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2 5 10 sat

climber curl 3x10 50#

eaton style 60# 3x10

front levers to AW table 3x6 6# alt hands. these were easy, need to really ramp up the reps.

wrist ext on axle 35#. 3x20

did a bunch of light weight side pressure work between sets. I haven't done anything like that in forever.

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feb 9 10

2hp 5x1 175#

2hp 5x5 140#

gloved ttk key holds to fail 12.5 alternated with regular holds to fail 12.5. after several of these I switched to 10#. my thumbs are sore today. I would still like a better finisher move for the thumb. the ttk is too easy to cheat on.

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feb 9 10

2hp 5x1 175#

2hp 5x5 140#

gloved ttk key holds to fail 12.5 alternated with regular holds to fail 12.5. after several of these I switched to 10#. my thumbs are sore today. I would still like a better finisher move for the thumb. the ttk is too easy to cheat on.

Nice pinching! One thing I do with the ttk is lift the squeezed end up about 1/2" to ensure I'm not pushing down on it.

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feb 9 10

2hp 5x1 175#

2hp 5x5 140#

gloved ttk key holds to fail 12.5 alternated with regular holds to fail 12.5. after several of these I switched to 10#. my thumbs are sore today. I would still like a better finisher move for the thumb. the ttk is too easy to cheat on.

Nice pinching! One thing I do with the ttk is lift the squeezed end up about 1/2" to ensure I'm not pushing down on it.

you mean hold the whole end of the device off the table? that is a good idea.

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I would still like a better finisher move for the thumb. the ttk is too easy to cheat on.

I noticed the TTK seems to hit my thumbs better if I "choke" it to parallel first. I put a block under the weight side

to get the upper arm parallel to the bottom one. Lets me focus on pinching in the range of motion that actually matters, and with heavier weight.

Doing two hands at the same time seems to eliminate a lot of cheat, too.

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I would still like a better finisher move for the thumb. the ttk is too easy to cheat on.

I noticed the TTK seems to hit my thumbs better if I "choke" it to parallel first. I put a block under the weight side

to get the upper arm parallel to the bottom one. Lets me focus on pinching in the range of motion that actually matters, and with heavier weight.

Doing two hands at the same time seems to eliminate a lot of cheat, too.

I'll try that as well. I have to say this though. I was doing somthing in the basement and I walked by the ttk. it had 10 pounds on it. I closed it and then lifted it off the table. as I lifted it my hand just came open. I think the lifting it slightly makes a world of difference. it was like trying to close a gripper with your wrist cocked.

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2 14 10

2hp 175# 5x1

1hp 80# 5x1

thick 2hp 110# 5x5. didn't manage to finish the last set.

ttk with elevated end 7.5# 3 different holds to fail. ket, thumb and pinky , thumb and index. need to play around with this a little more.

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played with 1" v-bar and could not get the feel. think I worked up to 275? around there.

seated face levers 5x5 8# hammer. will use more weight next time.

ballistic front levers 5x2 8# hammer.

florr levers 3x3 10# hammer. ok

rotations 3x20 choked 5# club.

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feb 17 10

1hp 5x1 85#. when I get to 100# I'll start trying my 2x45. this has been improving steadily. these were easy tonight except that the skin on my hands is ragged from the weather and the last pinch workout.

block weight 5x1 50# left, 55# right. had to warm up the left a lot more than normal to get the finger to stop hurting. it was fine in the end.

front levers to AW table. 3x2 choked 8#.

thick 2hp 5x5 110#. these were brutal tonight. the skin was messed up nad my hands were stiff feeling when I went back to wide after the hammers.

finger walking a 6# hammer. 2 sets, full handle. need to do these more. will work up to 5ish sets and then the next hammer.

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feb 20 10

started my grip work when I heard a smash. some ice fell of my neighbors house and went through our dining room window. so, got distracted by cleaning that up and sealing the window.

1"v-bar up to 280

feb 21 10

climber curls 3x8 60#

eaton style 3x10 60#

front levers to table. 3x5 alt hands, choked 8#.

axle wrist ext 3x20 30#

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2hp 180# 5x1

1hp 80# 5x1. a little bit hard from the 2hp.

thick 2hp 110# 5x5. these take a bit of time from set to set. otherwise they were a bit hard on my thumb.

ttk holds with 10#. lots of these.

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2 24 10

v-bar up to 265 for 2x1. I thought I could add some v-bar in at the beginning of my wrist workouts and be good. but, I am pulling no where near what I have at comps or get to gethers. I think I might have to start doing my other work in between vbar sets so that my heavier weights come much later after everything is warmed up more.

face levers 5x5 10#. I have a fiberglass handled 10#. it has a thinner handle and hurts like hell.

ballistic front levers 5x2 8#. still not sure about these used in this way. I think they work okay as a finisher but, not sure about a main exercise.

called it quits after this since I have a highland games on saturday and I wanted my hands to be not beat up.

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march 1 10

1hp 5x1 85#. these were hard tonight. the skin on my finger tips has not been recovery lately and I felt it tonight.

block weight 5x1 50# left, 55# right. had to warm up the left a lot more than normal to get the finger to stop hurting. it was fine in the end. same as last time. I keep thinking that the left finger is okay and it pulls this kind of crap.

front levers to AW table. 3x2 choked 8#.

thick 2hp 5x5 110#. next time more weight.

finger walking a 6# hammer. 4 sets. i tried one with the 8 and it was okay until I got to the part of the handle with no tape. then it got really rough.

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had to cut things short since company came over for dinner.

1" v-bar was basically supersetted with climber curl work. 5x1 265#

climber curl 3x10 60#

eaton style 3x10 60# all of the curl work was hard tonight. I don't know what from but I had a very hard time with both styles. also, dropping the CC and going to the v-bar was not working. I had to take a minute before I could pull. next time I might do my warm ups while I do the curls and do the work sets after. I'm still not happy with what I'm pulling on this at all.

front levers 3x5 8# hammer choked up. the third set was a 6# hammer.

considering how rushed thing were I think I got a lot done. tongiht I'll do some rehab type work and take it easy for nick's on saturday.

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2hp 185# 5x1

1hp 85# 5x1

thick 2hp 120# 5x5

played with new block weight/plate. 75# standard with no marks except the "75". smooth on both sides. very slick.

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got 3 closes on Jedd's 162# elite at the gym today while benching. Once I manage to get 5 reps in a gym session I plan to sign up for the mm1.


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got 3 closes on Jedd's 162# elite at the gym today while benching. Once I manage to get 5 reps in a gym session I plan to sign up for the mm1.


Great work Brent! That sounds like a good plan for the MM1.
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got 3 closes on Jedd's 162# elite at the gym today while benching. Once I manage to get 5 reps in a gym session I plan to sign up for the mm1.


Those are some great closes! It's yours for the taking!

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Nice gripper work buddy! BTW your boy Adis tore it up at the Arnold and got a W on Tom Taylor despite being outweighed by what looked like at least 70#.

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Nice gripper work buddy! BTW your boy Adis tore it up at the Arnold and got a W on Tom Taylor despite being outweighed by what looked like at least 70#.

I haven't seen adis in a while. I have to imagine that training with shrug(who is well over 300#) has made a huge difference for him. I have a comp at the end of the month but, I think I might take a pass. with everything I do and now school I think I have to cut something out and I think AW might be it. maybe not though. right now I have 2 huge house projects and a class that isn't going well. I might fell differently in a bit.

regarding grippers: this was my bench test night after the last couple of months of 531. I had a 40# gain in 3 months to 315#. this is a 10# lifetime PR. I hit the 305 at a 20# heavier body weight as well. and I was so hungry when I got to the gym that my stomach was cramping up. so, I was super happy with the bench and the grippers. I feel crappy today though. I drank so much water trying to fill my stomach that I must have peed 12 times through the night. oh well, I can sleep later.

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face levers 5x5 9#. these were really solid. I think Icould have managed 10# but, I'm really noticing a lot more gain from control vs weight with these.

1" v-bar 275# 5x1. all were full pulls.

ballistic front levers 5x2 8# hammer. I have a hard time getting the feel for these but, tonight I had it. the tops of my wrists feel sore.

floor levers 3x3 8#. this was too light or too low volume. will change.

club rotations choked up a little 3x20.

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Strong stuff! I haven't given those ballistic front levers a go yet, are you seeing good results from them?

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Strong stuff! I haven't given those ballistic front levers a go yet, are you seeing good results from them?

yes and no. I have a hard time getting the feel for them. sometimes it feels like they hit my wrist super hard, other times it doesn't feel like anything. I think you need to figure out where your sweet spot is to start fighting the fall. I have used them as a finisher after heavy front lever work and they seemed to work better then. maybe because I was using the muscle already and had a feel for it?

I was actually thinking tonight that I might take my empty handle and hang the weight off the end by a band and start a wobble and just hold it to failure. maybe do just a slight lifting motion to keep the weight bouncing.

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Interesting thought. I put one of my RT handles on a low cable tonight and did sets with it similar to dumbell rows. My thumbs are fried!

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