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Are Weak Men Allowed To Post Routines!?


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You sprint in your Vibrams?? That's Awesome! I have trouble running at all due to L4-L5, but I did try some last fall before it got really cold, and the Vibram sprints seemed ok. I can't wait for the snow to go away so I can do more sprints, and just wear the VFFs again.

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I did a lot of "Boot and Utilities" runs in the Marine Corp (crappy old jungle boots) and I'm sure its part of the reason of my back problems (degen discs) I had (not so much anymore).

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Not to hijack a thread, just one point.

I did some running in the Navy, though I'm sure not nearly as much as you. Since it was usually under cadence, a slower-paced jog, it was almost all heel-strike. Sprinting uses the middle/ball of the foot, and my quest is to see if what sprinters are saying is true, that you use different, or more, muscles, thus protecting the bone from impact.

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Not to hijack a thread, just one point.

I did some running in the Navy, though I'm sure not nearly as much as you. Since it was usually under cadence, a slower-paced jog, it was almost all heel-strike. Sprinting uses the middle/ball of the foot, and my quest is to see if what sprinters are saying is true, that you use different, or more, muscles, thus protecting the bone from impact.

You're not hijacking, I actually feel good seeing some talk in my thread.

I've read TONS on this subject, and it makes perfect sense.

First: try and find slow motion videos of sprinters. Watch their feet. It's not that their heels never touch the ground, it's just that it doesn't touch it FIRST like 99.9% of the people do while running.

Second: "experts" (don't know exactly who) estimate that while sprinting, the force of impact in that leg is SIX times your bodyweight! That is a ton. Try jumping from a height... jump from 2 meters high to a lower floor, and land with your heels, or your feet flat on the floor, and embrace the pain :D Now jump and absorb the shock with the ball of your feet... it makes perfect sense to do this, the calf muscles are STRONG, just check what some dudes use for calf raises.

Third: it just seems natural to me. We were not designed to even use shoes! Try going barefoot, how we were supossed to be walking around probably.. if you strike on your heel while barefoot, you'll scream on the second step you take! You HAVE to run on the ball of your feet when barefoot.

That's how I see it. BTW, sore hammies and hip flexors today! but not horrible. :)

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8 rounds for time of:

160 rope jumps

15 air squats

15 sit-ups, legs straight, rolled towel under lower back, feet unanchored, arms by my side

Total time: 17:40.

I didn't rest much, this was an easy one, I guess I should've used higher numbers or something. Just sometimes 3 breahts or so before a set of something, but sets were unbroken.

Stretched afterwards, not that much, but a bit. It HURT A LOT to stretch the hammies as they are so sore from sprinting. I massaged my right hammie with a tennis ball before everything, I think it made it feel better.

Obliques and, oddly, mid-back (??) sore from sprinting also.

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I have my plates here at the country house but not my oly bar yet. So I went looking at some scrap that's lying over there and found a 5 foot long 2 inch bar -or very close to that diameter-, but it was very bent! Still I decided to do some deadlifts on it. Mixed grip used. Hamstrings still sore from sprinting 3 days ago, but not awfuly painful like the two previous days.

Deadlifts, weight of plates only:





230x8 - tough, wanted 10 reps but felt very tired at 8. I had to use the thumb on the same side of the fingers for better support. The bar being bent might not have helped. I have no idea how much that pipe weights, I wanna guess 20 pounds? No clue. Today I felt it a lot in my legs and not all lower back, weird, but good I guess.

Pinch: 4-10's each hand held for 10 sec rightie and close to that leftie. After this, left hand struggled big time to just deadlift them, I dunno why. I don't have any chalk here though, so just dried hands and went for it. I think it was due to poor possitioning, because of the way the plates wanted to fan out since the very beggining of the lift. With the right hand though, I got 3 reps in two different occations! First time repping this. And no chalk to boost, cool.

Hammer curls, alternate: 33x8, 43x8, 48x8 - last reps of last set not the strictest.

As if grip wasn't tired enough from my first ever "thickbar" lifts, although I used mixed grip, I did:

RT: 70x6 both hands for warmup. 100x10 rightie (wanted 12). 95x8 leftie (wanted at least 7 to beat previous PR, so it was good I guess).

Stretching afterwards.

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Stretching. Just thought I'd mention that lately in almost all of my off days (in which I don't post here) I've been doing some stretching sessions, which I'm taking very seriously lately. I even sweat a ton during these. Just for the sake of keeping records clear I will specify what I do:

-Hip mobility exercises, such as leg circles, with knee bent, in both directions while in the "cats and dogs" position (hands under shoulders, knees under hips).

-Glute activation exercises (one called Jane Fonda's, another one just squeezing the butt and lifting the hip a bit while lying.)

-Hip flexor stretch (2 to 3 sets, in the first one I squeeze the glute of the leg that's being stretched for the duration of the stretch, as hard as I can).

-Hamstring stretch - this is by far the most painful, specially my right hammie which feels tight so often and gets DOMS that lasts forever. I am now touching my chin on the end of my kneecap on my left, and just on top fo my kneecap on my right.

-Side split stretch - just like a sidesplit but supporting some of the weight in my arms, at least two sets, hurts.

-Standing, lying and seated pike stretch.

-Some more stuff.

Also a note on yesterday's RT - I resetted every rep, no touch 'n go. That's how I'll do it from now on to keep records clear.

Another thing about yesterday: I truly felt the hamstrings working... dunno if it's because of all the warmup drills I did, or because they were a bit sore to begin with. Anyways, today the lower back is quite sore, since I had not DL'd in a while!

One more thing! I wanna play tennis! Have a huge desire to go and play. I am P*SSED OFF because of the recent Australian Open results. How could Roger lose this match!?!? ARGH!^%@&^%# I'm starting to hate Nadal. Roger gets intimidated... he is obviously superior in hardcourts in my opinion! If Rafa wore a mask and the organizators told Roger that his opponent was called John Doe, I believe Roger would crush him. He's just scared of him by now...

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"RT: 70x6 both hands for warmup. 100x10 rightie (wanted 12). 95x8 leftie (wanted at least 7 to beat previous PR, so it was good I guess)."

Of all the grip stuff I do/have done, nothing works grip like high rep/volume thick bar - it seems to be less strenuous on the joints/tendons too than singles. Nice job.

Edited by maidenfan
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Thanks maidenfan! I will keep doing this every weekend, and soon more often, once I move to the country house where I have all my stuff now.


At noon I decided to do something I had not done before - go to the pool. I used to go to that pool all the time when I was younger, but nowdays I hardly ever go. I was all alone there, lol.... the whole pool for myself, yay. I probably stayed in there for about 30 minutes... I never learned to swim properly, although I can stay afloat easily and all... I just swim mostly under water, that's how I like it. My left shoulder hurt a bit if I did wide strokes underwater, but I still wanted to see if I could cross it (25meters) underwater in one trip, and I did it, with short strokes, moving the arms mostly at the elbows. I kinda liked the feeling of being in the water. I might start going a bit more often, maybe with my boy although he's only 2.

Then, after work, I went with my wife so she could continue taking tennis lessons. She knew nothing but is getting much better. I want her to learn so we can play. I know those tennis teachers for over 15 years since I played there as a kid. After she was tired, I hit many balls too... I am trying to learn a new grip, because the grip I used all my life is kindof... aggresive. You can't volley with a novice with it, I kinda topspin every forehand ball, every swing with this grip has to be "hard", there is no hitting the ball softly with it, as you don't really hit it plain, but with topspin. So the teacher was trying to teach me this other grip so I could hit the ball plain, and of course topspin if I desire but mostly plain.. and my goodness, I played like someone who never touched a racquet before! He threw a lot of balls at me so I ended up all sweaty, kindof a workout I guess.


Tabata squats: 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 17, 17, 17 (not sure on those last 4 sets, I think that's how it went).

Some sit-ups.....

That was it. I'm kinda limited by now for several reasons... shoulder injury, weights not at home, and now on top of this, I have have feet pain. In BOTH feet. I knew my flat feet would someday catch up to me, probably since I've been running some... I ordered some insoles to help me strengthen those feet.

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You might have some trigger points in your feet, check out this article and try it out: http://laurensfitness.com/2008/02/27/tenni...t-2-lower-body/

ginroth!! MY GOODNESS!!!

I went ahead and searched for a sport massage site, and found one that is very close, actually almost next to the track that I go to run at. So I went, today at 2:00pm. It's not that expensive, considering it's 1 hour.

MY CALVES!!!! They are DONE. That woman killed them, she did. Both of them. She said she found many "knots" (trigger points, I am guessing) in them. I had read that trigger point massage is, in a pain scale of 1 to 10, a 7.... this felt like more, but I'm probably being a p*ssy, so 7 might be right. But I did want to scream sometimes, although I did not.

She worked a LOT on both calves... and now they are in big pain. She did the rest of the legs too which was awesome, and back and stuff... even I could feel a nasty knot in my left upper back (or rear delt or trap or rhomboid or somewhere in there) when she rubbed it. I will go back tomorrow (sat). I actually liked it. I feel TRASHED right now, though.

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I went and took the sports massage saturday as well. Calves dead.

Sunday 08.02.2009

Deadlifts with a bent 2" pipe:

70x5, 120x5, 170x5


(weights of plates only).

Plate pinching: 4-10's saw lots of air this time, more than ever before. I did at least 2 or 3 sets of 5 reps right handed, re-setting grip between reps. And I used no chalk, except the one that's left on the plates themselves, but no chalk on the hands or anything.

Left hand is weaker in this movement, but I still deadlifted them leftie many times, and got a set of 3 reps at one point

I also deadlifted 2-25's (of the same brand, not the Sport Authority ones with slick paint) several times and it didn't feel like a huge effort. Same with 4-10's, it's no longer feeling like I have to squeeze so hard I'm about to crap myself. No tears of any kind in any of my thumbs which is always a plus so I will hit this hard again next weekend.

RT - re-setting grip in every rep, I do a rep, release, and re-grab the handle at a different possition, turning the handle slightly, maybe half an inch or an inch...

Both hands: 70x6

Right: 100x10 - argh!! It got kinda greasy towards the end! I swear I could've done more if it weren't for that.

Left: 95x13 - nice, gonna use 100 next time.

A set of pegasus extension, 9.75# x15.

Two sets of just 10 alternate pistols.

Two sets of just 10 push-ups.

One set of just 10 pull-ups, parallel grip, kinda slow, careful not to extend the shoulder at the bottom, it didn't seem to hurt.

Today (monday) I will finally get that MRI done at night, in my left shoulder. Hopefully no big deal.

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I haven't posted anything.... although I think I've at least warmed-up and done some little drills for the past three days. It's not that I don't want to workout... it's that I'm healing different injuries, and all my equipment is gone now, until I move, which will hopefully be this weekend. But the injuries is what's keeping me out.

It seems my ligaments are naturally "loose". Yes, I saw a Doctor yesterday, a Phisiotherapist.... he says he thinks my ligaments are loose in my right hip, and that is why it's turned outwards. He confirmed my legs are the same length which is kindof a relief. And he says my right foot isn't turned at the tibia, but at the hip, which is also kindof a relief since the tibial deformity is a bone issue, but the hip issue is weak/loose tendons/ligaments/muscles/whatever, and can be solved (or improved?) by exercises.

This makes THREE bodyparts with the same problem.

1) Loose shoulder, which cost me an injury that STILL has not healed.. I can subluxate this shoulder very easily. Once I heal this one, I will definitely work on strengthening that joint before jumping in the compound strength training.

2) Loose hip, causing all kinds of problems in my legs. The PT yesterday measured my left leg 1cm bigger in circumference than my right! And I'm right handed!! I always kinda noticed that muscle above the knee to be bigger on my left. This hip issue might be the cause of all of this.

3) Loose feet ligaments.. this PT again confirmed I don't have flat feet, but feet that want to be flat (wtf?) or something like that. I've done some research on this... again, can be improved by strengthening the right kind of muscles. I am currently dealing with plantar fasciitis and it seems to be slowly improving, but I aint doing any running or anything.

As you can see, I'm screwed. Monday night I had an MRI done on that shoulder, later today I will get the results, and hopefully get that issue fixed. I really, REALLY have to work on strengthening the rotator cuff and the surrounding musculature before going crazy on other stuff.

Today I had x-rays on my hip, the PT wants to check some stuff... hopefully this issue can be fixed too.

On a related note, a few months ago I bought an Egoscue DVD with posture exercises.. I did them religiously for about 2 weeks, and I noticed back then that my right foot was beggining to turn inwards a bit (my entire right leg I guess, from the femur). I will see about including those drills again daily, since I'm not working out but doing all this other stuff.

So I have to, first, heal what hurts, and then, do a lot of foot drills (already doing them), shoulder drills (have to wait for pain to go), and hip drills (the Egoscue ones probably, and whatever the PT will recommend me after I go to him with the x-rays or whatever). Gee, sounds fun! :angry: All I wanna do is run, pull-up, push-up, DB snatch, db push-press and all that good sh*t! Basically, all that can injure me right now :D

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Warm-ups... did 4 sets of 20 squats with my wife sitting on my shoulders. She's 100-105#. I rested very little between sets, maybe 2 minutes.

Then 10 pistols each leg, although with 2-3 breathes between them. Tough rightie... lower leg burnt.

Usual glute activation drills, foot drills and stretching.

I went to the Doc then, with the MRI results which I got last night. Awful, depressing news.

My left AC joint is "beggining" to show the same symptoms as my right one did. Although the recovery from my right AC joint surgery was quick, it costed almost no money thanks to my insurance, and that shoulder now works like a charm (no clicks, pops or anything, and stronger than the other one of course!), I still would like to avoid surgery in my left one. I think I somehow force myself to limit overhead pressing and chin-ups to a very minimun... and I absolutely LOVE overhead stuff. :(

The inflammation of the supraspinatus is there, but it's not torn or anything, so he prescribed a "strong" anti-inflammatory, not wanting to inject cortisone as the pain is not too great, but it's been there for 2+ months now. We'll see how I do.

I guess my plan is still the same.... heal this shoulder, heal my feet. Strengthen shoulder joint, strengthen hip joins, and strengthen feet, with specific exercises for those bodyparts. My left wrist could use some strengthening as well, it is also "loose", and the Doc noticed once, he can push the outer bone down a lot. I guess I have this "luxative" ligaments all around... sucks, a TON.

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Hey Arturo,

That really sucks man. I've been following your journal for a while and you've been through the works!!

I haven't had a chance to check your journal history but have you tried a rehabilitative shoulder program? I'm starting to get into overhead pressing and have found the following articles very helpful:



... maybe they can help you in some way.

In any case, I think the fact that you are still sticking to it despite all your medical setbacks is very admirable. Don't lose hope and don't give up!

Never quit and never back down!!

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dageda: Thank you very much. "Never Back Down" -- isn't that a recent movie about MMA or something? :D

I need to be mature enough to control myself. I am going through a big change right now, I am moving this weekend and through next week... I have all my weights, bands there, all my stuff. But I will begin a program that consists almost entirely on "rehab" type of exercises, and I will stick to it for at least 6 weeks. Why 6? No idea, but I've read many programs that last that much, so it sounds like a good idea. After all, it's all I'll be doing, so 6 weeks should be enough to make a difference... and it's not like I will ditch everything after that - if it's working, I'll keep doing them, just less often.

I read that article on T-nation, it looks good, I liked it because of it's simplicity. It also mentions bent-over rear delt flys, I'd do those indeed because I know I have very weak rear delts and I think I have an imbalance there for sure. I was thinking of doing smitty's shoulder program from Youtube, seems very complete also. Maybe I'll do all of the above? I gotta organize a plan so I can stick to it, it wont be any good to just do what I "feel" like, I need to write something down, and follow it.

Also a few for my hips, they are loose, specially the right one, and although it has given me no pains so far, it limits my strength gains greatly, and does make me a bit sore on one side more than the other.

I'll also do foot drills, which I've been doing for a few days. Today I started level 2 on my new inserts, I had been using level 1 since saturday. Hopefully this will make a difference in the long run. Again, hopefully!

But, I wont kid myself thinking I can live 6 weeks with JUST rehab stuff. I gotta at least maintain some strength, if not gain some! The deadlift is great for this, and it doesn't seem to bother me at all. I guess I could also do some sort of single-leg work while holding dumbells and stuff (back squat hurts my shoulder a bit right now, although maybe it wont after imflammation is gone, who knows). Maybe step-ups, lunges, bulgarian split squats, or something along those lines?? ... And for the upper body, I will see if very basic stuff like push-ups and Body-Rows don't hurt me, as neither of them puts my arm overhead. I could live at least doing these exercises while I strengthen my joints.... and some grip training as well, I'm seeing tiny gains lately by just doing some once a week! (can't wait for sunday now! :D )

I will do this, I might start Monday 23 (always now to start on a monday) so I'll be moved out and, hopefully, shoulder pain gone by then.

Thanks for the links and the words of encouragement man.... getting those MRI results wednesday night, and reading them, truly made me sad. I got home and went to sleep earlier than I have in... ages. I would've never guessed the AC joint osteoarthritis was beggining to show symtpons there. Looking back, I should've done more pre-hab stuff before jumping into pressing and everything else so soon. Oh well, live and learn I guess.

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Busy morning, between work, putting stuff in my X-terra for the moving, and even a bit of stuff in my dad's Montero since he's going there too this weekend (where I'm moving, in the hill). Also deciding what I will do!

I think Monday 23 is a good date to "officially" begin, since I will hopefully have my shoulder healed by then. Hopefully the anti-inflammatory I'm taking does something, but if it doesn't, I'll likely get a cortisone shot, I guess. He said 5 days.. 1 pill a day, the box has 7. I wonder if I should go ahead and take it the whole 7 days. He said it's very strong, so maybe not. I forgot the name right now.

I am now sure about most of what I will do.

Everyday I will warm-up the whole body, and finish with some stretching. At least 6 days a week.

The specific warm-up for the shoulders will be smitty's circuit of 9 exercises, 3 reps of each, from his "Ultimate 2 minute shoulder warm-up".

The specific warm-up for the hips will come from this article, Eric Creesey knows a bit about this stuff: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_articl...in_gear&cr=

Now, on 3 non-consecutive days, I will work on strengthening that Rotator Cuff. This looks like a great place to start: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_articl..._cuff_conundrum (also by Eric Creesey).

"But Arturo, that routine only has 4 exercises, is it enough?". Well, this is what I have thought:

5. He mentions in the notes afterwards, that you can add something for rear delts, like bent over rear delt flyes, so now's 5.

6. I am planning to use my Rings, even if just for timed holds in the push-up possition, which works the stabilizers a LOT, on this shoulder days.

7. I might add the Overhead-Shrug since I've read it's also very good. Actually I'll add it for sure.

8. I might add Windmills, since they are cool and are like a whole body workout.

So it's a ton of stuff really.

On the 3 other days that I don't strengthen the shoulders, I'll strengthen the hips! The cool thing about hips is that strengthening these muscles it'll be similar to a lower-body workout, with some specific moves added. Many moves will come from Part II of the "Get Your Butt in Gear" article: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_articl...gear_ii&cr=

As you can see, bulgarian split squats, deadlifts, squats are all recommended.... so I'll feel like I'm training! Yay! :)

In this article it also has specific stretches, which I might include daily.

I noticed that this article has a few exercises identical to ones in the Egoscue posture DVD I have, like the floor bridge and the bird-dog. Also, some of the stretches too! Like the hip flexor stretch, and the IT band stretches! I always like it when a certain thing is recommended by two totally different sources - it might mean it's good; not always true, but it's better than an exercise than only one source lists it as "great".

Upon more reading about my femur that rotates outwards, I have concluded I have a tight IT band and/or piriformis and/or TFL. I even did a self-test and that is, indeed, tight. And me being silly, I never did the "Modified IT band stretch" from the Egoscue DVD, thinking I didn't need it. I NEED IT. Since I have a foam roller, I think I will roll the sh*t outta my IT band every single day, or maybe on the 3 hip days, and will of course do the stretches everyday.

I am seriously hoping that 6-8 weeks of these will make me ready for better stuff. In the shoulder days, I might do at least two upper body exercises to keep it from atrophying any more (heh), if I could push-ups and body rows, at least, which neither raises my arm overhead, I'd be happy.

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Good luck with your rehab Arturo. The Diesel Crew shoulder stuff is great. There was a time when I could not put an empty olympic bar overhead without intense pain. Smitty's shoulder stuff was a lifesaver. I do not know if you have seen it or not, but it may be worth while to check out Joe Defranco and his Agile 8.

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Agile 8? Have never heard of it, will google it in a few minutes.


Lots of warmups and hip stuff.

Deadlifts, on a 2" bent pipe, weights of plates only:

70, 120, 170 x5 reps.



I hate this pipe, as it presses my nuts at lockout, so I can't squeeze the glutes as much as I'd like, as I'm scared... next week I'll have my oly bar there.

Plate pinching: didn't seem to be doing too great today.. but got 4-10's many times right handed, and a few times left. No chalk used, just drying my hand.

I also got my 2-25's.

So I picked my 30# blob and it felt VERY easy. I think it's because the width of my 4-10's is wider, so it made the blob feel easy. I deadlifed this 30# blob dozens of times - I even cleaned it, both hands. And no chalk to boot. My hands are very greasy/sweaty... after just one pull, I would leave a mark of all my fingers there, so doing reps with a blob is out of the question for me, really, unless I use massive amounts of chalk or something. I was using a newspaper sheet (same sheet all workout!) to wipe both sides of it after each pull really, but it felt so easy, if it wasn't for the sweat I think I could do many reps with it.

So I actually tried the 32.5# after all of this, and got a few deadlifts each hand as well. For some reason though, the jump felt HUGE! How strange.

Then, to get the feel of it, I set up 5-10's with a pipe through... goodness, this is wide!! I couldn't do anything with it, although I did something I remember doing many months ago when I was having trouble with my first set of 25's (Sport Authority).... I pinched them with my full hand, and then with just thumb+pinky of the other hand. I could do this with both hands, but I had to squeeze really hard with both hands... I don't know how much my thumb+pinky adds to the pull, but this was the only way to at least "train" at that width. So next time I might do reps or holds or just several deadlifts using this method, to get used to the very wide set-up. These are the only brand of plates I have 10's of (Standard Barbell), and they are probably not the best, by far, for pinching, but it's what I've got so I'll keep on them. I have blobs 35# and 37.5# but did not attempt them. I kinda wanna lift them soon though!! :rock

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I forgot some stuff.

Pegasus extension: 11# x15 tough reps.

RT: 70x6

100x12 right - felt very "greasy" at this point, my hands sweat a lot and very easily, hard for me to do many reps for this reason.

100x8 left

My thumbs are sore today, both of them, I guess I pinched a lot. Not even the smallest sign of a skin tear too, which is awesome.

Today (16.02.2009) I did a lot of warmup, hip drills, a bit of stretching, etc.

Today is the 5th day taking this anti-inflammatory, Prexige. I think it worked (is working). But like I said before, I will also rest my shoulder this whole week.

EDIT: Holy hell... I just google'd Prexige and got scared. Bloody thing has been prohibited in many countries due to association with liver problems. Hopefully I get out of this one intact.

Edited by Arturo
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While doing glute drills and stuff, I decided to do something I had not done in ages - some grippers! I had no chalk with me. I closed my RB160 rightie at least twice. Got the BBM to 1/8" or so. Leftie, I closed the #1.5 and got the RB160 to about 1/8". I've said in the past I wont do grippers leftie, and I shouldn't, at least not max attempts, something hurts when I release the preassure... I'll stick to blobs and RT which I think are more "functional" anyways! I don't seem to have lost any gripper stregth, without touching them at all. Good. And my hands were probably not well recovered from the looong session sunday, with all that pinch that made my thumbpads really sore.


Went to the Doc, as Prexige didn't releave the pain after 5 days of usage, and 2 more days of useless waiting. Cortisone it was :angry: ... we shall wait and see. All I want is to begin working on the RC and strengthening the joints for a 6-8 week period, focusing ONLY on that, and not strength, and see how I do in the strength moves after that. But I need this pain to be gone! It only hurts if I try to sublux my shoulder, or I push it forward with my other hand. It doesn't hurt when sitting or standing or doing any daily-life motion really. But after 2.5 months (injured Nov. 29th), I guess the cortisone was the last option.. I even had an MRI done and it didn't show anything that bad.

Life starts to suck for me when I cannot train :D .. so I better heal up fast!

My wife and I *think* she's pregnant, she had one of those cheap pharmacy tests. I always said I wanted my kids to have about 3 years appart, and my son is 2 years and 2 months old now, so it's about time. My brother is 10 years older than me, and my sister 6 years older.... needless to say, I never hung out with either of them too much. Another reason for this, is that I don't wanna be dealing with youngsters when I'm old! So I wanna have my kids young :) I had my boy at 23, planning to have the next at 26 (I'll be 26 by September), and heck, if we go for a third, it could be at 29 or so... all before 30 :D

Hopefully I'll be strong by the time they can train, so we can train together and play sports. Gotta keep these darned joints healthy!! :rock

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I had only planned to warm-up, hip drills and stretch... but my brother-in-law came to the country house, and I started showing him some grip. He's like 230+, plays the contrabass for a living, and used to practise kung fu, he's not weak. We also compared hands, his look MUCH bigger than mine, but apparently they weren't much larger, except the THUMB, when we placed hands palm by palm, the fingers didn't have much difference, but his thumb was way longer, I knew he'd do better at all the pinch stuff.

We started with plates. I got 4-10's and he didn't. I thought for sure he would. He got a bit of air I think, not sure. He got air under 2-25's as well. He lifted the 30, 32.5 and then the 35# blob which made me mad, as I had never deadlifted my 35# blob. So.... I lifted it, both hands! Yeah, PR! At least 2 or 3 times rightie, maybe one leftie, didn't try much. I think to lift this 35# blob I had to use the index finger on top of it. I attempted my 37.5# blob with all I had and I got like half cm of air once. Thing is so wide! I don't remember if it was that one where I used the index finger on top, maybe I got the 35# with a normal grip. Closed the RB160 rightie solidly also. Then it was RT: I got up to 115 rightie and him too. But we couldn't get 120, well, he could, leftie, which seemed odd, till he said he uses that hand more with his contrabass. He did it with a cocked wrist. It was fun to life those blobs. He got more air than me with the 37.5# though... must be the handsize thing, because I seemed better pinching plates.

The highlight for me was lifting that 35# blob. I liked lifting it. I also cleaned and pressed my 30# easily, both hands. I now wanna get consistent with my 35# and lift the 37.5# soon.... I'm dying to order a 40# one :P ... I think the 1x/week pinch training is doing me good, as I don't overtrain. I did grippers in the middle of the week this week, and it bothered my left hand a bit. I've said a million times and yet I'm stubborn enough to continue trying grippers leftie.. I should NOT close grippers with my left hand, period. It always ends up bad.

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I have been doing hip stuff almost everyday, although not posting. Today I lifted some though.



115x8, 165x5, 215x5 DO

255x8 - mixed grip. I think pretty good form. After a lot of glute activation drills too.

Bulgarian Split Squats - these are the toughest. I did Lunges on a box and those felt easy... I figure I need to do what feels hard, and these are HARD for me, when on my right leg, so I did more sets with my right leg, with 23# dumbells held. Incredibly hard with my right leg. Gotta do these until they feel right.

So... I see in my last update here I said the highlight was getting the 35# blob a couple of times... well, today I warmed up with the 30#, 32.5#, and when I moved to the 35# I got it for reps. Although my reps were Alternate, and I'd slap the blob like 2-3 times each side.. so maybe it was about 5-6 seconds between each lift, but that's with different hands, so maybe 10-12 seconds between it being lifted with the same hand. But I did this a ton of times... all in all, I must've deadlifted it at least 30 times per hand. Several high pulls. I never dropped it, lowered under control all times. I even lifted it with the thumb on the more rounded side, I failed at first, but then got it. No skin was ripped, that was great too. I love this. Next weekend I'm gonna see how I do on the 37.5#.

Pegasus extension: 12.25x15 hard reps.. although it was more like 10 reps but I toughed out some more reps, not pretty reps and a few seconds between these last reps.. oh well. :)

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Hopefully I'll be strong by the time they can train, so we can train together and play sports.

That's the ticket! My boys are middle teens, and we're just starting to spend time together in the gym. Its the greatest!

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