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95kg clean ???!!

did I tell you the comp was cancelled ? ;)


no you didn't!

No problem, just send the prizes over. :tongue


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95kg clean ???!!

did I tell you the comp was cancelled ? ;)


no you didn't!

No problem, just send the prizes over. :tongue




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Great to see you on the board Emmanuel! :happy

Do we meet at the contest again?

That would be cool!

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Great to see you on the board Emmanuel! :happy

Do we meet at the contest again?

That would be cool!

I'll be there... Although maybe only as a modest witness of your feats of strength... :bow I'll test myself on the power clean and COC#3 as soon as tonight.

This will say whether I am able to hold the challenge rather decently or not at all...

Your thick-bar DL is amazing.

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Glad to hear you'll be there Emmanuel.

And thanks for the compliments though I smell a conspiracy here. :laugh

02/24/2007 Gym



2@8x102.5kg as required by the plan. No problem.

Close Grip:

90kg x 8,7


Left: 1x#3, 0x#3, 2x#2.5

Right: GM x 2,3,1

Bending :blush

That session actually doesn't deserve the name.

I tried and failed on:

- a Mag Bastard from 80°

- a 6.5" Edgin from 70°

- a 6.5" Edgin from 90°

The Mag. Bastard did kill my fingers, the Edgins my thumb pads. :whacked

Barbell Cleans





1x100kg Wohooo.

I'm starting to enjoy these.

This time I did the cleans in front of a power rack.

So I cleaned, put the barbell back into the rack, deloaded the barbell a bit and placed it on the floor again.

With the 50kg I tried to do some cool technique, meaning to really jump down under the bar.

HAHAHAHAHA, stumbled and nearly threw the bar through the whole gym. :tongue

DB Preacher Curls

Left: 22.5kg x 5,4

Right: 27.5kg x 8,5

Also some light wrist curls and one set of DB shoulder presses.

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02/25/2007 Sledge Work

Good news!!

Though I haven't done lever work for a long time now (at least levering to head) I didn't lose much strength at all.


1x5x3kg LR

1x3x4kg LR

1x5kg LR












0x8kg (lost it on its way up).

Very close to my best lifts with both hands, cool.

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nice Franky, nice!

any other SGC specific training? FW? grippers max singles in 1'30? loading?

see you soon


Thanks David.

I will try the grippers endurance thingy once or twice but not actually train for it.

No FW training.

For loading I'm maximizing my wide pinch and thickbar, that should do the trick, I hope. :mellow

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have trained the FW twice, myself, and plan do it only one more time. weights are 2*60kg or 2*40kg. a good finisher :)

maximizing pinch and thickbar should do the trick, probably, you're right.

I really think my only chance of beating you is endurance, but I'm looking forward to the battle in any case :)

have you tried the PC on an axle? I find there's a 3-5kg difference between the two, more or less.

loading will be 1'30 also, so probably no more than 15-18 objects. And order will be mandatory, so people like you and me cannot take advantage of strategic order selection. I think this is fairer to other people.

Felix is going to make a lever to nose device. should be a great test of wrist strength (much better than lever to rear IMO), you will rock with this one.

hope the weather is nice and we can do it outside.

see you.

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No, I don't want to try the PC with the axle in my basement. :rolleyes

Pretty sure it takes at least 5kg away.

Still I'm hoping for 100kg in the comp to not loose too much points there.

Giving a loading order is ok with me.

Felix builds great stuff, can't wait to try the lever device.

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loading will be 1'30 also, so probably no more than 15-18 objects. And order will be mandatory, so people like you and me cannot take advantage of strategic order selection. I think this is fairer to other people.

Now after I thought on this theres a mayor problem with that:

A mandatory order only makes sense if a relation exists defining the order of difficulty to lift the objects.

Thats not a problem if only blobs are used but it is a problem if different types of loadable objects are used (inch like, block like, plate pinch like and so on).

Some find the 53kg inch easier, some the 20kg block.

A possible solution would be to make up 3 classes of objects (easy, average, difficult) and one has to lift all objects of one class first to be allowed to proceed to the next.

Or just let the guys try the object in the order they like. Is that really a problem?

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02/26/2007 Axle DLs








Nice session.

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I understand, but is a mandatory order a problem if you can continue even if you failed with one implement?

ps: with my scoring system, you will barely lose any points on the PC, if any.

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Ah, now I got it.

Yeah thats fine of course.

I asked honk to bring some lighter blobs also, so you have a nice choice of object for the medley.

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02/27/2007 Gym-Day

One word: OFF

Bench: Dynamic Effort


didn't feel easy.


Failed again on the Mag. Bastard from 80°.

Moved a 6.5" Edgin from 70° to 100°.

BB Cleans








Form is getting a bit better but still horrible.

I bet I'll get a lot of laughters at the SGC. :blush

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Please take a video of your cleans next training session!

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Nice job on those cleans Frank! Now all you need to do is clean your basement, and you are really 'clean'! :D

Edited by DuTCH
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Had a cold the last days, that was the reason I was off on tuesday.

03/03/2007 Gym

Short session

Bench, heavy unit


105 x 9,8 (2@7 was planned)

BB Curls




DB Curls


1x30kg (test)







Several other stuff but didn't force it.

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any grip? ;)

last grip session yesterday for me (except DO DL on wednesday probably), nothing incredible, but had a good time training outside.

you may well win this time, Franky, but I WILL FIGHT!!! we'll have great fun, I'm sure :)

see you soon man. your hotel is booked for friday and saturday night (for 2 people, is that right?)


ps: please bring grippers 1.5, 2, and 2.5 if you can. And 0.5 if that even exists. thanks

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No, no grip David.

I didn't feel well the last days so I wasn't motivated to do grip stuff.

I will do one or two more sessions this week though.

Thanks for the hotel, actually I wanted to ask you today. :)

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