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Kettlebells, Kettlebells, Kettlebells, Kettlebells

Scott Styles

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I enjoy port as well. There was a period of time where on Friday night I would go out for dinner and stop by Trader Joes for a bottle of port and a box of almond clusters. I'd get home, drink half the port and eat half the almond clusters while playing flash games. The next night, I'd make a frozen pizza and follow it with some port and the rest of the almond clusters, as well as more flash games. It was pretty awesome.

I was suprised to see the rehab so dependent on body weight exercises. I think the reason is the PT wants me to be able to focus on moving properly, as well as training the exercises. Removing the weights simplifies that. I know I can now do the push ups on the knees while properly keeping my shoulder blades depressesd and retracted, but as soon as I get on a bench to press even light dumbells, the proper form just disappears. Even with 12lb dumbells, it's just gone.

10-21-2006 - Workout 39 - Kettlebells and Shoulder Rehab Outside the Apartment

My numbering scheme is pretty meaningless at this point, I'll have to reset it once I get done with the PT. I smartly postponed this one until the evening, which allowed me to comfortably train outside in workout pants and a t-shirt. This is probably one of the last nice days to train outside, and I enjoyed it.

Kettlebell Work and Shoulder Rehab

Deadlift: 1x10x16k

Pushups on Knees: 3x8xBW (Alternated Sets with Swings)

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x16k

One Arm Swings 2x6/6x16k

Planks: 3x20sxBW (Alternated Sets with Cleans)

Bottoms Up One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx16k

Side Planks: 2x15sxBW (Alternated Sets with Presses)

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 3x3/3x16k

Box Squat: 10xBW to handle of 16k kettlebell

Squat: 2x5x16k

Snatch and Walk with KB Overhead: 2x20s/20sx16k

Man, this workout was rough. I alternated the compound shoulder rehab work with the kettlebell work and it went great. I really enjoyed the workout and the bodyweight exercises were fun in this context.

The one arm swings went quite well with the 16k kettlebell. Doing one side a time allowed me to keep focus on using the arm properly. I did not feel as though there was risk of hurting my shoulder.

The side planks were killer at that point in the workout. Bad pain in my right shoulder near the AC joint is what ended the first two sets, so I decided to skip the last one. I'm sure this was from my form degrading over the course of the set. I stopped appropriately and expect to be able to do more next time. I was shaking like a leaf.

The walks with the KB overhead are good for working my injured foot as well as my shoulder stability. I'm trying to do some sort of strength movement for the foot after every kettlebell workout. This was today's exercise.


Roll Metal Ball Under Foot x 60 seconds



Low Back


First Rib

Skipped the posterior shoulder capsule stretch today. PT said I don't have to do it after every workout now, and I didn't feel like it. I feel as though the soft tissue work on the foot with the metal ball is helping. Hard to tell having only done it twice, but it feels similar to what the PT was doing on my pec minor to loosen things up. Had a hard time fully relaxing during my stretches due to the effort expended during the kettlebell work.

Overall this was a good workout, and I think I have a sustainable plan for moving forward. I believe once I can do 3x30s/30sxBW on the two plank exercises, I will be ready for Turkish Get Ups. At that point I will drop the two planks and do an equivlant volume of Turkish Get Ups. Going to run the whole plan by the PT on Monday.

Spent the bulk of today working on material for gripfaq.com and creating the outline for my personal development plan for the coming months. Wrote up about 7 pages of info on grippers that I'll need to load into the site. I should take pics for it, but I'm not sure when I'll feel like it. At some point I need to type up the personal development plan, I'll be sure to do that before my vacation is over.

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10-23-2006 - Physical Therapy Session 14 at ARC

Last session. Talked to the PT about what I should be doing with the doctor. Basically I need to review the progress I made with him, talk about where I am at, then discuss my plan for moving forward.

Then we discussed my training plan moving forward. He said overall it is sound, but the Turkish Get Ups will not be an acceptable replacement for either of the planks. Difference between dynamic and static core strength I guess.

Had a bit more time, so I talked to him about a clicking I get in the front of my right knee in a deep squat position. I've had it since I was 18 at least. He thought it was most likely a result of a tight soleous, so I'm going to make an effort to stretch that.

We actually didn't do any exercises, but that's not a big deal since I can do those at home. Backing down to 4 workouts a week and removing travel to the PT office is going to free up a lot of my time.

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10-23-2006 - Workout ?? - Grip Work and Shoulder Rehab in the Apartment

After getting out of physical therapy today, I was excited to go home and do this workout. I'm most like taking the latter half of this week off from training, so I will restart my workout numbering after


DU: 2 Timber Ties; Kink a Shiny 60 Penny Nail

Reverse: 2 Shiny 60 Penny Nails; Finish Kinked Shiny 60 Penny Nail; Kink a Dull 60 Penny Nail

First bending workout back. First 60 Penny Nail :) Not labeling it as a PR since these are new 60 penny nails. I stopped by the hardware store near the train station and they had Shiny 60 penny nails for $1.19 a lb. These are around the same difficulty as a grade 2 bolt. Much cheaper though. I should be able to use them as a good volume nail with a little practice. I shouldn't have pushed so hard on the double underhand with the Shiny 60 Penny Nail. I'll be more careful next time.

Blob Work

30lb: Lift and Hold; Pass Hand to Hand; Load / Deload from a Chair

35lb: Break from Bench Righty a couple times, Finger Press Lift Lefty a couple times

These were feeling pretty strong today. I beat up my hands on the 30lber before I moved on to the 35lber.

Standing External Shoulder Rotations: 3x10xBlack Band

T's: 8x4lbs; 8x3lbs; 10x3lbs

Unilateral Y's: 8x1lb; 10x1lb; 12x1.5lbs

Switched over to doing these unilateraly so I could focus on the form. Not keeping the lower trapped flexed properly on the negatives when I do it bi-lateraly.

Overall a decent workout. It's totally sweet to have gotten a 60 penny nail, even if it wasn't my goal 60 penny nails. As long as I'm patient, progress to new ground will occur in the next few months.

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10-24-2006 - Workout ?? - Kettlebells in the Apartment

I like being on vacation. Stayed up last night eating pizza, drinking port, and having almond clusters. It ruled. Got up this morning to have some water and play with the kettlebells. After 6 hours of sleep and that night, it was a little tough.

Kettlebell Work and Shoulder Rehab

Deadlift: 1x10x16k

Pushups on Knees: 3x10xBW (Alternated Sets with Swings)

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x16k

One Arm Swings 2x8/8x16k

Planks: 3x30sxBW (Alternated Sets with Cleans)

Bottoms Up One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx16k

Side Planks: 2x15sxBW (Alternated Sets with Presses)

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 2x3/3x16k; 1x4/4x16k

Box Squat: 10xBW to handle of 16k kettlebell

Squat: 2x5x16k

On the pushups, I need to focus on keeping my abs tight so my back doesn't arch. If I'm doing them right, my chest hits the ground first. If I'm cheating, my stomach hits the ground first.

One arm swings are buildling steadily. I had to remind myself not to get greedy and that the strength needs to come over time. Did a bit more on the planks, didn't actually realize I had. I kept the side planks at 2 sets for now. These 2 sets were a bit more stable, which was a combination of being on the stall matt instead of the grass and hopefully a bit of getting stronger.

Intentionally skipped the foot work today. I walked around 4 miles yesterday, in addition to doing some aggressive stretching on the foot at physical therapy. Didn't want to over do things.






Low Back


First Rib

Worked in the soleous stretch. Tried hitting the ITB since I think it could be contributing to the tracking problem I'm having with my knee on the squats. Left the tissue work on the foot off because I forgot, and the foot is now cooled down.

Overall a good workout. I'm not going to have access to block weights to do my grip work the next couple of days, so I'm going to try repeating this workout on Thursday and Saturday this week. We'll see how the extra volume goes. Part of me wonders if I can handle three kettlebell workouts a week on top of the 2 grip / shoulder rehab workouts. The prospect of a bit more volume has my interest given that I shouldn't be increasing the weights very quickly right now.

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10-27-2006 - Workout ?? - Bending in Wisconisn

Went up to the Wisconsin Dells to get married. Got back today. Only activity I manged to get in was some bending right after the wedding. Think I have a picture of myself doing an easy 60d in my coat and tie :)


DU: 4xTimber Ties; Kink Easy 60d

Reverse: 2xTimber Ties; 2xEasy 60d, 2xFail on Grade 2 bolts, 2xFail on Hard 60d

Only notable thing is that the easy 60d's appear to actually be easier than the grade 2 bolts by a little bit. I bought 20lbs of them today, so now I have 25lbs to work through. They're a perfect step up from the timber ties. Shoulder felt good after this. Left hand hurt, think I tried too hard on the failed attempts. Will ramp up on the Easy 60d's before moving up again. Guy at the ACE Hardware store in Westmont said someone else who bends them comes in occassionally for 60d's. I wonder who it was...

I should return to my regularly scheduled activity on Monday. Not going to rush into it after relaxing all week. The room had a 2 person hot tub and a shower with 6 heads. It was totally sweet.

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Congratulations Scott!

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Thanks guys. We'd been enaged for 5 years and dating for 9, so it was time.

10-30-2006 - Week 1 Rehabed - Grip and Shoulder Isolation #1

Walked around 5 miles yesterday. Today's my first workout of the new rehab program with no PT assistance. Did see the shoulder doc for the last visit. He said I looked pretty good and am on the track to recovery. If I need him, I should go back, but otherwise, good luck. I think he's right.


DU: 1xTimber Tie; 1xEasy 60d

Lefty Reverse: 1xEasy 60d

Righty Reverse: 1xEasy 60d

First easy 60d DU. Going to build the volume on these slowly. Trying to limit bending attempts I can't finish now that I have a good nail to ramp up volume on.

Block Weights

30lb Blob: Lifts, Lifts and Holds, Passes hand to hand

35lb Blob: Finger Press Lifts and Negatives

25lb block: Lifts

30lb block: Lifts

20lb block: Swing Snatch

Bending took a good bit out of me for the block weight work. Still did fairly well though. The 25lb block has become suprisingly easy.

Finger Extensions with IM Bands

20xWhite, Green, Yellow

10 SloppyxBlue


Did 'em, that's what counts.

Standing External Shoulder Rotation

3x10/10xBlack Band

Hard to measure progress on these. Stretch the band enough that the arm feels tired at the end of the set.

Uni-lateral Prone Inclined Y's


Switch to doing these one arm at a time and focusing on lower trap activiation. Being very patient here.

Prone T's


Need to repeat this weight next time, focusing on slow controlled form. Should also avoid drinking a quart of ice water before doing them. Laying on my stomach after that made me feel sick.


Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

First Rib: 1x90s

First rib stretch felt quite good after almost a week of not doing it.

Overall a fine workout. I had to split up the grip work and shoulder rehab to allow for a 1.5 mile walk with my wife. Went to get a veggie burger, fries, and milk shake for dinner. Have to allieviate any risk of this exercise being good for me, you know.

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Congrats man. Not sure I wouldhave worried about the bending but whatever gets you through the day, I guess.

I gotta ask, when you typed "walk with my wife" did it feel a little weird. I still remember mine getting a tittery when I first called her my wife while talking over the phone. Weird stuff all that.

Congrats, way to keep on plugging with the training.

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Thanks guys. Rachel is really happy about being called wife. It's kind of wierd, after 5 years I'd just gotten used to calling her fiancee. Wearing the wedding ring allows me to wield special get out of trouble powers, but I think I've just about used them up. Just flash the ring and I can do no wrong :D

11-01-2006 - Rehabed Week 1 - Kettlebells in the Apartment #1

The time change is screwing with me. I backed out of this workout Tuesday night, then had a hard time doing it last night. I've been waking up an hour before my alarm, then going to bed at like 9pm. Did what I could though. Working out 4x a week gives me a little flexibility with the days.

Kettlebell Work and Shoulder Compounds

Deadlift: 1x10x16k

Pushups on Knees: 3x10xBW (Alternated Sets with Swings)

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x16k

One Arm Swings 2x8/8x16k

Planks: 3x20sxBW (Alternated Sets with Cleans)

Bottoms Up One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx16k

Side Planks: 3x15sxBW (Alternated Sets with Presses)

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 3x3/3x16k

Calf Raises: 15xBW, 15xBW+12lbs, 12xBW+20lbs

Biggest problem with this workout is I was winded in no time. I think it's a result of doing no cardio work since the last kettlebell workout 8 days ago. It was a struggle to do what I did, and I skipped the squats. Pushups were nice and strict though. I think that impacted the planks. I could feel the stress from the bending in the cleans and presses. Saturday's workout will be better.


60s soft tissue work on foot





Low Back


Noticed my right knee is tracking in as I squat down or do swings with the KB. That probably contributes to the pain I was getting in it. Decided to stretch my groin, sure enough it's tight. Bet that loosens things up. My enthusiasm wasn't real high, so I skipped the hamstring and first rib stretches.

They won't all be winners. I'll be back in the flow next time and will make a point to DDR before bending on Friday.

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10-30-2006 - Week 1 Rehabed - Grip #2

Opted to move the shoulder isolation exercises off on to a workout tomorrow with some additional DDR. By the time I got to those exercises today, my focus was gone. They are the most important exercises I do, so I opted not to short change them.

DDR: 20 minutes, mostly 4 footers, a couple 5 footers, 1 6 footer

This is really the key to everything now. I need to get my conditioning back up to get my recovery back up. There is no reason I should be dragging like I have been since I got back.


DU: 1xTimber Tie; 2xEasy 60d

Lefty Reverse: 1xTimber Tie, 1xEasy 60d

Righty Reverse: 1xTimber Tie, 1xEasy 60d

Did just a little more today. My hands were still tired from kettlebells on Wednesday.

Block Weights, No Chalk

30lb Blob: Lifts

25lb block: Lifts, Toss Hand to Hand

20lb block: Toss Hand to Hand

My hands are chapped from the dry air in my apartment and office, so I opted to do the block weights with no chalk. Certainly makes the grip more inconsistent. I'd be lifting the thing with no problem one second, then struggling the next. The exception was the 20lb block. That thing is EZ.

Finger Extensions



Got distracted and forgot to do the Yellows I guess.

Overall, an ok workout. I don't like changing from the plan, but I need to give the rehab exercises the priority they deserve. From a safety perspective, it doesn't make sense to do them before the grip work. Until my conditioning improves, I may just need to split the grip and shoulder isolation days.

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The workout above should be dated 11-03-2006

11-04-2006 - Week 1 Rehabed - Shoulder Isolation #2

Got the new DDR today, so I was looking forward to this one. Splitting up the grip and shoulder isolation into seperate days is a good idea. Probably good to be getting some extra cardio in now as well.

DDR: 45 minutes, averaged 3 footers

Feeling out the new DDR game. It has different modes for unlocking songs, I don't really like that. The older ones just unlock songs as you play. The songs are fun though.

Standing External Shoulder Rotation: 3x10/10xBlack Band

Uni-lateral Prone Inclined Y's: 3x10/10x2.5lbs

Prone T's: 3x10x3lbs

Upped the weight on the Y's a bit. Focused on slowing the T's down, doing them with more control. Shoulder was a little achey today, think I've been sleeping on it funny. Feels good now.


Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

First Rib: 90s

Just realized I forgot to stretch after my shower. Will do these as soon as I submit today's log. I expect them to feel pretty good.

Overall a decent workout. It's nice to have a workout that's not as physically demanding as the kettlebell work or mentally demanding as the bendings. I may be able to handle exercising 6 days a week if two of them are like this.

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11-05-2006 - Rehabed Week 1 - Kettlebells in the Apartment #2

Prior to this workout I'd eaten nothing but a burrito all day. I did get about 10 hours of sleep though :)

Kettlebell Work and Shoulder Compounds

Deadlift: 1x10x16k

Pushups on Knees: 2x10xBW, 1x12xBW (Alternated Sets with Swings)

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x16k

One Arm Swings 1x9/9x16k; 1x10/10x16k

Planks: 3x30sxBW (Alternated Sets with Cleans)

Bottoms Up One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx16k

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 2x5/5x16k

Side Planks: 2x15sxBW (Alternated Sets with Squats)

Box Squat: 10xBW to handle of 16k kettlebell

Squat: 2x5x16k

Calf Raises: 15xBW+16k, 12xBW+16k (left rack), 12xBW+16k (right rack)

My conditioning by far and away is my limiting factor at this point. After this workout, I had to sit for 20 minutes because I was ready to puke. The decision to do DDR 4x a week is the right one, and I did do better than the last workout. If not for my poor conditioning, I would be thinking about when to go up to the 20k kettlebell. I have decided I will not go heavier than the 20k kettlebell until the 1st of 2007, however. I need that limit to prevent greed from undoing my rehab.

Points of note:

1. Almost to 10/10 on the one arm swings. Will focus on tightening form and making the reps crisper once there.

2. Used a timer on the planks this time, I'm sure I was cutting them short before.

3. Split up the overhead press and side planks. Did better on each as a result.

4. Want to end up doing the calf raises with the KB overhead. The left rack is pretty tough on my previously injured foot.

5. Squats felt a little better today, I do think tight adductors are an issue for me right now

6. Right shoulder was a little achey at the end of this. Really hard to tell between good achey and bad achey. The scapula did seem to track properly on the presses though. Now that I'm sitting, I feel the aching in my right lower trap for sure.


60s soft tissue work on foot






Low Back

Soft tissue work is a little painful. I can definitely feel the right adductor is tighter than the left in my groin. I'm pretty sure that's a compensation from the foot injury.

Overall, this workout was much better than the last one. Better by leaps and bounds. I need to focus on tightening up my diet and sleeping to allow my conditioning to build quickly. The diet will take care of itself, but I'm going to need to watch the alcohol consumption a bit. It only belongs on nights I have time to sleep, wake up early, then take a nap later in the day. Otherwise I end up sleeping 6 hours and waking up not tired, even though my body is still sleep deprived.

Tomorrow is supposed to be DDR and bending. I'm going to see how grip work the day after kettlebells goes. It's not perfect, but grip really isn't my top priority at the moment. I need to get everything else up for that to excel.

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11-06-2006 - Week 2 Rehabed - Grip #3

DDR: 20 minutes, average of four feet per song

Right foot was the limiting factor here. Since the left foot is the one I injured, that's a milestone of sorts.


DU: 1xTimber Tie; 1xEasy 60d

Right thumb felt tweaked and shoulder was tired. Decided to stop here.

Yeah, so grip the day after kettlebells doesn't really work. After the next rest day, I'll switch the order of grip and shoulder isolation.

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DDR: 20 minutes, average of four feet per song

I was thinking about this just yesterday when I was running. My mom has DDR from what I hear, I'm gonna have to try this out when I go home for the holidays.

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Once you get over the awkward stage, DDR is loads of fun. DDR Max 2 for the PS2 is my favorite one so far.

The DDR in that Wired article sounds insane.

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11-07-2006 - Week 2 Rehabed - Shoulder Isolation #3

Feet were hurting pretty bad on the walk home today, had to skip the DDR. It appears for now, the day after kettlebells has to be a rest day. I had a hard time getting motivated to do this workout, didn't start it until around 10pm. Didn't want to miss it and push out kettlebells a day though.

Standing External Shoulder Rotation: 3x10/10xBlack Band

Uni-lateral Prone Inclined Y's: 2x8/8x3lbs, 1x5lbs, 1x6lbs, 2x3lbs

Uni-lateral Prone T's: 3x10x3lbs

Switched to uni-lateral on the T's, let me focus better. Played with some heavier weight on the Y's to see how it felt. My shoulder hurts today, and I think that's why. Will stick to reps moving forward.


First Rib: 90s

Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

First Rib stretch felt great. I have not been doing it enough.

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11-08-2006 - Week 2 Rehabed - Kettlebells outside the Apartment #3

63 degrees in November, I had to do this one outside.

Kettlebell Work and Shoulder Compounds

Deadlift: 1x10x16k

Pushups on Knees: 2x11xBW, 1x12xBW (Alternated Sets with Swings)

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x16k

One Arm Swings 1x10/10x16k; 1x10/10x16k

Planks: 3x20sxBW (Alternated Sets with Cleans)

Bottoms Up One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx16k

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 2x5/5x16k

Side Planks: 1x10sxBW (Alternated Sets with Squats)

Box Squat: 10xBW to handle of 16k kettlebell

Squat: 2x5x16k

Walk with Kettlebell Overhead: 2x20s/20sx16k

Increased pushups and one arm swings a little. Planks felt weak today. Wasn't up for the side planks and only did one set. After coming inside, I ended up skipping my stretching, just didn't feel like it. Had a rather frustrating client meeting and wasn't in the best mood.

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11-10-2006 - Week 2 Rehabed - Grip #4

Worked from home today. Was going to switch the order of the grip and shoulder isolation exercise days, but I really wanted to bend today. So I did. Skipped DDR since my feet were bothering me. Expect to do some tomorrow.

Bending - http://www.gripfaq.com/gb/20061110Bending.jpg

Reverse: Slight Kink on Hard 60d, 7"x1/4 Zinc Plated Round, Timber Tie, Grade 2 bolt

DO Crush Down: 2xTimber Tie, 7"x1/4 Zinc Plated Round, Grade 2 bolt

DU: Timber Tie, 3xEasy 60d, FailxGrade 2 bolt, Failx7"x1/4 Zinc Plated Round

Decided to go for the Hard 60d since I was feeling good. It's just not happening. My wrists lack the strength needed to bend that sucker. The area where they are weakest is the area that is trained by DU bending. Decided this was going to be my last non-DU bending for the rest of the year. Also tested my reverse strength by bending some other stock. The grade 2 bolt is about my limit right now.

Finished off some kinked steel I had sitting around to practice my crushdown. I need to keep my lower trap flexed when crushing down. I have to focus on it.

DU bending went well. I'd chalked up my pads to attempt the hard 60d, it made wrapping and bending the Easy 60d's easier. I'm going to stick with the easy 60d's and Timber Ties until I bend 10 easy 60d's in a single workout. Then I will attempt the grade 2 bolt again.


Lift the 30lber a couple times

Finger Press lift the 35lber, Hover if off the bench, Bounce it on the Mattress to lift it and do a negative

Heh, blobs on the mattress, can you tell the wife is out tonight? I'm so close on this thing it's killing me. The reverse bending takes too much out of my thumbs for me to progress on these while doing it.

Finger Extensions




Did 'em.

Overall a good and really fun workout. My plan for the remainder of the year is to do no direct grip work but double underhand bending, block work, and finger extensions. This coupled with the kettlebells is all I need, and what I should be focused on. During the last week of December I will test myself on some stuff.

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11-11-2006 - Week 2 Rehabed - Shoulder Isolation #4

Left foot is still bothering me. I think I over did it jumping to the 16k kettlebell for calf raises, then putting it in the rack position over the left foot on one of the sets. DDR the following day was definitely too much. I'm going to have to give the DDR a rest for the next 2 weeks while giving the foot a chance to build back up. I'll try to keep it warm as well. I did walk around a mile today.

Standing External Shoulder Rotation: 3x10/10xBlack Band

Uni-lateral Prone Inclined Y's: 5/5x5lbs, 2x10/10x3lbs

Uni-lateral Prone T's: 12/12x3lbs, 8/8x5lbs, 12/12x3lbs

Guess I added some weight to these today :) It felt appropriate, but the reps with the 5lb dumbell were sloppy. I'll need to tighten them up as time goes on. I also need to focus on not overly tensing my lower back in the movements. Doing so makes my back hurt because I hyperextend it. This was a problem we identified in physical therapy, and it has started to crop up again.


Posterior Shoulder Capsule: 3x30s

Groin Stretch: 3x90s

First Rib: 90s

Opted to stretch the groin as well since I kettlebell tomorrow and it's too tight. Trying to make a point to do the shoulder stretches daily now, since the shoulder has started hurting a little bit more than it was when I was doing the PT and religiously stretching every day.

Overall this is the most important workout for me to do and progress on each week. I did it and progressed, so I'm happy. Looking forward to kettlebells tomorrow. If they go well, I may play with the 20k KB on Thursday. Hands feel nice and thick today after all the bending yesterday.

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11-12-2006 - Week 2 Rehabed - Kettlebells in the Apartment #4

Kinda pressed for time today. Spent too much of the morning and afternoon screwing with gripfaq.com, then had to rush to get my workout in before a work party. I'm like the ultimate internet lifter :trout

Right shoulder was a little tender from yesterday, left foot didn't feel great.

Kettlebell Work and Shoulder Compounds

Deadlift: 1x10x16k

Pushups on Knees: 3x12xBW (Alternated Sets with Swings)

Two Arm Swings: 1x10x16k

One Arm Swings 1x10/10x16k; 1x10/10x16k

Planks: 3x40sxBW (Alternated Sets with Cleans)

Bottoms Up One Arm Cleans: 2x5 per armx16k

Bottoms Up Overhead Press: 2x5/5x16k

Box Squat: 10xBW to handle of 16k kettlebell

Squat: 2x5x16k

Calf Raises: 3x15xBW

Increased the pushups a little, the planks a lot. I ended up skipping the side planks because I didn't feel I'd do them properly given the tender shoulder, effort on the planks, and my time constraints. Calf Raises felt ok with BW. Doesn't look like I'll be doing any DDR this week though. Just as well, I have no time.

New issue is my right knee felt quite tender by the time I completed the swings today. I think they are related. I'm going to need to look at bringing hamstring work into the mix. I have not yet decided if I will replace an exercise or just add another one. If I knocked a set off the pushups and planks, that'd give me the two sets I need for some hamstring work. We'll see. I don't like doing more than two sets of anything, but those are my rehab exercises.

No stretching today, I ran out of time. On the bright side, I fixed a bunch of stuff on my website. I made it look nice in Firefox, fixed the broken top nav, split things up into more logical sectioning, added a couple entries, added the ability to manually sequence entries, added dynamic meta tags, and made the page title dynamically driven. I also backed up my web code and database. Maybe I'll actually get more of a presence in Google now. I'll see in a few months I guess.

Oh, I also walked a mile at a lesiurely pace. One of the benefits of travelling without a car.

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