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Kettlebells, Kettlebells, Kettlebells, Kettlebells

Scott Styles

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ha!, you think I'm screwy. I love this line:


After reading Practical Programming, I've decided it's time for me to get back with the barbells and dumbells for awhile."

Only you. I aspire to that level of geekdom.

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Hey, it's a good book!

12-15-2006 - Week 7 Rehabed - Shoulder Isolation #9

Did the external band rotations, 3x10/10xBlack Band. Then did isolateral Y's for 12x3, 6x5, and 6x5. The Y's were sloppy. That's all I did.

So the max attempts last night really wired me up. I got in bed at 10, but didn't fall asleep until after midnight. At one point I got up and used the computer more, cause laying in bed was making me crazy. Then I woke up at 6:30 this morning. Lesson learned - max effort stuff should be on weekend afternoons. The sleep deprivation led to me eating crap at work. Free donuts and free pizza today. I had some of both. Wasn't motivated to do rehab by the time I got home. Wonder why.

Anyhow, weights tomorrow. Going to do 3x5 work sets on Front Squats, RDL's, Dumbell Overhead Press, and Dumbell Rows. Maybe some calves and side planks. Just feeling out the exercises for now and will be going light.


I've begun thinking about my workout plan for the coming cycle. I know I need to do my shoulder rehab. I want to do grip. I might want to lift full body 3x per week. I want to do mobility work. There's so much to fit in. Currently I'm throwing around two ideas in my head.

The first is a 4 day cycle:

Day 1: Weights

Day 2: Shoulder Rehab

Day 3: Grip, maybe include heavier lift like thick bar deads or bottoms up KB presses

Day 4 mobility

This is essentially what I'm doing now. It'll work ok and is what I've always done. I get to grip twice every 8 days with this approach, which I like. However, my bending is no longer supporting that frequency. Recovery seems to be taking longer than that.

The other is a weekly cycle:


Tu:Weights+Shoulder Rehab


Th:Weights+Shoulder Rehab



Su:Weights+Shoulder Rehab

This is based on the programming in the book I just read. I've always quit programs like this instead of trying to make them work. I'm kinda interested to try it, but not sure if the shoulder rehab will happen after weights. Abs and calves would have to occur on mobility days, if at all. The downside is grip is only once a week.

When I write them out, the latter plan looks pretty good. However, faced with the prospect of that much hard work, sitting on my butt playing video games also looks pretty good.


Regardless of what I choose, I'm working on improving my diet some. Initially, that's meant focusing on bringing a variety of foods I used to eat back into my diet. I started that recently and it's working pretty well. The next step is to begin supplementing my diet with protien and EFAs. I stopped eating my flax cereal cause I like Golden Grahms better.

I'm going to try adding in a protein shake with 8oz chocolate soy milk, 25g protein powder, 1/2 cup of frozen berries, and a tablespoon of flax oil to breakfast. Once I've verified I can digest that over a period of a few weeks, I may try adding some creatine to the mix. Not a lot, but enough to supplement what I won't get from my diet since I don't eat meat.

I'd also like to focus on my sleep, it's really key for me.

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So the max attempts last night really wired me up.

oops, yeah, one of us should have mentioned that. Those max attempts do really jack you. It get better as you practice. It's kinda like caffiene. Some people eventually get to the point that not long after they just want to pass out for a bit, probably means their system isgoing too high.

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I know heavy attempts will do that to me, I just didn't think of the max effort kettlebell work as heavy attempts. Guess I was wrong.

12-15-2006 - Week 7 Rehabed - Feeling out the new program

Got a nap in today and sent the wife off to a party. Great time to play around with a new program.

Front Squats

5xBW; 5x45; 3x5x65lbs

Just feeling out the form for now. A narrower stance seems to feel better for me for some reason. Trying to do them with my hands in a clean position, which is much easier on my rehabed shoulder. Need to increase wrist flexibility. With the empty bar, I can't even get it into position.

Romanian Deadlifts

5x45; 5x95; 3x5x125

Focused on keeping my shoulder in position. Used a mirror to watch myself and everything. I'm very cautious about form on this one. Cleaned 115 once as well.

Dumbell Press

5x20; 3x5x30lbs

This wasn't really hard. I was focused on making sure my lower trap was firing on the rehabed shoulder with this weight. It was. Really sweaty by this point.

Bent Dumbell Rows


This exercise felt stupid, like a waste of time. After all the kettlebell work, non ballistic movements with 30lbs feels pointless. I was going to do 3 sets but stopped.

Power Cleans

5x45; 3x3x65lbs

Feeling this one out with a clean grip at the top. Considering 3x3 or 5x3 work sets on this instead of those dumb rows. Obviously right now this is a weight I can curl.

Overhead Press


Wanted to see how these felt. It think they could be ok.


Went for a 30 minute walk to take out the garbage and get some milk for my macaroni and cheese dinner.


Thoracic Spine Foam Roller Parallel to Shoulders

Thoracic Spine Stretching on Foam Roller

Calves Foam Roller

Quads Foam Roller

Hamstrings Foam Roller

Brief First Rib Stretch

Overall an interesting workout that gave me some things to think about. My primary take aways are:

1. I'd like to limit this to 4 barbell exercises: Front Squat, Romanian Deadlift, Power Clean, Overhead Press. It's time to fix my limitations, instead of always working around them. I know a lot about my shoulder now. That gives me a ton to work with.

2. The kettlebells have my lifting conditioning waaay up. I wasn't even breathing hard. I was sweating buckets.

3. There will be time for shoulder rehab. All the lifts above before my walk took an hour. I bet with just the

4 exercises I end up under 45 minutes.

4. I think I'd like to focus on eating a ton and lifting hard 3 days a week for the next 6 months. I've never truly done a barbell based novice program with enough food and sleep. I think it could work well for me.

5. I'll add 5lbs to every exercise per workout for now.

6. Kraft really is the cheesiest.

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With the empty bar, I can't even get it into position.

Incredibly common, don't worry about it one bit.

6. Kraft really is the cheesiest.

I'll have words with anyone who says otherwise!

I dunno what it is about crap, boxed mac and cheese. It ca't be good for you and it sure isn't natural but it is yummy.

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Yesterday's workout was on the 16th.

12-17-2006 - Week 7 Rehabed - Mobility Work

Did this early today, about 10:20. It only took 30 minutes and felt great. My shoulder was bothering me a little before hand, but felt pretty good by the end. The bellies on my front delts are tender as well, I imagine from racking the bar on them.

Warm Up with 16k Kettlebell

2 Hand Swings






Bottoms Up Snatches

Did a couple of each to get the body warm and ready to stretch. The kettlebell does work great for warming up in limited space

Mobility Work

Foam Roller Thoracic Spine

Dynamic Pec Minor Stretch

Crunches w/ Medicine Ball

Hamstrings Stretch

Adductors Stretch

Supine Leg Swings

Foot Series

Supine Bridge, Legs Only

Hip Flexors Stretch

Quads Stretch

Arm Circles

Wrist Series

First Rib Stretch

Loosened everything up and felt great. I'm gonna like doing these.

Later that day while at a store, I pressed 50lbs overhead lefty. Then I deadlifted an entire weight set. It was Weider brand though, so it only weighed 210lbs.

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12-18-2006 - Week 8 Rehabed - Feeling out the new program

Felt ready today.

Front Squats




Decided to add 10lbs a workout here until it starts to stall out. This wasn't any harder than last time. Gave up on the clean grip for them. My shoulders were still tender. I must be doing it wrong or not have enough muscle or something. The other style of grip works fine for me.

Romanian Deadlifts



Here the key is to not let my shoulder round forward. Due to this, I am only upping the weight 5lbs a workout for now. It's a battle. I may have to stall the weight at some point.

Hang Cleans





Started off not sure what would happen here. Decided screw the rack and just did a gym style hang clean for the first 5 sets. Then played around with the rack again on the last 2 sets. Not sure about this one, need to watch what the shoulder is doing. Still feeling out the set scheme as well.

Overhead Press




This gave me a highly unexpected pump in my back, along all the postural stabilizers. I had to start with the bar overhead and was focused on pushing up and behind me, opposed to watching myself press. I've never experienced anything like this before. The pump was severe enough to cut my last set short.

Shoulder Rehab

External Rotations: 3x10xBlack Band

Y's: 6x5lbs; 2x6x3lbs

T's: 3x10x3lbs

Made to the shoulder rehab a mere 40 minutes into the workout. These 3 exercises took another 20 minutes. External rotation felt really good. Y's and T's were incredible weak. I felt as though they were doing more harm than good, honestly. If the PT hadn't given me the two exercises, I wouldn't have completed the sets. Instead, I'm going to try them next workout with no weight, then slowly build up. The overhead press appears to fatiuge those muscles???


Lower Back


Posterior Shoulder Capsule


Lats / Triceps

Kept the stretching relatively limited due to wanting dinner. I also know I have a mobility workout planned for tomorrow.

Overall a pretty good workout. I'm intentionally not thinking for myself now. I'm doing more sets then I would think is reasonable, working out more often then I think is sustainable, and adding weight faster than I think is practical. I'm also making a point to eat 200 grams of protein a day, via the addition of a protein shake in the morning and evening. Basically, I'm following the instructions in practical programming using exercises I can do. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out.

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12-19-2006 - Week 8 Rehabed - Grip Work #10

Just did some bending. Worked up to a 6" piece of 1/4 round FBBC stock reverse style. Still couldn't get one of my hard 60d nails. Other reverse bends of note were a 7" 1/4 round FBBC, 7" 1/4 Round Home Depot, an easy 60d. I did an easy 60d DU, along with a couple piece of 3/16" and an easy timber tie.

Am supposed to be doing mobility work tonight, but appear to have substituted grip work for it. Overall an ok workout, especially considering I only got 7 hours of sleep last night.


I'm beginning to question whether the plan I have is a good one. My shoulder was hurting some today and the protein shakes aren't digesting very well. Right now, I feel like I don't really care whether or not I end up stronger. I tied my all time bending PR, which was done at a contest, and I'm not even excited about it.

Not sure what to do. With the plan to get stronger set out so plainly before me, it seems I might not be willing to put in the effort. If I'm going to do that much work, I'd reap way more benefit to invest it dropping weight. Right now I'm not perceiving training as something fun, but rather a means to an end. Strength doesn't do me any real good, so to plug away at a process I'm not enjoying for something that won't help me seems dumb.

I probably just need to step back for a little bit. I'll do that for now.

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Just feeling out the form for now. A narrower stance seems to feel better for me for some reason. Trying to do them with my hands in a clean position, which is much easier on my rehabed shoulder. Need to increase wrist flexibility. With the empty bar, I can't even get it into position.

Just saw this, don't worry about it Scott. It's not actually that common to be able to rack and empty bar completely. For me, it takes at least 95 lb to stretch my wrists enough to get the bar racked properly. Loading a bar about chest height with a decent amount of weight and picking it up and holding it in the racked position is a good way to increase your flexibility. If all else fails, just take your pinky off the bar, it will be much easier. Here is a good article you might want to read if front squats are one of your core exercises


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Thanks guys. Hearing 200g a day sounds like a lot of protein to you Starkmann makes me feel like it isn't needed.

As of this morning, my enthusiasim has returned. I think I was in a foul mood and tired because of the intestinal distress the protein put me into. No amount of vegetables helped.

I skipped last night's shake and this morning's. I now feel much better. Assuming all goes well today, I'll have one shake tonight. It appears a shake a day may be a better choice. I do think having one a day holds a lot of potential value for me, especially give the vegitarian diet. Currently it'll be made of:

8oz Chocolate Soy Milk

8oz Skim Milk

1oz Soy Protein Powder

1Tbsp Flax Oil

Once I get a formula that digests well, I'm going to add in 3-5 grams of creatine, since I get no dietary Creatine. If the soy protein doesn't work (easy to get, cheap, I already have it), I'll try whey protein isolate. I've also got a sample of Ironmind's protein on order.

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12-20-2006 - Week 8 Rehabed - Mobility Work

Woke up early this morning for some reason. I just wasn't tired. Oddly, my abs are among the sorest muscles on me from bending yesterday. Chest is a little tight, as are the forearms. It became clear to me last night that my weak point on the reverse style bending is now my thumbs. I'll be doing some TTK work to rectify that in coming grip workouts. A grade 5 bolt could possibly be in my future...

Was enthused to do the mobility work today. I passed up going to a bar for company bought drinks so I could get this one in. I also had some work that had to be done for tomorrow and everyone left early. They probably think I'm nuts, but I didn't want to have to do the work tonight on my time.

Warm Up with 16k Kettlebell (reps per hand)

Deadlifts: 10

2 Hand Swings: 3

1 Hand Swings: 3

Clean and Press: 3

Squats: 3x5

Snatches: 3

Quite warm at the end of this.

Mobility Work

Foam Roller Thoracic Spine

Dynamic Pec Minor Stretch

Quad Stretch

Hip Flexor Stretch

Supine Leg Swings

Supine Bridge, Legs Only

Foot Series

Posterior Shoulder Capsule

Hamstrings Stretch

Adductors Stretch

Arm Circles

Wrist Series

First Rib Stretch

Definitely worthwhile. That foam roller feels goood.

Still thinking about the workout program. There is a horizontal row at the World Gym downtown I'd really like to use, as well as reverse pec dec that simulates one of the rehab exercises I am supposed to do quite well. I just don't know if I'm willing to get up early every morning. Decided to leave the protein powder alone for one more day. Things are still settling down.

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12-21-2006 - Week 8 Rehabed - Feeling out the new program

Felt like lifting today, but energy levels were not at their highest. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, and then at work today there was free Cinnabons. That interfered with consumption of my morning meal. Instead of the lettuce, burrito, snow peas, and canned pineapple I brought to eat, I had a Cinnabon. Sounds dumb in retrospect.

Front Squats




I could not get into a good groove with these today. This weight took more effort than it should, and my right knee was clicking while I did it. I must not have been warmed up enough or something. Do over next workout.

Romanian Deadlifts



These felt better than the ones last workout. I was doing better at keeping my bad shoulder back. Stay here next time since nothing else is going up.

Hang Cleans



I don't think it will be possible for me to train these without getting my elbows up. That makes my wrists hurt. So I practiced it. I'm not very good at it yet. I'll repeat this weight for a few workouts, until it feels snappy.

Overhead Press



I was going to do 3 sets at 85, but after my second set, my right shoulder felt tweaked. I didn't get the pump in my back this time. It occurs to me now that I'm not watching myself press the weight up, I have no idea how wide my hands should be spaced. I ended up doing it about shouler width. Don't know what I used last workout

Shoulder Rehab

External Rotation: 3x10xBlack Band

Y's: Tried a few reps and stopped

Held the 16k kettlebell straight overhead for a few sets of 10 seconds

Attempted to do side and front planks, but stopped

I think what happened at the end of my overhead presses is my weak muscles in my back were just done. I couldn't even really get my arms overhead without swinging while doing the Y's, even with no weight. I was having trouble doing the remedial lower trap exercise the therapist gave me. The bridges were too shaky to be worthwhile.

This workout is growing on me. I think it is providing good stress on my shoulder and teaching me how to use it properly outside the context of strict rehab exercises. We'll see how the next week goes. I had a protein shake after the workout and am about to eat some nachos. No stretching since I'll do mobility work tomorrow or Saturday. Might do some grip tomorrow as well.

I half heartedly attempted to bend a 12" spike braced. I have no idea what I'm doing and stopped before I hurt myself. Work tomorrow, then a whole week off. I'm gonna get so much done! One of my big goals is to get pictures up for all my gripper and bending exercises on gripfaq.com. I'd also like to flesh out the pinch section. Hopefully I'm not too busy.

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12-24-2006 - Week 8 Rehabed - Grip Work #11

Been out of it for the last two days. It seems to be tradition that as soon as I'm off for a week for Christmas, I get sick. 48 hours of bed rest later and I'm down to a cough. Good enough for grip work...


Palms Down: 1x 6" 3/16" round

DU: 2x6" 3/16" round; 8xEasy 60d PR

Reverse: 2xEasy 60d

Volume PR on the Easy 60d's double underhand. I'm approaching the ideal territory with these nails, where I'll really be able to dial in form on them. The Grade 2 bolts should start getting worried, because they're next.

I brought a couple Easy 60d's to my family gathering. After a few form tweaks my 56 year old uncle bent one reverse style. I was impressed. He works as a butcher and the strength developed through years of using his hands came through. I'm going to give him a couple more nails to show the guys at his archery club.

Climber511 TTK

Bunch of sets of 5x7.5 for each hand.

Really just breaking back into doing this so that my thumbs are stronger for the reverse bending. Even the two easy 60d's I did earlier today with my left hand as the anchor resulted in a significant discrepancy between the strength in my two hands. These will pay off.

Finger Extensions




Endurance on these seems down.

Overall a good workout considering how sick I've been. I hope to do mobility work tomorrow, then lift again on Tuesday. I'll need to rest more to make it work though.

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Saw family all day for Christmas yesterday, so no workout. All the excitement seemed to slow my recovery from the cold. I had to settle for taking pictures for my website and walking 1.5 miles today. That walk took a lot out of me, being sick sucks.

I expect to be able to do the mobility workout tomorrow, full body weights on Thursday. Friday I'd like to do some grip work, but I'll have to see how my hands feel. I would love to bend the hard 60d before the end of the year. It's been a goal of mine for a long time.

I've been thinking about what I want to work on over the next year. The workouts seem pretty clear. I'll continue doing the mobility work while working on the weight program I was feeling out last week. Grip will continue to play a major role because I enjoy it. Come the nice spring weather, I may return to having one or two full kettlebell workouts a week, knocking the weights sessions down to as few as one a week.

Competition wise I'd like to make the Michigan contest and the FBBC contest. Those are in August and October, respectively. I should have a car by then, so getting there will be easier.

Nutritionaly, I'm still at a loss. I know I want to start working the protein shakes into my regular diet, as well as focus on increasing the variety of foods I eat back to what it was when I graduated college. However, I haven't decided if it's time for me to cut out the junk food and start leaning out yet. Dropping weight would probably improve my recovery time from training, as well as make the strength I have more useful. On the other hand, I really like to eat and my work will be moving to the suburbs. That means I'll have a car and an extra 1.5 hours a day to do as I wish. I might wish to sample the fine dining around the new office.

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Still sick, the week of Christmas is not a good time to be trying to get better. I had friends in from CA yesterday and was out at Steak and Shake at 2 in the morning. That does NOT promote recovery.

Rested most of the day today and hope to do mobility work as well as grip work tomorrow. Depending how I feel, I may give the hard 60d nail one last shot before the end of the year.

On the bright side I'm getting time to polish my website. I did some keyword optimization, got pics uploaded with captions, added an entry on stress balls, got descriptions on a few more websites, revised the admin tool a bit, and got the ball rolling on something I think should increase the exposure of grip strength as a whole if it is successful. Definitely a learning experience.

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Spent 20 minutes putting everything I had into trying to the hard 60d today. Got stuck with a 7 degree kink. I had the music cranked, rational thought turned off, and even managed to drool on the floor a little bit. It just wasn't going to happen.

Objectively, I think this nail is more like 9/16" than 1/4" round. I could be a good ways from a full bend, since the 1/4" round is close to a limit bend for me at the same length. Rather than build up a mental block, I'm going to put these hard 60d's away for 2 months while I grind away at the double underhand. Come the first week of March, I'll give them another shot.

Mobility work tomorrow. I finally got a full night's sleep last night. Should be almost 100% tomorrow.

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I know nothing about bending.... and I want to remain this way for a while :P I don't wanna become addicted to that thing, I hear it's addictive.

May I ask what a hang clean is?

Good workouts! Don't drool on the floor though! Jeez! :)

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A hang clean is a clean from the hang position :)

Here's an example of one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF4WzMVEIWw

Today I walked about 2 miles, moved some furniture, swung the 16k kettlebell around a little, and stretched. I expect to lift tomorrow, unless people come over early for new years. Then I'll get drunk instead. Guess we'll see how the day goes.

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Turns out I'm lucky enough to do both today! Got home early enough to get a light workout in and will be partying later tonight:

12-31-2006 - Week 9 Rehabed - Feeling out the new routine

Got a good bit of sleep last night and ate pretty well today. However, I'm still drained from being sick. I opted to get a light workout in to get the blood moving in the joints and see how kind the week off was to me.

Front Squats





My calves are tight and my knee is not tracking properly as a result. Rather than push it I'm going to start here and slowly add weight, letting my flexibility build back up. Weight felt light.

Romanian Deadlifts



Same deal, went light to let my shoulder remember what it needs to be doing. I've done no rehab work in over a week and it's tight. Weight felt light.

Hang Cleans



Light again. Started to get tired by the end and opted not to do 5 sets with 85. My shoulder was starting to bother me at this point. The weight still felt easy, but my energy was going.

Overhead Press


1x5x16k kettlebell, one arm at a time

Shoulder was done after the second light set of overhead press. Rather than push it, I switched over to the kettlebell where I can focus on range of motion and how my scapula tracks.


Foam Roller Thoracic Spine






Low Back

Pec Minor

Posterior Shoulder Capsule

First Rib

Stretched out, felt great. Everything is tight.

Overall, a fine workout for breaking back in after being sick. I'll add a little more weight on Tuesday, then hopefully be ready to hit the weights full bore on Thursday. I will be doing mobility work tomorrow and hope to do some Y's and T's for my shoulder as well.

My thumb joints are still beat up from the hard 60d attempt earlier this week. No grip work until Wednesday I think. Or I could do some tomorrow. We'll see how I feel.

At some point I need to write up my lessons learned for this year, as well as a plan for next year. I lack any strong goals at the moment, so I'm just going through the motions to keep things functional for now.

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Took the last week off from the weights since I was tired. Did a little stretching on my shoulder. Tried to bend twice but had no strength. Finally did some lighter grip work tonight. Not sure what I'm doing next, but this cycle is definitely over. I'll be keeping at the shoulder rehab and grip work for sure. Haven't decided what to do with the weights or nutrition yet. It's a toss up between screwing around or training seriously. I've got a plan I know will work well if I decide to train seriously, I just don't know if I'm prepared to make the effort. Doing it half way would just be a waste of my time.

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Scott, what have you been up to man? long time no post.

btw, I never quite caught that your Practical Programming book was a strength training book. on review you made mention that it was written by the guys Starting Strength, I must have glossed over that. I thought you were just over extending a metaphor. Silly me.

btw, how are the socks?

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I'm done being an internet lifter. I saw some pictures in the gallery from a forum where I spent a lot of time posting in college. The individuals with the most posts seemed to have the least impressive results. And I fit right in! That was a reality check for me. What waste all the time if I'm not going to succeed? I decided it's time to back off on the endless logging until I have results to show for my time and what I supposedly know. I'll PM you the details of what I'm doing now.

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I can feel you there man. Good luck to you, you know how to find me if I don't see you first.

One of these days I'm moving back to the midwest and I expect to be able to look you up when I do. :-)

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