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Malice's Grip Training Ver. 2.0


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I was feeling pretty good tonight at work and wanted to kick Project MiniMalice up to the next level and go running at lunch with a guy at work. We decided to only go half a mile but at a fast pace and everything started off well until the second half. That's when 4 surgeries on my left knee plus too much fat decided to make itself known with extreme pain. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't finish so I just slowed down a bit and limped across the finish line. I want to continue running once or twice a week at work so I'll give it another shot when I drop 10 lbs. and see how it goes.

Russ, do you actually work at your work sometimes or is it just a place for your workouts :grin:

What kind of work do you do?

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I was feeling pretty good tonight at work and wanted to kick Project MiniMalice up to the next level and go running at lunch with a guy at work. We decided to only go half a mile but at a fast pace and everything started off well until the second half. That's when 4 surgeries on my left knee plus too much fat decided to make itself known with extreme pain. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't finish so I just slowed down a bit and limped across the finish line. I want to continue running once or twice a week at work so I'll give it another shot when I drop 10 lbs. and see how it goes.

Russ, do you actually work at your work sometimes or is it just a place for your workouts :grin:

What kind of work do you do?

Lol...I'm an aerospace inspector. I workout on my breaks.

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When I got home from work my hands were tight so I grabbed the trainer and did a couple sets of 10 to loosen them up. I then decided to grab the #2 and see how many 20mm block set reps I could get with it. I managed 35 reps and missed on the 36th. I'm still fumbling with this new block set technique but it's much better than it was last time.

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I was feeling pretty good tonight at work and wanted to kick Project MiniMalice up to the next level and go running at lunch with a guy at work. We decided to only go half a mile but at a fast pace and everything started off well until the second half. That's when 4 surgeries on my left knee plus too much fat decided to make itself known with extreme pain. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't finish so I just slowed down a bit and limped across the finish line. I want to continue running once or twice a week at work so I'll give it another shot when I drop 10 lbs. and see how it goes.



Trainer x10




#3.5 (20mm)

4x1-no closes either hand. Got down to a paper thickness away righty and at or below 1/4" each rep lefty which is a PR of sorts.

This was pretty disappointing because my hands felt great and very strong during warm-ups but apparently not for heavy singles.



x3 both hands

+2.5x1 both hands

+5x1 both hands

+10x1 both hands

+12.5x1 righty, hop lefty




+15x0-on all these attempts I got at least half way up righty and a hop lefty.

+13.5x1 righty-PR, hop lefty

2x35's (hand to hand transfer)

18 times before setting it down. A guy at work tried to get a vid on my phone but "forgot" to hit the record button...grrrrrrrrr

#2 (CCS) max reps

27 reps-PR

RT wrist curls





My right wrist was still a bit tender so I didn't up the weight but it's MUCH better than it's been lately.

Axle reverse wrist curls




50x10, drop to 35x10, drop to 15x25

The drop set on the last set was brutal and left my extensors feeling swole and great!! This drop set is going to remain a mainstay from now on.

Great all around workout here, the RT wrist curls look cool...any pay off on those?

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So far I'd say yes because my wrists have been hurting less since I started doing them.

Cool bro, I want stronger wrists I'm hoping that it will pay off in a overall stronger grip as well

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As much as my left shoulder has been hurting lately I decided to do the DeFranco Shoulder Shocker for some rehab on it. I want VERY light using just a 25 lb. plate for front raises and 15 lb. dumbbells for the rest. It gave a nice little pump and didn't hurt at all so I'm real happy with it.

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Rich came down from Flagstaff today and we threw down in the Grip Pit for about an hour and a half or so. I have to give Rich a big thanks for bringing down his 183 lb. CoC 3.5 for me to borrow so that I have a smaller step up from my 174 lb. #3.5! It was a great time seeing him again and getting some training in...not to mention someone else having a chance to get humiliated by BlobZilla. My overall grip strength seemed to be down today but it was still a productive workout. Here's some of the highlights I remember as far as what I did.

-BlobZilla-I was only able to lift it with 37.5 lbs. on the deloader. The Zilla was being extra stubborn today.

-Grippers-I closed Rich's RB240 N, missed his 3.5, adn closed a couple others that I don't remember what they were. I also closed a 2.5 display gripper at the Sports Exchange we went to after training.

-45# hub-we both did this a few times and I also got it with an extra 5 lbs. added. Nothing big here.

-Rolling Thunder-Rich has never tried an actual RT so we started loading up some weight on it. I think he did 141 and change and I pulled 172 lefty. At this point my right wrist was starting to hurt so I didn't attempt much righty. I believe this may be a PR lefty.

A couple hours after Rich left I decided to do a workout so here it is.

Seated Axle OH Press-non back supported






I went light on these because I wanted to see how my left shoulder would feel and didn't want to overdo it. I'm happy to say it felt great with no pain at all during these.

Pullups-narrow grip with Fatgripz (20 reps total)


I suck at pullups so with these low rep sets I decided to start with a total of 20 and each time I'll increase the total rep count by 5 until I get to 50 total. I only rested a few seconds between sets.

Defranco Shoulder Shocker-25 lb. plate, 12.5 lb. dumbbells


I'm going very light on these as well due to the shoulder but again, there was no pain so that's good.

Rear band pull aparts-red band

50,50-I only rested about 10 seconds between sets.

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I can't think of a better or more fitting title for today's workout. Let's just say that some strange things happen to the body when you follow high rep deadlifts with 5 sets of 10 reps of good mornings! Since my shoulder has been feeling good the last couple days I decided I would give some deadlifts a try since it's been a while since I've done any. Besides, I've been wanting to pull something somewhat heavy off the floor lately :) In order to keep the weight down I figured I'd do some 2" axle deads instead...besides thick bar is one of my main grip priorities at this point anyway so why not kill 2 birds with one stone, eh. I'm also going to start a round or two of 5/3/1 to ease myself back into weight training consistently. I'll be doing the "triumverate" which is basically the base lift and two accessorie lifts. However, one of the accessory lifts for the time being will be either squats, deads or bench @225 for max reps since on my 40th birthday I want to do each of those @225 for 40 reps. Today I finally got a baseline for deads@225 and hopefully I'll get the squats baseline later this week. I'll wait for bench until my shoulder is completely healed, though.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings, here's the workout:

2" DO Axle Deadlifts





255x8-grip started giving out because I sweated all the chalk off my hands at this point

DO Oly bar deadlifts (225 max reps)

20-my conditioning gave out on me here. Strength wise I was still going strong, same with grip. I just couldn't breathe anymore. I'll be hitting conditioning real hard so this shouldn't be a problem much longer.

Good Mornings






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I had a great time doing some training at your place Russ. You have some serious hand conditioning and strengthening ahead of you with Blobzilla. Even with the dead loader and heavy counterweight that thing wiped out my hands. I didn’t really feel anything until today, now my hands are tired in an intense new way.

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I found this Shoulder Rehab Protocol on the Diesel Crew site and it looks right up my alley with rehabbing my shoulder so I thought I'd give it a try along with the Defranco Shoulder Shocker that I've been doing. Here's the video of the Diesel Crew circuits that I'll be doing:

Diesel Crew Shoulder Rehab Protocol+ reverse band pulls

Circuit 1-DB Retractions, DB Protractions, Posterior Capsule Stretch

20 lb. dumbbells and green band


This felt pretty good, expecially the posterior capsule stretch. I did the retractions, protractions and band pulls before the posterior capsule stretch. I'm looking forward to Circuit 2 tomorrow.

Tabata's on exercise bike-4 minutes

Flat DB Fly's




I went very light on these to try to get some blood flowing to the shoulders and test how it would feel. No pain but was a little tight.

Tabata's on exercise bike-4 minutes



I felt some twinges in my left shoulder on these so I still need some more time before any chest pressing movements.

Bodyweight Rows with 2.5" grips


Tabata's on exercise bike-4 minutes

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Today before work I decided to take my daughter out to just spend some time together so I didn't have time to do a workout. Plus she has a winter dance recital coming up in a few weeks so I took here to an extra dance class today on my way to work so she could get some extra practice specifically for the recital. I did, however do my shoulder rehab circuit when I got home from work. In case you missed yesterday's post I ran across the Diesel Crew Shoulder Rehab Protocol which includes 5 different shoulder re/prehab circuits. Here's the video demonstrating all the exercises in each circuit:

Diesel Crew Shoulder Rehab Protocol-Circuit #2

DB Cuban Rotations

Band External Rotations

Band Pull-Aparts

Band Dislocations

Band Press

I used a 12.5 lb. dumbbell and a red band


My shoulders feel great after doing this tonight!! Whether you have shoulder issues or not I highly recommend giving this a try. It only takes a few minutes but works amazing.

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I finally got a baseline for 225 x max reps. Strength wise I was good for many more than 25 on the first set but my conditioning is non-existence and I couldn't breathe. The goal is to get 40 consecutive reps with 225 so my work is cut out for me. The last 5 reps were probably the hardest (mentally) 5 reps I've ever done with weights.

PL Squats







High Bar Squats (225x max reps)


Here's the video:

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Strong work Russ, makes me want to go and do some squats myself. This wil be burning some calories!

Btw did you notice that your left leg (on the vid right) seems to be taking the lead? Right is just getting a tad behind, not

wanting any back problems of course.

Nice shoulder vid btw, there are so many good exc. to do but so little time bro.

You are doing great Russ, 225 lbs is a lot of weight for so many reps.

I also felt the urge to come over there, kneel down and hold that damn phone :grin: while you were cranking out those reps :):grin:

Edited by Geralt
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Strong work Russ, makes me want to go and do some squats myself. This wil be burning some calories!

Btw did you notice that your left leg (on the vid right) seems to be taking the lead? Right is just getting a tad behind, not

wanting any back problems of course.

Nice shoulder vid btw, there are so many good exc. to do but so little time bro.

You are doing great Russ, 225 lbs is a lot of weight for so many reps.

I also felt the urge to come over there, kneel down and hold that damn phone :grin: while you were cranking out those reps :):grin:

Thanks brother! Early in the set my right knee popped a little bit so that's why it looks a little funny. I also raised my depth just a bit after if you noticed that. That happened a few months ago and I thought I blew it out but the doc said it was because I have "extreme" joint flexibility and when going too deep theres the chance of the knees "popping" like that.

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#1.5x10, 10


#2.5-explosive singles+2 sec. overcrush


#2-explosive triples+2 sec. overcrush


IMTUG 5-max reps

Rx9, Lx3-PR righty

Rx14, Lx11-PR both hands

Rx22, Lx15-PR again both hands

I figured out how to set this thing for reps. It squirms around A LOT so the set has to be right and a lot of chalk is needed. Also, all my reps are full reps not MMS or partial reps.

#2.5-max reps @20mm then max sets to 40 total reps


Tied my PR with 21 reps but doing as many sets as necessary to reach 40 total reps was a BAD idea! The workout itself was more reps than I usually do and the extra reps just killed my hands. I'll back the max reps to maybe once a month or so instead of each workout.

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I started a gripper workout last night at work but my hands just weren't up to is so I backed it down. I decided to choke my #3 to 3/4" and see how many reps I could do. I easily got 5 righty before I stopped with at least 2 more left in the tank. I couldn't even get one lefty which shows how off grippers were. I think I'll try adding this in my workojts for a bit to see what effect it has on the final close. I can close my 3.5 choked to 1" but can't rep it yet at 3/4" so we'll see if working the choked #3 helps with that.

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Maybe filing your #3 if you can close it fairly easy? Good stuff closing it 5 times easy.

Good idea Geralt but since I can also close my 3.5 in a choker set at 1" I won't file the #3. I'll use it for choker reps and not go to failure for a lighter deload day.

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Boulders and 1hp

Boulders=Big Ass Shoulders

Seated Axle Press-non back supported





145x5-the last rep was hard

These felt heavy due to not training overhead press in a long time but my shoulder felt great with no pain whatsoever!

Defranco Shoulder Shocker

25 lb. plate, 12.5 lb. dumbbells


Band Pull-aparts (green band)-100 reps


1hp (2x35's)

x1 both hands

+2.5x1 both hands

+5x1 both hands

+7.5x1 both hands

+10x1 R, hop L

+12.5x1 R, 0L

+15x hop R, 0L

+15x0 both

2x35's alternating hand deadlifts

x10 each hand non stop-stopped here because of web tear on right thumb.

BlobZilla (Iso's x6 secs.)


On these Iso's I squeezed as hard as I could for 6 seconds and pulled just enough to stress the hands the way they will be when attempting a lift but not to try to actually lift the Blob right now so my hand wouldn't slip off.

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Maybe filing your #3 if you can close it fairly easy? Good stuff closing it 5 times easy.

Good idea Geralt but since I can also close my 3.5 in a choker set at 1" I won't file the #3. I'll use it for choker reps and not go to failure for a lighter deload day.

No no no, I REALLY want you to file that handle.


Edited by Geralt
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