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Cert on the #4 dude! You can do it! Train some more!! :)

I don't think so, my hands are only 7", so I don't think my hands would negotiate the spread of a #4.

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Yesterday, I did a bag run( Doing shuttles with a 40kg boxing bag on your shoulder), and also did shuttles while holding a pair of 12lb DB.


Warmup - completed 6 smooth, consectutive reps on my #3 - and also close it with 2 fingers set at 1"! :inno

Workout: #4 Forced-Sweeps.

Double Set Negs on my #4: 5 Sets

Set and Assisted against my wrist: 3 x 3

Choked Assisted reps: 3 x 10 - Smoking!

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Bench Press: 1 x 10 ( 70lb)

Wide-Grip Hammer Chins: 3 x 8 ( 35lb)

------ BREAK--------

Bench Press: 1 x 5 ( 180lb)

2 x 4 ( 200lb)

3 x 3 ( 230)

Dips: 4 x 6 ( 25KG)


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Ahh, this Gripmaniac sure is an Angel :cool Going to allow me to purchase a brand, spanking new BBE and BBSE for $50 - $50 Au Dollars that is!

( $35 US)

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Are you from Australia, Timmy? I've been reading a looooot of info on how to get a visa to stay in there. I wanna move out of here (Dominican Republic), and Australia sounds nice. :)

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Are you from Australia, Timmy? I've been reading a looooot of info on how to get a visa to stay in there. I wanna move out of here (Dominican Republic), and Australia sounds nice. :)

Well, there's a place next door to me for sale, maybe you can move in!

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Ahhh, my whole upper body has taken a beating. I was doing benches yesterday, when I could complete the last rep on the last set, so I was in the predictament of 230lbs laying on my chest. Anyway, I managed to continue and complete my dips workout.

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Ha, that'll teach you to bench without a spotter! :) Who needs benching anyway! Weighted dips and pressing are KING! :D

Edited by Wes
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Ha, that'll teach you to bench without a spotter! :) Who needs benching anyway! Weighted dips and pressing are KING! :D

Spotter would be alright if they would do as they're told! :dry

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Cert on the #4 dude! You can do it! Train some more!! :)

I don't think so, my hands are only 7", so I don't think my hands would negotiate the spread of a #4.

If your hands can negotiate the 1 than it can negotiate the 4. The difference is hand strength not size. If the one is 2 3/4 and the 4 is 2 3/4 then it is purely a matter of hand strength.

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And if you can no set close #3 then what stops you?

Edited by Teemu I
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Oh, crap, just had a blood test yesterday, and for a minute, I thought I was going to blackout! :mellow

Anyway, yesterday is yesterday, and it's time to get back into training: I'll hit the grippers; do a shuttle run.

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God! My hands failed on my gripper workout. I basically was rinsing them in water, causing my hands to go soft and the knurling did the rest - OUCH!

I was trying to get a 2 finger close on camera today, except they were still too sore.

Ok, my workout consisted of upper-body strength.

OHP: 2 x 5 ( 140lb)...... Should increase it next time

2 x 3 ( 160).... The same

Rows: 3 x 6 ( 160)

Chins: 4 x 6 (50).. Increase on next workout

High Pulls: 3 x 5 ( 120).

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DB Press: 2 x 6 ( 85)

2 x 4( 100)

Hammerchins: 4 x 5 ( 25Kg)

Clap Pushups: 3 x 10 ( Explosively)

I also did some Credit Card width closes on my #3.

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I also did some Credit Card width closes on my #3.

Were those succesful and did you actually use the card?

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I also did some Credit Card width closes on my #3.

Were those succesful and did you actually use the card?

They were successful, but I didnt use a cc, I basically used a very shallow set.

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I do recommend that you actually use that card to measure and do it really slowly, because that makes it harder and that prepares you for the cert.

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Crap, my I must of strained my wrists doing DB Presses.

Grip: 2 x 3 with the #3

#4: 2 x 1, 1 x 2 ( Full Sweep)

3 Double Set Negs

Forced Reps: 3, 3, 5

Choked FR: 3 x 10... really pushed for the last rep!

Cardio: 10 x 50m shuttles carrying a 100lb bag

10 x 50m shuttle: holding 15lb DB's

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I also did some Credit Card width closes on my #3.

You need to make sure, you are a big inspiration but we both have 7 inch hands and it gives me hope that I myself could do it with my hand size if you can..

Keep it up I'm keeping progress with you

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