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May as well start a log for everyone to see, i am only 17 and about 11 stone so this should be interesting for such a young person.

Currently only using HG grippers at the moment until I buy some Warran Tetting grippers at Christmas.

Hammer curls

-3sets of 10 reps - 2x22.5kg

-2sets of 6 reps - 2x25kg

-1set of 5reps - 2x27.5kg

-1set of 5reps - 2x30kg

-1set of 5reps - 2x32.5kg


-Reps with HG250

-1 rep with HG350

Repeated this 6 times, really crushed the hg350 for as long as possible.

#note that my hg350 is ridiculously hard having no dogleg and I've estimated its rating at about 160-170, 3-4mm from closing it.

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May as well start a log for everyone to see, i am only 17 and about 11 stone so this should be interesting for such a young person.

Currently only using HG grippers at the moment until I buy some Warran Tetting grippers at Christmas.

Hammer curls

-3sets of 10 reps - 2x22.5kg

-2sets of 6 reps - 2x25kg

-1set of 5reps - 2x27.5kg

-1set of 5reps - 2x30kg

-1set of 5reps - 2x32.5kg


-Reps with HG250

-1 rep with HG350

Repeated this 6 times, really crushed the hg350 for as long as possible.

#note that my hg350 is ridiculously hard having no dogleg and I've estimated its rating at about 160-170, 3-4mm from closing it.

I never train arms before grip. I feel that I get stronger if I do benchpress, legpress or squats before grip. :)

I've never tried a HG350. I had a HG300 before but I gave it away.

It was like a coc2, around there, in strength.

160-170 lbs is alot, its like a beef builder elite - coc3,5 somewhere.

Are you sure thats right? :)

Keep it up man!

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I was doing arms and then get home and still felt strong so I decided to do some grip

I unfortunately brought a very strong HG300 and HG350 which is a lot harder than my COC#3

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Was still alittle fatigued today but ended up doing some grippers.

Warm up and then sets:

-HG250 reps

-HG350 1 rep

repeated 5 sets of this

Then tried a close with the HG300 and closed it, think it was rated at about 145pounds

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Grip workout today:

HG250 reps - 4 sets

HG350 singles - 4 sets

HG300 singles - 5sets

Been closing grippers most days, will be backing off till Wednesday to recover from the intensity..hands are red raw and torn up:)

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Warm up-

Hg200 - 50 reps

Working sets

Hg250- 10reps


Repeated this 3 times

Also tried CCS my grippers today to train not just MMS reps.

Then tried my bigger grippers

Hg350 - 1 rep

COC#3 attempts

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Forgot to add I did 30mins wood chopping with a blunt axe about an hour after my grip workout, made my hands go all stiff but was a good warm down!

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Workout today:


3 sets of 10reps with two 25kg dumbells

3sets of 10 reps with two 27.5kg dumbells

2sets of 8reps with two 30kg dumbells

2sets of 6reps with two 32.5kg dumbells

100kg deadlift one handed, by far not my maximum but was all the gym had unfortunately

Rope pull ups

3 sets of 10 reps

Wrist curls with two 32.5kg dumbells until failure

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Today was a great workout, was with a group of people and a bodybuilder with 20" arms!

Did thick barred pull ups 8 sets of reps to failure.

5 sets of lat pull downs using 125kg 4 reps

Then did hammer curls and had a competition on who could rep the 32.5kg dumbells I got 6 clean reps for 5 sets.

Was talking to the bodybuilder about grip strength and he mentioned that he wanted to be able to crush skulls etc and recommended to me using the heavy plastic grippers..i set him straight.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1.1 inch vertical bar lifts

5 sets of 50kg - 20reps.

Would have gone heavier but that's all the gym has at the moment.

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What brand is the v-bar? Is tha handle knurled? What is the standard '' for the v-bar? Has it any carryover to other lifts?

I've thought about getting or making a vbar in the past but I never got that far.

Today I was talking to a friend and he wanted to try a v-bar after seeing a video of gabriel sum doing 175kg on one.

I cant decide wether to make one or buy one. :)

Thanks and keep up the good work man!

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I didn't notice any brand markings on the bar, I will check if I can!

This one didn't have knurling, was just smooth and you can usually get them either 1inch or two inch.

If you have the parts then make it I suggest as im not sure where to buy one

Ive found that it doing this exercise has thickened up my thumb pad and I have seen an increase in strength when doing thick barred exercises, will probably help doing the rolling thunder

Thanks brother!

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FBBC sells them if I remember correctly :)

I think david horne does too. Not sure :)

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You should definitely give them a try!

Brought fat gripz extreme for deadlifts and pull ups so that will be interesting to add in :grin:

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I too have the phat gripz extreme. They are hard :) ease into it if you're not used to that thick of a handle. I got pain in my thumb joints frm going too heavy too fast. :)

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Not that I have noticed. I've been doing RT for 10+ weeks and Im weaker in grippers now :S

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Been practising with my #3 everyday for the past week, taking a break off now but and has really helped with grip and setting abilities.

setting the #3 into my hand and attempting to close it, in one week gone from 1inch off to 0.8inches off!

Now can deep set my HG250/HG300 and close them with a lot more ease!

all done without chalk at the moment.

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Tried the #3 again today as I couldn't put it down

Got it down from 1 inch to close to 0.8 yesterday now its at 0.7inches!!!

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Today I havnt worked this hard in a while!

Did 160 pullups in 30mins! 16sets of 10reps

Then did reps on a vertical bar with 50kg for 5sets

Safe to say my hands are shredded, cuts and bruises

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LOL 160 pullups. I did measly 33 yesterday hahahaha

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