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Very nice bending DU! And Reverse. Watched the DU video and was curious how long that Challenge Bar is? It looked shorter than 6". Looks like you'll get it soon.

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Ben the 300k bar is around 5.5".

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Yesterday my first short gym workout using a 2 days split.

However, my left shoulder is still hurting so I didn't do alot of benching (only 1 set of DE-work) and no shoulder work at all.

I injured the shoulder when trying to DU the 300k challenge bar with a cold upper body -> stupid.

Nothing big, but still needs to take care of.

So a lot of hot hard showers on it and deep tissue massage using some oils. HEAT HEAT and more HEAT.

Hopefully I can do a regular workout on friday. If not I prolly skip the friday gym session.

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03/28/2007 Gym


2@10x50kg, very very careful start, adductors still ok.




L: 9x#2

R: 29x#2

was a harder #2 from a friend of mine.

Lat PD


Machine Rowing


+Biceps and abs.

No grip work (beyond the grippers)even though actually scheduled for today, need to think where to place my grip workouts with that new gym plan.

Today legs and back are sore, cool.

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Shoulder is ok again. :happy

The massive rehab work the last 3 days have paid off (Deep tissue massage, heat packs and showers).

Did some benching in the gym on friday but it didn't went ok since Heike grabbed the bar at the 125kg single, argghh.

So I had to do the lift again and afterwards I was shot.

But I closed my narrow Elite twice during the bench workout.

Afterwards some DB incline bench work.

Yesterday some back work at home:

BB Rows and chin-ups.

Tried to lever again the big 8kg sledge and I'm really close to it. Soon.

Btw. My legs are still sore, wow. Workout was on wednesday.

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04/01/2007 Thick Bar and Hand Stands

A.A. Dls







Hand Stands, wall supported

Haha, needed 3 attempts to finally get contact to the wall.

Some singles up to 60s which was hard, arms started to shake and it turned into cardio the last 15s.

While standing I played a bit with my wrists to get off the wall and stand supportless for several secs.

Not a bad start.

Last time I walked on my hands, and I think I might still do it, was 4 years and 20kgs ago.

Thanks to Max who brought that idea up.

Now my shoulders, back and wrists are feeling great.

Edited by FrankyBoy
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04/02/2007 Wrist & vbar

Lever to head

5x3kg bh

3x4kg bh

2x5kg bh

1x6kg bh

1x7.25kg bh (PR lefty)

1x9.37kg righty (PR video)

2x0x7.5kg lefty,

1. was a clear miss and skull breaker, ouch now head ache

2. was much better but couldn't bring it up

Left: 5kg x 5,4

Right: 6kg x 7,11 (PR: video)












0x131kg R

0x131kg R

No great lifts here but it felt somehow good to do the vbar after the lever session.

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Must be the warmed up wrists. Same with me, i like to do the reverse bending after v-bar.

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Aaah, handstands... I like that.

For me, they are great for shoulder and triceps work, when you're getting beter, try one-arm handstands against a wall, they are fun, too. Feel like lockout-work. :)

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Great idea Max.

I definately will get back into the handstand workouts.

Tried my first walk today, hahahaha.

Well 2m and that was it and I even had to stop on that short track. :blush

Problem is the assymetry of the arms. Have to work on that.

Today gym


DE work 2@6x80kg


60kg x12,12

db incline bench

32.5kg x 7,6

bb shoulder press

60kg x 6,3 pfffff

rev. Butterfly

50kg x 5,9

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Tried my first walk today, hahahaha.

Well 2m and that was it and I even had to stop on that short track. :blush

Fast 40 und immer noch kein Stückchen weise! Hahaha! :yikes

Nee, Respekt, dass Du sowas versuchst - auf sowas würde ich nie kommen! :whacked

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Danke fön Burki. :tongue

Noon session: 2-hand Pinch on the euro setup

Got a significant PR on it: 92.5 kg (exactly) or ~204#.

Still shot

Session went as follows:





1x82.5kg promising easy so I added another 10kg.

1x92.5kg PR and both thumbs peeled which actually is a good sign since normally only my stronger right thumb looses skin.

0x93.5kg ouch

gloves on and



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Gym Training

I like my new split.

Basically its a 2-days split on flexors and extensors.

Today it was the flexors days.


130kg x 12,10 (Uhhh, cardio again.)

Lat wide


90kg x 10,8

Lat narrow



BB Curls

40kg x 8x8

Wrist Curls

30kg x5,6 L

32.5kg x 7,7 R





Plate Curls on the Scott Bench

10kg x 10,7 bh

also: leg curls and biceps concentration curls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for asking honk.

Hurt my left (!) adductor or sartorius = no DLs nor squats anymore currently which makes my start at the MGC a bit questionable though I can still DL if I use the legs as less as possible but thats pretty dangerous for my back so I won't do those.

Focussing ony gym work lately.

Started to do chin-ups as a regular workout, which is pretty cool.

Yesterday I PRed in grippers: Doubled my narrow Elite righty.

To at least maintain my thick bar strength I'm doing now shrugs with the Axle. Did sets of 3 with 132.5kg which also starts to be challenging for the hands.

I'm doing now plate curls pretty regularily with the expectation to bring up my 2-hand pinch even further.

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Hurt my left (!) adductor or sartorius = no DLs nor squats anymore currently which makes my start at the MGC a bit questionable though I can still DL if I use the legs as less as possible but thats pretty dangerous for my back so I won't do those.

Man, I thought you were using that style already. :tongue

I hope you heal up soon, Franky.

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Hope you heal a bit Frank, you are defending your title here!!

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I wish you a quick recovery, bro. The MGC wouldn't be the same this year without you! With your recently personal bests in grippers and pinch you will be a tough competitor!

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Thanks guys.

Yesterday some tests in the gym.

The good news:

I can do leg curls and leg extensions as well as calf work without pain, thats great.

Weights are a bit down still have to make my way back.

e.g. Bench:

110kg x 6,4

Today at home I did some chin-ups:

93 in 8 sets. Goal was 100. :trout

Best set was 15, worst 10.

Left groins area feels pretty good today, not as much pain as the last days. Doing several stretching sessions each day.

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Evening session:

EZ Curls:

52.5kg x 3,5 (biceps pretty tired now).


BW+10kg : 7

BW+15kg : 4

conc. Curls. 20kg

L: 7,5

R: 10,6


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How is your training Frankyboy?

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Not much grip lately Theo due to not being able to DL currently, lost a bit my motivation.

Total focus is gym work right now.

However I'm trying to rehab the damaged area as fast as possible.

Started even using those funny adductor machines we love to see women sitting in. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's up? Secret training for the MGC? Or still in the rehab phase?

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