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Please Explain This Because I Do Not Understand


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this thread is further proof we have to establish a criteria for wraps

What can't we just copy yours? :D :D

I have no life and have literally read every thread on the wrap subject going back to 2003. I don't have a problem either way, but at present I don't feel guilty going after the FBBC cert with every legal advantage :cool

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this thread is further proof we have to establish a criteria for wraps

Oh boy, years of arguing over this have solidified the criteria as "whatever you want." If you want to use thin pads, there is David's list and the IM RED list, if you prefer anything for padding, there is FBBC. I will leave it at that.

I have to agree though, all the guys who can cert on the red are MUCH stronger overall benders than those who cannot BUT that does not mean that someone bending Grands or Shinys in double wraps is weaker. People who have been in this argument before know this. If you were to give Gazza thick wraps and pit him against other guys, he'd still win. If you were to pit me against Ben Edwards, him using paper wraps and me using double wraps, he'd still win. All things being equal the better bender wins, bottom line.

I personally wanted to get to bastard level and then work up with thin pads, that is what I am doing now BUT I still do stuff with double wraps so I can help my crushdown along because I have a powerful kink. Both double and thin wraps have their place despite anyone's objections. I do think that more RED certs would bring more people here and get more people into bending but so does posting all of these vids on YouTube. There is no "end all" that will raise grip from obscrurity, the strength community as a whole needs to be enlightened as to the benefits of grip and bending.

VERY well put Zach!! Now, can we PLEASE not get this thread clsoed from a wraps arguement? Please!

The only reason threads get locked is because too many people * cough cough" get butt hurt over civil discussion.

So heres my next question, in the last hour i have gotten a LOT of PMs over this thread, a some people fairly upset, i dont understand it. "Thin skin" must be more than a figure of speech.

When i emailed Randy Strossen a few months back, i asked him why IM didnt release a tougher nail than Reds. We chatted about that several times, but what it all came down to was #1-IM is confident the standard they use right is plenty hard enough to be considered a good mark (which i think 99% of the people will agree on) and #2 the orginal feat of bending has been changed a lot by better techniques, more information due to internet (mainly this exact website) and more exposure.

Like Zach pointed out-there are several certs people can take. But IM is where everything started, the IM red is the origanal nail everyone wanted to kill, and still remains a challenge for a lot of strong people. But for the people here, i do not understand why you would not certify, considering its free to do and you get a T-shirt out of it.

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this thread is further proof we have to establish a criteria for wraps

What can't we just copy yours? :D :D

Too late to edit, but I realized this could be taken the wrong way. It is a joke referring to a youtbe comment. Adam, in all sincerity I think you raise good points and hope I didn't come off as upset by your post.

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this thread is further proof we have to establish a criteria for wraps

What can't we just copy yours? :D :D

Too late to edit, but I realized this could be taken the wrong way. It is a joke referring to a youtbe comment. Adam, in all sincerity I think you raise good points and hope I didn't come off as upset by your post.

Matt its no problem dude.

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free to do and you get a T-shirt out of it.

Not hopping into the wrap discussion ;) , but I wanted to say that a free hat and t-shirt from IM are some of the top future goals I have if you know what I mean :D Because they are the first things I heard about in terms of grip etc. that is what my goal is to reach

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i'm not afraid to say it i hate double wraps i think it turns bending into a leverage sport that's why the bastard list is bigger than the red nail roster i believe that bending is also about pain tollerance and everything to do about strength feats is pain tollerance a strongman is a toughman i think that adams blog entry on braced bending is great unless you're bending horseshoes like pat you don't need padding on your leg! that's what makes gazza and pat so great they do it with single wraps and with wrist strength not just pure pushing on the end trying to get good leverage that's why i think adam is going to be one of the best benders because he has wrist strength and he doesn't double wrap or use leverage!

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i'm not afraid to say it i hate double wraps i think it turns bending into a leverage sport that's why the bastard list is bigger than the red nail roster i believe that bending is also about pain tollerance and everything to do about strength feats is pain tollerance a strongman is a toughman i think that adams blog entry on braced bending is great unless you're bending horseshoes like pat you don't need padding on your leg! that's what makes gazza and pat so great they do it with single wraps and with wrist strength not just pure pushing on the end trying to get good leverage that's why i think adam is going to be one of the best benders because he has wrist strength and he doesn't double wrap or use leverage!

dont take this the wrong way but how do you know, i only see vids of you tearing phonebooks do you even bend, what are you basing your expertise on

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i do bend but not much i'm starting to get into it now though i'm basing my opinion on bending 4.5'' x 1/4'' cold roll first day of trying to bend by using the leverage i see most people use and i'm basing it on seeing the best benders and strongmen using barely any padding i stopped bending for the past 5 months or so and now i'm finding it more fun i started using only ironmind pads and i find them to be plenty i'm pretty week with bending and my wrists are very weak but i'm working on it i've managed a grade 5 in the ironmind pads i just don't have strength for anything else yet but i'll be working at it i keep as much of my hand on the metal as possible and i only use single wraps no matter what to each there own theres the guys who just bend with their double wraps and there are guys like chris rider, aaron mackenzie, pat povilaitis, adam glass, and of course dennis rogers who use single thin short wraps to bend everything all the best strongmen use stuff to minimize cutting not to gain comfort and leverage

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i do bend but not much i'm starting to get into it now though i'm basing my opinion on bending 4.5'' x 1/4'' cold roll first day of trying to bend by using the leverage i see most people use and i'm basing it on seeing the best benders and strongmen using barely any padding i stopped bending for the past 5 months or so and now i'm finding it more fun i started using only ironmind pads and i find them to be plenty i'm pretty week with bending and my wrists are very weak but i'm working on it i've managed a grade 5 in the ironmind pads i just don't have strength for anything else yet but i'll be working at it i keep as much of my hand on the metal as possible and i only use single wraps no matter what to each there own theres the guys who just bend with their double wraps and there are guys like chris rider, aaron mackenzie, pat povilaitis, adam glass, and of course dennis rogers who use single thin short wraps to bend everything all the best strongmen use stuff to minimize cutting not to gain comfort and leverage

you need to learn alot more before you start making statements like Adams the only one of us up and coming guys with wrist stregnth and who doesnt use leverage. haahaha even reading that makes me laugh, your caught up on this single v double wraps, but you dont relize that wraps come in different legnths, thickness's etc and someone uses the single wraps could have more padding on the bar than others using double. Yuor also caught up on this leverage thing that apparently the great benders dont use, care to explain that?

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i do bend but not much i'm starting to get into it now though i'm basing my opinion on bending 4.5'' x 1/4'' cold roll first day of trying to bend by using the leverage i see most people use and i'm basing it on seeing the best benders and strongmen using barely any padding i stopped bending for the past 5 months or so and now i'm finding it more fun i started using only ironmind pads and i find them to be plenty i'm pretty week with bending and my wrists are very weak but i'm working on it i've managed a grade 5 in the ironmind pads i just don't have strength for anything else yet but i'll be working at it i keep as much of my hand on the metal as possible and i only use single wraps no matter what to each there own theres the guys who just bend with their double wraps and there are guys like chris rider, aaron mackenzie, pat povilaitis, adam glass, and of course dennis rogers who use single thin short wraps to bend everything all the best strongmen use stuff to minimize cutting not to gain comfort and leverage

you need to learn alot more before you start making statements like Adams the only one of us up and coming guys with wrist stregnth and who doesnt use leverage. haahaha even reading that makes me laugh, your caught up on this single v double wraps, but you dont relize that wraps come in different legnths, thickness's etc and someone uses the single wraps could have more padding on the bar than others using double. Yuor also caught up on this leverage thing that apparently the great benders dont use, care to explain that?

I'm going to have to agree with you on this one Teddy. Dude you need some knowledge of bending before you can even think about criticizing double wrap benders. Now answer the man's question :D

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don't turn this into an immature argument i never said adam was the only one i notice adam is all maybe i haven't recognized some others i'm basing adams strength on a lot more than his short bending he bends some big shoes also and he has a great deadlift and all around body strength i haven't seen very many people use their wrists like adam when he braces between his legs as well and i have a pair of adams wraps which are far from thick but are definately all that is needed big wraps hanging off the end of the metal make leverage pat povilaitis doesn't let the wraps hang off the end he has them very far on the bar and he has his hand very far on the bar as well i'm sharing my opinion and im not the only one who has this opinion slim and dennis both share this opinion as well which means a lot

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don't turn this into an immature argument i never said adam was the only one i notice adam is all maybe i haven't recognized some others i'm basing adams strength on a lot more than his short bending he bends some big shoes also and he has a great deadlift and all around body strength i haven't seen very many people use their wrists like adam when he braces between his legs as well and i have a pair of adams wraps which are far from thick but are definately all that is needed big wraps hanging off the end of the metal make leverage pat povilaitis doesn't let the wraps hang off the end he has them very far on the bar and he has his hand very far on the bar as well i'm sharing my opinion and im not the only one who has this opinion slim and dennis both share this opinion as well which means a lot

Ok first off, a lot of people use small wraps, Adams are pretty big compared to some I've seen (small compared to others). Many people are far better then Adam at the Hip crush (Tim T!!!). AND Adam uses the same technique holding his hands at the ehnd of the bar for leverage like Me, Teddy, and EVERYONE ELSE!!! None of this is a shot at Adam, just at you. And Pats wraps hang off just as much as anyone, he just has smaller wraps.

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i'm not talking about his hip crush i'm talking about his brace between his legs and he uses torque from his wrists between his legs and pats don't hang off near as much he uses pure wrist strength to bend with barely any pushing on the ends his wraps appear big but they are very soft leather i'm sorry if i offended any double wrappers with my opinion again to each his own wrap how you want i'm not trying to change that i'm just sharing my opinion :)

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i'm not talking about his hip crush i'm talking about his brace between his legs and he uses torque from his wrists between his legs and pats don't hang off near as much he uses pure wrist strength to bend with barely any pushing on the ends his wraps appear big but they are very soft leather i'm sorry if i offended any double wrappers with my opinion again to each his own wrap how you want i'm not trying to change that i'm just sharing my opinion :)

Ummm, yeah that's the EXACT same thing!!! Adam's wraps? Ok but he still uses the exact same technique as me and teddy and MANY others, so my point still stays firm.

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I'm not gonna give a long detailed explanation because I know from past experience that these wrap arguments usually never end, end up getting locked, or feelings get hurt. So I will simply say that I use double wraps, I love em, I don't love bone bruises, and if you think I have such an advantage, double wrap your steel and beat me at my own game. Until then, good luck with your bending, keep it fun, and go kill some steel!!! :rock

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One name that I'm definitely suprised isn't on the list is Steve McGranahan. On his dvd he bent a red in about 20 secs using rags DU. I've also heard that he's bent reds barehanded. I have no doubt that on his worst day he could bend a red in IM pads in less than a minute.

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I like this topic :D lots of people already hurting with bruised egos :D Ive been there guys it aint worth it its all are hobby just bend how you want with what you want safe in the knowledge that your pleased with your results thats all that really matters anyway.

My opinion bending with just say ironmind pads will make you a better all around bender because it makes the hands adapt faster the journey will be longer and harder than useing more padding to dull the pain but its subject to individuals ironmind wraps will help you learn to use more wrist especially if you bend in multiple styles but there are also good reasons to use the thicker wraps as well it helps alot of beginners kill bigger steel so that then installs confidense in there abilities spareing them on to bigger and harder steel when alot of beginners have tried to bend in just ironmind wraps and given up because of the pain its still a good test/standard to attain.

Ben has recently proved that just because you bend mostly with bigger wraps that the strength is still there hes now killing big steel with ironmind wraps so thats something to consider Booyah has done some big stuff in bigger wraps in all 3 styles hes also done shortened reds in ironmind wraps so again his strength has carried over.

Like i said in a previous topic if i was a beginner i would bend useing big wraps and small wraps or ironmind wraps and use multiple styles then after 12mths or so i would slowly introduce barehanded bending as well all the bases are covered then.

A question that should be asked is do people respect people more because of what wraps they use another way to put it and i use this example based on an Isay an Insane Bastard bender 1 bends an insane bastard in biggish or double wraps in 1 minute bender 2 bends the same in ironmind wraps in double the 1st benders time who is the better bender both get my RESPECT!

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There are plenty of different lists to go for now, and the ones on my site were voted for by you guys. So plenty to go at no matter what your interest is.

I don't do a massive amount of bending (like you guys), as I have too many other things to train for. But all the bending, and snapping (the IM Red) I have done this year has been with IronMind pads and I haven't felt much difference. I've basically done what I can do in leather wraps with the IM wraps. But then I do Reverse bending mostly. On Reverse bending I find that if the pads are too thick I lose some power in the pads.


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You don't need much padding reverse. It is actually my favorite style, I wish I was better at it. The padding makes the biggest difference kinking DO. I have said before I don't even think you can start a big bend DO bare hand. It is the amount of wrist involved in the bend, actually twisting vs pushing the ends in. Reverse is all wrist power. Kinking DO it is very hard to involve the wrists anything near reverse because of the angle your hands are at, so you push, and it certainly works, you just need something to distribute the pressure to a larger area than just the end of the bar you are pushing into. IM pads just make you take more pain with less load distribution.

IM pads will make you tough and prepare you for bare hand stuff, but big pads will make you stronger faster I think. Your progress is not slowed by conditioning to pain, and it is easy to learn technique and get yer groove with more pad, especially if you are newer.

I just like to train for more functional type stuff, and I have actually had occasions I needed to bend some things already a few times. And I usually don't have access to much if any padding. This reminds me of the whole straps for deadlifting thing. What use it is to be strong enough to lift something if you can't hold onto it without straps? Well what use it is to be strong enough to bend stuff but your hands aren't tough enough to do it without a bunch of padding?

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Hmmm I thought I saw this thread 2 month back :erm Can't really remember. I am one of the guys that can bend a 6" Hex but not the IM cert :D But I also have a video on youtube of me bending the Red in IM pads in less than 30 seconds. I just didn't wanted to cert 1# I am not sure if my Reds are the new hard ones. 2# I want to bend a Dark Bastard in IM pads to be sure I will kill a Red in my cert.

here are some fun facts:-

Did you know that there was a time in the IM cert that people used to cert with leather? :D

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I'm not gonna give a long detailed explanation because I know from past experience that these wrap arguments usually never end, end up getting locked, or feelings get hurt. So I will simply say that I use double wraps, I love em, I don't love bone bruises, and if you think I have such an advantage, double wrap your steel and beat me at my own game. Until then, good luck with your bending, keep it fun, and go kill some steel!!! :rock
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LOL no Derek you are not. This is something i am wondering though now that we are all rolling with this- a few people sent me some emails this evening which has spured some additional thoughts.

Two people are mad at me over some leather wraps i sent them, because they thought the wraps would be big and fat and thick. I sell wraps that are fairly thin, a lot of people here own a set from me, they will tell you they make some what of a difference, but not a huge one.

so i am reading a message on how my wraps "suck" because this individual is a "hex bender" and my wraps are "useless" because he can not bend anything with them

now this makes me laugh, and kind of sad too- because it reminds me of some power lifters i am buddies with. Some PL claim a 500lbs bench, but miss 425 raw-so what do they bench? Now i am not even trying to open THAT can of worms here on GB- but it is a question i want to know now

--So how many bastard benders in leather can bend a red in IM pads? If there are a lot, I would like to see them on the red nail roster BECAUSE THAT IS HOW WE WILL GROW AS GRIP SPORT!

People think this is something no one does- that list grows, more people jump on board--same thing that happened to the COC and grip sport as a whole

so thats my thing

I am not as big of a unbraced bender as some of you. I have done a huge Bastard. I want the cert on the red and am working on that. I can bend a bastard in IM pads as of right now. THe reds that I have a a little tougher then the bastards I have because they were from the first batch that was easier. I have kinked a red in the IM pads just not there yet. Once I do the Im cert I will Not worry about using IM pads any more. I think some of the people from the comps I have been at know my pads are not super think like some but that is what I like. Use what you want and have fun with it. At some piont here if it all works out I will be on the IM red list.

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For me personally, sometimes simple visuals help put things into perspective. You decide for yourself ;)



Awesome!!! You should use your small wraps and get on David Horne's list for 4X12 leather. Hope to see the bend soon :D


Regarding Red Nail Roster, the change in the strength on bar really slowed the certs up for a while, but The ones that really want it, will eventually get it :rock:rock

Edited by Booyah!!!
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For me personally, sometimes simple visuals help put things into perspective. You decide for yourself ;)




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