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Are Weak Men Allowed To Post Routines!?


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Full day of rest, body needed it, specially calves... since I had not jumped rope in over two months, they were not used to the usual work, so the little running I did on saturday (wearing Vibram 5 Fingers) and the 3 uphill sprints I did sunday (again with the Vibrams) has really affected my calves, they were killing me on this day...


Calves still killing me, but anyways. I was browsing through CrossFit archives and found a workout that looked nice:

Ten rounds of:

12 burpess.

12 kipping pull-ups.

Well, first of all, I remember the last time I tried to do a CF workout as Rx'd, I couldn't even finish. I've finished some, but those for time, in a long time, and those for rounds in 20 minutes, a pitiful number of rounds... I decided I'd be humble and do all ten rounds, but use 8 reps of each (2/3 or 66.67% of the rx'd amount). The result: 34 minutes. Oh-My-Goodness... I had never done burpees before, but I can completely understand why some people consider it the most hated exercise ever. I set myself up to touch the ceiling with both hands on the jumps though, so I needed to jump at least 1 foot (a bit more to be honest, but didn't measure), and not a little jump like the ones from a rope-jumping session. The burpees were tougher than the kipping pull-ups and left me more out of breath. The "jump" to bring the legs from the push-up possition to the bottom of the squat, and then the vertical jump with arms overhead..... make this a nightmare, and tired me a ton, I wanted to quit since round 1, seriously. In most sets I would do 4, rest a bit, and 4 more. The kipping pull-ups, well, are not as easy for me as for crosfitters, bercuase 1) my feet touch the ground if I'm straight, so I can't fully kip... and 2) I don't have the technique mastered yet, I lost rythm after 1 or 2 pull-ups max, having to swing myself back and forth extra times in between reps to gain the correct momentum. The first nine sets were unbroken though (hands never left the bar), but the last set was not like this, the last few reps were singles, and hell, the very last two reps I did jumping pullups with a negative.

I honestly think this has been the toughest workout to complete for me, ever. And 34 minutes sucks. And I did 2/3 the reps.... wow, I'll wait a good while before attemping it as Rx'd. Might do some burpess in some workouts to get used to that movement, it's a killer. Maybe I shouldn't have jumped so high though, I've seen videos where they jump just a little bit, but since I was already reducing reps, didn't want to take the easy way out on the jump as well.

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Good work! Sounds like your shoulder issues are soon behind, your being able to do kipping pullups and burpees already! Happy for you.

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Good work! Sounds like your shoulder issues are soon behind, your being able to do kipping pullups and burpees already! Happy for you.

Thanks a lot tja! I forgot to mention that today, being a tuesday, it's yet another week since surgery, it's been 7 weeks now, and I celebrated it with that workout I just posted :)

As with every workout I've done since the surgery, I apply ice for 10-20 minutes on that right shoulder after I finish. I will keep doing that for at least 3 months (so, until week 12), then I'll drop the ice. Also I now see things differently... I don't even want to bench and all that stuff, I'm starting to work handstands into my routine, which will hopefully strengthen the shoulders even more, and will take better care this time, if something hurts I will obviously stop. I have a goal of getting truly fit... so far the hardest part is eating right to be honest, as I love working out, more and more everyday... even this darned workout which almost killed me and had me wanting to quit since the first minute, I enjoy it, and want to continue with it. I'm going to emulate many of those CrossFit workouts since they are so varied and target so many different stuff... I will eventually incorporate grip stuff again. My grippers hang from the holes in my power rack, so it's not like I never try to close one, I just don't post them. I feel like I'm cheating by posting workouts in here that don't contain grip stuff :tongue

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Very sore from yesterday's 80 total kipping pullups, sore lats, and forearms/bicep where they meet. Inside of elbows a little bit too.

I quickly invented this workout, thought it'd be fun and rest the upper body.

15 vertical jumps, touching ceiling with all 10 fingers.

15 sit-ups with bench across butt, hyper-extending below parallel, knees locked all the time, feet anchored in power rack.

15 broad jumps, each covering a distance of.... no idea, 4 square blocks from my floor, 5 or 6 feet maybe.

15 sit-ups as described two lines above.

16 single-leg jumps, also landing with that leg, alternating (8/leg), covering maybe 3-4 feet with each jump??

15 tuck jumps, touching thigs to chest.

3 rounds in about 30 minutes. Wore Vibram 5 fingers all the time.

Pretty exhausting actually. The single leg jumps were hard with my right feet, because of it's weaknesses and/or genetic flaws (same reasons why pistols with right leg are way harder than left). Felt very awkward to jump, and to land, with that foot. But it's made me think, maybe I ought to do this more often and it will strengthen the weaknesses... ??

I wanted to do a CF workout, but it rained. I am thinking of doing it after work... is 5 hours enough recovery? I mean, the workout I wanted to do was just this:

Only two rounds of:

run 800m

run 400m backwards

Seems simple enough and I was planning to rest tomorrow... so maybe I can do it? I'm feeling good today. :)

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16.07.2008 Workout #2!

Yep, like I stated above, I felt like doing another workout this day, so after work, it had been 5 full hours of rest, I warmed up again and did a short but intense workout. It looked like it would rain (it didn't!! ARGH!) so I couldn't go running. I really wanted to run, so I did:

3 rounds of:

2 minutes of "simulating running" in the same place, touching heels to butt in every step.

50 air squats

Simulating the running movement in a static place is way harder than it sounds. I couldn't believe how sweaty I was by the end of this, I had to mop the floor.

I also went into a handstand about twice, wanted to lower myself until head touched the floor, but after lowering a couple of inches I feel like I'm losing power and I'm afraid of crashing my head into the floor, even if it's padded I don't know how hard I'm gonna crash. Anyways, lower traps are sore again, heh. Today is a full day's rest anyways :)

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Quads sore from two days ago's air squats.. darn, embarassing to admit that.

Warmup, then, for the first time in AGES...:

Deadlift: 95, 135, 185, 205, 215, 215, 225 all x5. I videotaped all sets and although my back looks straight, I seem to raise the hips before my shoulders :( ... I wore long sweat pants but still it hurts when the bar hits the shins. And I think I lean forward more to avoid hitting the shins/kneecap with the bar. I must say I kinda hate the barbell deadlift because of this, and on top of this, I hate squatting because it feels it's gonna crush my shoulders to dust.. I've been considering getting a Trap Bar, since it's kindof a "deadlift" but some people say it's more like a squat since you start with the hips lower than a regular deadlift.. but the parallel grip is something I like, and not having to worry about scraping my shins too. I just don't have so much cash flowing around right now, but I want one of these.. sucks that I don't have one to actually try before buying, and I would hate to buy it and then dislike it for some reason.

Pistols: 10 each leg, 20 alternate, 5 each leg while holding a 25lb plate.

Did some hanging leg raises, where I raised them and opened/closed them. On the last set I tried to do: raise, open, close, lower, repeat.. got to 7 or 8 reps but my wife and son came in and made me laugh, it was very hard but I think I could've gotten 10 with a really hard effort. Getting a bit better at these I think.

Oh, and yesterday I weighed myself at 76.25kg or 168 pounds, that is the lightest ever for me!! Need to keep eating right, but also hitting those weights, since I obviously lost some muscle in the last few months, before surgery and while recovering. My abs feel a bit bigger though... I say "feel" because they aren't visible because of the fat layer over them, but when I touch them, they feel bigger, and the top ones are actually a little visible I think... still, lots of fat to lose and muscle to gain! :rock

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12 push-ups.

10 push-ups with feet elevated, maybe around 33" from the floor.

8 barbell push-presses, only 65 pounds.

4 rounds in 20 minutes.

Since this workout wasn't full-body, I didn't feel the exhaustion and heavy breathing I've felt with other "metcons". I did feel, however, one very tired muscle group, heh heh. After round one, all sets of everything were broken into two/three mini-sets.. except the push-press, which were consecutive, maybe I should've used more weight.

The real workout I wanted to do had dips and not elevated push-ups, but it bothers my shoulder to do dips. I don't know if this will change or not, but for now I will not do them.

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Warmups, then:

Chin-ups, underhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width, all singles: 25, 35, then 7 sets with 50 pounds. The first few reps were better, I think I was touching my shoulders to the bar, but in the last singles I was struggling to get my chin over the bar, but got it in all of them.

I then did 20 push-ups just for fun. Must be the biggest push-up set I've done in a while, lol. Triceps are very sore from yesterday, and lower back still killing me from those deads. Tomorrow is full rest, and tuesday's workout will be a killer full-body workout!!

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After a full day's rest, it was time for another CrossFit workout. I chose the one they call "Filthy Fifty" for obvious reasons. I did not perform it as Rx'd, I scaled it down to what I thought I was capable of, and substituted some exercises I could not perform. I will write the workout, and to the right the substitutes I used. My workout could be called "Filthy Thirty-Five" for obvious reasons.. I read it should take between 20-40 minutes, and the Rx'd workout seemed like it would take me longer to complete, IF I were to complete it.

(I did 35 of everything, not 50)

50 Box jump, 24 inch box

50 Jumping pull-ups

50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood ------ 1 pood = 36lbs, I used a 35lb plate.

Walking Lunge, 50 steps

50 Knees to elbows

50 Push press, 45 pounds

50 Back extensions

50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball ------ I don't have balls (ahem, this kind of balls) so I did Thrusters with 45 lbs.

50 Burpees

50 Double unders ------- I seem to have lost my rope, so I did Tuck Jumps.

This workout deserves a comment on each exercise:

Box jumps - I might be able to do 35 in a row, but didn't, seeing it was the first of 10 different exercises. Full extension at the top of the box before stepping down, it would be far easier to just land your feet on the box and get back down.

Jumping pull-ups - totally underestimated them. I cleared the bar by a few inches in every rep, but it was darn hard, had to do mini-sets of 5.

Swings: tough, specially since I used a plate so it was hard to hold onto. From between legs to lockout overhead, first time ever doing this one, which didn't help.

Walking Lunges: the knee of the rear leg must "kiss" the ground, even while unweighted, this was hard, and surprisingly it taxed my core!

KTW - Wow!! Up until yesterday, everytime I heard of KTE (Knees to Elbows) I thought it was similar to a "hanging knee raise", but no way!! This one involves raising the hips (the torso doesn't stay straight) and also a lat-contraction (which closes the angle between arms and torso), I had to do mini-sets of 5 also, these were quite tough! Also first time doing them which didn't help at all. Loved them.

Push press: even with the empty bar, I needed like 4 mini-sets.

Back extensions: I realized that resting with the legs straight did not help at all, after doing like 3 consecutive sets of 3 or so reps while I was in the 20's... so I bent the knees for a few seconds and only then the hamstrings felt relieved, and could finish. Next time I will rest like this from the first break.

Thrusters - darn, the push presses a few sets ago were hard, but this was worse, heh.

Burpees: I can see why everyone hates this. No pansy 2 inch jumps on the jumps, at least a foot off the ground, had to do sets of 5, I was dying at this point.

Tuck jumps: never had I thought about it so much to finish a bloody set of tuck jumps, had to break it down to about 3 sets.

Total: 37:15 ... wasted. Loved it. Can't imagine doing the 50 reps on everything.

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I wanted to do a cool CrossFit workout that consisted of two rounds of: 800m run, 400m backwards run. However, I don't have a track or anything, so I went to the park with my wife. I threw a wild guess and estimated that I could run 800m in 4 minutes, so I ran for 4 minutes, checking where I was at the 2 minute mark, since that would be the "400m" point when I returned. So I ran the first "800m" straight, at a pace that wasted me quite a bit... then ran backwards without stopping (brief pause before starting, but not in the middle of the run); the second "800m" had a pause at exactly halfways, and the second backwards run also had a pause at around halfways. The wife did exactly half of what I did. At 12:30pm, with the dominican sun and the humidity, it was exhausting... we went prepared, with hats and she even wore sun protector cream (the sun is no joke here, specially at that time of the day). Pretty tiring workout, it killed my calves too. The second "400m backwards" had a slight incline, very small, but it was enough to make my quads burn a bit.

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Warmup, then:

Push press: 65x3, 95x3, 115x3 (I have never done push presses before, I think this is the most weight I had held overhead, ever, at this point).

125x3, 135x1 (failed to continue)

125x3, 130x3 (this is my current PR then, if it can be called that) ... 130x0 (!!).

115x3, felt too easy, but I took off 15 pounds because of that set of zero reps... so, 125x3 to finish.

I don't know the technique for this, I don't rest the bar in my shoulders like I should, I grab the bar tight at all times and support it with my arms, even in the starting possition the barbell barely rests on my chest. :( ....

Pistols: 10 each leg, very tough rightie.

I played a bit with my 30 and 32.5 blobs, tried the 35 but couldn't get it. Going to start training grip a little bit again.

Pegasus extension: 9.75x10, 11x10.

Wrist curls: DB+30lbs x10 each hand. My right shoulder doesn't like these, so I wont do them.

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Complete rest.


Warmup, then I set out to do a workout that was: Three rounds, one of 21 reps, other of 15, last one of 9 reps, of two exercises: 95lb thrusters and pullups. I read the workout should be fast, so I planned to scale it down to 75lbs, however, when I did my first rep, there was a big pain in the middle/bottom of my palm. This same pain I got two days ago when I did push-presses. I dunno if it's a flexibility issue or what. I was not going to let this stop me, so I loaded my dumbells with 20 pounds in plates each (totaling 30-35 pounds each, not sure yet), and did them in this manner. They say DB thrusters are more difficult as you have to use more stabilizers during the squat portion (and during the push-press portion as well I guess). All pullups were kipping, but at least deadhang and chin well over bar. I finished in exactly 10 minutes, it was exhausting, I'm seriously out of shape, it's hard, even for me, to believe I needed so much rest, it didn't seem like much at all while I was performing it.

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Warmup, then, I was gonna do a workout that I saw, which was, 21-15-9 reps of 95lb Overhead Squat and Burpees. I have never tried OHS'ing with weight, just with a broomstick or something I can hold onto. The bottom/middle of my palm hurts since I did those presses 3 days ago, and thrusters yesterday, don't know why, but it hurts when I put weight overhead. I learned that I should grip it more on the base, closer to the thumb than to the fingers. So I pushed through it today, it didn't hurt as much when I let the bar roll onto my thumb mostly. Of course, I did NOT use 95#... you can see 3 days ago I maxed out at 130x3 on the push-press, so I suck at having weight overhead. I used 65 pounds, and it might have been too light as I could do all my reps without lowering bar (I did stop once or twice to breath, but with the weight still overhead). "Push the bar to the sky and try to split it in two", are the advises I kept in mind at all times. I don't have bad shoulder flexibility it seems, as the bar never wanted to fall forward. The burpess were very hard, specially since they came after OHS like that.. no pansy jump, I touched the ceiling with every jump, so it's at least over a foot, with arms extended overhead in every rep. It took me 10:30 minutes.

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Since yesterday afternoon I've been having my right nostril drip "water" (it looks like that). Like I'm about to get a cold. I don't need that now!! ARGH!! I was not gonna let that screw me up for today, and tomorrow is full rest so today I decided to workout through what seems to be a little "cold" though I'm not sneezing really, just a couple of times. The workout for today was a workout that me and my wife tried before, a little over two weeks ago, on 12.07.2008... it originally consisted of 3 rounds of: 800m run, 50 back extensions and 50 sit-ups. That day I went with the prescribed amount and after two rounds I was so wasted, I could not finish. The wife was also dead tired. So today we scaled it, so we could do all three rounds. Again, doing this at 12:30pm with a hot dominican sun over us does NOT help. At least the stationary movements were done under the shadow of a tree, but it was still too darned hot.

I decided to run 600meters... again, I have no track, so I guesstimated that 3 minutes is what it would take me, at a moderate pace... and I set out to do 25 Supermans (substiting back extensions) and 35 sit-ups with feet anchored (wife sitting on them). Yes, I know the original workout has 50 of each, but as it gets scaled, one does less of the back exercise... and I understood why on round one: the supermans are TOUGH, tougher than real back extensions I dare to say. I had to break those sets of 25 in like three mini-sets. The 35 sit-ups were easier, I did the last one without breaking it, and the first two might only have had a brief pause. The 3 minute run, on the other hand, was only unbroken the first time; for rounds 2 and 3 I was very exhausted and I stopped to rest at the halfways point.. I rested like 20-25 secs the first time, and closer to 40-45 the last time. Wife did the same with a 2 minute run, and 25/25 supermans and sit-ups. She had a really tough time as even the situps looked hard for her... I'm a bit more used to them, they were by far the easiest of the three tasks. I wore my Vibams so as you can guess, by the second run my calves were on fire. I'm thinking I shouldn't do workouts outdoors at noon, never again... oh well, we'll see.

Oh, and none of us timed our workouts. Not even worth it at this point anyways, not on a workout like this where we can't even complete the runs without rest... but we can only do better next time, we shall see.

Edited by Arturo
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Still dripping "water" from my nose, but I aint letting no cold stop me.

Warmups, then:

Back Squat:

45x5, 95x3, 125x2, 145x5, 165x1


200x1 - Form check here:

210x1 - Form check here:

DB military press: since about a week ago, I get a weird, stabbing pain in what feels like a nerve in the bottom of my palm, while doing certain movements, like reaching lockout overhead even with an empty barbell (and sometimes without weight!!!). So I used dumbells, and a neutral grip (palms facing me) during the whole ROM, these don't bother me. I will assume my DB handles weight 10# each, and write the "total" weights.

20x5, 30x3, 40x1

45x1, 50x1, 55x0 - :( ... failed. Was cleaning the dumbells until last set, in which I asked wife to help one arm at the time, but still, I could not press these ones, not even close, could not even begin to raise them.. weird. The 50x1 tells me I can strict press over 100 pounds on a barbell though, specially since I doubt my DB's really weigh only #10, and you can do more without having to stabilize.


135x5, 185x3, 215x2


255x1 - Form check here:

265x1 - Form check here:

I think I wasn't capable of keeping the desired arch with these weights, what do you think?

I rested long periods between sets, so this workout was long despite the little volume.

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I cannot edit it now, I thought I could. Here are the links anyways:


200x1 - Form check here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbWE_pyGSI0

210x1 - Form check here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWAqSNKHfCY


255x1 - Form check here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAQmX_8Bct8

265x1 - Form check here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsvucpyr1LY

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The original workout I had planned consisted of 3 rounds for time of: 400m run, 21 KB swings (55pounds), 12 pull-ups.

I cannot go to the park and run and have my tools, that is why usually my workouts that include running can only have BW movements, so I did:

60 tuck jumps, 21 swings with 35lb plate, 12 kipping pull-ups.

Total: 21:45 minutes.

Wow.. the first 40 tuck jumps were consecutive, but on rounds 2 and 3 I did 3 sets of 20.

The swings were tough, specially on my thumb since this time I grabbed the plate with the flat side facing the fingers; I should've done it the other way around, I've now got two clalluses, one on each thumb, sucks!! Last time I did this I grabbed it the other way around and it did not mess up my hands.

Kipping pull-ups, with overhand grip, I think these were the easier part, although I couldn't get them straight, too darn tired... last set of 12 was 4 mini-sets of 3. Clearing the bar by a very good amount though, hitting the upper-chest in most reps actually.

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Went running one lap around the park. I don't know what is the length, I've heard it's around 6km so we'll say it's that. It took me 41 minutes but I walked a lot. I did jog the first 13 minutes, and then in sets of 5 minutes or less... I have no endurance at all, it's not my legs that give in, it's me as a whole, my lungs. I wore my Vibrams and now my feet are cursing me :) At least I have a goal time to shoot for next time. I remember about two months ago I walked (mind you, very fast walking, but walking none the less) this distance about 3-4 consecutive days and it took about 57 minutes every day. So to do it in only 41 while attempting to jog most of the way shows how terrible I am at jogging. I figure if I could last the whole lap thing it should take less than half an hour.

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I got some pointers on the squat, my gosh, I was doing so many things wrong. :)

DL possition should have my butt higher at start, but other than that it was pretty fine for a max effort attempt they said.


Complete rest.


Sunday, morning workout, before breakfast.. first time in a long while doing it like this.

I was gonna do a workout that consisted of 30 muscle ups for time. I can't do one, and the penalty is having tu substitute 1 MU for 4 pull-ups and 4 dips. That is a lot.... but anyways, last time I tried dips about 10 days ago, it hurt a little bit on my shoulder... so I'm not gonna try them again at least until 12 weeks after surgery (2 days from now it'll be 10 weeks). I'll keep stretching and strengthening other areas in the mean time, hopefully one day I can do dips again. My pressing strength is LOW nowdays because of all my shoulder stuff, but even so, a push-up is very easy compared to a dip, so I added a little weight. Still, the 4:1 ration seemed high for a newbie like me, so I did....

3 kipping pull-ups

3 push-ups with 25lb plate on back

30 rounds.

Total time: 22:45.

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100 sumo deadlift high-pull with empty 45# oly bar (bar travels from mid shin to right under chin)

21 dumbell thrusters (that's a squat with a push-press at the top), 30 - 35# each DB.

18 kipping pull-ups

Round 1 time: 12:36

rest 2 minutes

Repeat with reps lowered to 75, 18 and 15 of each.

Round 2 time: 10:52

rest 2 minutes.

Repeat with reps lowered to 50, 15 and 12 of each.

Round 3 time: 8:00

Without a doubt one of the toughest workouts to finish for me, ever. Had my wife throwing some air at me, it was so hot, I thought I was gonna suddenly start burning from inside. I'm glad I could finish it. :rock

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Thanks bro, yes, it was one of the toughest workouts to finish for me so far, and recently I've been doing some pretty exhausting ones!


Run "800m" (I guessed this it would take me 4 minutes, so I ran 4 mins, taking note of the 2 min mar for the "400m" point). Rest 30 seconds.

Run "400m" backwards. Rest 30 seconds.

Run "800m" again (this time I had to take a 30 secs. break in the middle). Rest 30 seconds.

Run "400m" backwards (this one was unbroken, despite having a slight incline which makes it horrible while going backwards!).

I did this not too long ago.. almost 2 weeks ago. I had to take breaks in between runs, and in the last two runs.. this time the only broken run was the third one, so it's kindof an improvement I guess.

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good progress bro! keep up the hard work

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I cannot edit it now, I thought I could. Here are the links anyways:


200x1 - Form check here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbWE_pyGSI0

210x1 - Form check here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWAqSNKHfCY


255x1 - Form check here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAQmX_8Bct8

265x1 - Form check here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsvucpyr1LY

Squats look pretty good to me, I'm not sure that much arch is needed, though.

The deadlifts look still similar to your previous (at least the last ones I saw), I mean, your hips start rising before your shoulders. In the 255-pound lift lower back is nice, at least neutral.

In the 265-pound lift it starts to round, be careful not to injure yourself. Also, the bar drifts away from the shins which makes it heavier/more dangerous for the lower back.

Looks like your body structure may make conventional deadlifts difficult, bar tends to hit the knees. You might want to try sumo deadlifts. Or, try starting the conventional deadlift with legs a bit more straight. I've seen some power lifters do it, might be worth trying.

Oh, and looking at your workouts, those 100 sumo DL's etc look crazy. Good work!

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Thanks knyaz and tja!!

tja: actually, if you count all three rounds that day, it was a total of 225 sumo DL high pulls with the empty oly bar. I didn't know 45# could cause such soreness the following day.

tja: I got some advice on the DL, and people said that I am starting with my hips too low, and that is why they rise first, because the go to where they SHOULD be at the beggining of the pull. They say the same thing you said, I should start with my hips higher, which also would put my shoulders where they should be (I think with shoulder joint over the bar I think, which places shoulder muscles a bit forward of the bar obviously..). Someone actually took two still shots:



And it made sense to me. Next time I will try to do just that.

Also, that was a max effort attempt, I never deadlifted that much, as I never tried to find my 1RM or anything, so it's not like all my DL's look like that. So that 265 was a max effort, and the 255 minutes before, was the most ever at that point, I'm glad at least I got that one with rather decent form, since it's a tad over 1.5xBW at least. I wanna DL 2xBW this year for sure, we'll see.

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