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Teemu's Grip Log

Teemu I

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Awesome gripper strength matey and i fully expect you to with that mindset kill any 4 that you come across in the future.


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Thanks guys for the nice words, I hope to get it done soon, it will once again open up new doors in my mind!

Today was still not THE DAY. Pictures of my missed attempts can be seen in my blog. :angry:

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Very nice Teemu. Once you get it closed I think it'll be time to move further up the MM ladder.

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Thanks guys!

Kevin, you are right and that's my plan, to sign up on the ladder again after I get this #4.

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thanks for the explanation:-) I am sure u have a great "plan" not only in the sport of grip/grippers but also in your life:-)

where your strenght come from? i mean ... the inner power/the great attitude/no set limits etc ... u are not normal , u have a very strong mind and reaching goals its all about mind power ... is this something "NATURAL" for u?

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Monday 16.6.2008

Tried not to whine and close the damn gripper this time Martin. ;) Hugo, I have great confidence in my abilities and a drive within to succeed on the things I see worth shooting for. My dad (may he rest in peace) was an inspiration for me in grip strength among all other things. His example showed me we have "it" running in our veins to get decent results on strength (especially grip strength), despite our appearance not suggesting so. So my belief is I just need to work hard for long enough time, just as my father did. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I have room for plenty of improvement on each and every aspect of grip. I really expect and fully believe that I'll be much better after 3 more years for example. It's not that I have become a cocky bastard, my family and closest people are always taking care of me keeping a right perspective on things, they do a terrrific job reminding me that grip is just grip and make sure my feet stay firmly on the ground. :D But it's just confidence that has reinforced through already exceeding my own expectations for many times. Success has created a great momentum making me push forward to yet another goal, despite the task getting harder and harder and me seeing several month periods of seemingly not making any gains, but still somehow making it happen by keeping up the hard work. On top of it all, I just happen to enjoy grip so much. So I will continue my hunt on closing the #4's, it's only a matter of time.

I'd like to add it has absolutely nothing to do with me not beeing normal or any other nonsense like that! It's not anything magical or mythical, just a mindset not giving room for any thoughts of failure or the limits of my potential or any crap like that. Hard, smart work and time are my "magic words". I might have an advantage of having had a father with a frightening, bone-crushing grip setting me an example and giving me something to shoot for, but I believe any smaller men could get encouragement out of other smaller men accomplishing great things.

Well, maybe I'm not completely normal, the amount of time I spend thinking and talking about grip must exceed what you would call normal, but I do study, work and go out just like all the other people. :cool

1. MMS attempts on the 201 lbs #4

- limited to only 2 attempts, as the strength was way down on the last little bit

- happy to notice however, that setting felt even better than last time, it was not too bad to pull the handle to parallel

- combining setting this easily and peak form on the last little bit should bring better result

2. Couple of MMS closes on easier grippers, such as Elites

- went to these after quickly realizing I couldn't move the handles on a choked BBGE much, which is pathetic

- just trying to be explosive and grind the handles briefly

Well, that was it. I have a hard time deciding whether to take a few extra days of rest or just pound away and wait for the right day. It was not good to not be able to get much movement on the choked BBGE. Last week it was a piece of cake from 26 mm! Such is a difference between a really good and a really bad day. I will see how I feel after a day or two of rest.

Edited by Teemu I
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Teemu, nice post--very apropos of Father's Day!


2. Couple of MMS closes on easier grippers, such as Elites


It will be there on the right day!

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Teemu, nice post--very apropos of Father's Day!


2. Couple of MMS closes on easier grippers, such as Elites


It will be there on the right day!

Thanks Matt! :) I will get back to you with couple of questions etc. within the next couple of days, I was away from computer for a weekend.
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Rest like 4 days, and try the #4 again. Maybe it's just the extra day off that makes the difference.

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Rest like 4 days, and try the #4 again. Maybe it's just the extra day off that makes the difference.
Maybe so. I would guess I have to do that now.
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great Blog Teemu!!!

very inspiring to see how with hard dedecation you can improve , great stuff man

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Thanks for your explanation; its always a pleasure to become a litlle more motivated by your thoughts and training.

I believe the great athletes,actors u name it ... are not "normal" , i didnt mean to say they are like aliens ... they have what it takes to do well no matter what ... they borned with the right combination ... obviously they need to improve every aspect of it, but just need to "refine" them . I think this happend with u :-) I know u are a big believer in the term "hard work" , i dont doubt its very important , but most people failed because them dont believe 100% in their training or they are not mentally strong as u.

u are very well prepared in almost all aspects(mind,training,recovery training) ... God bless your father , he must be very proud of u. He's watching u ... not here but in another dimension(higher than earth)... i am sure he's helping u everytime to squeeze one mm more ... team work ;)

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Thaks Hugo for the nice and positive words!

Monday 23.6.2008

I tested myself against the 201 lbs #4 today after a good recovery. Well, as usual, despite feeling well recovered and all, I was slightly off the gripper groove. I took 5 attempts with somewhat deeper than usual sets, yet could not bring the handles closer than 2 mm at best. Sets felt quite strong and fast as well. I finished this workout by getting some really good and explosive choker closes on the Grand Elite.

Not too worried about still not hitting the jackpot, as every little step of improvement in any way, whether it is the setting strength or speed or sweep strength or close strength or beeing able to attempt a #4 with better technique than before, it’s all good. The #4 close will become reality when all the little things line up. Hands felt well rested today and I think I’ll be able to make some good workouts within a next couple of weeks.

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I think you will soon be riding a new wave of strength Teemu. I think the rest was well-timed.

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u are probably the "master" of trial an error :-)

with a good rest or not your performance can reach your shorth time goal ... just curiouus to know if u find any advantage to try to close your #4 instead of Kilkkinen's then swith to yours after a coulple of weeks .

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Monday 30.6.2008

After having a couple of really good conversations with a friend, who is creative, very smart and analytic about his training (thank you very much for giving me new ideas!), I decided I need to shock my hands to progress further from present point. So I'll be going on with eccentric only-type of program for some time. Maybe 8 - 10 weeks. It shall include one workout, where I'll be using a gripper just slightly above my goal gripper for both hands. Another workout of the week will be SW negs once I get the machine, but until I do I'll try to get most out of filed extended handle grippers. I'll include some thumb work as well, trying to microload a pony clamp progressively on each workout.

Workout 1:

5 gripper negs with both hands, fighting to the bitter end on each single. I was using a 206,5 lbs #4 with right hand and uncalibrated MM3dup with left hand. No timing or counting, just focusing on the quality of the efforts, trying to make sure I've given it my all on each single.

For thumb work, I did 5 negs the same way using a pony clamp.

Hands are wasted, hard to write. :)

Edited by Teemu I
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i am glad u have a creative friend to help u to break the "plateau":-)

i dont know how to perform a "good" negative rep .. if u have the time please post one video of u doing this if not i'd like to know whats the time u think its "optimal" to take to complete each rep? 7 seconds ?


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Hugo, as soon as I know, I tell you. What I mean by this is that I'm pretty much experimenting with this eccentric training myself. There's a few things I need to experiment with before I can say anything in a tone that would convince myself. :)

Thursday 3.7.2008

Week 1, workout 2

Today's job was to do severe negs for both hands with extended handle grippers and add rubber bands to pony clamp for added resistance.

Gripper negs

R: 10 x 1 with filed extended handle BB Pro

L: 10 x 1 with extended handle RB 365


- I placed the handle further towards the thumb to get more of a "BTR"-work done.

- I endured pretty well this time

Thumb work

5 x 1severe negs with pony clamp+rubber bands

- every neg forced in 3 times ( I call these minisets )

Very good grip workout. I have plans for the Secret Weapon printed out and will change to training with that instead of ext. handle grippers as soon as I get it.

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thanks temmu :) this type of training will "refresh" your mind and sould and improve a lot your performance( i am sure).

do u recovery faster doing negative type of training(only)?

thats what happend when a strenght athlete does negative only ...-he can perform more workouts during the week

(not sure about gripper training though :-)

Edited by ewokhugo
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Monday 7.7.2008

Week 2, Workout 1:

Going up on the volume: 6 gripper negs with both hands, fighting to the bitter end on each single. I was using a 197 lbs BBSE with right hand and uncalibrated MM3dup with left hand. Went down a gripper from 206,4 lbs #4 in order to be able to focus on the quality of the efforts, trying to fight more throughout the ROM. I was able to put out a much better fight this way, yet it hurt like hell in a good way.

For thumb work, I did 6 negs (or 6 minisets actually, forcing the clamp closed 5 times each time) using a pony clamp. Added some more resistance wth rubber bands for this week.

Hugo: I'm not sure if I recover that well, as the negs I'm doing tax the endurance enormously as well. But as I'm doing "only" two workouts a week now, I feel ready each time. I will slowly work up on the volume, but focus is on the quality all the time.

Edited by Teemu I
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I like what you're doing with the thumbs, too. I think it's a really good addition!

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Temmu: i am really impressed with the number of days u are using to work with grippers ... 2days ... me too ... because i dont have much time, i think 3 days should work better though.:-)

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