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Will you increase again the weight in your next workout?

Not sure - my back hurts a lot today! :whacked If it's ok until Monday I'll increase, if not I won't do chins and other light back training (or light sumo DLs) and come back to the Dls in two weeks. But then I'll increase the weight for sure. If I don't get the 10 singles I'll do the remaining reps with 160kg.

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Will you increase again the weight in your next workout?

Not sure - my back hurts a lot today! :whacked If it's ok until Monday I'll increase, if not I won't do chins and other light back training (or light sumo DLs) and come back to the Dls in two weeks. But then I'll increase the weight for sure. If I don't get the 10 singles I'll do the remaining reps with 160kg.

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Thats a good one, but Kostanov's video is my favorite - the guy just seems like a cool dude.

Seems to me me You mean this dude here:

One interesting thing is that he lifted with a round back and the belt was very high around his torso!! Unbeliebable... :blink :blink :blink

Franky, I always think You'll hurt Your back when watching You deadlift heavy stuff - but it seems to me that some guys can stand this style - perhaps You are one of those freaky dudes!! In the meantime I read that lifting with a round back has the advantage that the upper body is shorter - so the leverage is better!

Edited by Burkhard Macht
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DU bending

Warmup with a 3kg sledge.

2x6mm nail

2xhard 60D

0 x 6" Red, OUCH :cry 9mm kink

0x300kg CB, no fuel left (~25° ?)

Wow, the 6" Red is still a LONG way to go for me ...

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I think Kostanov's and some others are deceptive on the way they round their back. Some of these guys are very good at keeping their lower back flat while rounding the upper back to the extreme.

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PS. The 9mm kink with the 6" Red was of course a PR, best sofar was 5mm.

Ben, I did cut 8 Reds and they are already in the package waiting for shipping.

Tomorrow is a national holiday so I'll send them on thursday to you.

Evening Session: Gym







+incline bench up to 3x90kg.


+leg press

+triceps work

Tomorrow my favourite day, grippers only, yippie!

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Crush Work

Grippers: CCS Work lefty and NS work righty

lefty hurt from the bending so it was a pain in the ...

succeeded very rarely on my #2 CCS

righty was painfree and ok but still not good enough

Here are the stillshots of my 4 attempts on my ez #3:

Hall of Blame

Finger Curls


Those felt good today. I think 10x90kg is a new PR.

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Some strapholds for a few sessions should do the trick for those last few mm's...

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PS. The 9mm kink with the 6" Red was of course a PR, best sofar was 5mm.

Ben, I did cut 8 Reds and they are already in the package waiting for shipping.

Great job on that 6" Red DU Franky! Even kinking it is big stuff. Looking forward to the cut Reds! My wrist is feeling better...did a Huge Hex a few days ago DO under a minute and it held up okay. Course I don't use much wrist in my bending but it's still involved isometrically, so DO is a good way to test a tweaked wrist.

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PS. The 9mm kink with the 6" Red was of course a PR, best sofar was 5mm.

Ben, I did cut 8 Reds and they are already in the package waiting for shipping.

Great job on that 6" Red DU Franky! Even kinking it is big stuff. Looking forward to the cut Reds! My wrist is feeling better...did a Huge Hex a few days ago DO under a minute and it held up okay. Course I don't use much wrist in my bending but it's still involved isometrically, so DO is a good way to test a tweaked wrist.

Thanks Ben!

I'm very glad your wrist is healing quickly.

Otherwise the race is no fun.

I still think you'll fly ahead of me in a VERY short time.

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0x95kg (~2" missing to the bar) 95kg


+ low rep sets with 52.5kg in gloves:


Hands were not in a good condition today.

Wrists and thumbs did hurt and both pinkies got numb after the 62.5kg warmup lift.

which indicates an ulnaris compression.

Not unusual for my lefty but very rare righty.

I guess the intensity of my training is to high currently.

2-hand plate wrist curls



Stopped the session here.

I won't to any grip til monday to get my hands back ...

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Gutted my way through some DU bending today. Wrist hurts and takes away some of the force I can exert, but I'm giving it all I can.


-Easy 60D Nail

-Hard 60D Nail

-6" Grade 8-U

*Notes: Only a 10 degree kink. These are mega hard G8s. Thanks to Dan Sweeney for these! To test my "theory" that they're very hard, I wrapped up the last "LE" brand G8 that Bob Lipinski gave me at the MGC. The LEs are super hard.

-6" Grade 8-LE

Notes: 61 degrees in 7 seconds. I am not crazy. The U-G8s are monsters plain and simple. The next bend proves that even more than this one.

-1/4"X7" FBBC Square

Notes: 68 degrees in 9 seconds. Really hurt on this one. I'll rest it again. Getting pissed having to work around it so much. Although I'm still able to pull 1" and 2" vbar at decent poundages still, so I don't understand that.

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Wow, being injured and melting a square that hurts (ME!!). :bow

Wheres the pain located?

Side of palm ring finger side?

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Thanks Franky! The pain is mostly in my extensors actually. I think I've got the same "stinger" that John Eaton had for a while. It's really more of a nagging mini injury that takes a bit away from everything. But it's still possible to work around it for now and I plan on continuing that.

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10/06/2007 Gym


Had a good day.









That was good enough to go up with the weight of the 5RM sets (112.5kg then).

+ 3x7x60kg (1 set, first 7 low reps, 2nd 7 high reps, 3rd 7 full reps).

+ incline bench

+ butterfly

+ tricpes work

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Wow - I had a super off day....

Grip was awfull and DL too:

2x105kg (felt terrible heavy)

6x1x140kg (tested different styles, incl. sumo - I made 1 rep with a middle wide food stand, failed on a rep with very wide foot stand and finally lifted 1 rep like Vince Anello - strange thing to do...)

I think the reason why I had such a bad day is that I have a beginning cold. But doing lifts under these conditions in different styles just for fun with a weight which was my max weight in January is not the worst thing!

Edited by Burkhard Macht
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10/09/2007 Gym

Have a cold since saturday.

Still, I forced myself to the gym today.










+DB incline bench

+ butterfly

Rested my hands the last 5 days and will continue the grip training tomorrow.

I expect some good results the next sessions.

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Got the package of 6" Reds, thanks Franky!


-5.5" Easy 60D Nail

-6" Grade 5

-6" Red

*Notes: Only got it to 10 degrees and fought for that little bit. Wrist was not cooperating and strangely my fingers hurt a lot-maybe from a bunch of pullups I did the night before.

-5" Grade 5

Later did some reverse bending so this morning my forearm is hurting a lot. Tylenol. Thanks again Franky! It's a great goal.

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we are damn close.

My last attempt was 12.5° (=9mm).

Looks we have some work to do... :D

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we are damn close.

My last attempt was 12.5° (=9mm).

Looks we have some work to do... :D

Very nice! I think the first time my forearm/wrist feels good I'll get it real close to 40. Sounds like you're almost there too.

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CCS work only


10xT (MMS)

5x#1 (MMS)

Training Lefty

1x#2 CCS

0xRB210 CCS

1x4xM P reps from CCS

1xfiled #2 CCS

Training Righty

1x#2.5 CCS

0x#3 CCS (1mm or less)

1x#3 CCS #3 CC close PR :rockStillShot

0xMM1 CCS :D

1x7x#2 CCS reps

1x3xRB210 P reps from CCS

After the final PR with the right I wasn't too motivated to do any further training, so I called it a day.

Edited by FrankyBoy
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Holy Moly!!! Congrats Franky! I told You.... :D

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