55kg righty. PR :)

Axle Power Clean

Boy another bad event.

First time ever I tried cleaning with a barbell.

Got 85kg and failed on 90. :blush

David PRed with 102.5kg!!! :bow

I have to say that I have zero technique for this event and probably need to train that a bit if it should a an event.

Axle DLs

On the Axle we tried to max out on reps with 120kg within 90s.

Bad event and we did it twice, afterwards I was shot.

I got 15 and 14 reps, David sth like 13 and 12 (phew, sooo close).

After that I had to stop the training since I simply didn't recover from the 2nd set


David and Rafael still did some other stuff afterwards while I was already back in the hotel. :blush

1 hour later I was ok and we went for some great swiss food.

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Interesting news Florian! :rock

Back from my visit at the swiss.

Together with another nice swiss guy called Rafael we had a great meeting and set some new PRs.

Weather was great so we did it outside.

Started with grippers but no news here. David and me are about equal righty, we both got 4 reps out of his #3. Lefty he got a double.

Oly Deadlifts

Though I failed on 210kg (Got it up 25cm but didn't feel safe so I stopped the attempt) I got 197.5 DO which is a PR.

David did 200kg classic style.

One Hand Snatch

We used a thicker dumbell (~40mm ?).

I thought this should be easy but David got 53kg which was already beyond my old PR. :whacked

So I had to try and got 55kg righty. PR :)

Axle Power Clean

Boy another bad event.

First time ever I tried cleaning with a barbell.

Got 85kg and failed on 90. :blush

David PRed with 102.5kg!!! :bow

I have to say that I have zero technique for this event and probably need to train that a bit if it should a an event.

Axle DLs

On the Axle we tried to max out on reps with 120kg within 90s.

Bad event and we did it twice, afterwards I was shot.

I got 15 and 14 reps, David sth like 13 and 12 (phew, sooo close).

After that I had to stop the training since I simply didn't recover from the 2nd set


David and Rafael still did some other stuff afterwards while I was already back in the hotel. :blush

1 hour later I was ok and we went for some great swiss food.

This is not the terminator Franky i know!

I guess your age is catching up with you? :tongue

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honestly, after he left, we were a bit worried!

we had a magnificent day, full of prs, great fun!! Raphael and I finished off with some pressing, farmers walk, and thick bar curls. sunday I was SHOT.

Franky is stronger than me right handed with grippers I think. better at the axle. snatching, he is in fact quite stronger than me (right handed), but needs to work on technique A LOT. he is basically doing a front raise and a press. same for AA clean.

DL for reps, he is also stronger. I think his thickbar strength and his high rep training on the dl is paying off.

Also I was quite impressed by his DO 197.7 kg DL. cool

looking forward to the comp already!

see you


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Thanks David.

My back is trash today.

Soreness everywhere. :yikes

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Yes David a great day!

Uploaded some vids:


David 200kg

David 6 reps on 165kg

Franky 190kg DO

Franky 197.5kg DO

Apollons Axle Clean

David 102.5kg

Apollons Axle DLs with 120kg in 90s



One Hand Snatch

Me and David on 55kg

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The A. Axle repping was cool! :mosher

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01/16/07 Grippers

Actually I had cancelled grip training but got called by another maniac and was talked into doing some grippers ...












0x ez E


0xez E (1/8")



Still working on a suitable long term workout.

Currently the probably best solution is to take the grippers to the gym and do the crush training there.

That takes the load from the other days and eliminates thickbar conflicts.

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Nice Video Frank! A little depressing not to see snow on the ground but then again looked nice to be able to throw some steel around. :mosher


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01/19/2007 Gym, Grippers & Wrist

Bench & Grippers

110kg x 6,5,3

Between the Sets I did sets with the #2.5

Left: 1,3,1

Right: 15,10

Lat Pulldown, wide

100kg x 8,7

Lat Pulldown,narrow

95kg x 7

90kg x 5

Biceps Curls

Left: 20kg x 5,5

Right: 25kg x 5,4

Curl Machine

Couple of Sets with 30kg, 40kg and 30kg

Afterwards some Sets on the Shoulder Press Machine, Triceps Pulldowns and Incline Benches

DB Wrist Curls

Left: 25kg x 10,10

Right: 25kg x 10, 27.5kg x 10

Nice session. Was a bit weaker but that was expected due to creatine pause.

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01/20/2007 Meeting

After Toms MM1 cert we did some trainign but we weren't that motivated.

Grippers we again were all pussies. :angry:

Besides this we did:

Front Lever




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01/20/2007 Meeting

After Toms MM1 cert we did some trainign but we weren't that motivated.

Grippers we again were all pussies. :angry:

Besides this we did:

Front Lever




What could You and Tom do with the Blob? Or the 45#?

BTW: Wanted to squat again today but had a bad migraine attack in the morning... :angry:

My knees are better now - so it's only a matter of a few days until I'll squat again.

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I could lift the Blob50 only a couple of inches.

The day before it was the first time I included grip-training in the gym and beside gripper work I did some intense wrist curls.

So on saturday my forearms were toast.

Finished my new schedule and I like it since it allows me up to 3 days of rest per week.

My former plans always had only one rest day.

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01/23/07 Gym and little Grip Work

Weak session, felt sick and didn't want to train


110 x 5

110 x 5

100 x 7


Left: 2.5 x 2,1

Right #3 x 5,3

Wrist Curls, full ROM

Left: 25kg x 10,8

Right: 30kg x 10,7

Lat Pulldown Wide

5 x 72kg

5 x 87kg

5 x 92kg

5 x 97kg

10 x 102kg


Biceps felt somehow stiff today

Left: 20kg x 5,4

Right: 25kg x 4 stopped

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01/24/07 Axle and RT





1x152.5kg Video Link PR




L: 60kg x 7,6

R: 60kg x 10,9

Edited by FrankyBoy
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Nice job!

I think maybe a bit wider stance, and less rounding of your back.

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