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Please Explain This Because I Do Not Understand


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For me personally, sometimes simple visuals help put things into perspective. You decide for yourself ;)




Derek, I am by no means trying to insult ANYONE on this board. I am just trying to portray a pictorial depiction of extremes that are being stated on this board. Until the OFFICIAL rules for wrapping are made (and I hope they are, that way there is none of this nonsense in the future) than bend with whatever the heck makes you happy. If one chooses to use 2"x2" pads, or 10 beach towels wrapped together, than more power to that individual. I was also just trying to add a little sense of humour to a thread that was becoming a bit beligerent to be totally honest. I am totally done with this thread :angry:

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I really like the small and big wrap thing thing :D Like Derek said no one uses that amount of pads and especially on those tiny steel :D But it's funny nonetheless!

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I really like the small and big wrap thing thing :D Like Derek said no one uses that amount of pads and especially on those tiny steel :D But it's funny nonetheless!

Thank you Alawadhi, I appreciate the fact that you found the photos to be funny-that was the point of my illustration; to elicit laughter, not to make any judgements on any benders preference of wraps. By the way, the steel in BOTH photos is actually a 6"x1/4" grade 5 bolt, still considered "above average steel bend" I believe.

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I am wondering why is there only 42 people on the Red nail roster, even though there are more than 42 people here saying they are bending bastards or stronger bars?

I have been wondering this all day, i was on the IM page and it struck me, and it does not make much sense.

So whats up with that?

Good question Adam. But for some of us that rose quickly on the FBBC certs, the honest answer is that it's just not much of a challenge anymore. That doesn't mean I don't hold the Red Nail cert in high regards. I do! I just don't look at it the way I used to when a Red is now nothing more than a nice challenging "warmup" bend in Ironmind pads. I really think there are quite a few guys who could do the cert. Even without specific training on the Ironmind pads, there are some who would be able to cert just because of the insane amount of adrenaline involved at the cert. I get asked kind of often why I'm not certified on the Red, and the short answer above is what I usually say. It kind of sounds A-holish probably, but it's true for a few guys here I'd bet.

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i'm sorry if i offended any double wrappers with my opinion again to each his own wrap how you want i'm not trying to change that i'm just sharing my opinion :)

I doubt us double wrappers are very offended. We're way too far up the bending lists to hear you very well. :D

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I've never certed on the Red for the following reasons:

1. I'm not going to injure myself trying to bend with those silly @ss IM pads. The purpose of bending is to bend the steel, not assess pain tolerance

2. Strossen's ever-changing rules and continual potshots have made me never want to cert on any of his stuff.

3. FBBC is a superior cert: tougher steel and consistent, fair rules, designed by somebody who actually competes, not an armchair expert. You never saw any pics of guys pinch-gripping grippers advertised as instructions for "setting a gripper" in STRONG!.

4. To echo what Ben said, the IM cert is really for beginners. Those that consider it the gold standard need to swim in a bigger pond.

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another insult from me sharing my opinion how immature "way too far up the bending lists" talking about how you are better than me at bending which doesn't take much and challenging me with your your kind of wraps seriously i've never bent commited it doesn't take much to bend bigger stuff than me it's not impressive that you can bend bigger stuff than me either i can't even bend a grade 8! the point of my post was you will never perfrom at AOBS and get a reaction with those wraps and chalk and rubber bands you'll never impress the greats like slim and dennis with that crap either! and double wrappers aren't quite to the top of the lists those top two spots remain taken by people that use single wraps :D bring on the immature replies!

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another insult from me sharing my opinion how immature "way too far up the bending lists" talking about how you are better than me at bending which doesn't take much and challenging me with your your kind of wraps seriously i've never bent commited it doesn't take much to bend bigger stuff than me it's not impressive that you can bend bigger stuff than me either i can't even bend a grade 8! the point of my post was you will never perfrom at AOBS and get a reaction with those wraps and chalk and rubber bands you'll never impress the greats like slim and dennis with that crap either! and double wrappers aren't quite to the top of the lists those top two spots remain taken by people that use single wraps :D bring on the immature replies!

You could instead spend the time that you spent typing on a good solid training program. There are many bending programs around here. Pick and choose. You could get stronger and impress someone yourself maybe. Instead of giving us your insights on what will and won't impress people at the AOBS. And no offense really to Slim and Dennis and any great strength performer, but I don't think most of us care to even attempt to impress a guy like that. Holy crap that would take a lot to impress someone who makes their living with their strength. My "way too far up the bending lists" was indeed meant to be crappy...it kind of mimics your writing style. Thought a taste of your own medicine might make you vomit. The point is you're poking and picking and insulting guys that are far stronger than you at what they choose to train on. Bending. Some use double pads. Some use thin pads. Some use no pads. Use what you like, just don't piss on everybody who doesn't agree with you on what you think is the only impressive way to bend.

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just sharing my opinion :) and why not attempt to impress the greats pat does and i'm happy with who i impress because i impress dennis which is about the highest you can achieve really :D and i'm not insulting anybody at all i'm sharing my opinion which is backed up by legitimate strongmen my opinion was insulted and i backed it up just like you're doing with yours i'm not teling anyone how to bend and i'm definately not trying to claim to be a good bender or a stronger bender but you don't have to bend edgins to share your opinion and you don't have to even bend a blue to share your opinion :)

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just sharing my opinion :) and why not attempt to impress the greats pat does and i'm happy with who i impress because i impress dennis which is about the highest you can achieve really :D and i'm not insulting anybody at all i'm sharing my opinion which is backed up by legitimate strongmen my opinion was insulted and i backed it up just like you're doing with yours i'm not teling anyone how to bend and i'm definately not trying to claim to be a good bender or a stronger bender but you don't have to bend edgins to share your opinion and you don't have to even bend a blue to share your opinion :)

I'm curious how you have impressed Dennis. I figured with as many times as you mentioned his name you must either be a stalker, or a legitimate strength guy. True that you don't have to be a Blue or Edgin bender to share your opinion...but the same is true of me sharing my ignorant opinion (I am guessing that you're some kind of strength performer by your comments?) on whatever strength training methods you choose. If I share my opinion on something that I am #1 not knowledgeable at, #2 by my own admission not strong at, and #3 insulting to you or those who perform that way, I'd totally expect to get verbally knocked down a big flight of stairs.

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i've impressed dennis by 1900 page phonebook corners triple vertical tear on a phonebook with one hand and notching 1400 pages :D and i'm not quite a stalker absolutely a legitimate strongman and a student of dennis :)

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Impressing people is not the reason I do this stuff. I do it for me. That's it. I push myself, hurt myself, and go beyond what I thought possible all for the end goal of entering new territory....and then dominating it and moving on. It's a personal fight against the steel, my will, and my resolve to push that much harder than I thought was possible; and to see the end result....impossible made possible...and even made routine. So if this whole thing is about gaining the respect of another, I say to you; Look inside yourself and see why you really started doing this in the first place. If it was for the approval of your peers, and not for your own personal journey into the unknown, then it might be time to re-evaluate your priorities and begin that journey for yourself.

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i've impressed dennis by 1900 page phonebook corners triple vertical tear on a phonebook with one hand and notching 1400 pages :D and i'm not quite a stalker absolutely a legitimate strongman and a student of dennis :)

if you admit your wrists are "very weak" then your ability to preform feats that are dependent on strong wrists proves that your feats, "tearing phonebooks" is more a techincal use of leverage, which counters your argument of "legitimate" strongmen not using it. since your obiously a self proclaimed "legitimate" strongman. right>?

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another insult from me sharing my opinion how immature "way too far up the bending lists" talking about how you are better than me at bending which doesn't take much and challenging me with your your kind of wraps seriously i've never bent commited it doesn't take much to bend bigger stuff than me it's not impressive that you can bend bigger stuff than me either i can't even bend a grade 8! the point of my post was you will never perfrom at AOBS and get a reaction with those wraps and chalk and rubber bands you'll never impress the greats like slim and dennis with that crap either! and double wrappers aren't quite to the top of the lists those top two spots remain taken by people that use single wraps :D bring on the immature replies!

Who cares? :rolleyes

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i've impressed dennis by 1900 page phonebook corners triple vertical tear on a phonebook with one hand and notching 1400 pages :D and i'm not quite a stalker absolutely a legitimate strongman and a student of dennis :)

Isn't this about bending though? Who cares how strong you are with phonebooks if you're talking all of this sh$# about bending and you can't bend a coathanger?

Josh, I agree 100% buddy :D

Teddy, good point brother

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i've impressed dennis by 1900 page phonebook corners triple vertical tear on a phonebook with one hand and notching 1400 pages :D and i'm not quite a stalker absolutely a legitimate strongman and a student of dennis :)

if you admit your wrists are "very weak" then your ability to preform feats that are dependent on strong wrists proves that your feats, "tearing phonebooks" is more a techincal use of leverage, which counters your argument of "legitimate" strongmen not using it. since your obiously a self proclaimed "legitimate" strongman. right>?

Legitimate strongmen all use a magical "shearing" power to tear their books.

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i don't do it to impress people i do it to push my limits and it is just an extra thing when great strongmen consider you good and you talked about hurting yourself when you do this stuff with wraps that i couldn't even fit my fingers around and by weak wrists i don't mean totally weak i mean not at the level i want them to be at as far as i can't bend a coathanger that's just immature and retarded i have only bent maybe 6 sessions of yellows and blues and some grade 5's i was talking about my phonebooks because i was asked what made dennis impressed by me :)

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Oh boy. Here goes a good one!

One thing I have noticed is that many "old tyme strongmen" find that the only legitimate way to do something is, coincidentally, the way that they are best at.

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Oh boy. Here goes a good one!

One thing I have noticed is that many "old tyme strongmen" find that the only legitimate way to do something is, coincidentally, the way that they are best at.

quoted for truth

Edited by TKtheGreek
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One doesnt have to look too far on this board to find out that double wrappers have developed some serious strength, and can use thin wraps very well. Look at Bens latest video bending a mag Bastard in IM wraps.........Point - using double wraps is an effective tool for building strength and power period.......A lot of us have been at this for years, and learned on our own without anyone sharing their secrets or "the legitimate way to do things".. and It was only untill some on this board started duplicating the big boys that this legitimate stuff came out....We are just having fun bending steel, if anyone feels threatened so be it.....Brett

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i'm not trying to say change i've said that many times i'm just saying i don't like it just like i'm sure most of you don't like some things if you want to build your power or whatever with your double wraps go for it i'm not trying to stop you again just my opinion and not everybody is ben i don't want to point any fingers but a lot of benders can't do what ben does and go from those huge wraps to small wraps

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So What

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So What

Well said Mike :D

As said before, big wraps transfer over!! I had only bent with Im pads a few times (2-3) before I got a bastard for the first time in them because I train so muh with big wraps it developed my wrists so I could do both well.

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One doesnt have to look too far on this board to find out that double wrappers have developed some serious strength, and can use thin wraps very well. Look at Bens latest video bending a mag Bastard in IM wraps.........Point - using double wraps is an effective tool for building strength and power period.......A lot of us have been at this for years, and learned on our own without anyone sharing their secrets or "the legitimate way to do things".. and It was only untill some on this board started duplicating the big boys that this legitimate stuff came out....We are just having fun bending steel, if anyone feels threatened so be it.....Brett

Well said.

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I used to get myself all hot and bothered over trying to bend like the traditionalists but not anymore :D

If tradition is the way forward in bending why are not the so called great traditionalists here arguing and setting rules trying to keep it alive i have the utmost respect for what pat,slim and dennis etc have done but they contribute zilch to this forum yet people want to bend and keep bending like how they supposedly do it if thats the case tell them to come here and iron out a set of standards once and for all but we all no that will never happen which is a shame.

Some people seem obsessed with impressing these above guys i once was not anymore not being disrespectfull but unless your part of the inner circle and buying the dvds your not welcome.

Pat,slim and dennis etc all have the great benefit of passing on the considerable knowledge and talents to each other and a select few invited into the inner circle why not share it with the rest of us without charging us for it we are all supposed to be brothers in steel etc.

I can bend in Ironmind wraps,small leathers,medium leathers,big wraps,barehanded etc and in multiple styles i dont get pissed anymore at people bending in bigger wraps than i do because thats there choice not mine and so long as they are happy its there hobby as well as mine who cares tradition has gone the way of the dinosaur let the real traditionalists come onto the forum and educate us :D

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