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5/3/1 Discussion Thread


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Since several Gripboard members are now following this program, I thought I'd open up a discussion on anything specific to 5/3/1: questions, observations, results, et al.

Here are a few starter topics:

Integrating grip and bending training with 5/3/1;

How people are splitting their training days;

How people are using and rotating their auxiliary schemes.

Here's the routine I've been following with some success:

Monday - off

Tuesday - press + big but boring + bending

Wednesday - deadlift (as many double overhand as possible) + DO axle (sumo DL, RDL, lockouts, power shrugs or holds for time) + thick handle dumbbell rows or thick handle pull-ups

Thursday - off

Friday - bench + big but boring + arms

Saturday - squat + big but boring + abs

Sunday - grippers, pinch, misc grip

NIce will try to read up on this program!

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Since several Gripboard members are now following this program, I thought I'd open up a discussion on anything specific to 5/3/1: questions, observations, results, et al.

Here are a few starter topics:

Integrating grip and bending training with 5/3/1;

How people are splitting their training days;

How people are using and rotating their auxiliary schemes.

Here's the routine I've been following with some success:

Monday - off

Tuesday - press + big but boring + bending

Wednesday - deadlift (as many double overhand as possible) + DO axle (sumo DL, RDL, lockouts, power shrugs or holds for time) + thick handle dumbbell rows or thick handle pull-ups

Thursday - off

Friday - bench + big but boring + arms

Saturday - squat + big but boring + abs

Sunday - grippers, pinch, misc grip

NIce will try to read up on this program!

5-3-1 is the really good. I feel one can follow this program for well over a year and not plateau or over train. I have read the book like 3 times, he is a really interesting guy. He has an ongoing online article called Blood and Chalk.

He talks about grip a little in this one http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/blood_and_chalk_vol_9_jim_wendler_talks_big_weights

Edited by BGally
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I think 5/3/1 has an edge over most training programs when it comes to the average person- the cyclical nature/periods of reduced intensity/lower volume all make it possible to stay on it for years or even decades at a time.

For the average person, yes, it is probably very good, but any training system that does not destroy your body within a decade is unsuitable for those who want medals.

LMAO!!! Rex you're the BOMB!

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Since several Gripboard members are now following this program, I thought I'd open up a discussion on anything specific to 5/3/1: questions, observations, results, et al.

Here are a few starter topics:

Integrating grip and bending training with 5/3/1;

How people are splitting their training days;

How people are using and rotating their auxiliary schemes.

Here's the routine I've been following with some success:

Monday - off

Tuesday - press + big but boring + bending

Wednesday - deadlift (as many double overhand as possible) + DO axle (sumo DL, RDL, lockouts, power shrugs or holds for time) + thick handle dumbbell rows or thick handle pull-ups

Thursday - off

Friday - bench + big but boring + arms

Saturday - squat + big but boring + abs

Sunday - grippers, pinch, misc grip

NIce will try to read up on this program!

5-3-1 is the really good. I feel one can follow this program for well over a year and not plateau or over train. I have read the book like 3 times, he is a really interesting guy. He has an ongoing online article called Blood and Chalk.

He talks about grip a little in this one http://www.t-nation....lks_big_weights

That is a good series.

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  • 1 month later...

I really like Wendler's 5/3/1 and have been following it for about a year. I lift 4 days a week & one thing I really like about it is that I can use 5/3/1 as my base & if I want to focus on a particular lift, I can do that while still using 5/3/1 progression for my other lifts. This program is so flexible you'll never get bored & you can tailor it to your needs. For example, I want to do an intense deadlift cycle, so in July I'll be starting Coan-Phillipi progression for deadlifts, but maintaining 5/3/1 on everything else. At the beginning of June, I switched from 5/3/1 to The Juggernaut Method (by Chad Wesley Smith), which is based on 5/3/1, but has some month-to-month higher rep waves. Basically a month of reps in the 10 range, followed by an 8's wave, followed by a 5's wave, followed by a 3's wave. Some hypertrophy work aligns with my goals for the summer, so this is working nicely.

For grip, I'm on phase 3 of RRBT right now - loving it!! And I'm doing some low intensity levering & pinching 3 days a week (don't want to overdo it wile I'm on RRBT). I try to get some conditioning in on off days, and I train Brazilian Jiu-jitsu 2-4 days a week.

I also use a mix of BBB, 5/3/1 & Rhodes 5/3/1 for progression on assistance (without the AMRAP reps on the last set). I'm squatting twice a week, because my squats need the work...Here's my current programming:


- Bench Press

- Strict Press (BBB)

- DB Rows (3x12-15)

- Dips (3x12-15)

- Curlz


- Low Bar Squat

- High Bar Squats (BBB)

- GHR's (3x5)

- Abs


- Strict Press

- Push Press (Rhodes 5/3/1 - with singles)

- Chins

- Close Grip Bench

- Triceps finisher


- Deadlift

- Low Bar Squats (BBB)

- Stiff Leg Deads (3x6)

- BORs (3x6)

- GMs (3x6)

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I have used 5/3/1 in the past and these are some points that made it work a little bit better for me:

1) Do the opposite boring but big accessory lifts. I mean on Bench press day, do BBB military press, on Dl day, do BBB squat, on Military day, do BBB bench press.

2) If you don't want to do BBB squat after DL, then do a light squat workout as your DL warmup. Work up to your first set of squats for the week, then stop and do the DL. I found I didn't respond well to squatting only once a week, and the light squat (or the BBB squat on DL day) was a great way to add a 2nd day.

3) Use indicator reps on your last set to modify your working max for the next week. Add 5 pounds to your working max for every extra rep on squat and DL, and 2.5 lbs for every extra rep on bench and military. So, on 5's week, if you get 9 reps on the last set of your squat, add 20 lbs to your working max for the 3's week. This also works if you get fewer reps than you were supposed to. If you got 4 reps on your 5's week squat, knock your training max down 5 lbs for 3's week. This approach keeps the reps close to the 5/3/1 range. If you always push yourself on the last set, and strive to better your performance from the previous week, then the program turns into a high-rep program in a hurry.

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Calvus I highly recommend The Juggernaut Method. I'm in the middle of it right now and it is awesome. Do you have the e-book? I also plan on running Coan/Philipi, probably early next year, and I've heard that it's brutal on the hands so you may want to consider how the assistance work for C/P will affect RRBT.

Then again your hands may be full on reptilian by then. How are they holding up in jiu jitsu? Rolling gi would always destroy my grip.

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Yes I have the TJM ebook - I'm 1 month in right now. I've run Coan-Phillipi before with great results & yes its tough on the hands, but not impossible. You're only deadlifting once a week. Chalk helps a lot. I made an excel spreadsheet for Coan-Phillipi, PM me if you want it.

I've only been to BJJ once since starting RRBT. I rolled my big toe & then a week later twisted my knee. Knee is almost recovered, so I'll be back soon. I think the combination of RRBT & BJJ is going to be great for my hands, because their working the hands in different ways.

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