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dude foggy...raped by a buffalo :) ..i was having a shitty night, still am, but you made it better...thanks bud :happy ...very nice....that comp sounds pretty cool, but on the light side if you ask me......oh well, more fun for me.....im working on a 20 repper with 300lbs, so shouldnt be much of a problem.....now if i can only go

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Did some grip stuff tonight. Mostly bending. I put a monster kink in this on ungraded 5/16" bolt I had, simply could not finish it. Tried some more on my wrenches, didn't work. I bent a few nails, one of them a super hard spike like 60d. Did some extensore work and a bit with the grippers. My hands hurt so bad after the bending though they couldn't keep taking the tremendous pressure after the braced bending attempts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't done much in a while. I'm on vacation so I can't really go to a gym, that and all my strong man equipment has a foot of earth frozen underneath it all. I have been doing work around the house, we hauled out 3 truck loads of ceramics from our shed, and put up snow fence during the night, and some other stuff, but mostly just cold miserable stuff. I've done a little bit of grip stuff, fooled around with some rafter pullups, I'm nowhere close so now I'll be working my narrow pinch very hard.


Lower Body

I did 100 no weight squats in a row, I think these are called Hindi squats, I'm not sure. The most I had ever done in a row was 50. I caught a second wind at 48 and road it all the way to 100. After that last high rep squat session, I feel like I can break through previous pain barriers. After that I did a warmup with 1 set of 10 leg lyeing leg raises, 1 set of 4 dragon flies, which I need to find a way to do them that does not rip my shoulders out of its socket, and then I did a set of 10 lying eg raises and another set of 12. I finished with side bends at 50lbs., the most weight I could fit on my dumbell, and did a set of 12 and a set of 10. That was it. Tomarrow I'll probably do some brick lifting.

Earlier I got a wide #2 close on both the right and left, PR.

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dane, those squats are called hindu squats, and their value is immense, especially for anyone who needs stamina......dude, im doing them to prepare for my 6 hour black belt test.......and i know 100 is alot right now, trust me i know......but get this shit......some people do them into the 1000's.....infact, karl gotch, the god of wrestling in Japan(real wrestling, not WWE), was famous for these, and it is documented that he did 9001.....scary :erm ......stick with these man, i like to do a bunch of sets throughout the day....after doing these for a couple weeks, it feels like you have these huge ass springs in your legs, and everything you do is much more explosive.....let me know how you get on with em

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Mossman, I've been doing them causually throughout the day on and off for a while now, usually doing them only in the 30's and 40's. Even this minimal effort vastly increase my ability to do them. I use them for active recovery and to get the blood flowing before a stretching session.


Upper Body

I pulled out the bricks on the side of our shed and did some brick lifting. I started with overhead presses. These overhead presses resemble overhead stone pressing in form and the width of the bricks is the same as the number listed. I got 10 reps with 7 bricks, with gloves on, first set :blink , which surpassed my previous best in this lift right off the bat. I lifted 8 bricks for 6 reps, 9 bricks for 3 reps. I went to try for 10, but then a brick slipped, I regrouped and only got it half way. I paused for a bit and got it, full lockout and everything. I tried 11 and I couldn't even get them up to my chest. I felt like the King of Pressing after getting those 10 bricks. :cool That's with gloves on (it's very cold outside), I'm certain I could do more wihtout them, but that certainly would not have been a wise choice at this point in time.

To round out my upper body workout I did bent over rows with the bricks. I did 10 reps with 5 bricks (the gloves became more of a nucience with this lift), I got 6 reps with 6 bricks, I think I got 3 reps with 7 bricks, and managed to get 8 bricks for a single after a few attempts. To finish it I did a set of 4 with 7 bricks, 6 bricks wide. These brick bent over rows hit the lats low and deep, excellent exercise.

That's it. It's cold outside and I know that it is quite enough. I broke through a few pain barriers yet again on the sets with 10 and 6 reps. It's tricky working with the bricks because you need to know when to call it so you don't drop the bricks everywhere and break them, while at the same time you need to push yourself into positions you're not sure you can still hold onto them. It's a lesson learned in time.

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Hammer Time

Whenever I'm home for a break I like to take advantage of the 10 pound, 24" handle sledge hammer in our shed. I started the workout with single sledge curls (hammer curls was a name already taken and doing sledge curls with two hammers is a crushing exercise). The measurements are all what my right hand could do, my left sometimes could only get fewer reps or higher on the handle and I don't remember all the exceptions. I started 6 inches from the head for the first set of 7, 6.5 inchest for 5., 7 for 3, and I went for a maximum at a lower grip. I also did partials with these after the working sets, and I enjoy these sledge curls much more that plain old front levering. For a change I did my rear levering overhead. I did a warmup set with 7 reps at 7 inches, 5 reps at 8 inches, three reps at 8.5 inches, one rep at 9 inches. I did a few weaver stick lifts after these as a heavy partial movement. I then did sledge twist at I believe 6.5 inches from the head. 3 sets of 5 and I did partials for the pronation movement. The partial movement of my supination is stronger than the end of the hammer from my slim-style bending. Not all of these reps were clean, the gyrations of my body in pain and my slight bending at the knees to assist some of the slower comming levers help out on some of the lifts. That's what happens with levering sometimes, it is more stimulating to cheat a bit than to flat out miss the lift.

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Lower Body

I did a jumping workout for my legs. Didn't really have a sturdy platform to jump onto but I had some small rubber mats I used to mark my jump distances by leaping over both. I warmed up with various kinds of jumping, then did some jumping back and forth at a marked distance about 6 feet again and again until it got me huffing and puffing. I then stretched. From then on I did single attepts in my jumps, starting at 6.5 and moving up about 3 inches after every jump. I orginally just wanted to make it to 7 feet, but I realised I could do more. So I worked all the way up to 8 feet! After the 8 foot jump I could not duplicate it, so I stopped. These were all standing jumps, no running for extra distance, just incase you were wondering what the big deal was. I ended the workout with 3 sets of 10 of my calf jumps, were I just jump using mostly calf power. As of now it is impossible for me to dorsiflex my foot into its full range of motion and any attempt to do so hurts very badly; I cooked them good. :cool

Edited by foggymountainmuscle
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Upper body

Not a whole lot in this workout. Just did some brick curls. I did a warmup set of 6 bricks wide for 6 reps. Did a working set with 6 bricks for 8 reps. I then did 2 sets of 5 with 7 bricks sixe bricks wide. And I finished by walking for 2 sets carrying 8 bricks 6 bricks wide. My goal was to make it around my chicken coop in 2 sets, and I did it in one because the first set I didn't know where I was going to go. Not all my brick curls were super strict. Couldn't go down to the full range on the last few of the last two sets because they would start to slip. It was kinda wet out there.

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Lower Arm

When going through this old lady's barn looking for chicken nest boxes I got two long sections of 3 inch iron pipe and a butt load of license plates. I warmed up with some clean and presses on the thick bar, then did some one handed lifts. I then did reverse curls with the bar, I only got 4 reps on the first set. I tried some one handed cleans but this was too easy. I then did another set of reverse curls but I could only get one rep so I did 3 negatives in addition. I then decided that I better try out the license plates before I tire myself out. Long story short I got 3 license plates rip. They were all long drawn out battles that required me to fold the plates quite a bit but I didn't resort to cutting them up. I tried to break an old wrench we found (This thing is a Sears wrench, that does not say craftsmen.) Maybe I'll get it when I'm fresh, I felt it flex but I couldn't finish it. I then went back to the thick bar work and did 2 sets of wrist curls. These were pretty darn tough, I got a set of 7 and a set of 6 and I did another set of 4 negatives in the reverse curl.

I'll discuss some things I learned about license plate ripping in the topic I started in the bending forum.

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Lower Body

I did another jumping workout today. Now that the snow has melted I might actually get to use my strongman equipment. Started off with some warmups of regular jumps, then did some jumps off a step stool and moved into my working sets doing landings off of a 40" counter top. Much like a negative I tried to absorb the force created by my higher than normally possible jump. I know these can be tough on the joints so I didn't over do it, I did one set of 5 and another of 7. I almost slipped off the darn thing, probably a combination of my wet shoes and a covering on the platform I must have started to rip by jumping. I jumped up onto the 40" platform each time so this added to the difficulty and got me breathing pretty good. I tried jumping over a trash can but after almost ramming the rim up my ass on the second rep I realised it was too big around. So I found a folded up table and jumped over it for two sets of 10. On the second set I did the jumps dead from a rock bottom squat position, I didn't want any spring motion that I made to help me. Pretty good workout, it got my lower back working and my cardio in addition to being a good leg workout.

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Abdominal Circuit

Well I was hoping to use my strongman equipment but my lower body isn't recovered enough yet and the equipment is covered in snow again. I thought about doing a gripper workout but decided against it because I'll have my grippers down at school, and not my 3" thick pipe, so I'll do some work on that tomarrow.

I've never really done circuit training before, because I hate how it cuts down the number of reps possible and weight used in an exercise, a big no no for me when I'm trying to increase my strength, but this time I decided to try it. I still hate it because it was a gut ache and a half, but it's found it's place in my training sceme. I did 3 sets of 10 lying leg raises with an extra pound on each foot, 1 set of 10 side bends with 50lbs. and 2 sets of 8. All these back to back, with just a little time for a drink between the two. But it felt like three because I had to do both sides on the side bends. The idea is to better condition my abs. It's like there is a big drop off in energy when I go beyond the 4-6 rep range in my abdominal work. Granted I specifically train my abs with heavy weights and low reps, but I don't want a dramatic drop in performance after 5 reps. So I'm doing some higher rep stuff with the idea of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy will supply my abdominals with more energy and possibly build up hybrid muscle fibers. There was a fair amount of cardio involved, but mostly just pain. My abs had so much blood in them they actually looked less defined at the end of the workout. :laugh

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hahaa.......circuits suck man, i know the feeling...i did them all last summer, two nights a week, in a martial arts style with heavy bag, speed bag, jump rope,, an then whatever calisthenic i wanted...usually squats.....man, i have to warn....BE CAREFUL ON WET BOX JUMPS! this is how i destroyed my wrist....last year, in september, a friend got me to try pylos........i did very well, and was reaching for the highest box first time....., well my shoes were wet on the bottom, i got up on the ledge of the highest box, my shoes slipped, and i fell backwards, snapping my wrist upwards...it wasnt right for over 6 months...train safe man

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Lower Body

Christmas vacation is over, back to school and back in a gym. I wanted to start off with deadlifts, but other people were using the power rack, so I tried out my new neck harness first. I did standing supports, only holding the standing position for a few seconds or so. I started with 105lbs. and did triples at 150, 195, 235, 260, and a double at 270. I then did some neck work with the stack of weights behind me to work the muscles of the front neck, this involved lifting up the weight with neck movement, not a support. I did 6 reps at 50, 75, and 85 pounds each.

The power rack was open then so I got to try out my elastic bands. I did reverse banded deadlifts. This is where the bands are hung on the top of the power rack and give you assistance; as the weight goes up the assistance from the bands is less and less until it is none. I warmed up with 225, and 315, and it certainly felt like it was making me lift faster. I went into my working sets with 405, 420, and 445 for 5 reps, I got them all. I really liked these and I can't wait to try them out on squats, bench, and presses.

I ended with calf raises on a standing plate loaded calf machine. I made sure I got a good strech at the bottom of the lift to make it difficult. I did 6 reps with 90, 180, three reps at 250, and two reps at 270. Great workout.

I just got my ISG today that I bought off of fellow gripboard member David Thorton. I really like it and it already has some sticky athletic tape on the handles making it easy on the hands. Really difficult. I can only close it with the first spring at the bottom and the second spring the second rung from the top. This will be great for working the sweep, negatives, and inverted closes.

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Glad to see you got the ISG...a new love affair begins :D

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Card Tearing

Dollar store at home had 2 card decks for a dollar, so my brother got me 40 of them. I tried a deck in the box as a warmup and suprise! These are the hardest cards I have encountered and I had to removed the box covering to finish it. It was a train reck, the bad start gave me a finish that looked like a gorilla tried to corner the deck. I did a bunch of stuff quartering the cards, some into eighths, some into sixteenths, I didn't keep track of thickness. The last thing I did was a long drawn out battle of a full deck done left handed, a few cards slipped out but I got it. My thumbs and hand muscles need more endurance if I'm going to work through more than one deck at once. I ended by doing a set of 25 on the 1st and 4th setting on the ISG for both hands.


Upper Body

Got to try out my new dipping belt. I warmed up with 10 reps at no weight, 5 reps with 45 extra, then did working sets for 5 reps at 65, 85, and 95lbs. Got every rep. Continuing my work on a one handed chin up, I got out my bands and used them to assist me in doing one. Pretty close but no cigar, I did a few attempts, then increased the tension and got very close. My working sets consisted of 5 reps of attemtps and I grasp my working hand with my free hand to help me up the rest of the way. Hard stuff. The next exercise was thickbar floor presses, which never seem to go as planned. I warmed up with 5 reps at 135, then did 5 reps with 185, got 3 reps with 205, got one rep with 225, and after that could only get one rep at 195, so I decided I was done. I finished with barbell hammer curls, using a tricept bar. Warmed up with 5 reps on the empty bar. Tried an extra 10 pounds but it was too much. Got 5 reps with and extra 5 pounds, didn't make all the reps on my second set. I did my last set with no extra weight. Works the arms really well. I thought about doing shrugs but my traps aren't recovered from the deadlifting.

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Lower Body and More

I started off with squats, for triples. I did 135, 225, 295, 325, 365, only got 2 at 375, I knew 365 wasn't comming up again either so I did 345 for 3 more sets of 3. I wanted to do partials but my lower back was shot, and was really tensed, I did alot of stretching throughout the rest of the workout to get it to feel normal. Next I tried out my FBBC Chunk I bought from Clay. This thing is like the rolling thunder of blobs, you can't tilt and keep the pin hook in the right spot, so the numbers are low. I ajusted it earlier today to fit the dimensions of the 50lbs. blob exactly. 25 pounds was too much so I did a few lifts with 15, I did a few at 17.5lbs., I got 20 pounds a few times in each hand, I dropped back down and did 17.5 for alot of times, and then ended with 2 sets of overcrushes at 17.5lbs. After this I moved into neck work. Instead of neck supports I did neck lifts. I did 3 sets of 10 at 55, 65, and 75lbs. I did reverse neck curls with 65, 75, and 85lbs. for 10. I think I missed the last rep of both of the exercises. I used the plate loading standing calf machine to do some timed holds using the side muscles of my neck. 2 sets of 12 seconds in two positions. (4 sets per side) The lower position I loaded 50lbs. on and for the straighter higher position I used 70lbs. I also worked my jaw lift, doing some lifts and supports at 30, 55, 80, and 100lbs. Easier to hold onto than ever before but my neck was used up so I didn't keep going and didn't feel the need to. I ended the workout with some abdominal work. I wanted to do 3 sets of 8 hanging leg raises past 90 degrees with a barbell behind me to stop my back from going behind my head. Missed the last rep of the third set, what a bitch. I ended the workout with 3 sets of overhead side bends using 50lbs. with my feet only about a foot apart, these were tough and ever 9th and 10th rep there was a real posibility of losing balance and dumping the dumbell.

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Lower Arm

I am very sore from yesterday. Anyway I warmed up with some phonebook ripping, just most of one phone book tearing it up 4 times. I then ripped 1 and a half phonebooks together, and that took a while. I decided to get to bending before I wore myself out. I bend a 7 inch length of 1/4 inch square, pretty easy to start, tougher on the finish. I bent one of my super hard 60D nails. I then decided to try some high volume and went after 10 nails one right after the other switching styles everytime. Pretty tough, took some skin off my palm too. I then did some crushing on my ISG at the 8 and 1 settings for 5, 8 and 2 for 4, 9 and 1 for 3, and then I did one set of 5 negatives on at 12 and 1. Even though my crush was fried I skill managed to close my #2 from a past parellel set and almost got it with my left. I tried to cool down with some phone book tearing but I couldn't do anything respectable, so I cooled down with Chinese Balls.

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i have been looking at your logs for a while. I am quite inpressed and inspired by your strength and work ethic. :rock


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Thanks Jermy. I always enjoy hearing from people who read my workout logs. It reassures me that what I am doing is more than just the ordinary training program.



I basically did hang cleans and full clean and jerks with just 50Kg. on the bar for technique and active recovery for my legs. I feel it achieved both objectives very well. I then decided to do some pinch, which actually turned into a full pinch workout. I started with 2 25s, passed them from hand to hand a bit, using 2 fingers and three fingers various ways, but not the last two fingers. I passed them around my back for about 5 times and my chalk was no longer on my fingers, but I was probably good for more. I worked with a 25 and 35 together, I picked it up fully with my left, it slipped a bit on my right so I missed, but with both hands I broke it free from the ground a fair amount of times. I did some work with 2 35s, lifting it with two and holding them with a slight contact against my knee. I finished with a few unchalked lifts with 2 25s. I think the Chunk is already helping.

Tomarrow will be a pre-contest run through of the events for the strongman competition I'll be going to Saturday, and I will save myself up for it for the rest of the week.

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Kick ass and start fires ! And have fun while your at it..... :D

Good luck dude !

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Well I came in second place. In some ways I'm happy with this placing, in others I am not. Bear with me here, this isn't some crybaby story.

I got 10 reps in the 200lbs. bench, and no one beat it. I figured I had this one if I could come in first on my worst event. The next event was a squat for reps at 275. I got to 20 reps and stopped, saving myself for the trap bar deadlift that was next. Then two kids got 22 reps. Alright I thought, no big deal, I'm willing to accept that. Oh, did I mention I had to go first, every time, even though I was not in the lead for most of it. I got 31 reps in the trap bar deadlift, the entry form said it was at 315lbs. initially in the contest it would be 300lbs. the actual weight we used was 275lbs. I won the trap bar deadlift by 1 rep, and was pushing them out the the entire time. The next event was the duffle bag carry that weighed 180lbs. I got 200 feet with it, but this is the worst event to go first on. I got 4th in this event and I thought I did well. I was told it was because of my shorter arms, but I should have gone farther, I took a turn to sharp and dumped the bag. The next event was the sand bag clean and press for reps. I didn't know until a bit before that it was clean once and then keep pressing, no big deal I thought, I'll still win. They told us they want to see it locked out. So I go up there and get 16 solid, under control reps, with plenty left. Keep in mind I've been first for everything. So every guy after me is trying to crank out reps super fast, form be damned AND THEY PASSED THE LIFTS! :angry: The guy who won the whole thing got 17 reps, his lockout lasting split seconds and his feet not under his body properly either. A couple of kids weren't even having the sandbag touch their chest, and the reps still passed. They even reduced the weight of the sandbag from what it was listed on the entry. A great test of brute strength was transformed into a gym pumping suck fest, I was pissed. It was not a test of strength, period. The next even was max jumps onto a 24" box in under a minute. I got 53 but come on, this is a football conditioning drill, not a strongman event. The last event was a rolling thunder hold for time, which I won. The only guy who came close picked up the implement in such a way that the loading pin was stuck and cocked to one side so as to be equaled with tilting the handle. How this was missed as or passed off as unimportant, I'll never know, but he didn't win, so I let it go. :calm

But I weighed in at 159lbs. with shoes and the kid who won had to lose weight to make 180lbs. So in that aspect this loss isn't so bad, but I will not do this contest again. Brian Neese was a good contest organizer though and he made it clear that it would not be the usual N.A.S.S. way of standing around with your thumb up your ass between events.

So let's bump that squat up to 350lbs., the trap bar to 400lbs, the sand bag back to 120lbs., get that duffle bag to 200lbs., do stones or farmers walk or any strength event instead of the box jumps, and then we'll see who's the strongest. :shifty

If nothing else, I got some experience out of it, and a better understanding of where the sport should be going.

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