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Tiziano's 3.5 certification video second angle

Jared P

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4 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

Take my name and surname to make a profile where you can defame and insult me by taking personal videos and images.

Or take over my profile to defame gbi Sam, Nathan, even saying that Nathan is a scammer, obviously using my profile.

No defamation has taken place here, nor were any fake profiles made. We have done our best to moderate the matter fairly and according to our rules. We have taken care to curb bullying, name-calling, personal attacks and encouraged community members to stick to the facts and participate in civil discussion. 

As with the warning we have given everyone including you, take problems that occurred on other platforms back to those platforms.   

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6 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

Guys, I have contacted Randall and I will contact the Federations that have certified me, I will renounce all certifications even if they are real, or proven, as long as this wave of ignorance ends, and above all if I am a scammer as you say you should possibly imagine that my coach or the other federations have been rigged by me, don't look for conspiracies where there are none due perhaps to your personal dislike.

I don't know if any of you are behind the personal threats I'm receiving to myself and my loved ones

But stirring things up is certainly the fault of those who didn't manage things well here.

Let's assume that I cheated on everything, even the simplest things, this does not give any of you the right to defame me, take my image, look for profiles to insult me, threaten me,

Take my name and surname to make a profile where you can defame and insult me by taking personal videos and images.

Or take over my profile to defame gbi Sam, Nathan, even saying that Nathan is a scammer, obviously using my profile.

Missa, we've all failed here, some in sport, some as a person.

Having said that, a point must be made.

Leave the people dear to me and the Federations alone.

I'm here to take all the hate on myself.

Be men and step back now. Just like I step forward.

All this is in my possession and if the situation does not end I will immediately inform myself to defend myself on a legal level.

Just grow up, Tiz! All the trouble to go through to make people think you’re strong is a waste of energy. You either have it, or you don’t. 
I hope you don’t go around with a sock in your pants to fool women? 

haha had to put that in. 

seriously,  I’m sorry you had to drag others into your situation…people don’t like to be treated like fools. Remember: you represent more than yourself…your family and friends are an extension of your values.


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11 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

I will renounce all certifications even if they are real, or proven, as long as this wave of ignorance ends

It's a little late for bargaining

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There is nothing to negotiate Derek, this is what will happen I don't need your or your approval.

I will have any trace of my certificates removed and you will silence yourselves.


No Matt it's not really like that making memes for defamatory purposes is not legal, they were funny I admit it

But just as you invite me to look at myself, I invite you to do the same


It is in everyone's interest that the situation ends


It's very simple

Certifications will be removed

And you stop persecuting me and any Federations.


Ahhahaha slazbob that's nice about the sock, luckily I don't need it.

My loved ones and the Federations are my extension, precisely MIA

So any attack is aimed at me with due manner and respect

I find it really unintelligent to involve people who have nothing to do with it

Having said that, I think we are talking about nothing


We can easily end the matter in a civil manner, I repeat.

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10 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

I will have any trace of my certificates removed and you will silence yourselves.

That's not now freedom of speech works. You made many poor choices. People are going to be talking about it for a LONG time. Years. Decades. 

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34 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

Guys, I have contacted Randall and I will contact the Federations that have certified me, I will renounce all certifications even if they are real, or proven, as long as this wave of ignorance ends


35 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

Be men and step back now. Just like I step forward

So do you acknowledge your gripper closes were faked or are we all just ignorant? Why contact Randall to renounce your certification if you really believe you certified? I think many of us here would simply like to hear an apology. 

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Friend, I'm just writing what the lawyer told me

The laws are different from state to state, if I publish on my profile that I climb Everest it is not true it is not a crime if I take part in a race and cheat I can be disqualified for life but it is not a criminal offence,

While taking personal images is

Also defame

Maybe in America it's the opposite

I know that an international curator would be needed and we wouldn't be able to figure it out.

If you read carefully what I wrote

You would understand that I am saying that as long as this truly absurd situation ends I am willing to declare that it is all false even if it is not. It's starting from scratch.

I have already contacted all the Federations asking to be removed now it's up to them.

But enough guys.

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7 minutes ago, C8Myotome said:

Adesso la libertà di parola non funziona così. Hai fatto molte scelte sbagliate. La gente ne parlerà per MOLTO tempo. Anni. Decenni. 

You can talk about it as much as you want, friend, have fun, but talk about me, talk about it with your athlete friends, with your girlfriend on the first date, but don't talk about people who have nothing to do with it.

If it's not clear to you I can make a drawing for you

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5 minutes ago, Boulderbrew said:


Quindi riconosci che le chiusure delle tue pinze erano false o siamo tutti semplicemente ignoranti? Perché contattare Randall per rinunciare alla tua certificazione se credi davvero di aver ottenuto la certificazione? Penso che molti di noi qui vorrebbero semplicemente sentire delle scuse. 

Friend you didn't see what hit me on a personal level, threat to me and my loved ones

Honestly, I care more about my loved ones than about a 3.5

If the disease in people's heads comes to that

It's enough for me to stop this unjustified and disgusting hate I'm receiving

Then here you can civilly talk about me even until 2084


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Just now, Tiziano Becchio said:

Friend you didn't see what hit me on a personal level, threat to me and my loved ones

Honestly, I care more about my loved ones than about a 3.5

If the disease in people's heads comes to that

It's enough for me to stop this unjustified and disgusting hate I'm receiving

Then here you can civilly talk about me even until 2084


You tried to scam 8 billion people on planet earth, you got caught, you don't get to just make a deal that no one will talk about it, I in fact thank you for being an example of what we should be looking out for in the future, if I were you I would start getting used to it, or build a time machine. Nobody is going to make deals with you.

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1 minute ago, Tiziano Becchio said:



The question remains: Will you admit that you faked the gripper closes?

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Please note the first sentence and date when this was taking.


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2 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

Friend you didn't see what hit me on a personal level, threat to me and my loved ones

Your refusal to address anything I asked says all I need to hear. 

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Talking to you Derek is like talking to a rock, I just won't waste any more time trying to make you understand what I mean

I tell you white and

You answer me salad

You're really off topic.

I repeat, speak honestly, your hatred doesn't affect me personally, but I find it unfair that it falls on people who have nothing to do with it.

For example, if you cheated, I would tell you that you are a cheater

I wouldn't worry if you do the same in your private life or how you are at work or with your woman or friends is not my business so stick to talking about me as an athlete

Everything else is not your responsibility

If you don't understand it even now


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Defamation. Noun

the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel

None of which happened to you. You got caught cheating, you had a false reputation which was rectified.

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This is absurd.

@Tiziano Becchio I've blocked you on every other platform because there's nothing else to discuss with you now that you've taken the position that everyone, including Ironmind, is wrong.  I gave you advice on how to best handle this earlier in the week and you didn't even acknowledge it.

No one can or should help you now.

You've sealed your fate and legacy.

It's over, please accept it.

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I said that I accept any revocation, in fact I will be standing there asking for the revocation of any evidence even if it is true, who said anything wrong?

Maybe I haven't explained myself, I don't want any help, I'm asking to talk about myself

But to leave out the people who have nothing to do with it

Or to avoid creating fake profiles to make threats to my loved ones

I don't know which of you is behind it and I don't allow myself to insinuate that this is the person responsible

But bring to your attention that the issue is going beyond the limits within which it can be discussed, I no longer know how to explain it

You really don't want to listen

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Maybe you should take it up with the local authorities? What you claim sounds pretty serious. Complaining about it here isn't going to help.

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If someone is creating fake profiles to troll you, take that up with the mods, point out who they are.

But that also doesn't change the fact of what you've done publicly on the board.

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1 minute ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

I said that I accept any revocation, in fact I will be standing there asking for the revocation of any evidence even if it is true, who said anything wrong?

Maybe I haven't explained myself, I don't want any help, I'm asking to talk about myself

But to leave out the people who have nothing to do with it

Or to avoid creating fake profiles to make threats to my loved ones

I don't know which of you is behind it and I don't allow myself to insinuate that this is the person responsible

But bring to your attention that the issue is going beyond the limits within which it can be discussed, I no longer know how to explain it

You really don't want to listen

We want to listen to you admit to the fake lifts and certs. 

But no, you type out some long convoluted essay on how the world is against you. 

You cheated and got caught. 

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2 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

You really don't want to listen

It seems that you don't want to listen.  

The question remains: Will you admit that you faked the gripper closes?

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2 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

I said that I accept any revocation, in fact I will be standing there asking for the revocation of any evidence even if it is true, who said anything wrong?

Maybe I haven't explained myself, I don't want any help, I'm asking to talk about myself

But to leave out the people who have nothing to do with it

Or to avoid creating fake profiles to make threats to my loved ones

I don't know which of you is behind it and I don't allow myself to insinuate that this is the person responsible

But bring to your attention that the issue is going beyond the limits within which it can be discussed, I no longer know how to explain it

You really don't want to listen

What’s sad is if you channeled all this energy and time into something positive you could have a couple legit certs by now.


Either get training or get lost all this controversy is getting old. The mods and @Cannon have better things to do.

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Just now, Blacksmith513 said:

What’s sad is if you channeled all this energy and time into something positive you could have a couple legit certs by now.


Either get training or get lost all this controversy is getting old. The mods and @Cannon have better things to do.

I agree with the second part of your post, big time.

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5 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

But to leave out the people who have nothing to do with it

Or to avoid creating fake profiles to make threats to my loved ones

I don't know which of you is behind it and I don't allow myself to insinuate that this is the person responsible

But bring to your attention that the issue is going beyond the limits within which it can be discussed, I no longer know how to explain it

Last time. I'm sorry if you were hacked, impersonated, or privately harassed but it didn't happen here. I previously messaged you asking for links to objectional content and you did not reply. If you are getting PMs from the forum you do not like, you can block those individuals. Otherwise, cash these checks at the issuing bank. Which is to say, approach the administration of those other platforms.  

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12 minutes ago, Tiziano Becchio said:

I said that I accept any revocation, in fact I will be standing there asking for the revocation of any evidence even if it is true, who said anything wrong?

Maybe I haven't explained myself, I don't want any help, I'm asking to talk about myself

But to leave out the people who have nothing to do with it

Or to avoid creating fake profiles to make threats to my loved ones

I don't know which of you is behind it and I don't allow myself to insinuate that this is the person responsible

But bring to your attention that the issue is going beyond the limits within which it can be discussed, I no longer know how to explain it

You really don't want to listen

...And I'm telling you that the reason you are in this situation is because you refuse to admit what you've done was a lie, and you are insulting everyone's intelligence.

Consider this last bit of advice I have for you: Admit you cheated and lied with those specific words.  Saying you've asked for revocation of your certificates isn't taking responsibility for your mistakes.  Tell everyone you lied to them and maybe some of the issues you are dealing with will stop.  

You can also get off of social media to protect your mental health.

You created this mess for yourself, and unfortunately, there are really nasty people out there who dislike liars.

You reap what you sow.

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