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Did some DLs yesterday: max weight for a few singles was only 160kg. For some reasons my lower back is pretty stiff and painful the last weeks. So I had to be satisfied with that. The 190-200kg seem to be out of reach for this year - but who knows?! I'll go on training for sure.

I tested a DO DL with 160kg and it was really easy - even after doing a really hard grip session after which I could not control all of my fingers anymore.

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Did some DLs yesterday: max weight for a few singles was only 160kg. For some reasons my lower back is pretty stiff and painful the last weeks. So I had to be satisfied with that. The 190-200kg seem to be out of reach for this year - but who knows?! I'll go on training for sure.

I tested a DO DL with 160kg and it was really easy - even after doing a really hard grip session after which I could not control all of my fingers anymore.

Burkhard, I would think that your grip is strong enough that DO grip would not lower your weights much if any. You probably can lift just about the same weight DO with an axel.

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Did some DLs yesterday: max weight for a few singles was only 160kg. For some reasons my lower back is pretty stiff and painful the last weeks. So I had to be satisfied with that. The 190-200kg seem to be out of reach for this year - but who knows?! I'll go on training for sure.

I tested a DO DL with 160kg and it was really easy - even after doing a really hard grip session after which I could not control all of my fingers anymore.

Burkhard, I would think that your grip is strong enough that DO grip would not lower your weights much if any. You probably can lift just about the same weight DO with an axel.

No, my max on the Axle is 147,5kg.

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Damn, that sucks Burki.

Do some gymastics for the back.

I do that regularily after each DL workout.


Its exactly THREE years that I started that log.


Happy birthday Challenge Log. :D

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Damn, that sucks Burki.

Do some gymastics for the back.

I do that regularily after each DL workout.


Its exactly THREE years that I started that log.


Happy birthday Challenge Log. :D

Yes, it sucks big time! I'll do even more gymnastics now - I've no other idea how to handle this. :mellow

Happy B-day beloved Challenge log! :rock

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Ok, heal up soon.

I had another go at the Huge Shiny.

This time a full bend attempt.

I HATE THESE BARS!!! :angry:

Again I was stopped at around 120°, I came only a little bit further compared to my last prekinked attempt.

Worked like 10-15 mins with the bar and gave up then.

@Mike, I ordered a Pro and a WC to improve my crush down. Be prepared ... :D

Whats your best attempt on the Huge so far?

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@Mike, I ordered a Pro and a WC to improve my crush down. Be prepared ...

Whats your best attempt on the Huge so far?

Hi Franky, Not sure of my best, but 3/8 is quite common :blush

I have actually finished one over a 2 week ISO workout with very thin wrapping :blink

I need to go back to the ISOs.

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I ordered a Pro and a WC to improve my crush down. Be prepared ... :D

Adding some grippers to the gripper collection is always good :rock

Edited by Florian Kellersmann
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Erm yes, I also ordered some new #3s to play with. :blush

Seems liks I'm having a fetish lately since I also ordered a climber curl device from Chris.

Well, soon its Christmas and I need some nice gifts for me. :D

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... a climber curl device ...

What is this exactly?

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Its a device to train the wrists which I tried at Chris home last year.

If I have it I'll show you.

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3rd session of my 'comeback'.

0xHuge Shiny, barely kinked it

0xEdgin, no move from 60° prekink

1x5.5" Red, was a long and tough fight to come over the sticking point. Afterwards I nearly failed in finishing it off.

Very weak, worked today and had no lunch.

Hopefully that explains it a bit.

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4x#4 Crush Down

Afterwars some benching

90kg x 5,6,7,8

York 45 by the face attempts:

Best one

Then some Isos with a Huge Shiny after the 90° mark.

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Good stuff Franky! Can You already lift it in the normal way - I remember the 45# was very slick! :ohmy

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Thanks, actually I tried it yesterday but it didn't budge.

Stupid Blob. :D

Today an unplanned gym session

I got a call by a former training partner and decided to train with him.


Careful session, hips aren't ok.

I also tweaked my back during the warmup with 140(!) kg.

Did some gymnastics afterwards and tried to continue:




Not easy since I trained already yesterday and was a bit sore








+ leg presses

+ machine biceps curls

+ lat pull downs

+ abs exercize

all in all not bad.

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I tried it yesterday but it didn't budge.
hips aren't ok.
I also tweaked my back during the warmup with 140(!) kg.
Not easy
was a bit sore
all in all not bad.

:D :D I love Franky's idea of a good workout!!!

That being said, 3*190 is impressive in this state!!

Edited by the swiss
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Hmm, there might be a state between 'not bad' and 'good'. :D

Next DL session I'll do some deadstopped reps.

The weight will be either 192.5 or 180.

Weather is going to be a bit better here so I soon might be able to go for the 50 x 80kg power cleans on the axle also.

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Gym Session

Wow, I'm so sore.

Did another bench session but focussed on more reps.

Went up to 15x80kg. HARD.

Then the killer event.

I challenged a friend of mine who formerly worked in that gym as a trainer.

We did that special abs exercize (pushup position but on the forearms).

To make it harder we did that exercize with additional weight on the butt:

1. set with 10kg

2. set with 15kg

1. Set: I came to 2:15min, not bad, but he did some awesome 3:37. :blink

2. Set: Me 1:30, he 2:00min :(

Thats sooo painful, nice! :happy

+ rear shoulders

+ leg biceps

+ calfs

+ biceps + triceps

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wow! was he on his knees or what ??!?

2.15 with the 10kg plate is really good also. I tried it once last week, did less than 2 minutes. will go for it again.

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Sounds like a nice after comp event for the SGC, eh? :D

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Grippers, full CC reps














1xreg. RB210






My lefty is extremly weak in wide setting with grippers.

Theres almost no coordination doing a CC attempt.

Maybe the CC-training will overcome that weakness a bit.

Goal is the #2.5 lefty.

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Bench, 4th session in 6 says

90kg x 12,12,10

50kg x 20

+ biceps curls, machine (5x10)

+ lat pulldowns (5x10)

+ deep leg presses

+ wrist curls, only with 25kg

+ abs exercize (static hold), did it in a small group of five guys, again with Stefan who came to 6:15min :whacked

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90kg x 15

100kg x 7,6,7,6

6 x 50,60,70,80,90kg

+ machine curls 5x12

+ deep leg presses

+ triceps pushdowns

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