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Gripper Training And Strength And Conditioning From Dublin, Ireland


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I had a lovely rest day and I went to the swimming pool and did loads of stretching, and then did 2 rounds of 30 seconds in the ice bath followed by 2 minutes in the jacuzzi and then 2 rounds of 1 minute in the ice bath and 2 minutes in the jacuzzi. I felt fantastic afterwards and need to do it more.

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A frustrating day today: I won't be able to squat fully and therefore do any cleans or snatches. I realise I can work on some weaknesses and that is good. However, today I had one of those days when you don't feel very strong and combined with my inability to perform the olympic lifts, just left me very frustrated. I worked in grippers with my session because I need to get back into them again. I did the following with both hands :

3x5 with the T

3x3 with #1

3x1 with #2

4x1 with #2.5--got every one with the right, missed with the left by either 1/2 mm. My grip strength was not strong but I am getting back into it so I don't mind that much.

I did a few sets of parallel overhead squats but they began to hurt my right knee so I left it.

Snatch grip first pull---1x3 with bar, bar, 30, 35, 40, 44, 47, 50, 54, 58, 60, 65, 70, 70, 70--These felt great and I was really able to get my hips into the hole and get my back straight except for my tailbone. This is by far the best I have done so far and my mobility is improving every session, hence the light weights.

Overhead press--Focusing on speed strength--1x3 @bar, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70--I felt pretty empty at this point so I left it. Felt like kicking something very hard but restrained myself.

Hamstring Falls--3x6

Hanging Leg Extension--You hang in a mid pull up and extend you legs out straight--2x10

Reverse Extensions--1x50, 1x30

Just had one of those days: tired, frustrated and not actually as bad as I felt it went.

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I went to the gym today for a short 45 minute session:

Bench Press-- 1x20 with bar, 1x5@60, 70 1x3@80, 90, 100, 105, 110

Weighted Chin Ups--1x3 @b/w, 1x3 @18, 24, 32, 32, 32

A quick 3 sets of hanging leg extensions where you get in a half pull up and bring your knees into your chest and extend your legs out fully under control and bring them out again. No idea what these are called but I enjoy doing them--3x12

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An enjoyable session in the gym today. I hurt my back on the weekend so I wasn't sure what I would be able to do but I ended having a productive time. I was able to power snatch and power clean and jerk today which was really nice.

Did the following:

Warmed up with light bar work and groin mobility.

Hang Power Snatch--1x3@30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 65, 65--This is a different type of movement so I kept it very light and worked on form.

On a technical side, I need to keep the bar in contact with my thighs and pop it up with my pelvis and not out.

I did a few sets of jerk drills with 40 kgs.

Hang Power Clean and 3 Jerks--1x3@ 40, 50, 60, 68, 75, 80, 84--These very light and smooth except for my last set when I was pretty tired.

4 sets of hanging core exercises and 2 sets of 24 sprinter sit ups.

I ripped up one finger over the weekend also so I will tape it up for my gripper session tomorrow. Looking forward to closing some grippers. I need to get back into them.

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Thanks Nasty, believe it or not the encouragement helps when you are on the ropes. I had a good workout last night and two good sessions today.

Wednesday the 16th of July

I warmed up with some shoulder mobility and just got into it.

Hang Power Snatch---1x5 with the bar 1x3@30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 72.5, 75kg

The flight pattern of the bar was better today and I really felt like I was getting a pop on my second pull without the bar going out ie. I scooped up, not out. This was not my max so I am looking forward to going heavier tomorrow and I am still only dipping a few inches on my catch. Also, I need to focus on engaging my hamstrings more which will make my second pull faster again.

Jerk Drills with 60kg

Hang Power Clean and Jerk--1 power clean and 3 jerks--1x3@55, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85--I was tired at this stage so I kept it light.

Hanging core drills--I did 3 sets of mixing up different movements in each set.

Thursday--Morning session

Overhead Press--1x12 with bar, 1x5@30, 40 1x3@50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 77.5--only got two reps with last set, will get three the next time.

Weighted Chin ups--1x3@bw, bw, 15, 22, 30, 40, 46--Only got 2 reps with 46kg but I know it was this weight because I weighed myself to make sure.

After this I did a max set of bodyweight pull ups and I got 16 which is one or two short of what I wanted but okay.

Barbell curls--3x5 @40kg--I have not done this movement for three or four years but I think my biceps are a weak point in my chin ups and pull ups so my weak point needs to be addressed!

Horizontal bench bodyweight tricep extensions--3x8

I finished off the session with 3 sets of hanging core drills.

Afternoon session

I had my first gripper session in a while but the inside of my biggest right finger is still ripped up so my I couldn't close anything substantial with it. I did a few warm up sets with the trainer and #1 of 3-5 reps each hand. Then I did 2 sets of 3 reps with the #2 with left hand but could only manage a single with the right. The #2.5 I barely missed with the left and my finger wouldn't allow me to close it with the right. I did a few attempts with the left and missed it by a little more each time.

After that I did 3 sets of 12 of roman chair sit ups and 2 sets of 20 full extension sit ups on the swiss ball using a 5kg medicine ball.

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I spent the weekend in a health spa so I had loads of energy today in the gym. I went in wanting a pr in the snatch and the clean and jerk and I got them.

Overhead squats--5x5--I still am not going ass to grass because my left knee continues to make noise so I did these to parallel.

Drop snatches--As above--2x5

Snatch Triple Combo--3 first pulls, 3 groove pattern, 3 hang power snatch--3x3 @40kg

Hang Power Snatch--1x3@40, 50

1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Full Power Snatch--1x2@60, 67, 72, 76kg

Single Power Snatch--1x1@79, 82, 85, 87, 89, 91--I missed this one but then 91kg for a mixture of a power and squat snatch. Either way it is a new PR. I wanted to go up in weight but he wouldn't let me which was annoying. Anyway, I am power snatching what I was full snatching two months ago and I amn't able to full squat yet so I am happy with my PR. I feel I could have lifted more but what the heck.

1 Clean +3 Jerks--1x3@70, 70, 80, 90

Clean and Jerk--1x1@97, 102, 104, 107kg--I was very happy with these. I have not lifted heavy clean and jerks before and I was power cleaning the weight up so I could focus on the jerk part. The most I had done previously was 94kg. I know I have more in me so I was excited after this. As soon as my left knee is fully recovered I will be able to full snatch and full clean so that should be fun. I just watched a video of some of my snatches today and although they are improved, I spotted several things that I can improve technically so I can lift cleaner and more smooth, and therefore heavier which is always good. This was my second day doing snatches from the floor since being trained my coach and I got a PR despite not being able to snatch fully. I am a happy bunny.

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I forgot to mention that I had my bodyfat tested by a Bodymetrix body composition ultra sound and software device and I have 11.6% body fat. This is ok considering I weighed in at 93kg and I haven't been doing very little conditioning. For my lifting competition in October I will get this under 10%.

I had a great session in the gym unexpectedly. I tried to do some hang power snatches but my back was tugging at me so I left the snatches out and went into practicing my jerks. I got massive PRs which was nice and it was the first time I went heavy in the jerk so I am happy. I did the following:

Warm up with jerk skill drills using 50kg

Power Clean and 3 Jerks@60, 70, 80kg--After these I used the racks because my back was not able for the pulls on account of my 'accident' two weekend ago while away with my friends.

Jerks from the rack--1x2@87, 92, 96 1x1@100, 104, 108, 111, 114, 117--The weight flew up on 117kg and I locked it out, but I lost my balance ever so slightly and then pressed out to lock it again so I won't count it. The power was there and the bar flew up so I am happy with it anyway. The most I had jerked before was yesterday when I power cleaned and jerked 107kg so I was very happy with my session. It went from being a dud to being an extremely positive one. Tomorrow I am going surfing in Portugal for a week so I will R&R my body and hopefully when I come back my left knee will stop making noises and I can do full snatches and cleans and the right side of my lower back will have recovered from my fall.

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Also in regard to my targets for the 22nd of July--today-- I am at the following stages:

1. I can power snatch 91kg so when my knee recovers fully I should be able to full snatch 100kg or there abouts. I have power cleaned and jerked 107kg and my knee prevents me from doing full cleans also. I know I can do 115kg now when I come back from my holiday repaired.

2. I have ccs's the #2.5 easily with the right and closed it with my left but I am 2mm or so away from ccs with the left.

3. I was 1mm away from the #3 close when I was gripping properly. When I come back my right hand will be repaired and I can focus on the #3 properly again. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind I can close it before the end of the summer.

4. I have done 2 chins with 45 kg and got my chin up to the bar for the third, but not over. I haven't really trained for this so it will fall very soon.

5. I have still only pressed 80kg overhead. This is not good enough. I have gotten 3 sets of 3 reps with 75kg, but I need to work more on this.

All in all I am happy with my training so far this summer but I have a lot of work ahead of me so I can get the results I want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I came back from a week surfing with the girlfriend in Portugal followed straightaway by 3 nights of chaos, carnage and destruction in the fete de Bayonne in the south of France with the mates. Now that I have gotten my party month out of the way and my knees are finally healed and my back feels good again, I can settle down to some serious training, while still applying the lessons learned from my knee stupidity.

On a nice note, just before going to the gym I decided to see if I could close the #2.5 without any warm up or chalk and I was able to do so with both hands, despite doing hardly any grip training in the last month due to a ripped finger. I am already looking forward to my gripper session tomorrow. I was half an inch away with the #3 and slightly more with the left. The 3 is actually a little squeeky and stiff so I need to sort that out tomorrow.

In the gym I did the following:

My knees are no longer making any noise which is great and my back feels great. For the first time in ages I was able to do full overhead squats in comfort so I did my usual 5x5 and few sets of Drop Snatches, although I only went to parallel on these to be careful.

3 combo--1 hang power snatch/2 squat snatch--1x3@40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 1x2@75, 80

All these reps felt really smooth so I decided to go for a PR.

Single squat snatch--1x1@85, 90, 92.5, 95kg--I got a 4kg PR and I think I had 97.5 and 100 in me, but I just came back from 3 nights of chaos, so I left it at that. I also was not snatching as deep as I will be in a few weeks so I know I will get 100kg when my coach tells me to go for it.

I took a 10 minute break and warmed up with front squats and the jerk skill drills.

3 combo--1 Power Clean and 3 Jerks--1x3@60, 70, 80, 90--These felt pretty smooth but I was feeling the fatigue by my set on 90kg and although the weight was very light and it was moving very fast, I was starting to get sloppy.

Single Power Clean and Jerk--1x1@100, 100--Again, these very easy and light but I was knackered by this stage and the smooth feeling I had for most of the session was gone so I listened to my body and left it at that, happy with my session.

Overall, I am 5kg close to my short term snatch target so I am happy. I have a recovery session tomorrow and a gripper workout so till then.

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I had a very light technique based session in the gym and an enjoyable gripper workout today. I did the following:

5x5 of overhead squats

4x3 of drop snatches with reps of finding the groove with the scoop mingled in here and there. Very light weights were used.

3x3 of again, very light hand power snatches

5x3 of snatch first pull--Working and opening up the hips and locking my back at the start and throughout the first pull. Only 60kg used but this was a useful exercise.

3x3 of overhead press using 60, 65, 70. Nice and light, just trying to get back into the groove following my recent acts of debauchery.

Tonight I had an enjoyable gripper session. All sets done with both hands.

I did 2 sets of 3 reps with the Trainer

1 single with the #1

1 single with the #2

1 single with the #2.5--These felt nice and got a firm close with a ccs or slightly narrower set

3x1 with the #3--After putting some WD-40 on the squeeky springs, it was a smoother ride. With the right hand I got the first rep to 5mm, second to 4mm and third to 6/7mm. With the left hand the first rep was to about 7mm, the second 5/6 and strangely the third to 3/4mm. For this last rep I let the gripper slip back in my hand and this felt a lot more secure even though it goes against the advice of most on the board.

It is nice to get back into the grippers again. I will close the #3 before the end of August and I will also snatch 100kg before that date. It is great to have those goals to focus on, f$%ck the rest of them.

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I had an enjoyable session in the gym today.

Warmed up on 0verhead squats--5x5--and a few Drop Snatches--3x3

I also did 3 sets of Snatch first pulls to get my hips into the groove.

Full snatch--Sets of 2 @50, 50, 60, 65, 70 1x1@76, 81, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86

Funnily enough, I watched a snatch technique video that teaches a different style than the one I learned and I was half doing that style, and half my usual style. This meant that I was making mistakes that I would not normally make but by the end of the session I realised what I was doing differently. Note to self: be careful what you watch!

I then did did sets of 2 power cleans and one jerk @70, 70, 80, 90, 96, 102, 102, 102--The power cleans were very light but I should have done a little jerk practice before this because they did not feel as smooth as normal. Kept these light today because I am focusing on them tomorrow.

My knees felt great again today and I just ordered some knee sleeves to keep my knees warm when I am working out. Although tempted to do some squats at the end of the workout, I slapped myself on the hand and held out. No squatting for another week and a half! I will learn from my mistakes!

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Strange day in the gym, but I ended up with a PR so I am happy overall.

Warm up with overhead squats and snatch drops, focusing on my footwork and getting a wider stance on the catch.

1 hang snatch and 1 full snatch@50, 55, 60, 64. 69, 72-miss but got next set, 72, 77, 80--missed first set and got second and third easily.

I was missing snatches simply from not pulling fast enough and without the power I am accustomed to. I was focusing too much on technique throughout the lift rather than thinking about it beforehand and simply ripping it up. I cured this for my last two sets. On a technique note, I was jumping backwards for the catch after watching that damn video. I don't think I have done this before and like yesterday's changed first pull because of the video, I was only aware of it halfway through the session. Instead of pulling directly up and fast, I was hitting the bar out and moving slowly and then jumping backwards. Weird, but I will make it right on Monday.

I warmed up with some jerk drills and light front squats.

2 full cleans and 1 jerk--this is really tiring by the way--@70, 80, 90, 95, 99, 102--This last set was particularly grueling because I was getting little rest between sets because we didn't have that much time.

Clean and Jerk--1x1@109, 112--which I pressed out slightly due to sloppy technique and fatigue. I then had my final clean and jerk to focus on and that I did and lifted a fast and dynamic 115kg for an 8kg increase in my PR. The last time I went this heavy was 3 weeks ago so I was delighted to get the PR after the poor performance in the snatch.

I found training two days in a row tough after the break I had but I will be the better for it next week. Watching that video on Wednesday messed up my technique in the snatch but I will be better again on Monday and get those newfound habits out of my system. No excuses, just get on with it.

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A short gripper workout tonight working both hands and no chalk:

2x3 with Trainer

3x1 with #1

2x1 with #2

1x1 with #2.5

1x1 with #3--I closed the #3 with the right hand for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--I have closed the bastard with a slightly less than ccs set with no pause and no chalk!!!

1x1 with #3--missed with the right by 1mm and 5mm with the left

1x1 with #3--missed by 1mm with right and around 6mm with the left

It is funny that I have closed the #3 with my second gripper session in the last three weeks and also closed it with the gripper at the back of my hand rather than at the crease that Gumpster and all the other guys who did instructional videos said to do. I also used no chalk which makes it even weirder. All I know is that I was really rested today because I did hardly anything and that I did my small workout over the space of around 50 minutes at the end of the night. Who gives a shit because I finally closed the thing and it is completely unexpected!!!!!!! I also wrote this entry while performing the workout so it is extra unexpected. Bring on the video attempt over the next few days and then the ccs!

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A short gripper workout tonight working both hands and no chalk:

2x3 with Trainer

3x1 with #1

2x1 with #2

1x1 with #2.5

1x1 with #3--I closed the #3 with the right hand for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--I have closed the bastard with a slightly less than ccs set with no pause and no chalk!!!

1x1 with #3--missed with the right by 1mm and 5mm with the left

1x1 with #3--missed by 1mm with right and around 6mm with the left

It is funny that I have closed the #3 with my second gripper session in the last three weeks and also closed it with the gripper at the back of my hand rather than at the crease that Gumpster and all the other guys who did instructional videos said to do. I also used no chalk which makes it even weirder. All I know is that I was really rested today because I did hardly anything and that I did my small workout over the space of around 50 minutes at the end of the night. Who gives a shit because I finally closed the thing and it is completely unexpected!!!!!!! I also wrote this entry while performing the workout so it is extra unexpected. Bring on the video attempt over the next few days and then the ccs!

Nice closes! :rock

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Well done! :rock

Thanks NEETOP and Klesen, I appreciate the support. It certainly was nice to get that first close but it is only the beginning. Next up I have to close it regularly and ten get to the point where I can ccs it.

I had a nice light technique lifting session today. I did the following:

Warmed up with 5 sets of overhead squats and light drop snatches with 40kg, again focusing on my feet.

I mixed in reps of hang power snatches with hang snatch, and full snatches usually in sets of 3 reps and in varying combinations using 50 and 60kg. I was working on exploding straight up and not allowing my feet to go backwards like they have been doing because of the video I watched! Not too successful, but I will keep plugging away regardless. I did half an hour of this, but I really need to refocus on how I extend upwards with my elbows pointing out in order to keep the bar closer to my body and also to get it up faster.

I then warmed up with some jerk skill drills. The split jerk drill is great and I need to do it more: it is good for getting me into the correct groove. I then did sets of 3 jerks after a little power clean/muscle up clean with 70 and 80kg, 2 reps with 90 and a single with 100kg. It is funny how light 100kg feels compared to a few months ago. In th jerk I need to do the following in no particular order:

1. Keep the bar close to my face when exploding up.

2. Get my elbows up for both the clean and the jerk.

3. Put my head through the window after the initial explosion.

4. Get under the bar immediately after I explode up. Getting my head through the window helps this a lot. When lifting heavier weights, this will become critical.

I will have a heavier session tomorrow so I need to eat more and better quality food than I did today to have more energy and I need to lift faster than Friday. I will have my next gripper session on Wednesday and try and get a video of my second #3 close.

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awesome job on the #3 close man, congrats. :rock

Thanks T-Dog, hopefully I can get a video close in tomorrow's gripper session.

In the gym today and focused on the snatch and the jerk.

Warmed up with overhead squats and footwork drop snatches. I will get this under control and it was better today than yesterday.

Combination exercise--1 hang power snatch/1 parallel snatch/1 full snatch--@40, 50, 55, 60, 65--Something was not quite going right and I was not sure what it was. My coach was running really late because of the weather and it was frustrating not knowing where I was gong wrong.

Combination of 1 hang power snatch and 1 full snatch@70, 75

Single snatch @80, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85 and then I failed my last two attempts because I was focusing on one aspect of technique rather than just lifting the barbell fast and thinking about the technique before hand

My coach pointed out that I was too fast in my first pull and this was causing me to lose momentum in my second pull. This made a big difference and my lifts on 85kg got smoother each lift except for the last two.

I then warmed up with Jerk Dips and 2 sets of Split Jerk which is a drill I really like.

Jerks off the racks--1x3@80, 85, 90 1x2@95, 100, 100, 100--I was not feeling very balanced in these today. I need to work more on my jerk technique and I think my coach recognises this.

All in all, a good day and I cycled for well over an hour so with that and the weightlifting my legs are pretty fried at this stage. I am looking forward to my gripper session tomorrow.

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Nice progress with your oly-lifting!

Thanks Honk, do you do any lifting yourself?

I did a half hour gripper session today, same with both hands and a ccs distance set:

3x3 with Trainer

3x3 with #1

2x1 with #2

1x1 with #2.5

1x1 with #3--I closed it with the right hand for the second time and got to within 3/4mm with left.

1x1 with #3 with ccs--I got to 3/4mm with right and half an inch with the left.

I had to leave it there because I was short in time. Later I will go for a swim and do lots of stretching and recovery work.

Here is a video of my second ever #3 close and my first on video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwvfBTs5Q_g

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Today I had a weightlifting session and I did the following:

Warmed up with 5 sets of overhead squats trying to increase my hip flexibility each set.

Drop Snatches--1x3@bar, 30, 40, 50

Hang Power Snatch--1x2@50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 70, 75

Hang Squat Snatch--1x2@80, 80--I tried to do these as a hang power snatch but I couldn't get them high enough, but they were still an easy hang squat snatch. I think I needed to pop them off my hips more and if I pulled up enough rather than back, the bar would not go too far out.

Warmed up with the jerk skill drills--Jerk Dips, Jerk Drops, Jerk Splits

1 Power Clean and 3 Jerks--@70, 80, 90--My jerks felt fast, balanced and much better than the last few days.

1 Power Clean and 1 Jerk--@95, 100, 100, 105--Again, I was happy with these and everything felt smooth and in the groove.

I enjoyed my session and I did not try to push the weights because I need to work on my technique and restrain my insistent desire to train as heavy as possible. That mind set will get me nowhere so instead of training heavy today and being very tired the following day, I will train to 80-90% today and tomorrow and work on my technique on weights that are challenge my technique without draining me too much. I am trying to learn restraint.

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Thanks Honk, do you do any lifting yourself?

I used to train at an oly-lifting club.

But I ditched oly-lifting after ramming a push press under my chin. :blush

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Very little time to post

Weightlifting today and I warmed up on overhead squats and did sets of drop snatches up to 60kg and 2 sets of 2 reps with 65kg which is a best.

Power snatch doubles up to 80kg and single with 85kg and a squat snatch with 90kg. Technique fine but tired and slow.

Worked the clean and jerk up to 95 and called it a day. Fatigued but worthwhile session.

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I had a different type of session today in the gym. It was more demanding on my fitness and also the new exercises were tiring because I was not used to them.

I warmed up with 5x5 of overhead squats

1 Power snatch +3 Drop Snatches--@bar, 40, 44, 46, 50, 55, 60, 60kg

3 snatch combo (1 Hang Power Snatch, 1 Power Snatch, 1 Full Snatch)--@60, 65, 70, 70, 70kg--Although the weights were really light, this was very tiring and demanded a lot more concentration than a double combination. I had little rest between sets and I was pretty tired afterwards.

Overhead Squats--1x2@70, 74, 78, 80, 80, 80kg--These were also pretty tiring but I got better at these the more I practiced them. My coach does not want me going heavy on these, but rather get used to locking everything up and getting comfortable in the bottom position.

Power Clean and 3 Jerk Dips--@70, 70

2 Power Cleans and 1 Jerk--@70, 80, 85, 90, 90, 90--Again very light, and focusing on explosive cleans and smooth jerks. I focused on recovering from the jerk by pushing up with both feet, and then moving them together.

Window Wipers--3x6

Tonight was very light but demanding all the same. My coach and I have set Friday's session aside for snatching 100kg so I am saving my juice until then. I cannot wait to hit the weight I have wanted to snatch for this long. I have a gripper session tomorrow and I will try to get a better video of a #3 close.

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