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Mephistopholes's (bobby's) Training Log


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Here's some ideas you can throw around for training on your Pop's Gripper...

1) Play with how much you can handle in a max attempt for singles. If you need to, cheat the handles up, put a block of wood under the part where the machine comes up.

2) For one handed attempts, find a weight your hand can handle (right or left, doesn't matter) and play around with the idea of doing timed hold or reps.

3) Position your body at different sides of the machine; I suggest watching Mighty Joe's videos to get an idea on this concept.

4) Mix the way you train the hands, like you would for deadlift training.

5) To get the best results, always grip the bars around the middle, that way, your hand(s) are above the peg. You'll be able to use more weight if your hands are closer to the ends, but once you get close to the middle, things become hard.

6) Play around with the idea if High Reps (in the manner of say 100 or more reps in a single workout) will work, or if something like timed holds/negatives/overcrushes will be better suited for what your intended goals are.

7) Train the Pop's Gripper like you would a normal hand gripper, except you can add real weights!

8) Always listen to your body and don't overtrain in the beginning on grip machines. They're fun, but you want to think about what the purpose you have behind the training methods are you wish to excel at and where you want to end up at on it. Because of the thicker handles, it's just like normal thick bar work, something that's at 200 on a IronMind Go-Really Grip Machine, you may have to cut off about 50 or 60 lbs. Again, just pick a weight you think you can handle, if it's too much, take off and readjust to what you need.

Just letting you know, there's many more things I could come up with for you to think about, but I'm on a time constraint right now, have to leave for work in a few.

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Here's some ideas you can throw around for training on your Pop's Gripper...

1) Play with how much you can handle in a max attempt for singles. If you need to, cheat the handles up, put a block of wood under the part where the machine comes up.

2) For one handed attempts, find a weight your hand can handle (right or left, doesn't matter) and play around with the idea of doing timed hold or reps.

3) Position your body at different sides of the machine; I suggest watching Mighty Joe's videos to get an idea on this concept.

4) Mix the way you train the hands, like you would for deadlift training.

5) To get the best results, always grip the bars around the middle, that way, your hand(s) are above the peg. You'll be able to use more weight if your hands are closer to the ends, but once you get close to the middle, things become hard.

6) Play around with the idea if High Reps (in the manner of say 100 or more reps in a single workout) will work, or if something like timed holds/negatives/overcrushes will be better suited for what your intended goals are.

7) Train the Pop's Gripper like you would a normal hand gripper, except you can add real weights!

8) Always listen to your body and don't overtrain in the beginning on grip machines. They're fun, but you want to think about what the purpose you have behind the training methods are you wish to excel at and where you want to end up at on it. Because of the thicker handles, it's just like normal thick bar work, something that's at 200 on a IronMind Go-Really Grip Machine, you may have to cut off about 50 or 60 lbs. Again, just pick a weight you think you can handle, if it's too much, take off and readjust to what you need.

Just letting you know, there's many more things I could come up with for you to think about, but I'm on a time constraint right now, have to leave for work in a few.

Ah man that's awesome, thanks for all the suggestions! I'm gonna be doing some real work with it this weekend, and hopefully have a friend over to try it out, so I'm sure we'll try some different things on it.

Also, I'll be interested to see what you pull on the ironmind hub when that arrives...

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Still thinking about the best way to do both the grip machine and grippers in my routine...

One way of course would be to cut something else out (which would probably wind up being the anvil... Although, granted the amount of thickbar work I do, I could probably cut the axle deads out and it wouldn't hurt me too bad...) and replace it with the grip machine, allowing me to still hit grippers hard on the weekend... But I'd rather not do that.

A few options I can think of:

1) the above mentioned "replacement". If replaced the anvil horn though, I'd like to find somewhere else to put it. I think that lift has great benefits, but is also just super fun to do.

2) do grip machine one week, and grippers the next week, alternating. This could not work out very well, because of time off from the implements, but it could also work great for the very same reason, based on how the hands recover from heavy gripper workouts.

3) do TSG grippers up to a heavy attempt as a Kind of "warmup" for the grip machine, then do working sets on the grip machine. (then have a dedicated heavy gripper "test day" once a month)

4) do warmup and working sets on the grip machine, then 2HP like normal, then do some gripper work just to keep fresh on them (and again, do a dedicated heavy gripper "test day" once a month.") here the gripper work would be sort of like drop sets, because obviously I wouldn't be getting as much on them...

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I'm thinking what I can do is drop DO axle deads from my training, because I plan on doing axle rack pulls and axle cleans in my regular routine, and even though you don't get as much weight on the axle cleans, they definitely work the grip hard. My hands always feel pretty fried after doing them. Then I can still test myself on the axle deads every few weeks... What that will allow me to do is this:

- Move anvil horn lifting from squat day to push press day (done after the cleans, so I'll have to take it a little lighter)

- do the grip machine at home on squat day after squatting

- continue to hit TSGs hard on Saturday (except when It immediately follows a grip machine workout, in which case I'll just take a week off from grippers)

These are really intended as responses to anybody, just writing it down here helps me sort out my ideas. Haha

This also helps me work on my clean strength... Cause I really need to work on that.

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I'm thinking what I can do is drop DO axle deads from my training, because I plan on doing axle rack pulls and axle cleans in my regular routine, and even though you don't get as much weight on the axle cleans, they definitely work the grip hard. My hands always feel pretty fried after doing them. Then I can still test myself on the axle deads every few weeks... What that will allow me to do is this:

- Move anvil horn lifting from squat day to push press day (done after the cleans, so I'll have to take it a little lighter)

- do the grip machine at home on squat day after squatting

- continue to hit TSGs hard on Saturday (except when It immediately follows a grip machine workout, in which case I'll just take a week off from grippers)

These are really intended as responses to anybody, just writing it down here helps me sort out my ideas. Haha

This also helps me work on my clean strength... Cause I really need to work on that.

I'm just going to add, no matter what it is you change, you'll find a method that works for you and a means by which you'll achieve it. Everything will work it's self out in one way or another.

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Wednesday 3-6-13 at the YMCA / Home

Bottom-up Squats - 120 x 5, 150 x 5, 200 x 5, 240 x 5 (4 sets), 240 x 4, 240 x 2 (Just out of gas today. Dunno why).

1/4 Squats - 405 x 3, 455 x 3, 495 x 3, 545 x 3.

Pops Grip Machine - (With all bands on) Emtpy x 5, 25 x 5, 45 x 3, 70 x 3, 90 x 2 (8 sets).

Today was alright. I wasn't feel to hot going into the squats, so I didn't get all of them, but I'll get em next time. Want to work 1/4 squats and 1/4 deadlifts back into my routine, so today I was just feeling out the 1/4 squats. Its been long time since I've done these, so I'm going to start light and just work back into them. I'll do working sets next time at 545.

Got to use the grip machine today! This thing is awesome. haha. Gotta get used to the machine, so I did 90lbs plus all the bands today (I'll just leave the bands on) and its wasn't too bad. Start adding weight on it next week and work up.

When I got into the Y today, there was this teenager squatting in the rack, so I had to wait for him... He's lucky I did. There was no one else over there, and at one point, he got stuck under a weight (185lbs, I think) and DIDN'T HAVE THE SAFETY PINS ON THE RACK, so he went down and crumpled forward and the weight all went on his neck, and I had to spring over there and pull it off him, and taught him how to use the pins. Hopefully he listened to me and uses them in the future, otherwise he's gonna wind up in traction. His form was crap anyway, somebody needs to show him how to lift.

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Also, may switch Squats over to doing 8x3 pretty soon... The 6x5 thing was really meant as a way to get back into doing squats and gain some mass, but now I think it may be time to switch over to more of a power focus.

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Friday 3-8-13 at the YMCA

Axle Military Press - 100 x 5, 120 x 3, 140 x 3, 160 x 2, 160 x 2, 160 x 3 singles, 160 x 2 attempts, cleaned but no press...

Rolling Thunder -

Left - 120 x 3, 140 x 3, 160 x 3, 175 x 2 (7 sets) 175 x slipped, 175 x 2 (8 good sets.)

Right - 120 x 3, 140 x 3, 160 x 3, 175 x 2 (7 sets) 175 x 2 singles.

Axle clean - 145 x 3, 155 x 3, 165 x 3, 165 x 3, 165 x 3.

Hise Shrugs - 215 x 10, 270 x 10, 320 x 10, 370 x 10.

Well, it has been "one of those weeks" for the big lifts, I guess. just feeling fatigued, not my best. So pressing didn't go fantastic today... I think I may implement the drop set principle on these (thanks Chez!), and work up in a cycle... for example, next time do 2 sets of 160 x 2., then finish out with 6 sets of 155 x 2. the time after that, do 4 sets of 160 x 2, then 4 of 155 x 2, and work up to 8 sets at 160, then add weight and do the same thing over again. Everything else went alright.

Having a friend out tomorrow to show him some grip training stuff. We'll primarily do 2HP and grippers. should be fun.

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I'm actually planning on competing in the Akron Strong hands comp unless something with school or family comes up. Hope to see you there.

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I'm actually planning on competing in the Akron Strong hands comp unless something with school or family comes up. Hope to see you there.

Ha well alright man! Yeah I'm planning on going, pending the same circumstances. Hopefully I'll get to meet you up there!

I need to look at registering for it. Not sure what class to register for... Novice is probably the best idea, but I feel like I could hold my own in the open class.

I've never competed though. Haha

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Another route would be to switch to singles for awhile. When I would go stale in the past, this would help me continue progressing for a bit... Maybe work up to 10 singles with a weight and then increase, drop back sets, work up again, etc.... See what I feel like next Wednesday. Haha. That might be a good route though.

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I'm actually planning on competing in the Akron Strong hands comp unless something with school or family comes up. Hope to see you there.

Ha well alright man! Yeah I'm planning on going, pending the same circumstances. Hopefully I'll get to meet you up there!

I need to look at registering for it. Not sure what class to register for... Novice is probably the best idea, but I feel like I could hold my own in the open class.

I've never competed though. Haha

You are definitely strong guy but I would recommend novice. Its your first comp and you are going to be learning a lot from the more experienced guys. I have competed in Ohio twice already and there are a lot of grip studs there. I know Chuck (bubba) and if the usually suspects show up, it will be a strong field.

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I'm actually planning on competing in the Akron Strong hands comp unless something with school or family comes up. Hope to see you there.

Ha well alright man! Yeah I'm planning on going, pending the same circumstances. Hopefully I'll get to meet you up there!

I need to look at registering for it. Not sure what class to register for... Novice is probably the best idea, but I feel like I could hold my own in the open class.

I've never competed though. Haha

You are definitely strong guy but I would recommend novice. Its your first comp and you are going to be learning a lot from the more experienced guys. I have competed in Ohio twice already and there are a lot of grip studs there. I know Chuck (bubba) and if the usually suspects show up, it will be a strong field.

Ha well thanks man! Yeah, I think I'll do that.

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Saturday 3-9-13 at Home


Left - G x 5, T x 5, #1 x 5, #1.5 x 3, (attempt) SM x 1, #2 x 1.

(Choker at 18mm) - SM x 1, 2nd attempt.

(Silver bullet +5lbs, #2.5 x 1, SM x 2.

Right - G x 5, T x 5, #1 x 5, #2 x 3, (attempt) GHP6 x 1, #2.5 x 2.

(Choker at 20mm) #3 x 2 singles. (!!!)

(Silver bullet +5lbs) #3 x 2 holds, 3rd attempt.

2HP - 97.5 x 3, 122.5 x 3, 142.5 x 3, 162.5 x 2 (8 sets)

Pops Grip Machine - (Volume work, no bands) 90 x 10, 140 x 10, 165 x 10, 200 x 10.

Grippers (volume, consecutive closes) Left #1.5, Right #2 x 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1,

Twist Your wrist device - 20 x 10.

30 minutes stationary bike.

Well, today went good. Got the #3 closed in the choker from parallel! really didn't mean to do that today, but I was having trouble (as always) getting the choker set, so I just left it there. Tore my thumb webbing early on in the 2HP, so I just rubbed some chalk in it and kept going. Finished with plenty of gas still in the tank.

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Monday 3-11-13 at the YMCA

Deadlifts - 135 x 5, 205 x 5, 315 x 3, 375 x 3, 415 x 2 (8 sets)

Hub -

Left - 35 x 3, 45 x 3, 52.5 x 3, 60 x attempt, 60 x 1, 55 x 2, 57.5 x 2, 57.5 x 2, 57.5 x 1, 57.5 x 1, 57.5 x 1 (8 sets total)

Right - 35 x 3, 45 x 3, 55 x 3, 62.5 x 1, 62.5 x 1, 57.5 x 2, 60 x 2, 60 x 2, 60 x 2, 60 x 1, 60 x 1 (8 sets total) (Hands were kinda fried today, explain below)

Axle 1/4 deadlift - 435 x 3, 485 x 3, 525 x 2 (5 sets).

Today was good. Felt real strong going into the deadlifts and got through all of them today. Hub didn't go so great however. Wasn't terrible, but wasn't great. Today there were just a number of factors against me. Part of the problem was it was so damn humid in there (on account of the sudden rise in temperature) that I was having real trouble getting a good chalk consistency. The bigger problem, however, was that last night I kinda wore my hands out. I was helping my ex (?) girlfriend (I really don't know what to call her at this point) build a table. Not from a kit or anything, but from scratch. She had a metal frame and wanted to make a wooden top for it.... unfortunately, she lacked a good drill, so it came down to me just driving in the screws the old fashioned way, and I could feel it at the time that it was wearing out my hands and wrists... anyway, considering that, I did fine on the hub today. Next time I'll do better, I'll probably repeat 60 and 57.5, and then the time after that add weight... But, after all, I did pull the new weight, 62.5 and 60 for the respective hands, successfully a couple times, so It wasn't terrible. Just wasn't great.

Started in on the 1/4 deadlift again today. I love these 1/4 lifts, so I'm excited about this. Started them pretty light, at 525, partly because I want to ease into this lift again, and partly because, even though I definitely could have done more than 525 without much trouble, 525 is an easy number to set up on my axle. It's just 5 plates on each side.

Edited by Mephistopholes
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All I did yesterday was deadlift, yet today my shoulders are sore. WTF. Must have been sleep pressing again!

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Wednesday 3-13-13 at the YMCA

Axle Push Press - 100 x 3, 125 x 3, 150 x 3, 175 x 10 singles (out of 11 attempts... 7th attempt was no good)

Anvil Horn -

Left - 100 x 3, 115 x 3, 139 x 3, 142.5 x 2, 142.5 x 2, 140 x 2, 140 x 1, 135 x 2 (4 sets) (8 sets total)

Right - Same as left.

Axle High Pulls - 165 x 3, 175 x 3... no more pullling today

Barbell One Arm Press - 35 x 3, 45 x 3, 55 x 3 (5 sets)

Today was good. Went with singles on the Push press and did 10, which took awhile, but felt good. on my 7th attempt, however, I cleaned it, but the bar went kinda forward in the press so I couldn't make the lift. So i made 10 lifts in 11 attempts.

Anvil horn wasn't the best, but it was okay. Haven't done it in a few weeks, and the cleans I'd done with the axle already today had somewhat tired my hands, so I couldn't do as much as I wanted with the anvil. Next time I'll set my working weight a little lower, like 137.5..

Started doing axle high pullls, but really just didn't have any more fast pulling in me today. Then did some barbell one arm presses. I want to get back into these, but today I started really light, as the last time I threw in some one arm presses, my triceps were super sore for days afterward. I think I'll do pressing assitance (one arm presess) on push press day, and pulling assitance (cleans) on military press day.

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Either all my allergies are kicking in at once, or I'm getting a little sick. Bummer.

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Or maybe I'll start belching again (bottom-up style) as press assistance, instead of the one arm press. Hmmmm....

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Friday 3-15-13 at YMCA/Home

Bottom-up squats - 115 x 5, 155 x 3, 205 x 3, 245 x 3 (8 sets)

Axle 1/4 Squats - 345 x 3, 435 x 3, 525 x 3, 575 x 2 (5 sets)

Hise Shrugs - 215 x 10, 275 x 10, 325 x 10, 375 x 10, 375 x 10.

Grippers -

Left - T x 5, #1 x 5, #1.5 x 3, (attempt) SM x very close. #2 x 3

(Choker at 21.5mm) SM x 2 singles, 3rd attempt.

Right - T x 5, #1 x 5, #2 x 3, GHP6 x 2 singles (!)

(Choker at 21.5mm) #3 x 2 singles, 3rd attempt.

Well, today went good! Wasn't expecting it to, as I currently have a cold. haha. Grippers especially, after several weeks I was finally able to close the GHP6 again! Did two singles (Probably could have done more, but I wanted to get on to choker work). So that felt good. And I was able to close the chokered grippers from a little beyond parallel today... So something must be working, whatever it is...

Also, thought I'd move grippers to squat day, so theyll get hit every 9 days... I think this will aid in recovery and gains. So I'm moving the grip machine to tomorrow with the 2HP.

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Okay, so yeah, after reading up a bit more on John Davis and his methods, I'm going to bring bench pressing back into the mix as an assistance exercise on push press day. Now only to determine whether I'll do them normal style, or bottom up style. The benefit of doing them bottom up is I don't need a spotter, and it makes it harder, so I develop strength from the dead stop at the chest.

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Saturday 3-16-13 at Home

Pops Grip machine - (all bands on) Empty x 5, 30 x 5, 50 x 3, 75 x 3, 95 x 2 (8 sets)

2HP - 97.5 x 3, 122.5 x 4, 147.5 x 3, 167.5 x 2, (thumb webbing tear right away), nasty one) 167.5 x 2, ( I put on a bandage and tried to keep going) 167.5 x 1 (bandage isn't helping), done.

Today was alright. Grip machine felt good. 2HP was sorta dissappointing though. I could feel I had to the strength to get through it, but not the pain tolerance. I got a thumb webbing tear (right hand, again) right away, and thought I'd keep going, but this one was kinda deep and hurt right away, unlike other times I've had one. Tried putting a bandage on it (paper towel and electrical tape) but that just got in the way. I didn't want to push my luck, so I just called it a day. Would have like to get some cardio in today, and would have probably done some curls while at the Y, but my dad didn't want to go, and frankly I wasn't feeling up to it.

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Monday 3-18-13 at the YMCA

Axle Military Press - 85 x 5, 110 x 3, 135 x 3, 160 x 10 singles.

Rolling Thunder -

Left - 120 x 3, 140 x 3, 160 x 3, 177.5 x 2 (5 sets) 177.5 x 1, 177.5 x air. 177.5 x 1. (8 sets total)

Right - 120 x 3, 140 x 3, 160 x 3, 177.5 x 2 (8 good sets)

Axle cleans - 150 x 3, 160 x 3, 170 x 2 (5 sets)

Today was a good one. Did it this morning, just been way too busy all day to log it until now...

Went with singles on the presses and got them all. Almost got all rolling thunder lifts with the left hand... I'lll get em next time.

In other news: I'm adopting a rescue puppy!

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Wednesday 3-20-13 at The YMCA

Deadlift- 135x5, 225x5, 315 x 3, 380 x 3, 420 x 2 (4 sets)


Left - 35 x 3, 45 x 3, 52.5 x 3, 60 x 4 singles, 57.5 x 2.

Right - 35 x 3, 45 x 3, 55 x 3, 62.5 x 1, 2, 1, fourth attempt. 60 x 2

Today went alright. I was tired (lack of sleep lately) and didn't have a lot of time really, so I just cut it in half today.

Picked up my adoption puppy!

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