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Please Explain This Because I Do Not Understand


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Well said Gary!!!!! :D:rock :rock :rock :rock

I used to get myself all hot and bothered over trying to bend like the traditionalists but not anymore :D

If tradition is the way forward in bending why are not the so called great traditionalists here arguing and setting rules trying to keep it alive i have the utmost respect for what pat,slim and dennis etc have done but they contribute zilch to this forum yet people want to bend and keep bending like how they supposedly do it if thats the case tell them to come here and iron out a set of standards once and for all but we all no that will never happen which is a shame.

Some people seem obsessed with impressing these above guys i once was not anymore not being disrespectfull but unless your part of the inner circle and buying the dvds your not welcome.

Pat,slim and dennis etc all have the great benefit of passing on the considerable knowledge and talents to each other and a select few invited into the inner circle why not share it with the rest of us without charging us for it we are all supposed to be brothers in steel etc.

I can bend in Ironmind wraps,small leathers,medium leathers,big wraps,barehanded etc and in multiple styles i dont get pissed anymore at people bending in bigger wraps than i do because thats there choice not mine and so long as they are happy its there hobby as well as mine who cares tradition has gone the way of the dinosaur let the real traditionalists come onto the forum and educate us :D

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I thought this was the Gripboard and not the Bitch and Moan board. This goes for everybody.

If you want to learn about grip strength then this is the place for you. If you want to learn about medicine go to med school, and as far as feats of strength goes.................... well that's another thing all together. I refuse to get sucked into that argument.....

However, I will pose one thought because this is the place I learned to get strong hands......

Do you ever wonder why Steve, Pat and Chris don't post here anymore?

It's a damn shame we lost them............

And Gazza, what are you talking about? "not being welcome" I have found Dennis to be more than welcome, way before there was an inner circle.


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I love these silly arguments. I can't believe people are actually going after Jeremiah, he is possibly one of the nicest guys I know.

and you talked about hurting yourself when you do this stuff

with wraps that i couldn't even fit my fingers around

I want to see you apply enough pressure through your hands to do anything with a 6" edgin with any kind of pads and tell me again why you think this seems silly.

If tradition is the way forward in bending why are not the so called great traditionalists here arguing and setting rules trying to keep it alive i have the utmost respect for what pat,slim and dennis etc have done but they contribute zilch to this forum

Now I got nothing but respect for these guys, I would love to meet and talk with/ bend with them someday if the opportunity ever comes about. But seriously what gives on this? I was not even around when any of these guys were posting on here. They are ghosts to the discussions that go on. And yet everyone pays them the most respect and praise and gives them their $ for dvds and training information. Then talk shit and argue with guys like Gazza and Ben who are actually stronger and better benders in some cases, that come here and give their time and advice for nothing? I got nothing against Pat and Dennis but that sort of does piss me off. And I really don't waste much time getting upset about people talking on an internet forum. But get some perspective here, eh?

It's a personal fight against the steel, my will, and my resolve to push that much harder than I thought was possible; and to see the end result....impossible made possible...and even made routine.

AMEN! Why was this overlooked? It is the key to this type of argument in my opinion. This is not about impressing people. Sure that is fun sometimes but it a side affect.

People ask me allot now, "why do you even do this?" or "what made you think to try this?". I can't

answer that. If you don't understand, I can't explain it to you. Some people have the drive to want to try something that seems impossible. Some people never want to challenge anything and will never understand this drive. If you are seriously letting what someone else thinks of you influence you in such a

significant way as you have alluded to you are in the wrong crowd here man.

And finally, screw IM wraps. They too are a stepping stone. I have already said if you want to go down this road why half ass it? Let me see your best bare hand bend.

Of course at the end of the day monsters like Jeremiah are still gonna be killing much harder stuff. He doesn't bend in IM pads or bare hand because this is not HIS goal. Not me or you or anyone else on here is

gonna tell him what he should think, if he does decide to do this in the future (and I hope he does), it will be his own decision you can be sure of that.

For those of you getting heated over this sort of thing on either side, the same argument goes for you too. Does it really matter what some other random guy typing some trash talk on here thinks of you or your bending? I'm lookin at you Ben. You specifically are on of the best benders in the world, why do you let this get under your skin man? You gotta know you have the respect of anyone on here with half a brain don't you?


I don't mean to seem overly harsh and direct all this toward you, it is just your general approach and any others that share it I am venting toward. I have now and have always had a severe and even perhaps irrational at times, dislike and allergic reaction to followers. Pat and Dennis are cool to follow if you

gotta choose, but it is still following. Think for yourself and especially don't try and wrangle the independent thinkers into the herd, we are not interested and it is not ever gonna work out between us.

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Erik, first of all in case you are offended by my comments let me say I think you are awesome. I am most interested in scrolling over anything else on this board. That is not to insult anyone else, it is just my personal preference. And you are one of the best if not the best steel scroller I have ever had the opportunity to talk with. I would hate to loose you as well.

But your question,

Do you ever wonder why Steve, Pat and Chris don't post here anymore?

Is one I have wondered about and I can’t help but think right now that you more than anyone else would be in the best position to answer it. I certainly don’t know. In fact I sort of feel like you are posting less and less and soon we are gonna loose you too. I would hate that and I would like to know what I or others did or could have done differently that would cause this?

You seem to be one of the few that has their foot in both worlds right now.

And Gazza, what are you talking about? "not being welcome" I have found Dennis to be more than welcome, way before there was an inner circle.

I can’t speak for Gazza but is it really a matter of “welcome” vs accessible? If I disappeared off of here tomorrow and never posted again, there are maybe 5 people I know of that would still even know how to contact me in any fashion. Maybe I would welcome any others to talk with me or meet up with me but does that really matter if they have no way to do so? It is really the same thing in that sense.

You seem to be friends with them and you even acknowledge there is this “inner circle”. What is this even? I am in way over my head here I’m sure, but what all is going on? You seem to want to speak openly about it asking these questions, so I would ask you to elaborate?

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I am amazed this hasn't been locked yet. People are on this board right now complaining about anything under the sun in bending. This started out as a question about IM certs vs. Bastard certs and is turning into, as Erik so eloquently put it, a Bitch and Moan board. Lets leave Dennis, Pat, etc, out of this argument. Yes, they do make you pay for their advice and training now but that's what happens when you do stuff like this professionally. They have a genuine talent and are capitalizing on it, you can't knock them for that. Sure, they don't post here anymore but if people are going to pick at them for selling much of their advice then I don't blame them for staying largely out of discussions here.

Everyone on here shares the passion for what we all do. It doesn't matter what event you love, what you specialize in and it doesn't matter what other people think. I guess I can't speak for everyone but I go to great lengths to avoid questions like "why do you do that?". I just hate attempting to answer them because everyone knows, if you have to ask then you will not understand.

The inner circle, I'll just assume it's between professional oldtime strongmen. Everytime I've talked to people who've met Dennis, Pat and the like, they sing nothing but praise and I haven't seen any of those people I've spoken with post in this thread. There is a reason for that. I'm sure that Pat and Steve would still welcome a get together if their friends asked for one. You guys are forgetting as well, Gary Brown and Chris Rider are posting less and less and Chris hasn't been here in months. Frivilous arguments like this one certainly don't help.

The wrap discussion is years old and small pad's most vocal supporter, Gazza, doesn't feel the need to get into fights about it anymore because he has bent with them all. The simple fact is, big pads=less pain=easier to do=more accessable=good to start with. While small pads=more pain=not so easy=esoteric=for those intent on getting better at bending. Everyone has seen that ANYONE who can cert on the RED is brutally strong in bending. Give them thicker pads and they take down BIG steel. It's happened so many times and I swear it's time for a locked sticky about this crap.

This post was not directed at any one person's posts. It was directed at the arguments in this thread. Isn't sad I have to state that.

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Its just steel guys, either bend it or don't. All the time spent talking about it could have been spent more proctuctively by destroying some steel regardless of your chosen wrapping.

- Aaron

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zach is right but i can't help defend that i'm not following dennis and pat dennis is my teacher i'm doing as he says becasue i want to be succesful nothing was meant to insult just to give my views i don't mean to go after people but when i'm insulted i'm going to insult back i apologize if i insulted anyone all i meant to do was to share my opinions and i shoould have been mature and left it alone after the first post i'm not trying to pressure anybody into using small wraps you're all great benders compared to me and you're bending how you choose good for you keep it up just let the idiots beginners like me talk without getting so offended :D

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