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Thanks for the good wishes guys.

It went pretty well with PRs in

Grippers Left: 2.81

Grippers Right: 3.5* (non customized Elite)

Pinch: 91.25kg (201#, first real 200# pinch in a comp for me).

I have lifted more in training but that was under better conditions.

It was cold in the hall and the humidity was high.

DU Bending: 6" x 5/16" CRS (calibrated 6% under a Red)

still not enough to beat Martin who improved massively in the 2-hand Pinch.

I only used two attempts in the bending since in the 2nd one sth blew up in my right index.

I heard it tearing but felt the bar moving so I kept going.

I probably could have bent the 6" Red or even the Huge Bastard.

Today the base knuckle is nicely swollen and is showing a lot of colors. :(

*not an euro-rated gripper but an Elite, we had to fill a gap since the 3.45 euro gripper (MM3 dud) was missing.

It felt more like the 3.38 Euro gripper.

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Congrats for you PRs, Franky!

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Fantastic results Franky!!! Great to hear about the wicked DU bending! Your grippers are really getting strong too, and of course the pinch is always great. Heal that finger, and then show me a video of the DU 6" Red. Course you might have to cut them down to get a good workout before too much longer.

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Awesome Strength Franky and a Great DU Bend!!! BTW no need to be concerned with me getting the Huge Shiny real soon. Failed again today. :blush

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Thanks buddies.

And indeed great news Mike! :D

Just kidding, you for sure have the strength to get the Huge Shiny.

Let Russell slap you next time before the attempt.

Today a gym session without any greater plan, just a system check.







Hmm, should have out-repped that last set but was so focussed on the 5 rep scheme that I forgot about it.

Shame about it. But it was enough to see that my DL is still ok.











During warmup I decided to go for a max test.

Bench felt good also.

+ Calfs

+ BB Rowing

Best news for sure are that my smashed index isn't a problem for the gym lifts.

Hardest part was to carry the plates around. :D

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:) glad to see you are basically ok.

strong competition pinch. particularly in those conditions, and impressive grippers.

now get that new DL PR!!!!!

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Thanks David.

Well I'm ok for standard lifts but not for grip stuff yet.

And yes, the a DL PR is more than overdue for me.

Short term goal is 8x180kg (based on common 1RM calculators to go over 220).

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Wow, bench and DL are looking good!

Yesterday I did 5x5x100kg in the DL. It felt ok and I was happy to be able to do that after nearly not being able to walk while the last three days because of back problems.

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Good that it wasn't a severe back injury.

I once walked the stairs up in my parents home and my back started to cramp up so that I couldn't go up further.

I somehow succeeded to go to the bath and took a hot bath.

I will do a small challenge with the swiss:

1. 50x80kg Power Clean on the Axle in 20 mins

2. 10x180kg AND 15x160kg AND 20x150kg DLs dead stopped.

For some days now I'm doing an additional abs exercize to get more stable on the back:

Going down in the pushup position but resting on my forearms (and not the hands) I try to keep that position as long as possible with a straight back and legs.

I'm doing that once in the morning and once in the evening.

Yesterday evening I did 3mins which already gave a great burn in the abs.

This morning I tried it with additional weight on the butt:

6kg x 90s :whacked


I saw that Heike is unusually weak in this exercize and regarding her frequent back problems I'm forcing

her to train the abs together with me.

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Did u try?

Today I got 3:30mins but its really a pain and its getting pure mental after 3 mins.

I received my new lifting belt today and ...

its too small (or I'm too fat). HAHAHAHAHAHA. :rock

Thanks David btw. :angry: (he already doubted that 'L' would fit ... )

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3:30 is now 3rd place hehe. I did 3:31 and I had one of the kids from school try it and he did 3:32 to beat me. It is a huge help to have a target to shoot for - that way you know how much longer you have to endure!

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That is somehow mean to start first. :D

Now I have to do it again. :flame

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your belt too small : :laugh :laugh

just tried your exercise: horrible, shear torture!!!! did 3 minutes and 37s. cramps, right now :whacked

and yes, having a goal makes a very big difference. could probably have held on a few more secs if I had had to.

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Thanks! :D

Nice time David!

In my latest sessions I always improved by 30s to have a hard new goal.

That prolly not possible in my next one. :erm

Hopefully I can make it today to the gym to do some Dls.

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Very small bench session up to

110kg x 3,3,2 at home. Felt weak.

Afterwards some crushdown training to give the Hadland guy some fire.

Tried to chest crush my hardest #4 and worked up to a triple on it. Not too hard.

Then I went for a prekinked Huge Shiny from 30°, well til 90° it was very easy then it got hard.

I came to about 120° then some isos at that point.

Afterwards an Edgin from about 70°, didn't feel much different than the Huge Shiny probably because I was already tired.

Got it to about the same angle and again some Isos.

Not bad for the 1. session.

Ok, my right hand feels like a mashed potato now, should have rested longer.

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Thanks for the Fire Franky :rock I am cursed and haunted by the Huge Shiny :fear and usually just do bouncing ISOs on the "F" word thing :blink:)

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Thanks guys.

Mike, oh yeah that Huge Shiny is humbling me too.


Next session I'll do a full bend attempt.

I just hope its a tad easier when not using an old prekinked bar.

But first I really should be able to make a fist again. :blink

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EZ Curls


York 45 by the face

Playing around with it on a matrass


Did 5 of those sessions

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where the dl a max effort deadstopped at 180?

not bad!

your core exercise made me sore in unusual ab places. will do it again, for sure!

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Actually it wasn't.

I didn't feel ok today but wanted to do at least sth for the back.

For the abs exercize:

If the time if getting to high you can place a 10kg plate on your butt.

Then 2 mins will be hard.

Just did that. :blink

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