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Developing The Crushing And Healing Hand


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fantastic lift, looked good, making great progress. 

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3 hours ago, John Knowlton said:

fantastic lift, looked good, making great progress. 

Thanks, John! I was pretty surprised to hit it honestly, but things were feeling good. I tried my best to not even look at the weights right before the attempts.


⬇️  This aged poorly in hindsight 🤣

On 5/15/2024 at 9:03 AM, DoctorOfCrush said:

I think I'm going to take a crack at 140kg / 309lb. Building up with 60x5, 90x3, 110x2, 120x1, 130x1, 140x1.  If I hit that and still feel like I could go higher, I'll probably shoot for 143.

If I had hit 4 reps, the estimated 1RM is 147/324, but I doubt that is in me just yet. Plus, my head would likely get in the way of trying to hit what would be a 26lb PR 😅


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Workout 5/23/24:
Overhead press:
 80kg / 177lb (PR)
Neutral Grip Bench Press: 30kg x10 | 50x10 | 60x10 | 70x10

Last day of the testing week ends in a final PR. Not a huge one, and I really had to fight for it, but it was a PR nonetheless. Long term goal is a BW overhead press; I’ve got a ways to go. 

I played around with neutral grip bench press because I am thinking of doing it in the next cycle. I wanted to get a feel for what a heavy 10 would feel like. 

Saturday is the last day before starting the next cycle. I think I’ll just do some lighter/medium squatting and deadlifting. 


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Workout 5/25/24:
Squat: 100kg x 3 sets of 5
Deadlift (double overhand w/ straps): 145kg x 3 sets of 5

Kept it medium-light for the last day before starting my next cycle. Don't like how these weights felt considering they were 65-70% of my 1RMs.... Tuesday I start over with 6's, and I'm supposed to do 117.5 and 172.5 for squats and deads, respectively 😬

Tomorrow starts the next cycle with bench, overhead press, and grippers. 

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Workout 5/26/24: Week 1 Day 1
A. Grippers:
          A. Tetting Grand Master (150), Choked at 15mm: 5 singles
          B. Standard Platinum (117), MMS: 5, 6, 6, 6, 8
          A. Standard Iron (142), Choked at 11mm: 5 singles
          B. GHP 5 (112), MMS: 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
B1. Bench Press; 55kg x10 | 75x10 | 82.5x8 | 85x6 
B2. Overhead Press: 40kg x10 | 54x10 | 60x8 | 62.5x6
B3. Overhead Tricep Extension, Single Arm, Rope: 5kg x 3 sets of 10

A. Wrist Curls, RT, Cable Machine: 12kg x 3 sets of 20 (sets broken up/myo-reps)
B. Reverse Formulator: 5kg x 3 sets of 20 (sets broken up/myo-reps)

Nice start to the next cycle. Rep work with the right hand felt really good.  I will attempt the IM 2.5 (121) for next week. If I can get 4 reps, I'll continue to use it.  If not, I'll probably bump the 117 a bit. Next week I'll go a few mm wider on the chokers. 

I really like doing bench and OHP in the same workout. I think that bench first warms up my shoulders a lot without affecting the OHP too much. I was not able to complete the prescribed reps for OHP last time, and this time they felt solid. 

I liked the overhead tricep extension but kept it super light as I tried things out/got used to it. 

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Workout 5/28/24:
 117.5kg / 259lb x 4 sets of 6                                                              (+7.5kg from previous cycle)
Deadlift (double overhand, w/ straps): 172.5kg / 380lb x 2 sets of 6      (+12.5kg from previous cycle)
Leg Extensions: 40kg x 3 sets of 12                                                            (+10kg from previous cycle)

I was really in my head about this workout given how much weight was added from the previous cycle and how hard I remembered it was last time. Lo and behold, though, I got stronger! The first set of squats were easier than expected, but based on that set, the last set was harder than I thought it would feel, if that makes sense. 

The deadlifts were rough. It felt like I was really pushing for reps 4-6, but when I watched back it didn't look as tough as it felt. Thankfully it was only 2 sets. Third set would've been a grinder. Definitely got stronger. . . 

The legs were trying to give out on me after the extensions. I was walking around on spaghetti noodles. 

Thinking I might do some Flask and thumb blaster tomorrow morning. 


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Just felt things out this morning for 20 or so minutes.

I’d like to incorporate Wednesday mornings for some pinch work. Flask, thumb blaster, maybe some strap work. I tried to do some elevated Flask work to see how if feels. I figure if I’m going to do this the morning after squats and deads, I should plan for a fatigued low back. The platform I was using was really too high which made things difficult. The ROM was like 1-2 inches 😂 I’ll try to find a more suitable platform for a happy medium. 

I just worked up to 62kgx3 with two hands but it was really awkward with the height. Then I played around with the thumb blaster doing up to 12.5kg x8 for a row-type movement. 

Once I figure out the height, I’ll decide on movements/sets/reps/progression. 

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Workout 5/30/24:
Bench Press:
 87.5kg / 193lb x AMRAP --> 10 reps
Overhead Press: 64kg / 141lb x AMRAP --> 9 reps
A. Dips: 10, 10, 9, 8
B. Pullups (strict, dead hang): 10, 8, 6, 5

Phew, big chest and tricep pump from all this. This was my first time doing pull-ups in a long time, so I was pleasantly surprised to hit 10 strict reps out of the gate.  I was planning on doing some bent over rows with my multigrip bar, and I started to, but I was gassed from the dip and pull-up superset work. Hopefully I can build up some stamina to incorporate those in the future. 

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8 minutes ago, John Knowlton said:


Thanks! I’m feeling this one in my chest and lats now….

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GOOD, you know you did something when you are feeling after

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14 minutes ago, John Knowlton said:

GOOD, you know you did something when you are feeling after


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Workout 6/1/24:
Squat: 105kg / 231lb x 4 sets of 8
Deadlift (double overhand, with straps): 150kg / 331lb x 2 sets of 8

This workout was definitely harder than it had any business being based on percentages (70% of respective 1RMs).  Based on the numbers, I thought it would be quite a bit easier, like just going through the motions. I think it's just that multiple sets of 8 will suck regardless of how you slice it. 

It didn't help that I am still feeling pretty bad DOMS from Thursday. Chest/lats/armpits aren't having fun. That added a little difficulty to getting a nice tight upper back. 

Grippers and pressing tomorrow. 

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Workout 6/3/24: Week 2 Day 1
A. Grippers:
          A. Tetting Grand Master (150), Choked at 17mm: 5 singles
          B. IM 2.5 (121), MMS: 5, 6 | GHP 6 (126), MMS: 5, 5, 5
          A. Standard Iron (142), Choked at 13mm: single, miss | at 11mm: 2 singles, miss
          B. GHP 5 (112), MMS: 5, 4 | Standard Platinum (115), MMS: 3 | GHP 5 (112), MMS: 4, 3
B1. Bench Press; 80kg x10 | 85 x8 | 90 x8 
B2. Overhead Press: 58kg x10 | 62 x8 | 65 x7
B3. Overhead Tricep Extension, Single Arm, Rope: 5kg x12 | 8 x10 | 8 x12

A. Wrist Curls, RT, Cable Machine: 12kg x 3 sets of 20 (sets broken up/myo-reps)
B. Reverse Formulator: 5kg x 4 sets of 20 (sets broken up/myo-reps)

Daisy Chain Wrist Curls, Cable Machine: 4kg x20 | 6 x20

Pretty good workout for right hand reps. I was surprised at how easy the 121 felt. I was hoping that I would hit consistent sets of 4, but I did much better than that. I'll keep with the 126 for next week to see if I can hit some sets of 6. As for the left, I think that I have pushed to the choked 142 too quickly. Trying to use that gripper and widen too quickly zapped me for the reps. I think I'll move back to the 136 for the time being. 

Bench press was fine, but using the same %s for OHP just didn't work on this day. I knew going in that the OHP would be a struggle. The first two sets already included 1-2 grinders at the end, so I couldn't complete the full 8 on the last set. I may have been able to do it fresh. 


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Workout 6/4/24:
Squat: 117.5kg / 259lb x10 (5kg PR) | rest | 120kg / 265lb x 5 sets of 3 with 1 minute rest between sets

Tough squat workout, no two ways about it. The set of 10 felt good until around 5-6, then the mental side comes in. The follow-up cluster volume is tough with how high my HR gets. Getting a solid breath between reps gets harder and harder. By the last set, my HR was 152 bpm as I got under the bar. 

I'm supposed to attempt 120kg x10 on Saturday…..

I couldn’t bring myself to do the optional SLDL work. May do it in the morning with some pinching. 


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Nice work

looking good 👍 

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Workout 6/5/24:
Flask, 2-Hand, Elevated ~6 inches:
 worked up to 62kg x3 | failed 67kg | 52kg x 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5 (1 minute rest between sets)
AA Thumb Blaster Rows: 20kg x 3, 5, 8

Still playing around with some of these things this morning. I like the feel of 3-5 on the Flask (or at least my finger webs do) as opposed to 8s, so I may play around with cluster density like this with shortened rest times with lower reps. Doing the Thumb Blaster after my thumbs were a bit raw from the Flask was not fun, especially on the left hand. 

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I am glad that I keep a pretty detailed log, not only because of my own neurosis, but also because I can look back and get a good picture of progress. Even though I have had a few setbacks in strength training over the past year, I feel like I have made a lot of progress:

5/4/23: 170kg / 375lb x1
5/28/23: 150kg / 331lb x4

~1 year later
5/18/24: 195kg / 430lb x4; 200kg / 440lb x1 (est. 1RM of 213kg / 470lb)

5/19/23: 100kg / 220lb x10; training max used for calculated cycle was 125kg
     "The squats were tough. The second set of three made me feel like I might not make it, but after that they felt better."
6/11/23: 122.5kg / 270lb x4
     Described as 'near max effort'

~1 year later
5/21/24: 147.5kg /325lb x1
6/4/24: 117.5 / 259lb x10 


So in the past year, I've put on at least 30kg / 66lb on my top deadlift (43kg / 95lb if you account for my est 1RM), and I have put approximately 22.5kg / 49lb on my top squat (276lb --> 325lb). If I hit 120x10 on Saturday, that would be 20kg on my 10RM set as well. Pretty stoked about that. 

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Picked up @Jedd Johnson’s plate pinch hierarchy and decided to test it out. I was able to do 2x5kg, 3x5kg, 2x10kg, and 4x5kg with both hands.  

I attempted 2x15kg and 5x5kg, but I couldn’t quite pull those off. Something to work towards. 

I wish I had more steel calibrated Rogue plates. Two of my 5kg plates are, and they are around 0.8 in thick. Two of them are the rubber coated Rogue ones, and the remainders are Weider, and all of them are just over an inch thick. 

My 15kg plates (Weider) also seem really thick. They’re thicker than my 20kg and are just over 1.4 inches thick each (Rogue calibrated 15kg are ~0.8 inches). It doesn’t help that I painted all my Weider plates, so they’re nice and slick. 

Again, some things to work towards!

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Yep keep moving forward 

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17 hours ago, DoctorOfCrush said:

I am glad that I keep a pretty detailed log, not only because of my own neurosis, but also because I can look back and get a good picture of progress. Even though I have had a few setbacks in strength training over the past year, I feel like I have made a lot of progress:

5/4/23: 170kg / 375lb x1
5/28/23: 150kg / 331lb x4

~1 year later
5/18/24: 195kg / 430lb x4; 200kg / 440lb x1 (est. 1RM of 213kg / 470lb)

5/19/23: 100kg / 220lb x10; training max used for calculated cycle was 125kg
     "The squats were tough. The second set of three made me feel like I might not make it, but after that they felt better."
6/11/23: 122.5kg / 270lb x4
     Described as 'near max effort'

~1 year later
5/21/24: 147.5kg /325lb x1
6/4/24: 117.5 / 259lb x10 


So in the past year, I've put on at least 30kg / 66lb on my top deadlift (43kg / 95lb if you account for my est 1RM), and I have put approximately 22.5kg / 49lb on my top squat (276lb --> 325lb). If I hit 120x10 on Saturday, that would be 20kg on my 10RM set as well. Pretty stoked about that. 

you've made great progress. On top of being a Dr. , schooling and having a family..  Thats a lot to balance and still make gains. 

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8 hours ago, John Knowlton said:

Yep keep moving forward 


10 minutes ago, Blacksmith513 said:

you've made great progress. On top of being a Dr. , schooling and having a family..  Thats a lot to balance and still make gains. 

Thanks guys. It definitely helps to have an encouraging and inspiring group of folks on here to keep me pushing!

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13 hours ago, DoctorOfCrush said:

Picked up @Jedd Johnson’s plate pinch hierarchy and decided to test it out. I was able to do 2x5kg, 3x5kg, 2x10kg, and 4x5kg with both hands.  

I attempted 2x15kg and 5x5kg, but I couldn’t quite pull those off. Something to work towards. 

I wish I had more steel calibrated Rogue plates. Two of my 5kg plates are, and they are around 0.8 in thick. Two of them are the rubber coated Rogue ones, and the remainders are Weider, and all of them are just over an inch thick. 

My 15kg plates (Weider) also seem really thick. They’re thicker than my 20kg and are just over 1.4 inches thick each (Rogue calibrated 15kg are ~0.8 inches). It doesn’t help that I painted all my Weider plates, so they’re nice and slick. 

Again, some things to work towards!

Awesome.  Thanks for grabbing it and good job.

If anyone else wants it, you can get it here:  The Plate Pinch Hierarchy Report

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Workout 6/6/24:
Bench Press:
 85kg / 187lb x AMRAP --> 12 reps
Overhead Press: 61kg / 134lb x AMRAP --> 10 reps
A. Pullups (strict, dead hang): 10, 9, 7, 6
B. Dips: 10, 10, 10, 10

Felt pretty good. I was able to add a few reps here and there, so that's progress. Here's what the pull-ups look like:



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