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Kettlebells, Kettlebells, Kettlebells, Kettlebells

Scott Styles

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Went to bend today, there was nothing in the tank. I failed on my first easy 60d. My right knee is also quite tender. To me, these are signs I'm not adequetly attending to my recovery. No workout tonight, not sure what I'm doing the next couple of days. May start my planned downtime early.

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11-16-2006 - Week 3 Rehabed - Shoulder Isolation #5

I've realized the left foot is strained by the planks. It actually feels pretty good now that I've rested for several days. The knee is feeling decent as well. Hands are still a little tired. I may actually get to do kettlbells as planned tomorrow. Today, I did one of my 2 most important workouts of the week:


Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

First Rib: 3x30s

These felt great. Decided since they loosen the shoulder and improve my ROM, they should be done before the strength exercises. It worked.

Standing External Shoulder Rotation: 3x10/10xBlack Band

Uni-lateral Prone Inclined Y's: 6/6x5lbs, 5/5x5lbs 8/8x3lbs

Uni-lateral Prone T's: 10/10x5lbs, 8/8x5lbs, 10/10x3lbs

5lber work is still a little sloppy but getting better. I'll be here for awhile. Shoulder joint didn't hurt as much doing these having stretched first.

Overall this felt pretty good, but it's late and I'm tired. Bought the wife a Sandisk Sansa mp3 player that integrates with Rhapsody to Go. I've got an engineering degree in Computer Science and it took me 4 hours to get that thing to sync properly with their service. Buyer beware!

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Gonna take the next 10 days off and rest up. I'll do nothing but walking and stretching. If the foot and knee don't feel better, I'll need to revise my training approach.

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That's a lot of days off. Stinks!

But if it's for a good cause, it's ok... hope you feel better afterwards!!

I would follow your log more often, but I don't have kettlebells and I know nothing about them. Maybe someday... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

11-16-2006 - Week 5 Rehabed - Grip Work #5

Back at it after my time off. Went to CA, so working out wasn't really an option.

DU Bending

2xTimber Ties

4xEasy 60ds PR

2.5" Dumbell

Played around with it at 75lbs and then 85lbs. Got a clean lift righty, slightly assisted lift lefty. Did some holds and negatives.

Finger Extensions






Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

First Rib: 60s

Overall, a nice workout back. Going to be a little more flexible in the workouts doing what I think is good for each day.

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Workout in the last post was from 11-27-2006

11-28-2006 - Week 5 Rehabed - Kettlebells in the Apartment #5

Right knee is not hurting any more and the foot was only a little tired, so I decided to give this a shot with the 20k.


Deadlift: 1x10x20k

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x20k

One Arm Swings 2x5/5x20k

One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx20k

Turkish Getup: 1x3/3x3lbs

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 4x1x20k

Box Squat: 10xBW to handle of 20k kettlebell

Squat: 2x5x20k

Calf Raises: 3x15xBW+3lbs

Decided I'm done doing the planks and pushups the physical therapist gave me for now. I think the turkish get ups coupled with the rehab exercises will be as good or better. This should also let my foot heal better. TGU's were tougher, but I was able to keep my right shoulder in the proper position the entire time, I believe. Switched to regular one arm cleans with the heavier bell. Need to re-learn how to do them smoothly. I wasn't keeping enough tension in my whole body.


Soft Tissue Work on Feetx60s



Low Back





Posterior Shoulder Capsule

First Rib

Forgot to do the pec minor stretch.

Overall a decent workout. Sadly, my quads and hamstrings were a little sore from playing with the thick dumbell yesterday. Given it's only 85lbs, that's a problem. I think it was a sign I needed to up the kettlebell weight. Shoulder feels pretty good considering it was a 25% increase in weight. Will build up to full reps through the end of the year.

Ordered a couple books and DVDs yesterday. The guy that wrote Starting Strength has pre-orders for his next book out. I liked the first one, so I got that. Also ordered 2 mobility DVDs and a manual off of T-nation. One of them is all about the upper body and focuses on balance around the muscles of the shoulder and scapula. Given my current needs, I was able to justify the $115 price for the whole set. I'm usually not willing to spend that much, especially not with a company that sells so many supplements, so I sure hope they don't let me down with some poor quality crap. After the problems with my shoulder and foot, the ability to move my joints comfortably through their full range of motion is beginning to become something I view as a high priority.

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I'd orignally intended to do the shoulder rehab stuff tonight, but I'm pretty sore. Looks like the day after kettlebells will be my rest day by default. Ouch.

Got the order from T-nation today, just 2 days after I placed. Excellent shipping speed. Just looked through the manual so far, this stuff looks good. Need to get a foam roller to do good bits of it, but I'm excited.

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How is your shoulder rehab going?

I looked over your posts and have a couple kb exercises that have helped my shoulder that i injured years ago wrestling and football.You probably know of these exercises since your working with KB's.

Here's what i do a 2-3 times a week.KB arm bars 3 sets each side,halos 10 each way for 3 sets,around the body passes 10 each way for 3 sets,one arm overhead kb walking 300ft each arm,then i to TGU's 10 each side varouis weight.For me personally my shoulder feels pretty good after this little routine.Maybe something here will help you.I know all injuries vary from person to person.This helped me enough to pass the Sept.2006 RKC certification even with my shoulder not being up to par.

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The shoulder rehab has stagnated or possibly even regressed over the past two weeks. Going to CA for 10 days resulted in me missing the workouts as well as the stretching. The beds on Amtrak and at the hotel were not favorable to it either. I finally got a rehab workout in today and things are already feeling better. I don't plan to be out of town again for a long time, so I expect to consistently hit the exercises from here on out.

I hope to ultimately progress on to the full range of kettlebell exercises that promote shoulder stability. I'm not ready yet, though. Currently, I'm focused on working the Turkish Get Ups back in and have started with 3lbs. The challenge is in moving the weight with the proper positioning of my scapula. It's mentally taxing as much as it is physically taxing. Obviously the act of simply holding 3lbs straight out isn't hard if I cheat.

I have choosen to modify the program the physical therapist gave me somewhat. He wanted my compound days focused on pushups, front planks, and side planks. I feel those exercises have been doing more harm than good and have dropped all of them. I think enthusiasim over improvement on my part resulted in us rushing into the compound exercises too soon.

Instead I'm working in the Turkish Get Ups as stated above. I'm also going to begin focusing on the mobility of my thoracic spine and have started stretching my pec minor each day. The mobility work is stuff I was doing with the first therapist that was done much less once I started with the second one. I'll probably start bringing in exercises focused on scapular protraction as well, once I've become comfortable with the current changes. Much of this is taken from the Inside-Out mobility course I got off of T-nation.

It looks like my wife is going to be visiting the same therapist to address a knee problem starting next week, so I'll probably also get a chance to pick the therapist's brain when she sees him. At least initially, I'll be going with. I find the rehab process pretty interesting and will shadow the sessions I can make time to attend. My support doesn't hurt to score a few points with the wife either. If this guy fixes her problem too, I'm gonna have to get him a present.

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11-30-2006 - Week 5 Rehabed - Shoulder Isolation #6

About time I got one of these in. I had to drop my weights back, but stuck with the plan to stretch first.


Pec Minor: 3x20s

First Rib: 120s

Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

This felt good and helped loosen things up. The pec minor stretch seemed especially worthwhile. I didn't have the same feeling of release during the first rib stretch as I was getting before I went on vacation. I do not know if it is because I've been stretching every day, or if it is because something else tightened up over vacation that is preventing my from stretching it properly.

Shoulder Isolation

Standing External Shoulder Rotation: 3x10/10xBlack Band

Uni-lateral Prone Inclined Y's: 10/10x3lbs, 2x8/8x3lbs

Uni-lateral Prone T's: 3x10/10x3lbs

The external rotation didn't feel great today. I think it's because other things have regressed. The Y's felt excellent. I had to drop the weight down, but I could feel the lower trap area getting hit hard. The T's went pretty well, but I had to keep refocusing on shoulder position for the right side. I definitely set myself back not doing the isolation stuff over the vacation.

Overall, I'm really glad I made time for this workout. It is boring so I have a hard time making myself do it, but it more than pays for itself in terms of pain reduction and comfort of my shoulder. It feels great now.

Unrelated to the shoulder, I'm planning to watch my two mobility DVDs over the weekend, and then start figuring out how I will work mobility work into my training. Currently my obvious solution is to modify the shoulder isolation workout to include a bit more activity, then add mobility work for the rest of my body on the rest days. It should only require a minor investment in foam roller, a medicine ball, and maybe some sort of balance or wobble board.

I also got about 200 pieces of 6"x3/16" steel for $10 today. I had to cut it myself, but it will be good for analyzing my bending form.

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12-01-2006 - Week 5 Rehabed - Grip Work #6

Didn't eat enough today and felt kinda tired. Regardless, my hands were beat up from the kettlebells and grip work earlier this week.


DU: 1x3/16" round, 2xTimber Ties, Fail Easy 60d

Reverse: Easy 60d

Palms Down: 6x3/16" round, Fail Timber Tie

Palms Up: 1x3/16" round

DO / Whatever: 1x6" 3/16" round (2 bends), 1x3/16" round (single wrap)

Started out planning to do DU and failed on the easy 60d. Guess I wasn't ready to bend yet. I blame the kettlebells. Wanted to screw around with Palms Down / Slim style bending, so I did. Not extremely stressful at this level, but interesting. I can't decide if it's a good way to get stronger or just a feat of hand strength. Seems like the thumbs are the weak point for me at the moment.


BH: Trainer, #1, BBSA

RH: Easy #2, Miss Hard #2 (1/8")

LH: Miss Easy #2 (3/16"), Miss Master (1/16")

I'm close to my best on the grippers and haven't touched them in a month or so. Funny how that works. I bet if I'd done these before bending, I'm even better than this.

That's it for now. Gonna stretch a bit before bed. Hope once I adjust to the 20k kettlebell I can fit my 2 bending workouts in every 8 days.

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12-02-2006 - Week 5 Rehabed - Kettlebells in the Apartment #6

Still a little sore this morning, so I made a point to take a nap this afternoon before the workout. I also ate very well over the last 24 hours. The two seemed to help.


Deadlift: 1x10x20k

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x20k

One Arm Swings 2x6/6x20k

One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx20k

Turkish Getup: 1x3/3x5lbs

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 2x2x20k, 1x1x20k

Box Squat: 10xBW to bell of 20k kettlebell

Squat: 2x5x20k

Calf Raises (Weight Overhead): 3x15xBW+5lbs

This workout is a lot more pleasant without the planks and pushups. Notes:

1. Added a rep to the one armed swings, stay here next time

2. Cleans are sloppy and beating up my forearm. I think I'm throwing the weight too hard because of the time spent doing bottoms up cleans.

3. My right knee was bugging me on the turkish getups, but in a different way than before. It needs regular stretching, and I think there is something tight in my hips that is contributing to the problem.

4. I'm approaching PR territory on the bottoms up presses, happy about that

5. Grip was a little tough due to sweat on the handle. Dropped the kb about 6" onto the stall matt at one point. From all the banging my downstairs neighbor did, you'd think I dropped 200lbs. Good thing I have the matt.

6. I don't expect to be as sore tomorrow. I knew jumping to the 20k after a 12 day lay off was going to leave me sore, but I also knew it'd only be one workout. Let's hope I'm right.


Soft Tissue Work on Feetx60s



Low Back




Posterior Shoulder Capsule

First Rib

Pec Minor

Very relaxing to stretch out. I'm always happy when I make the time to do it.

Overall a decent workout. I'm a little annoyed my right knee is bothering me, but given the problems I had with my left foot, it's not suprising. I'd hoped to go buy new shoes today to help this, but between the cold and ice, I decided against it. Shoe shopping requires me to take the train to the mall and walk around 2 miles outside. Yuck.

The mobility DVDs I got seem to have very good information in them. I'll finish watching the 2nd one tomorrow, then start devising a plan to include mobility work. It's an area I've never put a lot of effort into understanding or doing, so I am hoping for a big pay off. As much as I hate paying so much for DVDs, I think it will probably turn out to be worthwhile.

I've put a little more effort into my nutrition over the last day or so. For awhile now I've just been buying the same few foods over and over from the grocery store, complaining it all sucks, and then going out to eat. Last night I revised my shopping list to include a lot of foods I used to eat that I stopped buying for some reason. For the first time in a long time I'm excited for the grocery delivery tomorrow. I also created organized lists on Peapod that I hope will help me to keep the variety in my diet high.

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12-04-2006 - Week 6 Rehabed - Shoulder Isolation #7

The most important workout I do. Made sure to get it in.


Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

First Rib: 1x30s, 1x90s

Did the posterior shoulder capsule at the start of the workout, first rib at the end. Felt a ton of stuff loosening up in my neck during the first rib stretch. Felt really good. No pec minor stretch today, forgot about it and don't feel like doing it now. Should do it right before the posterior shoulder capsule stretch I think.

Shoulder Isolation

Lying External Shoulder Rotation: 1x10/10x5lbs, 2x10/10x8lbs

Prone Inclined Y's: 2x12x3lbs (bilateral), 1x12/12x3lbs (unilateral)

Prone T's: 2x10/10x5lbs (unilateral), 1x10x5lbs (bilateral)

Opted not to use the exercise band for the external rotations today. Mixed up the unilateral and bilateral Y's and T's. Just trying to keep it interesting. The T's with bad form bother my shoulder, with good form make it feel nice. Gotta be careful as I was getting sloppy. Looks as though I'm getting back to where I was pre-vacation.

Looked at my shoulder manual from T-nation a bit, the stuff I really want to do starts with foam roller work. The rollers I ordered should be here later this week. I'm not really sore at all from the last kettlebell workout, nice change of pace. Got a box of timber ties this weekend, unfortunately they seem to be closer to the easy 60ds in toughness than the old timber ties I have. Guess I'll need to use the 3/16" steel to warm up. Also got some 3/8" aluminum that I'm looking forward to trying tomorrow.

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12-05-2006 - Week 6 Rehabed - Grip Work #7

Shoulder felt really good today after doing the rehab yesterday. Foam rollers shipped today as well. I've been getting enough sleep and eating pretty good, was looking forward to this one.


Reverse: Aluminum - 7"x3/8" PR

DU: 2x6"x3/16" round; 2xEasy 60d; FailxHard Timber Tie

The aluminum is a PR bend for me, in that I tried 3/8" aluminum almost 2 years ago shortly before I quit bending (yeah right!) and failed. No idea how it compares to my hard 60ds though. Definitely harder than a grade 2 bolt.

Turns out the timber ties I got are harder than the easy 60ds. Crazy, cause it's the same brand of nail bought from the same store. No idea why the variation is so great. The old timber ties I could do all day, these are at the same level as a grade 2 bolt. Either way, the DU work is definitely bringing my reverse bending along.

2.5" Dumbell

Played around with it at 85lbs. Got one full deadlift righty, then did some assisted lifts with a finger press for each hand. Just doing something in addition to bending for the rest of the hand.

Finger Extensions with IM Bands




1x5xBlue (Partials)

Did 'em.

Overall a good workout. Very happy about the 3/8" aluminum bend. Going to do nothing heavier than the easy 60ds the next 3 grip workouts. Need to be sure I get to bed on time tonight so I am well rested for kettlebells tomorrow. I want a PR on the bottoms up presses.

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12-06-2006 - Week 6 Rehabed - Kettlebells in the Apartment #7


Deadlift: 1x10x20k

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x20k

One Arm Swings 2x6/6x20k

One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx20k

Turkish Getup: 1x3/3x8lbs

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 3x2x20k

Box Squat: 10xBW to bell of 20k kettlebell

Squat: 2x5x20k

Calf Raises (Weight Overhead): 3x15xBW+8lbs

Not much to say. Did an extra rep overall on the bottoms up presses. Will keep one armed swings and turkish getups at same weight next workout. Still need to smooth out my form on the cleans. Probably ought to watch Cotter do them again on his DVD.


Soft Tissue Work on Feetx60s



Anterior Tibialus

Low Back



Posterior Shoulder Capsule

Pec Minor

Skipped first rib cause my pizza was done cooking. Looking to do the stretches and mobility stuff twice every 4 days, in addition to the rehab exercises. So my workouts would go:

Day 1:Mobility+Stretching

Day 2:Kettlebells

Day 3:Shoulder Rehab + Stretching

Day 4:Grip


I've got a mandatory rest day tomorrow, but then I may start this approach with Day 3. It doesn't have any rest days built in, but I'm not planning to go crazy on Day 1 or Day 3. Grip isn't terribly demanding overall, either.

My foam roller also came today. I have yet to play with it, but am looking forward to it. Time just needs to allow me to. I've figured out how to get my Gripboard monitoring handled automatically via my email, and have my other web browsing handled via RSS, so I think I should have a bit more time in the near future. I shouldn't need a technological solution to stop wasting my time on the internet, but will power hasn't worked for me. I think this will.

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Opted to do mobility work today, will do grip tomorrow. I just tried random exercises from my two DVDs, and finished with the shoulder stretches. I didn't feel like it was particularly worthwhile. I need to formulate some sort of plan for the approach. I'll probably let the next one or two mobility workouts be random like this one was, then put something together.

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12-09-2006 - Week 6 Rehabed - Grip Work #8

Didn't get a ton of sleep last night and was eating kind of poorly. However, I had a big meal and took a nap before this workout. I think it gave me the drive needed to do well. I'll be getting things in gear this weekend so I eat better next week.


DU: 2x6"x3/16" round; 5xEasy 60d PR; 1x7" 1/4" Zinc Plated Round, 1xEasy Timber Tie

Palms Down: 2x6"x3/16" round, 1xEasy Timber Tie PR

This was an effective bending workout. I was comitted to doing more volume than the last session with the easy 60d's, and I did. I found the zinc plated round in my dresser, so I bent it. A little harder than the easy 60ds. I seem to do better with this form of bending when I watch myself in the mirror.

The palms down bending improved a bit. First time I ever got a timber tie this way. It's a novel way to bend, but I'm not sure how much training value it actually has.

Blob Work:

Picked up my 30lber a couple times each hand, but I wasn't feeling motivated. Opted to see if I could tear one of my easy decks of cards instead. After a few minutes, I did a very sloppy tear through the deck. Definitely a good finisher for my hands.

Finger Extensions with IM Bands





Did 'Em

Overall, this was a pretty good workout. I am progressing on the bending, and I like that. Hopefully I can get into some new steel and overall bending PRs by the end of the year.

Mobility Planning

I've been thinking more about what I want to get out of doing mobility work. The goals I'm certain of are:

1. Reinforce healthy movement patterns in my shoulder and upper back

2. Balance my postural muscles so that I naturally sit with good posture

3. Rehabilitate my feet so that they are strong enough I don't have to worry about re-injuring them

That provides a lot of direction for what I will be doing, but largely points to abstract goals that cannot be measured. I think I need to translate these goals into measurable results that I can work towards. One exercise I'm thinking of is the overhead squat. Climber511 views that as an excellent test of things working properly. I might copy him on that. Otherwise, I'm still thinking.

I have been going with my wife to physical therapy for her knees. She's got patellar tendonitis and is working with the same therapist I did. It's very interesting to see how he addresses an issue at the knee. Rather than start with the knee, he starts with the hips and the feet. I guess the knee usually is in pain because that is where the imbalances between the hips and feet meet.

In her case, flat feet and week internal/external hip rotators result in the patella tracking improperly. Flat feet can be improved some, but are primarly resolved via orthotics. The hip imbalances are addressed through strength training over the internal / external rotators. The only real stretching she is doing is of the quads. That all definitely gives me some ideas as to how I can evaluate my imbalances.

He also said that once your feet have gone flat, the tendons and ligaments are all stretched out. To a very large extent, there's nothing you can do about it. Good reason to be sure quality shoes are worn while lifting heavy weights IMO.

Reading Practical Programming

I've just started looking at a new book I got called Practical Programming. Only through the first chapter so far, but it has me thinking. Two things that caught my attention are the idea that you can train the ability to recover, and the idea that periodizing workload only makes sense on a weekly basis for the novice / intermediate lifter.

This goes along with some of the training ideas I've been exposed to and exploring lately. I like the idea of training the ability to recover, opposed to cutting back workload as soon as you don't recover between workouts. I usually do the latter, but lately the physical therapist had me thinking otherwise. Hopefully the authors put a good framework around how you build recovery ability. I think it will suit me well.

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Practical Programming just came out, I got it on pre-order. I'd be impressed if you already managed to lose a copy of it :) It's written by the same guys who wrote Starting Strength.

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12-10-2006 - Week 6 Rehabed - Shoulder Isolation #8

The most important workout I do. Made sure to get it in.


Lower Back

Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

First Rib: 1x90s

Pec Minor: 1x30s

Thoracic Spine Foam Roller Stretch

These all felt pretty good. Foam roller work on my thoracic spine might make my head hurt. I can't decide if it makes me notice the pain or creates it.

Shoulder Isolation

External Shoulder Rotation: 3x10/10xBlack Band

Prone Inclined Y's: 3x12x3lbs (unilateral)

Prone T's: 1x12/12xBW (unilateral), 3x12/12xBW (bilateral)

Went with the band for external rotation today. Really focused on strict form with the Y's. By the time I got to the T's I didn't have the 5lb dumbells in me, and I didn't feel like screwing around with the 3lbers. Opted to do several sets with just the weight of my arms while focusing intensely on contracting the proper muscles. It was worthwhile and a little tiring. I might want to ramp weight back up over a few workouts with this stricter form.

Foot Series - On back, one knee bent, one leg straight up in the air. Straight leg does work.

Point, Flex x 10/10

Curl Toes, Point, Spread Toes, Flex x 10/10

Spread Toes, Point, Curl Toes, Flex x 10/10

Rotate Ankle Clockwise x 10/10

Rotate Ankle Counter Clockwise x 10/10

Stole this series of moves from a yoga course I did to earn personal training CECs. Tires my feet out while stretching them. I think it will help with my weak feet.

Overall, today was a good day for my training. I did my shoulder isolation. I also went to the mall and got some recovery promoting stuff. New shoes, nice socks, and a pair of thick gloves. When I got home, my wife found an old winter coat I can wear that's much warmer than the one I currently use. I also made pasta so I'll eat well this week. Good times.

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The Pragmatic Programmer is also a very good book.

I didn't feel like doing kettlebells today. Opted to use my weights instead. Did a few sets of thick bar romanian deads with 110-120lbs, just to see what my shoulder thinks. That was about the limit of it. The I tried some one legged squats just down to a chair and up. After a few sets of that, I decided I failed to sleep enough and called it a day.

I'm getting all my stuff done tonight and going to bed as early as possible. Going to move on to my mobility work tomorow and chalk this one up to a missed workout. I was screwing around on the internet too late last night, my own fault. Ah well.

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After Monday, an area on my upper back above my lower traps was pretty sore. Three days later, my hamstrings are still sore. This makes me think the kettlebells aren't doing as much as I thought they were. I knew they weren't ideal, but those Romanian deadlifts weren't that heavy either. It's probably cause the kettlebell exercises I'm doing don't ever place heavy loads on my hamstrings.

I may need to rethink my weight training approach, shifting kettlebells into some sort of conditioning work. The doctor told me I should return to the weights and build back up with proper form. Given the soreness in the upper back from the Romanian deadlifts, I'm thinking that was a key to finishing the rehab, not just a suggestion for getting back into what I like to do.

Tuesday I went with my wife to physical therapy and missed my own workout as a result. I've been making a point to go to bed at 9, and there just wasn't time to fit a workout in. On the bright side, my work at my job has been much more pleasant since I've been focusing on getting enough sleep and good food. Definitely an argument for giving those priority over training. I'm also done going to physical therapy with her now, so I should have more time.

12-13-2006 - Week 7 Rehabed - Mobility Work

Opted to shift all the workouts out a day and do my mobility work, opposed to jumping into the grip work that was originally scheduled for this day. My hands and wrists weren't ready for it anyway. My shoulder had been bothering me as well. I did:

1. Foam Roller Upper Back, Perpendicular to Spine

2. Stretch Upper Beck over Foam Roller

3. Exercise to open shoulder lying, with knee on foam roller, no idea of the name

4. Posterior Shoulder Capsule Stretch: 3x30s

5. External Shoulder Rotatoins: 3x10x8lbs (Shoulder / First Rib were clicking on these, not sure why)

6. Hamstring Foam Roller

7. Hamstring Stretch

8. Foot Series

9. First Rib Stretch

Overall this was worthwhile. My shoulder feels better today. The foot series is hard, but is making a HUGE difference in how my left foot feels day to day. I'd say it's almost totally back to normal now. I'm going to err on the side of caution, but am optimistic.

Reading Practical Programming further, I think backing off from my training in fear of doing to much instead of focusing on recovery as much as possible is the reason I was never very successful with my weight training. I started to hit upon this in the cycle where my shoulder problem became a real issue. Even then I was backing off a little too much at times. Not sure if I'm prepared to act upon this right now, but it is definitely something to think about once life settles down.

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I have to totally agree with you on rest and food. Both will make your entire life more pleasant and successful. It's a shame we all tend to get away from them when we need them most.

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Definitely. The other thing that's been emphasized to me lately is that what goes along with getting those two in gear is minimizing alcohol consumption. Before I left for vacation I was drinking 2-3 nights a week. I think that's a big part of how my sleep was getting screwy. Since getting back, the most I had was a taste of wine at Olive Garden. I just haven't had time when accounting for those other factors.

12-14-2006 - Week 7 Rehabed - Grip Work #9, Kettlebells in the Apartment #8

This workout started out to be a bending session, but the strength wasn't there. It morphed into what I think will be my last strength orientated kettlebell workout for a long time.


DU: 2x6" 3/16; 1xEasy 60d

The easy 60d was pretty tough. I could tell my hands hadn't recovered. I probably shouldn't of used thick bar for the Romanian deads 2 days ago. Stopped there.


RH: 5xT; 3x#1; 3xBBSA; 3xBBM;

LH: 5xT; 3x#1; 3xBBSA; 3 Miss x BBM; 3xBBSA

Just wanted to get some work in on the hands. Nothing heavy.

Kettlebells (Done Once Each Hand, Set KB down between exercises)

12k: Clean then Pressx5, Dead Snatch, Swing Snatch from Overhead

16k: Clean then Pressx5, Dead Snatch, Swing Snatch from Overhead

20k: Clean and Press, Dead Snatch, Swing Snatch from Overhead (Ties PR)

Here's where I chalked up...

24k: Clean, Bottoms up Clean (Press righty only) (PR), Bottoms up Clean and Press (PR); Dead Snatch (Ties PR)

28k: Two Hand Swing, Clean, Bottoms up Clean (PR), Clean and Push Press (Ties PR), Swing Snatch from Bottom (PR)

32k: I still had some sense in me and left this thing in the closet :)

Well, working on kettlebells has certainly made me better at kettlebells. I don't feel like I'm any stronger, but I do feel like I know how to better tense myself and generate power through my hips. I think that's responsible for the performance above even though I'm sure my weights in the gym are down.

After reading Practical Programming, I've decided it's time for me to get back with the barbells and dumbells for awhile. I'll probably screw around at home with my weights until the end of the year, then do 1-2 months of morning workouts at the World Gym downtown. My office is moving to the suburbs at the end of Feburary, so this will be my last chance to use the Chicago World Gym in the near future.

I need to focus on grinding out the basics to get my strength back up using the rehabed shoulder properly. Learning to generate power through the kettlebells will resume at a later point in time. Once my strength is up, I'm sure I'll be able to top these lifts. I might break out the 16k or 20k KB for an occassional cardio session or off workout until then.

Finger Extension with IM Bands




6 Partial x Blue

Yes, they are an after thought. But I did 'em.

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