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RDL: 115x10, 165x10, 185x10, 205x10, 225x10 - taped the last set: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUhZRgeKKUU

You're strong. I've never heard of Romanian Dead Lift, but 225x10 seems like a lot to lift in this manner. Good job.

I have also found it to be physically impossible to do a conventional deadlift without raking my shins. I had switched to sumo for this reason. With conventional, the only way I can correct it is too shoot my hips late, which has me bent over too long. I always assumed it was an issue of limb length so it's nice to see Wes say that too.

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I had to work a lot on my hip (and hamstring) flexibility to be able to reach a full bottom position in the squat without tucking my hips. I gradually worked into it with a lot of goblet squats like in this video:


I also did a lot of stretching for the full hip complex, but I'm not really sure how to describe that in a brief way. Thinking about this more though, I interpert "vertical" shins more loosely than you are. If my knees don't go over my toes, I consider that keeping my shins vertical. I can get down into the bottom position with me knees over the middle of my foot.

Looking at this old deadlift video, I clearly allow my knees to travel over the bar somewhat:


My form needs a lot of work, since I want to pull with my back more as well.

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Autolupus: I know, I gotta carry it in another place, because it actually hurts my shoulder bone to carry it like I do, which makes it difficult to actually pull the bar down as everyone suggests, because if I do that it hurts even more. I just don't know exactly how to possition it yet.... jeez, after all this time... that's what happens when you're dumb and nobody is there to teach ya :)

Cannon: I will just assume you've never tried a RDL and that's the only reason you said I'm strong. Or I could assume you were talking to someone else. It would be the first time EVER someone says I'm strong, LOL, I'm already blushed :P ... Try it, you'll probably handle twice the weight and you'll come back and edit that comment.

Scott: I was just reading an article on those Goble squats, but the video explains it much better, sometimes it's hard for me to understand these explanations in english. I don't think my ankles lack the flexibility to allow the shins to travel forward that bit needed to squat down, it's definitely a hip inflexibility that makes me turn squats into Good Mornings (or almost). I will tape my regular deadlifts again when I do them (sat., so I will probably post video on mon.), this time knowing that by "vertical" it means the knee shouldn't go over the toes, but not 100% perpendicular to the floor. We'll see how they look then.

So my squat and RDL form weren't that awful? I think my knees go a bit inward while squatting. And I might be lowering too much on RDL's, I think I should only lower until the bar is at knee height; again, with a more flexible hip I could lower more without losing the natural arch in the lower back. Just yesterday I finally understood what this meant. Previously I was doing RDL's until the weights hit the floor, which I found out is a huge no-no, so I "corrected" the form and did them as the video of the 225x10 shows.

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I don't know why taking the RDL's to the floor would be bad if your are not rounding the back. You can probably use more weight with a shorter range of motion, but I don't know which is better.

The bar on your squat looks too high to me as well, but I never manged to learn how to back squat without leaning forward a ton. Front squatting came much more easily for me, so I just do front squats.

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I don't know why taking the RDL's to the floor would be bad if your are not rounding the back. You can probably use more weight with a shorter range of motion, but I don't know which is better.

The bar on your squat looks too high to me as well, but I never manged to learn how to back squat without leaning forward a ton. Front squatting came much more easily for me, so I just do front squats.

Scott: that is one of the things I read yesterday in the article. For a RDL, you should NOT lose the natural arch in the lumbar spine (I think the lower part of the back?). I asked my wife to look at my back (shirtless) and tell me when it started to STRAIGHTHEN (NOT round!!) and it started when I was about at knee level, and I did this with no weight, not even a bar, just simulating the movement. I finally understood that I can only flex the hip until that point, and from that point on, to keep going down I have to straighten the back (losing tha natural arch). However, if your hips are very flexible and you can lower until your whole torso is parallel to the floor without losing the natural arch in the lower back, I guess you can do them like that. But if not, the article said it was a huge no-no (the author's words, not mine). I wanna stay injury free so I will continue doing them like that. If I increase my flexibility in the hips and can flex more while maintaining the arch in the lower back, I'll lower more.. but even the article said that for mose people, knee level is where the back starts straightening, and it happened to me just like that.

I think a front squat would be better for me too, keeping the torso more upright... the more I read about OL type squats vs. PL style squats, the more I wanna do OL style squats. I will try the Goblet with a dumbell. I'll give the front squat another try soon.

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It's hard with this stuff to get a real answer regarding form. One guy will tell you even slight rounding is bad, another will be almost doubled over with no problems. I've loosened up over time to allow slight rounding or let my knees travel over my toes a little with no ill effects, but I am not lifting massive weights.

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Nice videos Scott. I see you don't really lower your hips like in most "teaching" videos I've looked at. Your "natural arch" in the lower back definitely isn't there, I wonder if it's really necessary to have it. I will tape myself next time I do deadlifts as well, by the poundages seems we could compete :P whe weaklings of the board, hehe.


Goblet squats: 10x10, 20x10, 30x10 - +weight of Oly DB handle. I taped myself, I definitely lose the lower back arch after I reach the parallel possition, and I was really making an effort to keep it. My hip just isn't flexible enough, I want to work on this.

Lumberjack squats: barx10, 25x10, 50x10 - again, taped me... I lose the arch when going to the bottom, was making an effort to keep upright.

One-legged deadlifts: BWx10 leftie, I cannot do them rightie. I just do not have balance with my right foot, I should see a doctor, something is wrong with my right leg in this aspect. More on this below, if you keep reading.

Front Squats: 45x10, 75x10, 105x10, 125x6 - shouldn't have done 125 really. Was tired, and it hurts on the shoulders, I gotta get used to it. I used crossed arms grip.

Bulgarian squats (back leg on bench) - BWx10, 10lb plate a hand x10, 25lb plate a hand x10, and I think I did two sets with this weight. Was a bit hard on the fingertips to hold the plate for so long.. well, not really, but it affected the grippers I was doing.

Back squats: 115x5 - was so tired by now.

Grippers: RH: TNS #1 and TNS BBSA. I missed my #1.5 by 1/8" with a TNS, it's filed a bit on both ends, I think I could get it if it weren't filed.

Sledge reps (introducing the sledge handle between the gripper in every rep):

RH: #1x10 (PR!), BBSAx10 or so (another PR!). Felt like I truly dominated these two grippers. The sledge width is 1-5/8" or so.

LH: BBAx13, BBAx11 or so ... not doing so bad. Closed my #1 with a wide-ish set.

Then I attempted my RB160 with my right hand with the sledge, but got to 1/8", although before this I had just done the bulgarian squats holding the 25lb plates by the rims, and this really taxed my fingertips, I think I could've gotten it with the sledge fresh.

IM Yellow extensors.

Then, my wife came in.. she asked what I did for biceps.. lol, I told her I did hammer curls, but not too much biceps, but I was into chinups before getting shoulder problems. Then, I remembered I had not tried a chinup in over a month, and it was time to try one, and see how the shoulder felt the next day (today). So I grabbed the bar, underhand grip, 2" or so appart (the most comfortable for my wrists with a straight bar), and I did a deadhang chinup. Seriously, it felt ridiculously easy. I breathed and did a second rep, and I could even keep my face expression-less while doing it, that's how easy it was feeling. So I continued, and I got 10 reps, full deadhang, clearing my chin over the bar completely (not just barely touching the bar with the chin, no, but totally getting it over the bar and "locking out" on top), and with at least 1-2 seconds on the bottom to breathe (which eliminates momentum). This is a PR!, and a weird one, considering I haven't tried chins in a long while. I think I could've gotten more to be honest, 11 or 12. I didn't even need to "kink" with my feet to get up on the last one, it was a slow rep, but I got up with my body still straight, and I held the top possition for 3-4 seconds before lowering. This was the highlight and I felt very happy about this. My AC joint had a little bit of pain this morning if I shrugged, but now not so much. I will obviously rest though, and wont tax my shoulder today, might skip the upper body workout I had planned for today.

About the leg problem: Wow, I just couldn't keep my balance on my right leg to save my life when trying those one-legged deadlifts without even holding weight. And then, I tried an exercise that consists of sitting in the floor, legs out in front. Place your hands in the floor, a little behind you, and raise your hips, so your body is straight: at this point only the heels of your feet and the palms of your hands are in contact with the floor. This was easy, but the guy who explained this exercise (from the Squat RX series in youtube), said to then raise one leg.... well, I could raise the right leg while keeping the left down.. but when I tried liftingt the left leg, I realized I really couldn't keep that leg up because my right leg couldn't hold my weight in that possition. This little exercise might be something I want to keep doing, not sure, but maybe if I get stronger in this exercise I will have better balance like that. I have so much trouble with balance, that lunges with the right leg in front are so much harder than with the left leg there... I managed to do the Bulgarian squats somehow, but again it was noticeable harder with the right leg, much harder. I liked them though. Oh darn, I wrote a book!! Lemme just add we then went out with my sister and her husband and all 4 of us had a blast, we drank, danced (I don't like to, but I do it for my wife :)), then ate a little mexican food at 3am and went home, nice day overall. :rock

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CG Floor press: 85x10, 115x10, 135x10, 135x10 - needed help on that last rep or two .. oh well. Right shoulder muscles are sore from the Front Squats, I am not used to hold the bar in that possition, and I think this affected me. I used a CG (shoulder width?) because my right wrist hurted when trying for a wider grip. I should nurse this wrist some more, I've been stubborn with it.

Pendlay rows: exactly the same as above, heh. Reps not too bad, maybe another session or two at this weight and I'll be ready to move up. Want to get 10 somewhat strict reps before adding weight.

Floor lying DB tricep extension, one arm at a time: 20x6, 15x10, 17.5x10R/8L. +DB handle.

DB Hammer Curls, alternate: 20x10, 25x9, 30x7, +DB handle. Will stay with these weights. Maybe I'm "warming up" with a lot of weight before the last set. Again, don't wanna add weight until I reach 10 reps.

Two sets of IM Yellow bands.

AC joint seems fine, but didn't wanna push it with pull-ups in this session, but I will do them next session, and I might start doing some sort of seated shoulder pressing, maybe in the rack so I make completely sure I don't lower it beloe 90 degrees elbows. I know I should be lowering it, but hey, I'm trying to just work out and get a bit stronger without injury and pain here. :)

I'm losing weigth also, which is good. I'm eating right as of late. I would guess I'm at 180. The bad news is, I will be in the USA for 5 days next week, then come back, and a week later I'll go with my wife and son to Hong Kong, to meet my wife's dad and know the place, for 2 weeks. So I better try and cut a couple of pounds off while I can, because those two trips are bound to add a couple of pounds on me. Oh, and I measured my arms after the session, something I almost never do... forearm is about 12.1" and upper arm is close to 15". Damn things wont grow! :)

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I think the reason my back doesn't show an arch is that I store a lot of fat in that region of my back. I am still focused on hold my arch.

Good job on the chins!

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Thanks a lot, Scott. Watch this videos I'm posting in this update, and tell me if you think I'm holding my arch. I think not as I should, although I was really trying.


Stretching, tried a little bit of "relax into stretch" (Pavel's book) for the hamstrings, not too much since it's my first time.

Front Squats:


75x10 - video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DEYrzsfdOU


115x10 - video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgKUEPK0xYs

125x10 - video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqOB2AMO8ug - I wasn't gonna this set, but since last time I got only 6 reps, and now I felt like I could get 10, I did it... also to see how my form deteriorates when the weight gets heavy for me.

Bulgarian Squats (back feet on a bench): BWx10, 10x10, 15x10, 20x10 - that's weight on each dumbell, plus weight of DB handles. VERY hard, this left me pretty darn exhausted.. the back leg elevated makes it much tougher than a regular lunge, I can lunge with much heavier dumbells I'd say.

Then, before doing my RDL's, a neighbor showed up because his appartment had been stolen (things in it, I mean) earlier in the day. We spoke for what seemed like a long time and I cooled down, but got back to it because I had to finish, darn it.

Romanian DL's: 135x10, 165x10, 215x8 (grip gave in! Even with a mixed grip, pathetic) ... so I turned to the dark side and chalked up my hands a little bit, and got 215x10 without excessive struggle, so I went for a PR and got it: 235x10. Again with a little chalk It was painful on my left hand though, I wanted to let go off that hand halfways through the set, but kept going and got all reps, I might even have gotten 11.

Is it normal that I can Romanian DL much more than I can regular DL? And waaaay more than I could back squat? And nearly twice what I can front squat? ... I think this might mean that my quads are just very, very weak compared my hams/glutes ?? What do you think?

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Thanks a lot, Scott. Watch this videos I'm posting in this update, and tell me if you think I'm holding my arch. I think not as I should, although I was really trying.


Stretching, tried a little bit of "relax into stretch" (Pavel's book) for the hamstrings, not too much since it's my first time.

Front Squats:


75x10 - video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DEYrzsfdOU


115x10 - video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgKUEPK0xYs

125x10 - video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqOB2AMO8ug - I wasn't gonna this set, but since last time I got only 6 reps, and now I felt like I could get 10, I did it... also to see how my form deteriorates when the weight gets heavy for me.

Bulgarian Squats (back feet on a bench): BWx10, 10x10, 15x10, 20x10 - that's weight on each dumbell, plus weight of DB handles. VERY hard, this left me pretty darn exhausted.. the back leg elevated makes it much tougher than a regular lunge, I can lunge with much heavier dumbells I'd say.

Then, before doing my RDL's, a neighbor showed up because his appartment had been stolen (things in it, I mean) earlier in the day. We spoke for what seemed like a long time and I cooled down, but got back to it because I had to finish, darn it.

Romanian DL's: 135x10, 165x10, 215x8 (grip gave in! Even with a mixed grip, pathetic) ... so I turned to the dark side and chalked up my hands a little bit, and got 215x10 without excessive struggle, so I went for a PR and got it: 235x10. Again with a little chalk It was painful on my left hand though, I wanted to let go off that hand halfways through the set, but kept going and got all reps, I might even have gotten 11.

Is it normal that I can Romanian DL much more than I can regular DL? And waaaay more than I could back squat? And nearly twice what I can front squat? ... I think this might mean that my quads are just very, very weak compared my hams/glutes ?? What do you think?

LNF, I don't know much about form in the front squat, but it looks like you're getting good depth and I think the natural consequence of leaning too far forward is dumping the weight. I have the flexibility issue with back squats (can't keep heels on ground and bend my knees at the same time, and tend to get the "good morning" action Morgan also talked about). I need to get a power rack, decided I'd watch Craiglist.

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The powerrack you see in my videos is the New York barbells one, which is $299 and is great. I didn't use the safety pins on these squats though, now that I think of it, I should've, heh.

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I forgot to add, in that workout, while I was moving the oly bar I said to myself "wow, feels light"... so I tried to do a strict curl from a deadhang, with my left, and got it... a bit of struggle but got it, so I tried rightie, and got it easier. Not easy, but easier than left handed. Strict with my elbow by my side, not against my torso and leaning or anything. I haven't tried curling in a long while, but I never did 100 lbs... now I'm curious. I have no idea what I'm curling as of late, as I don't know the weight of my oly DB handles that I use for hammer curls, but they seem heavy, I'll weight them today or tomorrow, gonna take a scale home just for that.

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You are tucking the hips a little bit at the bottom of the front squats, especially as the weight gets heavier. I don't think it is extremely bad or anything I would worry much about, but it could improve some.

You are doing great on the romanian deadlifts. Amazing the difference a little chalk makes.

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Scott: yeah, I've now read a bit of Pavel's Relax Into Stretch, and will be stretching my hammies and hips before every lifting session (upper and lower body), and hopefully I'll become more flexible. Also I've decided to put ego aside and stick with lightweights until form is better. I got 125x10 but if form looked iffy I will stay with it until I can do better reps.

On another note, I'm sore all over. I am blaming the Bulgarian Squats... and I'm loving it. You see, at first I thought these and Lunges were pretty much the same, but they are NOT! I even have this theory: In Lunges, you "press" with your back leg, you press down and backwards with your toes.... while in the Bulgarian squats, the top of your foot is on a bench, and you push it down, like if you were "kicking" the bench, with the top of your foot, you're not pressing it. So you're using totally different muscles, I think. In a lunge you're pressing backwards, if the floor is slippery your back foot would go even further backwards. In a Bulgarian squat, if the bench would somehow break, that foot is making force to come down and FORWARD, not backwards. I hope I made sense and my logic isn't totally flawed.

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CG Floor Press (top two fingers on smooth): 95x10, 115x10, 135x10 (needed help in last two.... breathing on both top and bottom possitions).

Pendlaw rows: 95x10, 115x10, 135x10

Seated Military Press, with loading pins so that bar stops at forehead level (I know, I know.. but avoiding shoulder pain!), and resting in the bottom possition, so it was more like bottom-up presses from there: 45x10, 55x10, 65x10, 75x10 - quite tough, that last set. I suck at this in case you haven't noticed.

Chin-ups, underhand, 2-3" between hands: 6, 6, 6, 6 - took it easy, could've done more in each and every set, even the last one.

Barbell curls (somehow now I can do this and it doesn't hurt my wrist now!! I thought I'd never use a BB again for curls as I don't have an EZ-bar...):

65x5, 75x5, 80x5, 85x5 - should've skipped 80, but I thought I couldn't get the 85... argh, p*ssy!!!

8lb sledge front raises: 6"x10, 8"x10, 8"x10 ... then a 10 sec hold at 10".

Just for kicks, I put 11lb in plates in the Pegasus, and held it with my feet, and tried another set of chins, and got 5 reps, deadhang and strict like the previous, but these were much harder. Also the setup made it hard, I had to apply force with my feet (dorsiflexing the pegasus, heh), hamstrings (because if I keep legs straight I can touch the floor, the rack is not that tall), and abs, all to keep those pounds in place. I reckon it should've felt easier if I had a belt on my waist to hang weight. This was my first try at weighted chins, EVER. And after previous chins and curls... it was good. I think I'm losing a bit of weight too, been eating right. Will step on a scale soon.

IM Yellow bands x3 sets.

Shoulder is feeling allright today, so yesterday's stuff must've been OK. It's my right wrist that doesn't heal now, jeez.. so I haven't done wrist ext/flex in a while. The front raises didn't hurt though. Grippers don't hurt either, so I'll do them soon, maybe even today. Haven't done pinch because it hurts when trying to move the thumb away from the hand.

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On 26.10.2007 after work and after dinner, my wife, son and I went to the pediatrist. That's where we step on a scale always, LOL.. we have explained to her that we don't have one.. and I like the idea of only weighing myself in there. I wouldn't like to have one at home, really.

I was lighter than expexted: 80.75 kg = 178lb. That is fully dressed, so eating right the past few weeks has paid off. I was like 187 the last time I checked, and on the same scale. Hopefully the 5 days I'll spend in the USA wont turn me into a balloon again... will try to control myself, to a certain point.

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Front squats: 45x10, 95x10, 115x10, 125x10, 135x10.

DB Bulgarian squats: BWx10, 10x10, 15x10, 20x10 (+ DB handles)

RDL: 135x10, 185x10, 235x10, 255x8 - PR! (I didn't get 10 because the hands hurted so much, heh).

Was doing grippers in between. Almost CCS'ed my #1 leftie, was kinda off otherwise though. I think I might have closed the RB160 but not sure. Was 1/8" off from the #2 with a paused wide set (sledge between handles). About 10-11 sledge reps with the #1 and BBSA ... my sweep might be a little stronger but my close went to crap, I have troubles closing the double filed #1.5, argh.

IM Yellow bands.

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So, I'm going to the USA today, I come back saturday at 1pm or so. I did my workout before lunch today, might be my last workout for a few days. This is what I did:

CG Floor Press (top 2 fingers on smooth): 95x10, 115x10, 135x10 (last 2 needed a bit of help).

Pendlay rows: 95x10, 115x10, 135x10.

Chin-ups, underhand grip, 2-3" between hands: BWx6, +10lbx6, +20lbx6, +25lbx6 - Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qptYackvNso

DB military press, lowering only to 90*: 10x10, 20x10, 25x10, 30x8 (+DB handle).

8lb sledge front raises: 6"x10, 8"x10, 9"x10R / 8"x10L.

RT holds: 70x10secs, 85x10secs, 95x10secs R / 90x10secsL, and again same as previous set.

BB curls: 75x5, 85x5, 95x3 + a "clean" so I could make a slow negative.

My right wrist hurts. This 5-day break might be what I need to let it finally recover, argh. I was happy about the chins, first time trying weighted chins. My BW was 178.4 on friday... but I ate a lot during the weekend.. the IM straps around my neck left a red mark, argh!!

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Great job on the chins. They really show how much progress you have made since starting this log.

Thanks a lot Scott. I still remember that day when I got my first chin... wow, it was like I could have a clearer, much better view of things once I was viewing the gym from above the bar... I just had never been above the bar. Currently it's a joke to just get a single BW chin. In my last session (not this one), I tried a set with wide overhand grip, and boy did it feel awkward, my shoulders felt subluxated and it was very weird, I will not do that, the last thing I need is another pain or injury, so I'll only use grips that don't hurt. I have yet to try towels, or a narrow-parallel grip. I've read that the "wider grip = wider back" is a myth, so I wont bother with those grips. I could, however, give the shoulder-width underhand another go, because it would seem my wrists are a little more flexible now, because I've done barbell curls twice and have felt no pain due to that.

I arrived in Boston after a 4 hour flight today. On the way to the hotel, we stopped for food... and guess where? Wendy's. It was closed, but not the drive-through... everyone ordered one of those 3-meat burguers... it's hard to be the one who differs in a situation like that, but I said "I don't want that, give me a chicken ceasar salad"... and like that wasn't much, they all ordered Coke, I ordered a bottled water. I really have stopped drinking coke at all, it's so weird that I drink coke... and when I do, I ask for diet ones, but I've become such a fan of water, that it's what I order at restaurants and stuff. I only used one of the two ceasar dressings they gave me, as it seemed big enough (and fatty enough, probably). I'm gonna make an effort to not come back with many pounds added. It's hard in this country, I can see why people without a very fast metabolism are fat in here. I wonder if this hotel has a gym.... tomorrow should be my lower body workout... I could try single-leg romanian deadlifts, single-leg squats, bulgarian squats ... maybe I could do something to burn a few extra calories while I'm here, and those I could even do at the room. It's so cold here... argh, I'm used to nice weathers!!!

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Thanks you two!!

I was in the USA for 5 days, and as always, I gained a couple of pounds. Sucks. Today (tue) was my first day of "proper" eating, and I shall continue to do this for as long as I can.. but friday night I'm flying to Hong Kong with my wife and son for 2 weeks, we'll see how I eat there, probably much better than in USA, and I'll be on vacations so probably will have time to do a few sessions somehow, even if bodyweight or whatever, so I'm hoping I don't gain as much as I would with 2 weeks in US (that'd baloon me big time!).


First seesion in a week, and it sucked.

Fronst squats: 45x10, 95x10, 115x10, 125x10 - form was iffy, felt super hard.

Bulgarian squats: BWx10, 10lbxcrap... I quit. I then did about 5-6 pistols with my left leg, but stopped because my right hip flexor starts to hurt when I do this, very weird, maybe I should just train to keep my leg in front while standing for time. I couldn't do a single pistol with my right leg this day. I have issues in this leg, I suspect they have to do with my foot, I might need some orthopedic supports... I was told this many times growing up but I never cared for it :(

I quit, this session sucked... tried doing tabata squats but sucked and didn't get through halfways.


Floor Press: 95x10, 115x10, 135x10 - help in those last 3 reps.

Pendlay rows: 95x10, 115x10, 135x10 - ugly form in last 5 reps or so.

DB standing press, lowering to 90* only: 20x10, 30x10, 30x10 (+ weight of DB handle)

Chin-ups, underhand grip 3" appart: BWx8, BWx8, BW+10x8.

RDL: 165x10, 195x10, 225x10.

I did this 15 sets performing one of each exercise at the time, in the order I listed. The last two sets (which were the last chinup and RDL sets) were very hard on my hands, the calluses hurted big time.

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