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What were u guys doing with the kegs? Were they filled with something?


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What were u guys doing with the kegs? Were they filled with something?


over head press. they were filled with chopped metal something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so, between mgc, cgc and a small injury in between, it's been a while. that all changes tonight. the plan I have come up with is based on some westside ideas. I always try to mix things up. but, when I do that too much I find it hard to keep track of progress. so, I have made a list of 4-5 main exercises for my wrist and pinch days. I'll pick one and hit it 2 weeks in a row and then move on. the accessory work will change less often but, frequently. so, I'll set up a chart in the basement so that when an exercise rolls around again I can see where I was at and if I made progress. hopefully that will help push my lifts up enough to make the top 20 on the 2hp pinch list.

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terrible night. I don't know if my hands are still rough from cgc or if it's from working 12 hours on mon, tues, wed. whatever I couldn't get anything going. I did some light hammer levers and some light pinching. my helps felt like they never got warmed up and I quit before I hurt something.

tonight is deadlift and grippers. hopefully that will go better.

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face levers 3x3 12# hammer. this all I could manage and I could barely manage that. I guess all the axle work and plate curls in the gym took a toll.

nose taps 3x5 6#

front levers 3x5 6#

rotations with choked 6# 3x10.

some front holds.

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2hp backloaded. 140+30 5x1

5x1 75# plate

thin pinch 3x10 95#

ttk key pinch taps. a number of sets

around the world with 20# blob. hands were getting crampy and tired but, mostly I was bored.

this was the first pinching in forever. I have a blood blister on my thumb that had to be cut open and it's still healing up.

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climber curls 35# 20/15/15

eaton style 35# 20/20/15

seated front levers 5# 10/10/8

8# face levers x3,alt hands to fail.

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thin pinch 5x5 115#

45# hub 5x1

45# block weight 5x1

25# blob hula until fail. all done back to back. went really quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...


finally bought a new 10# hammer. did 5x5 with that while it threatened to rain. then went inside and did a bunch of front levers and lifts. nothing too exciting. been getting rough up a little by my schedule lately. it's made it hard to train.

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pinch with chains. 180#+chain 5x1

35# wide shallow hub 5x1

45# wide shallow york 3x1

75# thin pinch holds to fail

2 sets of block weight hula to fail 35# block.

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fast workout. it only took about 40 minutes

2" vbar. worked up to 240#. this is actually the first time I have used it since I won it at MGC. pathetic. I really need to get back into the groove with this stuff.

then I did 3 sets of 4 with 205#. had to reset after 2 pulls. I think I could have done more reps if I kept resetting every or every other pull. something to think about moving forward. it seems like either the 1" or 2 " might be making a comeback in grip. the 2" I'm all for, the 1" is bs. and the 2" lift rule is garbage. FULL LOCK OUT.

thumbless 2" crusher. I used 140# for 3x4-5. I was thinking this would be a wrist exercise but, it really feels like a finger exercise. maybe that's because the crusher is so smooth that it applies the stress to the fingers vs wrist. I have been meaning to make a chris rice style wrist roller deadlift for a while. I need to get to that soon. I think that lift would be a big help overall and specifically for inch/big dumbell lifts.

front levers 5# 4x5. need to up the reps next time

reverse wrist curls with empty axle. 3x20

behind back wrist curls with empty axle 3x50

the first 2 sets of reg wrist curls were almost super setted with the reverse and it was insane. then I had to run upstairs for a minute. the last set was easy. need to add a little weight next time.

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june 14 2010

2" vabr up to 245#. got 245 but not to lock out. left hand seems to come up better than right. I don't know if that's because it's fresher or something else. right hand just seemed to take longer to warm up.

2hp up to 190. 195 came up half way. I was really bothered by this. I don't know if it's down from the vbar or lack of training.

thin pinch 115# 3x5. these I really feel in the fingers.

20#/25# blob hula with gloves. I should have used the 25# to start. I also need to get different gloves. these have a big seem on the thumb that will be giving me a blister in no time.

I think that I'm going to go back to adding some pinch into my gym work. not sure how I plan to do that yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Loooooooooooooooooooooooong time since I had a grip specific workout. very happy with the results

2hp. up to 200#. I'd have to scroll through my online stuff but, according to my paper records that's my PR. 205 didn't budge though.

2" v-bar 260#. very happy with that.

thin pinch 75# 5x1 holds to fail

block hula 30#. 3 sets to fail.

some indian club work afterwards. I keep planning to get back to hitting grip hard. maybe this will jolt me onward. and I plan to do the indian club work every grip workout for the shoulder health and fun of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Brent, I saw that you did the Thrower's Anonymous Highland Games on the 24th. How did you do overall? I saw your Open Stone results right above mine on the NASGA rankings and figured you threw a heavier stone but they listed it near mine (mine was only 17lbs though).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Edit: I found the results on NASGAWEB. Good results Brent!

thanks. I have to be pretty happy since I haven't thrown since early 08 except for a couple of games. not sure what the deal is but, lately I don't seem to have time for anything.

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I hear you Brent its hard to keep the boat afloat myself sometime.


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  • 2 weeks later...


did some indian club work and levering. hit a bunch of front levers and face levers with some rotations at the end. I think that with just a couple of workouts I could be very close to where I was. it seems like it's more about technical details than strength.

I also that it's been over a month since I did a grip specific workout. nuts.

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despite telling jedd I wouldn't do any wrist roller...

3 sets at 50# 3 sets @ 60#. I needed a real roller, mine sucks hard.

a bunch of high rep front levers 4-6 sets of 10.

rear levers, 4 sets of 10

wrist rotations 3 sets of 10.

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worked up to a single at 190#. had to quit since my right wrist was tweaked from front levers the day before.

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How are you finding the club work?

I think it's made a big difference in my shoulder health. I used to have a lot of discomfort in my right shoulder. not really in the gym or on the field but, day to day. it's really cleared up hitting the clubs once a week or so. and, for the longest time I wasn't doing anything but the simplest motions(rotations, casts, ans the macebell thing where you push over one shoulder and bring it back over the other). and, I just have wiffle bats filled with rice, nothing fancy. they don't really take much time, I just do them between sets or when I'm in the yard doing work. I really think highly of them.

just this last week or so I finally started to be able to do mills. and, I've noticed that I have a lot more endurance with the clubs than I did when I started. basically I screw around with them and have fun. and my shoulders have never felt better.

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I made a set out of pipe that I could put plate on. Used them a few times but at the time I think I got to many new toys so they didn't manage to get used much. I'm thinking about getting them going again. I've got the home gym all packed up and only am keeping a few smaller items out to play with and I'm thinking they might have to be in the mix.

Thanks for the opinion and good luck at the nationals.

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Wondering if you think this year at GGC will be the year you take John Eaton down, or will he have the last laugh once again?

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Wondering if you think this year at GGC will be the year you take John Eaton down, or will he have the last laugh once again?

If nothing else - John always comes in very well rested.

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