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Are Weak Men Allowed To Post Routines!?


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For the moment!

It'll come back!

It's nice to get a bit of a rest now and again! Try telling Cannon! :mosher

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Are you using chalk to hold onto the bar? I use chalk on my deads, and grip is never a problem.

No, I don't bring chalk to the gym. Maybe once my power rack arrives (2 weeks maybe?) and I'm doing this @ home, the use of chalk might make a difference.

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Chalk makes a huge difference.

I would've never guessed it made a "huge" difference in a DO deadlift. I mean, I know in grippers it makes a huge difference, but that palm handle is always trying to slip back, specially for guys like me without a big thubpad, heh.... but when gripping a barbell, I think if the barbell goes to the fingertips, it's pure and simple lack of supporting strength :( ... but like I said, I'll see how much difference it makes once I get my home gym going.


DB rows: 40x10, 60x10, 80x8, 80x8. Left felt stronger for some reason (probably because of my shoulder, who knows).

Pendlaw rows: 90x5, 120x5, 150x5x3 - not very good form with 150, should've used less weight.. I can do a couple of strict reps at that weight, but definitely not for 3 sets of 5 reps. Guess I just wanted to feel what it was like. 120 felt easy though, so I reckon I wouldn't have to lower too much from there.

2HP: 2-25's x10.

1HP: 5 negatives each hand with the 2-25's, more controlled by now.

2HP: (using the Sport Authority 2-25's, 80mm wide): 76x5, 102x5x3 - good, controlled reps. Not easy though, but at the end of all 3 working sets I could hold it on the top possition. Also I don't bounce it off the floor, I let it rest like 1-3 seconds between each rep. Again, a bit of skin went off in the base of my right thumb, but looks kinda superficial... guess I'll continue training this 1x a week. I actually think my last pinch session was 8 days ago and not 7. Oh well, it will all change once my blobs arrive :) ...

I've been to several stores, and I have not seen small olympic plates!! I keep seeing 25/35/45, but nothing smaller. Sucks.

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I Duct Taped the other dumbell, the diameter of both must be 1-1/4" or 1-3/8", not sure. The duct tape feels way better than the iron itself, I actually love the feeling. Seems to be much less prone to causing calluses... I think PDA is right, 1-3/8" is the most ergonomic diameter, it feels much better really.

Turkish Get-ups: 20x5, 26x5, 30x5 x3 sets - WOW, this was TIRING. Left quad is better, but fully healed.. when I did the right-hand sets, which put the left leg in the rear possition for the lunge, I could feel a little bit of pain still, but not huge, so it's getting better. At the end of those sets, the entire arm, from shoulder to fingers, were burning like hell. This exercise is wonderful.

Farmer's Walk, using my dumbells, doing 3 round-trips on the backyard, for a total length of around 200' maybe, with 5 turns which makes it tougher I think...: 40x1, 60x1, 70x3 ... wow. This is the most demanding exercise, without a doubt. I just felt DEAD after each set, at least with the 70lb dumbells. The turns don't help at all though, because at every dead-stop I thought about quitting.. "damn, do I really gotta start walking again!?" .. I try to walk as fast as I can, so I'm not really walking... heh.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't have done anything else today. What a workout.

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Since the quad hurts still, a little bit when in the back of the lunge possition, and maybe a little bit if I stretch that leg up front, I did something that doesn't hurt at all today:

Single leg step-ups, with the lower leg straight and feet dorsiflexed: 6 sets of 10. I started in a chair, and then added a plate on top of it for each set. Tough stuff. Didn't hold out any weight or anything, was taking it easy as it was the first time in a long while. But they felt good. I will continue with this, maybe upping the height a little bit more (the last set was done to a height that was a tad higher than the upper part of my kneecap) while still getting 10 reps. Don't wanna push myself to max-efforts on this just yet.

DB Wrist Curls:

BH: 30x10, 40x10

RH: 50x10, 50x13 - didn't go to failure but if I had tried for another one I might have.

LH: 50x10, 50x9 - couldn't get a 10th, so this was kinda failure I think.

I didn't wanna try the next jump (56) 'cause I can only get so little reps left handed.

Pegasus extension, kneeling, arms straight over a chair: 8x10, 9x10, 12x8 x3 sets - PR! ... nice to see a PR in something. Wow, these burnt my forearms pretty nicely. Previous PR was 6 reps so this was actually great, I think.

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Following Autolupus' advice, I decided to check out that Windmill video, and see how it felt.

First I did it with a 20lb dumbell on the lower hand, and the overhead hand just free, x5 reps.

Then, I did it with the 20lb dumbell overhead, and the lower hand free, x5 reps.

Then I used two 20lb dumbells, x5 reps.

26x5, 30x5, 36x5, 40x5 ....

I'm sure I was good for more, but it got very difficult, so just to finish off I decided to use the same weight and do a bit more reps... 40x8.

I know, lots of sets, but it wasn't like I was maxing out, just wanted to see where I'm at, kinda, in case I decide to do these regulary. We'll see if I'm sore in new places tomorrow :P I think my form is good, I kept looking the overhead dumbell the whole time, arm seemed perpendicular to the floor to me, and I kept the leg on that side straight. I think that's all the rules really?

I did some front levers with the 6lb sledge, but it was crap. 12" away, felt good right handed, crap left handed... I think yesterday's pegasus extension was pretty tough (set PR's then) and I shouldn't have tried this particular movement today.

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Wow, I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach. I didn't even go to work in the morning. I went to the emergency room....

1. They took blod off my right arm...

2. They needed a pee sample as well.

3. Now they wanted poop, so I gave them that too :mosher

4. They needed more blood, so now they took blood from the left arm.

5. Now they were gonna inject me something for the pain, it had to be on a vain, and the nurse said "just so you don't have many holes, we'll inject it in the same spot where we took blood off".. me, being a man, agreed. I shouldn't have!! It hurts more when they stick the needle in the same place they already stuck it half hour ago. Man, it reminded me of a scene from the masterpiece film "Requiem for a Dream", if you've seen it you'll know, it was a hard-to-watch scene.

Then I got a headache, and nausea.. but I slept both off. Now I'm feeling better. All results so far have been good, and we're waiting on the poop results. I don't have any diahrrea (sp?) though, but we'll see what the Doc says in a few minutes.

I wonder if it's advisable to work out ont he day one lost some blood like that? Not that I'm feeling like working out though, so today shall be a rest day.

My lower back is very very sore, those windmills must've been good for something. Shoulder is feeling a little bit better.

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You should definitely rest today. that sucks man I really hope you're alright and get to fealing better. Get Well soon dude!!

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You should definitely rest today. that sucks man I really hope you're alright and get to fealing better. Get Well soon dude!!

Thanks, vikings. The last results showed no signs of parasites or anything. So every single test performed showed everything all right.

The only explination, is that yesterday after work I went to watch the Transformers movie with my wife and my naphew, and I ended up eating dinner at 10pm or so. I usually eat dinner much earlier than that, and I was very hungry since around 8pm. Maybe being so hungry for that period of time caused my stomach to get weird and I woke up with those pains. The pain felt like my stomach was filled with gases or something, weird feeling, I could barely stand erect, had to be bent in order to not feel pain.

I google'd and it seems one can exercise after a test. Not recommended after donating blood, but when donating you lose much more than in these tests. Anyways, just in case, I shall rest today, and hopefully come back strong tomorrow. :)

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Thats good, it would really suck if it was something serious.

I've had things similar to that but not to that bad of an extent with a similar explanation to yours. That situation is very possible and I guess just don't do that again ;) :P Anyway, hope you feel better.

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THanks again vikings.


Turkish getups: 20x5, 26x5, 32x5 x3 sets.

I tried doing some grippers, but strength was down really. Didn't do any big attempt. I got parallel 7 reps on the #1 leftie, which was not that bad actually. Then I got about 30 clicks (opening to 1/16" or so) on it. I did a wide and rather slow close of the filed #1.5 rightie, but it wasn't that slow, just slower than usual... you really have to dominate a gripper to do a hydraulic close, I found that out today. Nothing else with the right hand, felt weak.

My lower back is still very very sore from the windmills. I think I like windmills better than TGU's because TGU's place some stress on the arm that's down... since it has tu sopport some weight with the elbow far behind your back at some points. (not that this would be bad normally, but since I still have some pain in that right shoulder... which is getting better by the way).

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Second workout of today!

I drank a few sips of coffee this afternon at work (not much, several mini-glasses, they would probably equal half a cup if that, combined).... so I was feeling good, specially since today at noon I only did TGU's and just some grippers. So I got home from work and did some exercise with my wife.

Standing DB military press: 20x10, 30x10, 40x8, 40x8, 40x7 - didn't go for the 8th, 'cause I felt I was not gonna get it. Last time I did DB presses (10 days ago), I went up to 46lbx5, but I was doing one arm at the time... I think it's harder when doing both arms at the same time, as for my weak body this poundage feels like a lot to hold overhead after a few reps, heh. I lowered the dumbells till they touched my shoulder, so it was full ROM and legs locked. The dumbell pin and collars must add a bit.. so I think this could actually be a PR. I will buy a set of plates (already saw it) that comes with 2.5lb AND 1.25lb plates. So I'll be able to do 2.5lb increments on the dumbells, that will help a TON, really, because at these low weights, a 5lb or 6lb as a minimun increase is too much.

I kinda supersetted those with DB hammer curls: 20x10, 30x10, 40x5 x3 sets - tough!! I can do more on the press obviously... and the second "warmup" set in this one was even hard, heh. Don't ask me why I'm doing two sets of 10 for warmup... maybe if I do sets of 5 I'll be stronger in the working sets. Dumb me.

Wanted to do something like RT, but the HC's tax the forearm pretty well, so I called it a day. I think I used nice weights though.

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DB rows: 40x10, 60x10, 80x8 x3 sets - these definitely make the shoulder hurt a bit, I think. I'll definitely have to drop 'em for now.

I tried tricep extension behind head, but after 20x10 and 26x10, I tried 32 and got like 2 reps rightie, and no reps leftie... triceps must be wasted from yesterday's overhead DB presses. Should've guessed, but I'm stubborn.

So I did some 2HP with my Sport AUthority 25's (80mm wide):



106 x2 - :angry: I got 102x5 x3 sets last session. I thought I'd up the weight and get the same reps here, but this felt so hard...

106x2 - again, very hard, second rep was very slow and a fight to lift (but a good rep).

106x5 - what? Must've been a mental thing, so I had to keep going now.

106x3 - pinky and ring finger of left hand felt slippery, maybe a bit of sweat on them.

106x5 - yeah, good way to end the workout. Hard as hell, but good.

Skin on base of right thumb is not THAT screwed up this tme, which is good! Also, my 30 and 35lb blobs are coming soon, I heard today. Probably mid next week. I will use the same 106lb next session and try to get 3 better sets of 5 reps before upping to 110. I'll have my new weight sets soon anyways, with plates as small as 1.25lb, so I'll be able to make smaller jumps. :)

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Cutting a tube with a damaged saw, it's very hard, and a workout by itself. The "teeth" (?) on the saw were damaged, and I had to do single strokes, I couldn't go back-forth at all, it took 20 mins to cute a crappy pipe to hang the clothes in the closet. Wow, it killed my hands. But a few hours later.....

Single leg step-ups: 4 or 5 sets.. left leg is way stronger than right, so then I did 2 sets of 5 negs. right-leg only. Lowering slowly as I could. No weight held, just adding plates to the chair, to increase the ROM.

DB wrist curls: 30x10, 40x10, 50x10, 50x13R-8L. Left arm started feeling some elbow pain so I quit at 4 sets, good enough though, strict, no calf raise or body movement.

Windmills: 20lb each dumbell, 30lb each dumbell, 40lb each dumbell, all x5 reps... then: 46lb up, 40lb down, x6 ... 50up, 40down x6 ...

Quite a taxing exercise, I'm loving it. I think the point is to add more weight to the overhead arm, and let the hanging arm free from weight? I probably can't control much more than 50lbs overhead for 5-6 reps right now, so I'll continue holding weight on the lower hand to make me work harder in any way I can.

Pegasus extension: 9x10, 12x10 x3 sets - PR! - ... then, 14 (3-5-3-3 lb plates) x7 PR! ... ever since I got back to these, doing them with my arms STRAIGHT (elbows locked), kneeling and arms over a chair, I've seen gains. This is great. I incorporated a 5lb plate and I used it in the 2nd possition.. but next session it'll be the last one (to make it harder) and I'll use 14 instead 12lb as working sets.

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Just some Farmer's Walk with dumbells.. it's really hard with dumbells, as the plates hit you and makes it harder to control. I upped to 90lb per dumbell, it was very hard, the most I walked with that was around 140 feet I think (with 3 turns). Hands feel dead.

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I was gonna rest today, but decided to do some grippers... man, I kinda regret it, I have a huge pain in my left elbow.

Left: I did 5 reps on the BBSA and on the #1, then closed the filed #1, missed the filed #1.5.. then a few #1 singles just for fun, with not much rest in betwene. My elbow hurted a lot during these.

Right: Closed the #2 twice, then some singles with the filed #1.5 ... then tried the #2 with a wider set, got it to 1/4" or so but I was very tired at this point and didn't rest enough. I would like to start using wider sets, at least with my right. I can't use wide sets on my left, my left middle finger has problems, the bones "make a sound" everytime I curl this finger, and it feels funny when crushing from wide sets, even crushing a TRAINER with a wide set feels awkward.. the bone "sounds" only after a certain point, so I can do small reps beyond that point. But it's a pain to set tougher grippers, because at open-hand length, I can't assist the set at all, have to purely set it with the right hand. But today the elbow was hurting which made things worse... I think I gotta do some extensors.

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Elbow pain is gone today, good.. planning on doing some stuff at noon.

I forgot to mention a couple of things: that weight set I was gonna buy? It was sold, all units. I went out on saturday looking for some rubber mats for my upcoming home setup... couldn't find it. Looking for oly plates, can't find anything smaller than 25's locally, and expensive anyways. I went nuts and decided to order it all online. I went to weightlifter's warehouse and ordered a 300lb set, plus some extra plates of the smaller ones and even some 1-1/4lb olympic plates, and two olympic dumbell handles.. man, 400lb overseas shipping. Not good, but I don't care, I got tired of looking for it online. These DB handles are supossed to be 15lb empty!! Damn, I don't know how my wife is gonna workout, might have to keep the little weight set I have right now.

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DB on upper hand / DB on lower hand:

26/26 x10

40/40 x6

50/40 x6

60x40 x6 x3 sets - I figure the point is to hold weight on that overhead arm. So I didn't up weight on the lower one because getting up was starting to become hard, heh.

DB Concentration Hammer-Curls: (never tried these before.....)

20x5, 30x5, 40x3 (damn, tough!), 36x5 x2 sets, with a hold at 90deg for 3-4 secs at the end of these sets. What a killer.

I was doing right-handed closes of my filed #1.5 in between sets. Maybe less than 10 total closes, but all from a wide set, maybe CCS or close to that. On the last one it was maybe a bit deeper set (at least 1.5" though) and overcrushed the crap out of it for 5-6 secs, even got a bit dizzy, lol. I figured that I have to face reality, my left hand will never be able to train frequently, it hurts when I do that... but I can't limit my RH's progress because of my left. I'll just train my right a bit more in some ocations... I'm pretty sure I'll see more progress this way. Don't wanna overtrain it though, that's why where were no #2 attempts today. I did two sets of 10 kinda-slow pushups at the end, just to do some sort of tricep extension (I remember Paul Doire saying that some sort of tricep extension can help with the elbow pain). Left arm got a bit of elbow pain from those curls.

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My back is killing me, must be those heavy (for me) windmills from yesterday, wow.

Single Leg Step-ups: sets of 10, I had 2-25's and 4-20's over the chair I use for the final 3 sets. Right leg still can't do it perfectly, so left leg helps a bit when it touches the floor. I did 5 slow negatives with the right leg at the end.

This was supersetted with Pegasus Extension: 9x10, 12x10, 14 (3/3/3/5) x8 (I think), 14x8, 16 (3/5/5/3) x5. PR! Up to 16lbs... that's great. Note: Still doing these with my arms straight and over a chair, kneeling on the floor.

DB tricep extensions behind head: 20x10, 26x5, 30x5 x3 sets - form wasn't the best on the working sets, oh well.

This was supersetted with DB wrist curls:

RH: 30x10, 40x10, 50x10, 60x5, 60x5.

LH: 30x10, 40x10, 50x8, 50x8, 50x5 - this arm starts getting pains after many sets. I should only do 2 working sets with it next time.

No calf-raise on any rep, forearms over thigh, pretty strict I'd say.

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Turkish Get-ups:

10x5, 20x5, 30x5 x3 sets - very hard.

Renegade Rows: (this little 1 minute video shows what they are:


30lb dumbells, 5 sets of 5 ... WOW, these are TOUGH!!! But I watched this video after doing them. I did feel that if I shifted my weight to the static arm, I could easily row the dumbell. Otherwise it's hell to maintain balance and row the dumbell if you're fighting to stay in the top possition. These are a killer and I loved them.

I closed my filed #1.5 a couple of times, each time held for a few secs and even overcrushed a little bit. All with a very wide set, probably CCS or so. The first ones were not even chalked, and my hands were so sweaty... anyways, I missed the last two attempts by 1mm or less, also from that very wide set.

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Tabata Squats: 18 the first 4 sets, 16 the remaining 4. WOW... I just keep remembering how bender said this exercises "trashes your thigs".. it sure does, really... I can barely walk now.

I did some 1 hand deadlifts on a dumbell... 110lbx5 each hand felt very hard. I then did two sets of just 1 rep, holding at the top... first set was 15 secs, second set was less. I don't feel like I can squeeze the handle in my hand though, I feel that immediately after leaving the floor, it rolls a bit further in my fingers. I really need to work on my supporting grip somehow. Once my rack and barbell and plates and everything arrives, I sure as hell will include some rack pulls or timed holds or whatever, because I need some supporting grip FFS.

I grabbed the grippers but was sucking today, I think from too much work.. I mean, the past 2 or 3 days I've been squeezing them, at least rightie, and last night I even grabbed my Bollinger store-bought one, and started doing reps with top two fingers (very easy), TNS with just index finger, and reps with bottom two fingers (not too hard, but my middle finger gets all scratched and hurts a bit, with the bottom of it's handles). I probably worn myself out to be honest. I did some extensors yesterday, and some today too.... trying to work with that blue one... it still only opens a little bit, and not exactly on the tips of my fingers, but I'm working on it. Today I also closed the filed Trainer with 2 fingers, with both hands I think, or was very close with the left. But even this gripper is still quite hard for my bottom two fingers. I actually took my Captains of Crush credit card to where my grippers are.. man, I had a hard time CCS'ing my #1. I didn't realize the darned CC was so wide, it's between 2-1/8" and 2-3/16" it seems. It's ridiculous, how far I have to open it to fit the CC in it. I thought I was using very wide sets, but they might be a little bit under CCS width, not that much though. Also, when I do my wide set closes, I set it a little and close it quickly... having to pause at that distance to stick the CC and get it out, kills the momentum, and then it's really hard to start closing the tip of my middle finger only, heh.

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MY BLOBS ARRIVED! Finally my 30 and 35lb have arrived, I bought them from Sean Dockery. I have never even seen York dumbells in my entire life, let alone any blobs! So I was very excited. It came in a great day, because last pinch session was 8 days ago and hands are ready for it.

I did some Windmills, and was pinching in between sets... but the windmills were like this:

30x10, 46x6, 60x6, 70x6 x3 sets. Only a dumbell in the overhead arm. This makes the ROM a bit bigger since I was lowering until the hanging arm had the palm completely touch the floor. Pretty tough, and too much warmup.

SO.... the Blobs!! My gosh, I'm still thrilled. I warmed up doing 2HP with my 2-25lb plates x10 reps, which felt so easy, I decided to actually try a 1HP on these.... but failed! (keep reading).

Anyways, I chalked up and picked the 30lb with both hands, and it wasn't that hard, but not easy. I tried the 35lb one, but it feels much wider. Keep in mind my hands are 7-1/4", I'm not saying this 35lb blob is too big for me, just saying it's a pretty noticeable difference.

I did many, many lifts on the 30lb blob. I didn't touch the 35lb for the rest of the day, just playing with the 30. I could do several consecutive reps each hand (before hands got sweaty, I did this at noon, and the windmills didn't help stay dry, I was very sweaty and must be at least 30*C) .... sometimes I'd do sets of right/left/right/left etc, for maybe 3-4 lifts each hand... I lifted it a lot, didn't have any plans for today, just many lifts.

THEN, after so many lifts, I said "just for fun, lets see how I do with those 2-25's....", I chalked up and tried them.. this plates (Sport Authority) are 80mm wide combined (not the thinnest, that's over 3 inches combined for you americans), and they felt very thin compared to the blob! And the flat surface actually felt like I had something to grip on!! LOL, that's an obvious effect of going from blob to plates!! THEY WENT UP!!! PR!!! .. I tried lefty and only got a couple of inches.... but I knew I could do it, so I went ahead and did 3 more singles each hand!!! It feels great to achieve a goal, even if it's not a huge one. It's still harder than the 30lb blob, though, but I reckon the 35lb blob is harder than these plates. So far, skin on my right thumb (where it usually tears a little bit) was perfect, and I was gonna end the session.. but I was ST*PID enough to think "lets see if I can still lift the 30 blob one more time".. and there, a little bit of skin tore. ARGH!!!! I should learn when to stop. After many many pulls and even the plate pinches, I should've called it a day, but I'm so stubborn...

Anyways, I loved setting the PR on the plates... but to be honest, the blob felt much better on the hands, maybe because it's edges are not too sharp and are easy on the hand. I'm gonna try and use them a lot, to see if Brookfield's "Blockweights = handstrength" quote is true!! So far it appears that way!!!

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Great job with the workouts!!! I would suggest you do Doc's suggested rep scheme/workout for blobs. He told me to do 5 reps on a near limit blob, 5 Negs with a blob you can't lift and 5 blob tosses with a lighter blob with each hand 2-3 times a week (he said he did it everyday which I suppose is also an option). This has worked well for me so far and if Doc says it works, it must as far as I'm concerned.

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