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Teemu's Grip Log

Teemu I

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Monday 2.6.2008

I have a sore spot on the left index finger, right at the spot I use to set grippers, so regular max attempts were out of the question. I did the whole gripper workout within my total body training and felt really good today. I took some gripper closes yesterday to wake up the hands for today, as usually I find my grip somewhat weaker if I have taken a longer break such as 4-5 days.

1. Choker closes/negs on 202 lbs BBGE

- Going up from 20 mm to 26 mm distance.

- Took 6 singles with both hands, negs with left, plain attempts with right.

- Got one close at 26 mm with right hand, just barely though but it's the best I've done on this gripper.

2. No set work on 201 lbs Narrow Pro

- Held the spring with free hand for added stability.

- 4 singles with both hands.

- Got a couple of pretty good attempts with right this time, probably slightly closer than before, maybe 4 mm.

- I do these to gain strength throughout the ROM, intentionally not setting the thumb side handle optimally.

Pretty decent gripper workout. I will return to regular MMS attempt on the #4 and BBSE as soon as the left index finger allows me to set with full strength.

Edited by Teemu I
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Very strong Teemu as ever. I wonder how hard your BBGE is in comparison to the #4. Or is it that the BBGE is slightly easier as it has sharper knurling and a narrower spread than the #4?

Keep on truckin mate, wont be long before we are watching you nail a #4 shut.

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Very strong Teemu as ever. I wonder how hard your BBGE is in comparison to the #4. Or is it that the BBGE is slightly easier as it has sharper knurling and a narrower spread than the #4?

Keep on truckin mate, wont be long before we are watching you nail a #4 shut.

Thanks Pete! Well this 202 lbs BBGE does actually feel harder than Matti's 201 lbs #4. It is harder throughout the last 25-30 mm, where as that #4 tightens up badly for the last 5 mm of the close. As a rule, I feel BB's are harder than CoC's even if they had a same calibrated rating. Edited by Teemu I
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The sore spot on my left index finger is likely to be a bruised tendon or something like that, as there’s sort of a hard, thickened lump. I hope that it turns out be something that will heal on it’s own, othervise I might have to come up with another way to set grippers if it will not return to normal. I might have to go to doc to show it, but for now I’ll just wait and try to ice it as often as I can to see if makes any difference. This will keep me from max gripper attempts using a parallel set for a while I guess, I just hope not too long. I will give my left hand a rest but work hard with the right.

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Teemu, I got something like that on both middle fingers. Nice bone bruise I think. Best to just take care of it and try to heal up some. I don't think I will be doing any grippers for awhile myself til it heals sufficiently. You can always work other areas that dont affect it in the mean time.

- Aaron

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Thanks Aaron, I'll try to develop my choker strength with right and leave the MMS attempts for a while. As for lefty, I'll train every other finger except index finger. Hope your fingers get better soon as well.

Wednesday 4.6.2008

Fine choker day. :)

I trained only right hand heavily, took a bit lighter ring finger and pinky training for left hand.

1. Choker closes on 202 lbs BBGE

- Going straight to 26 mm distance.

- Took 5 singles.

- Got 3 closes. PR.

- Closes felt somewhat slow despite feeling pretty strong othervise.

2. Choker closes on 197 lbs BBSE

- 30 mm distance, the widest distance I've closed this gripper at my previous peak.

- Took 3 singles.

- Still got 1 close.

- I feel the strength on the last little bit has now started to develop again.

NOW, I can't wait for my left index finger to heal, so I can parallel set again. My choker work condition should soon be sufficient for new personal bests. I just have to wait patiently, easier said than done but I don't want to take risks at this point. I'll just try to make a major improvement on choker closes little step by step while I wait.

Edited by Teemu I
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great work teemu, im looking forward to some of your pr vids
Thanks, for PR's I need my finger back at 100%, don't have any idea when it's going to be OK.
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congrats temmu , 3/5 closes with your Bbge its excellent!

whats your oppinion about strapholds? are u doing them?

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Thanks Hugo and Ben!

I'm not a great fan of strapholds. I'm not saying they don't work, but I just find it more effective (for me) to just focus on harder grippers and overcrushing them. For me, messing around with a strap or a ruler takes too much time.

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Nice vid teemu

good vbar pull teemu

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Nice vid teemu

good vbar pull teemu

:) V-bar pull? As far as I know, I haven't done that. :D;)
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Nice vid teemu

good vbar pull teemu

:) V-bar pull? As far as I know, I haven't done that. :D;)

ahh yes it was pete that did it.

Monday 26.5.2008

Trained grip together with a friend. Managed one decent attempt on the #4, it was a 3 mm miss. Rest of the attempts were poor this time. Did a bunch of different stuff, some hub-lifts and even little bending, just for fun as this wasn’t the best day on grippers anyway. Got a video of CoC #3 double no set close however. Was really hard to do with left hand, couldn’t hold the gripper closed as long as I should have to get a better video. I decided to upload it to youtube anyway.



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Sunday 8.6.2008

I trained only right hand today, still waiting for lefty to heal properly.

1. Choker closes on 202 lbs BBGE

- 26 mm distance: 2 strong closes, grinding the handles. PR:

- Going up to 27 mm distance. Again, 2 strong closes grinding the handles. PR.

- Went up to 28 mm. It was too much, awful miss.

2. No-set attempts on 201 lbs Narrow Pro

- Holding the spring with free hand.

- Took 5 singles.

- Closest attempt was only 2 mm off this time. PR.

Felt really good today to make noticeable progress. I hope to be able to keep this pace up now for some time.

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Tuesday 10.6.2008

I was very happy to notice, that all the pain was gone and I could again MM-set grippers. GREAT! Just for the joy of it, I took MMS attempts on the 201 lbs #4 again. I took 8 attempts. I noticed how setting and the MMS technique was a bit off due to having a break from regular attempts. So the first 4 attempts were a waste of strength really, crappy attempts in every way, the gripper just did not feel right. BUT the fifth attempt was totally different: set felt strong, I saw the handles at parallel, squeezed hard and the fingers were properly on the handle. The result was a mere 1 mm miss, the best attempt for me ever. I'm happy and frustrated at the same time. I will probably crank away a couple of more workouts with choker work emphasis and try this #4 again. It is getting closer, should not take too long now. I've usually been able to overcome the last 1 mm fairly quick. Now the setting strength is probably close to what it should be and the technique will return to it's top form fairly quick I believe.

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well done temmu! 1 mm and its yours! i bet when u finally close it , u will be in heaven for hours:-)

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Great, keep it up :rock

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Teemu, I know you have the focus and commitment and it is only a matter of time before your vision is realized. :rock

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Thanks guys, I will try to get a decent video once I'm ready.

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Hugo: reaching that goal will not be enough. I will be happy for a little while, but will not be slacking off. Every reached goal shows to me there's room for more development, as I got plenty of great gripping years ahead, grip is a game you can keep improving on for so many years. There's a lot of stuff I can improve on to make gains further than this #4 in the long run. At some point I need to make a serious run (or several runs really!) again towards developing more overall hand strength as well. One such goal beeing over 100 kg RT. There's plenty of work ahead, which is just a good thing, as I enjoy grip so much.

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:) Of course I will keep on doing what's worked for me lately and most of all work hard. I will not change the focus on something else now, it's so close now that it will have to come with very specific work. Beyond this #4, I will most likely have to change things around.
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Your dedication is inspiring. I wish you'd post your full body workouts too brother. Keep it up. :)

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