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Building A Bigger Engine For Grip Contests

Scott Styles

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Building a Bigger Engine for Grip Contests


My last cycle was focused on bending and included a grip contest. It can be found here:


The biggest thing I'm taking away from it is I finally need to get my butt into the gym to lift some weights. I'm getting creamed at grip contests because I'm weak all over. You can't build a strong grip on a weak body.

Cycle Overview

This cycle is dedicated to building my body strength in order to improve my grip strength. The motivation is to increase my potential grip strength, so that I can spend my next cycle specializing for the Michigan Grip Champs in late summer. This cycle will be 14 weeks long. I will be weight training 4x a week in the morning, using a lower/upper split routine. My gym days will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Once a week, on Saturday, I will train grip.

Lower Body Workout

Horizontal Leg Press

Back Extension Machine

Lying Leg Curl

Calf Raise

All exercises will be done for 3 sets, with the first set being a warm up. Weeks 1-4 I will use 12 reps per set, Weeks 5-9 I will use 10 reps per set, and weeks 10-15 will use 8 reps per set. I've planned rest days on the last Th/F for each rep period. This set/rep scheme is in preperation for my next cycle, where I will spend 10 weeks doing 1 warm up set and 3 work sets of 5 reps for each exercise. At some point, I will replace the leg press with back squats. I am working on learning the movement.

Upper Body Workout

Standing Dumbell Press

Supinated Pulldowns

Machine Chest Flys

Machine Row

Set and rep scheme will be the same as the lower body workout. I do not anticipate changing any exercises out. I may add direct ab work as time alllows.

Saturday Grip Workout

I'm going to do whatever I want!!! I'll probably be focused on bending and block weights, knowing me. I'll also be using my formulator for wrist extensions and rubber bands for finger extensions. I have a 20 kilo kettlebell that I hope to get strong enough to play with as well. I'll also attend grip togethers as time and opportunities allow.


1. Hit all my gym workouts and attend to recover appropriately

2. Bend a 60d nail double underhand. (current PR is 6" x 1/4 grade 2 bolt)

3. Lockout my 35lb blob (current PR is to hover it)

4. Bottoms up press my 20 kilo kettlebell (current PR is a 16 kilo kettlebell)

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Recovery Factors

Environment and Active Recovery - Daily

1. Wear gloves when outside

2. Get 7.5 hours of sleep

3. Play with dexterity balls

Short list this time for environment and active recovery. My focus is on keeping things simple so I have time to sleep and eat right to build that big engine. The hands just get dexterity balls, mostly because I like doing them. I might do contrast baths or were gloves to bed depending how I feel.

Core Diet - Eaten Daily

1. Baby Carrots

2. Lettuce

3. 1 Piece Fruit

4. 3/4 cup Berries

5. Seed Mix of Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, and Brazil Nuts

6. Flax Cereal

7. Yogurt

8. Beans

9. Iced tea in place of soda

10. 8oz Soy Milk

11. 1 additional meal including whole grains (brown rice, whole grain wheat, beans, etc.)

12. 12oz cup of milk

13. 2 servings nuts

This is the foundation the rest of my daily diet is built on. In addition to these foods, I will eat whatever I want. I just need to be sure to get my core in. The primary goals are to ensure I'm consuming the building blocks needed for strength and providing the tools required for a health immune system. Nothing short changes my progress like getting sick or not eating enough.

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You know me, never a fan of the machines. I understnad your reservations agaist squatting for now. Consider replacing the leg curls with straight leg deadlift. Consider doing calf raises with the barbell on your shoulder(like a squat) and put your toes on 45 lb plates.

Same thoughts on rows and flys. Again my own preferance.

I'll leave you alone about the machines after this post.

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Michigan Grip Champs in late summer ? Any more info - inquiring minds want to know!

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Sounds like you've got a plan Scott. I wish you the best of luck.

I'll have to agree with Michael, you should look into learning and incorporating more compound, free-weight movements - especially when you move into the second 10-week cycle if your main goal is strength.

Just out of curiousity, what sort of exercises are you doing with the kb?

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I just got the kettlebell this weekend. I can't do a whole lot with it right now, that's the problem. I can do a few 2 handed swings before I get conerned for my back. I push pressed it once with each arm, but could not strictly press it. About the only part of me that is ready for a 20k bell is my grip. The main thing I'm hoping to get out of a kettlebell is strengthening of all those little muscles the weights don't really hit. I probably should have started out lighter. We'll see in a month if I have a chance of learning the movements with the 20k bell or need to get a 12k one for practice.

Once I switch leg press out for squats, I will be forming the base for each day's workouts with a compound free weight movement. I think this gives me a majority of the stabilization benefits from incorporating free weights into my routine. My lower back can be touchy, so I'm not convinced bringing SLD's into the mix as I learn to squat is a good idea.

I've got some sort of issue with my shoulder that makes flat benching hurt, even with light weights. That leaves me with flies to work my chest. I'm using the machine flies because I want to physically limit how far back I can stretch on the exercise. They also allow me to work the chest without having my back pinned to a pad. My shoulder seems to prefer that. At some point I need to figure out what the heck is wrong with it, but I'm not prepared to go down that path yet.

With rows, I just don't see the benefit of doing a bent over barbell row. The range of motion is smaller. The stress on the lower back is greater. Cheating is much easier. The force of the resistance is straight down, instead of in line with the direction I want my body to pull. This is one of the few exercises where I would say that I think the machine is better. Of course, it is still dependent on the quality of machine available. There are some awful seated row machines out there.

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02-27-2006 - Workout 1 of 64 - Lower Body at World Gym

I didn't sleep great last night. I went to be on time, but I kept waking up for some reason. It was very tempting to sleep in, but I forced myself to get up and go lift.

Leg Press




I'll repeat this on Thursday, then hopefully go up next Tuesday.

Back Extension Machine




I'll hang around this weight for 2-3 more workouts.

Leg Curls




Got my reps, now I need to get them slower. Probably 3 more workouts at this weight.

Calf Raises




Added a set. I'll focus on slowing these down and keep the weight the same next workout.

Squat Practice

I had a little time left, so I spent it practicing the squat based off of the form I got out of my Starting Strength book on Saturday. I've started focusing on keeping my knees as far out as possible. That seems to keep me solid in the bottom position. I can actually stay there with comfort, and I come out of it with a good pop. If I rest the bar on my shoulders for a front squat, same thing. As soon as I add weight to my back, I can't get into the bottom position anymore. Good thing I have a barbell to work with at home. Lots of practice is still needed. According to my book, 1/3 of people squat perfectly right away, 1/3 need minor tweaks, 1/3 will struggle with the form. That's the 1/3 that tests whether or not someone is a good coach. I'm pretty sure I'm in that last 1/3.


Lower Back




I made time to do the stretches. Definitely felt a few kinks coming out of my muscles as I eased into things. I'm probably recovering from the sedentary weekend.

I hit all my sets and reps. I got squatting practice in. By my measures, that's a good workout on the books. Hopefully I sleep better tonight.

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My wife had a great idea. Try doing the basic KB workout with a lighter dumbell. Just to train the motion and get a feel for the weight. It's not exactly the same but it sounds like a great idea to me. Don't do it to go heavy, just warm up and cool down with it

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Starkmann, I figured out something for the kettlebell practice. My dumbells at home are too long, but the gym has a kettlebellish set of dumbells from 10-50lbs.

Cunny, I'm still learning to squat correctly. It's a difficult movement for me to learn. Rather than rush that process, I'm using the leg press as my compound leg movement while I learn. Thanks to the Starting Strength book as well as help recieved from members of this board, I feel like I'm getting very close.

02-28-2006 - Workout 2 of 64 - Upper Body at World Gym

Got a solid 8 hours of sleep last night. I sat down for a cup of hot tea at like 9:20. Was out by 10. As long as I keep a good sleep schedule up, I'll do well.

Warm Up: Elliptical Trainer for 8 minutes, getting heart rate up to a steady 150-160bpm

Standing Dumbell Press




Gained one on the first set, lost one on the second. It was really an issue of mental comittment for getting my reps. I have a hard time with high rep overhead work. Will try to get at least 8 reps on set 2 next time.

Supinated Pulldowns, Shoulder Width Grip




Repeated the weight and reps this workout. Will do the same next time, then increase on the following Tuesday. I like pulldowns.

Seated Chest Fly Machine, weight in hands, shoulders neutral




Lots of lactic acid buildup. I'll stay with this weight next time, probably go up to 6 the following workout.

Machine Rows, arms parallel to the floor




Focused on control here. Will stick with this weight for at least one more workout. I was a little sick to my stomach by this point as well. It makes doing the last set not as much fun.

Psuedo Kettlebell Presses

The gym has psuedo kettlebells with revolving handles and off center foam pads that sort of simulate the instability of a kettlebell. The revolving handle prevents you from controlling how quickly the bell flips over your hand when you clean it, but the foam pad absorbs some of the impact. Kind of a trade off. Anyway, I tried them out with overhead presses:



These weren't really hard, I'm just getting a feel. I might replace the standing dumbell presses with them as I get comfortable.


Lats and Triceps

Upper Back

Lower Back / Chest




Forgot to do the Side Bend stretch. Added in the leg stretches today cause I had time / felt like it / think it's good for my squat learning.

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I'm not a huge fan of the horizontal leg presses either, for the same reason you state. Heavy weights with low reps do not work well for me on it at all. I can get by with higher reps at lighter weights though. It's a short term solution.

It's really hard for me to give McRobert's book a fair review. Having read it, I personally would rather have my $48 dollars back. However, that's largely because his writing style and level of detail orientation doesn't suit me.

On the exercise form side, it's like he dumps everything he knows about the lift on the pages, without a lot of organization. It's a good reminder to be safe and adequete(sp?) for someone with even average awareness of their body, but I need more direction and structure in learning something that is difficult for me, like form for squats. The Starting Strength book provides a step by step process for learning the form, then gives you processes for troubleshooting all the problems one may encounter. The form descriptions also go heavily into the biomechancis of the lift, which I find helpful. McRobert flat out would not have enough pages to do all the exercises he covers that way. The chapter in Starting Strength on squats alone is 46 8.5"x11" pages.

The lifting routine information in McRobert's new book seems sound and is extremely comprehensive, but I can't see myself ever implimenting the program as described in the book. I'm just not that comitted. At one point he even suggests you may want to consider sleeping in seperate beds as your partner to ensure sleep is not disrupted. Too much IMO. I'd rather be weak than sleep alone every night. It is nice to leaf through the book for reminders not to be stupid or greedy. There are a lot of good information nuggets. I think the routine would work well for someone serious that followed it to the letter.

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03-02-2006 - Workout 3 of 64 - Lower Body at World Gym

Got about 7.5 hours of sleep last night. Pretty good. I've been having a cup of lemon grass tea about 30 minutes before bedtime. It seems to do a good job at calming me before bed. Especially considering I was worked up last night due to things irritating me at work. Each day my agression seems to be increasing as my patience decreases. I don't know it's because of weight training induced hormones, or if this just happens to be an especially insane week. Either way, the tea helped.

Squat Practice


12x45 - 5 were back squats, 7 were front squats

9x45 - 3 were back squats, 6 were front squats

I only had enough time this morning to either do the leg press or the squat practice. My lower back was complaining a little, so I decided to go with the squat practice. I'm making progress in that I feel good in the bottom position with no weight. It's frustrating when I put the bar on my back though. As soon as I squat down with a bar, I know I am doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I do a few reps of the back squats, get annoyed at how awkward they feel, then switch to the front squats. I'll keep trying. At least my quads feel like I did something to them this morning.

Back Extension Machine




I'll stick here next workout. Might go up after that.

Leg Curls




These weren't too bad until the end of the last set. 1-2 more workouts at this weight.

Calf Raises




Did the reps, will stick here 1 more workout, then add 5 lbs.


Lower Back




Stretches felt pretty good. Some definite tightness was present in my hamstrings that got worked out.

Not much too do but keep on going. My strength is increasing like it should. I hope I start to understand the squats soon.

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what happened to training with wannagrip or gamidon or all those people that were gonna help?

You'll get there. Be patient.

I think your squats will get much better when you start to do them with voice.

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What do you mean by "do them with voice"?

I was having a hard time getting decent video for people to really help me with form over the net. Now that I'm doing them alone in the gym, video of the practice isn't really an option. My problem is really one of translating words and instruction to physical movement, so just telling me what makes a good squat hasn't been especially fruitful.

I have been thinking about getting a stick this weekend so that I can try the form with a "weightless" bar. Then maybe I could get some video outside in good lighting that is helpful for getting feedback. I do also plan to ask Greg to take a look at my form next time I am over there.

I am gradually having moments of epiphany. The most recent are:

1. My upper thigh should be parallel to my foot in order to minimize risk to my knees. This requires me to consciously focus on spreading my legs as I go down.

2. The reason my knees should be about shoulder width or a little wider is that brings the hips and adductors into the movement in addition to the quads. It also makes depth easier to hit. Going wider puts most of the stress on the hips and minimizes the use of the quads in of the movement. The exact distances for all of this is dependent upon the length of the legs relative to the torso.

3. My torso should not remain vertical. Rather, as the bar goes up and down, it does so in an approximately vertical path. As my hips move back, my torso will angle. (The reason my knees started to hurt when I was practicing after the first visit to Greg's is I had misinterperted this instruction and was keeping my torso totally vertical).

4. I should not be holding the bar in the high position. This increases the risk to my lower back without any real benefit for general strength development. I need to learn to get comfortable with the low bar position and increase my shoulder flexibility so I can use it without bending my wrists.

It seems absurd to me that I need to dig this deeply into the exercise to be able to do it. I've actually thought about seeing where the guy that wrote Starting Strength works and setting up a session with him if it's practicle. That'd be a lot of work/money, so we'll see if I can figure it out on my own first.

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It seems absurd to me that I need to dig this deeply into the exercise to be able to do it.

Stick with it. I have read several articles on squatting, and have been trying to figure it out myself, and it truly is a complex movement. I have been following your progress with great interest, as I am struggling with many of the issues you are. Have you tried squatting off a box? These made a huge difference for me, in addition to getting as much information as I could find on squatting on the Internet and in books. I really like doing the box squats.

Anyway, stick with it. You will figure it out, and once you start to make gains, there will be no looking back. :)

Edited by chrisof4
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what happened to training with wannagrip or gamidon or all those people that were gonna help?

You'll get there. Be patient.

I think your squats will get much better when you start to do them with voice.


I'm an idiot. That's what I mean.

I was talking with my wife while posting that. I suspect I said what I meant to type and typedwhat I meant to say.

Let's see now what did I mean?

ah weight. the correct word is weight

"I think your squats will get much better when you do them with weight"

sorry man

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Thanks guys, I'm sticking with the squats. Crazily, my quads are a little sore today. I don't know if that is an indication of what I did wrong or how weak they are.

03-03-2006 - Workout 4 of 64 - Upper Body at World Gym

7.5 hours of sleep last night. I could have gotten to bed a little earlier, but I didn't feel like it. I was up twice last night to use the bathroom and when I finally got up in the morning I was tired. I shouldn't drink so much water after 8pm.

Warm Up: Elliptical Trainer for 8 minutes, getting heart rate up to a steady 150-160bpm

Standing Dumbell Press




Got the reps I was shooting for with a bit of effort. I'm looking at add at least one more rep next workout.

Supinated Pulldowns, Shoulder Width Grip




These were getting pretty doable. The only thing that made them hard was how hot the machine area of the gym was. I think the women at the front desk are turning the heat up to the "broil" setting so they don' t get cold. It makes me sick by the end of my workout. I will go up to 11 next time.

Seated Chest Fly Machine, weight in hands, shoulders neutral




Pretty easy today. I'll go to 6 on Tuesday.

Machine Rows, arms parallel to the floor




They moved the machines in they gym around and now this machine is right in front of a mirror. Perfect. I focused on keeping both shoulders level as I pulled back and was able to really control the exercise. I felt a muscle in the rear of my right shoulder get a ton of lactic acid build up. Nothing in my left. The right shoulder is the bad one, so maybe this is strengthening that weak muscle. I'll stick with 5 for at least the next workout. I need to see if there are half plates laying around the gym somewhere. The jump to 6 is pretty big.

Psuedo Kettlebell Presses



My shoulders were tired by the end of the second set. I could of done 2 more, but I didn't feel like putting in the effort anymore. I did see some guy doing shoulder raises with these things, using the foam pad to rest the weight on his forearm and shorten the lever arm on the movement. I thought it was funny and have to wonder if he knows that is why he can use more weight.


Lats and Triceps

Upper Back

Side Bend

Lower Back / Chest




I like to stretch. In fact, I stretched so long I ran out of time to go get bagels to have a second breakfast at work.

There goes my second week lifting at this gym. All the lifts but my squat are doing what I like. I've gotten used to getting up early, but I am hungry all the time. I ate out every single day this week, but today, when I bummed some food off my fiance. This is in addition to eating the food I brought for lunch. I need to find some more food to bring in for during the day. I'll be ordering my peapod shortly and hope I find something good.

Next week will see these lifts starting to get intense as I really begin to push as hard as I can. Hopefully I can find time to get a stick for practicing squats with this weekend. I'm going downtown to take my friend to his first workout in years. We're going to Quads Gym and then the Chicago Diner for lunch. It should be a good time. I don't plan on lifting, but it will be cool to see both of the places. Quads Gym is a lifting mecca, the Chicago Diner a vegitarian mecca. Hopefully I get home into time to fit my grip workout in on Saturday. Otherwise it will have to happen Sunday afternoon.

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03-04-2006 - Workout 5 of 64 - Grip Work

Only got 6.5 hours of sleep last night. I was excited about going to Quads Gym and the Chicago Diner today. My grip work ended up split into two parts, due to my trip downtown. Before I left, I found time to go to the hardware store and pick up a 6 foot long 1" diameter metal tube. It weighs a few pounds. I tried to squat it and promptly found myself in a half squat position, with my torso parallel to the ground. Dang.

Kettlebells at Quads Gym (morning)

Quads gym had pairs of kettlebells in 5lb increments from like 15-50lbs. They also had some rubber coated ones in the smaller sizes that were pretty unpleasant to use. I did a couple of each of the following

Bottoms up presses through 35lbs.

Regular presses through 40lbs

2 handed swings with a 35lber

2 handed and 1 handed swings with a 25lber

I had to use 2 hands to get the heavier kettlebells in postion to press. The swings were quite taxing and a 25lber was just the right weight for me. Having tried a range of the kettlebells now, I'm quite confident I over-purchased and will need to order a 12k or 16k kettlebell if I am to use it for any sort of conditioning activity. I'll go out on a limb here and guess I'll end up with both at some point in the next 3 months. Shoot, I wouldn't be suprised if I order a 12k bell before the weekend is over.

Double Underhand Bending

3 timber ties

Kink 7" 1/4" zinc plated round, finish Double Overhand

Kink 6" Grade 2 bolt, finish Double Overhand

Crap that hurt. Bending is painful and doesn't seem well suited to once a week with no other grip work in between. It may be time to give the bending a rest for a few months. Not sure how much the kettlebells influenced these.


Played around with my T, #1, and BBSA. Not real strong on these after the poor showing at bending.

Pony Clamps

Did some pinch work with the pony clamp. Tried my pony clamp from KTA with all the rubber bands on it. It was too hard for me. That's telling. I had an idea that my thumbs are weaker now than they were post KTA in the fall of last year. This confirms it. Fact is, I find it harder to pinch 2 25s now than I did then, as well. I'm going to be returning to the dynamic thumb work for awhile.

Formulator Extensions



Not much to say. It works the extensors, they were tired.

Finger Extensions

30xIM Green Band

I'm curious to see how my grip exercises look next weekend when I have more energy and haven't done kettlebell stuff earlier in the day before my workout. I'm dissapointed with my strength levels this evening. I hope it is a result of the kettlebells and not a symptom of the fact that the work I get during the week with the weights will limit my performance with the grip work.

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Congratulations on getting started! Your thoughtful planning and documentation will serve you well in your training.


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Thanks for the support Zach.

03-06-2006 - Workout 6 of 64 - Lower Body at World Gym

In a bit of a funk this morning. I got out of my sleep pattern over the weekend and ended up only getting about 7 hours of sleep last night. Then I managed to scrape up my ankle on the stairs on the train. Not a great sign for starting of the week.

Squat Practice

I read my Starting Strength book on the train and came in ready to practice squatting. It was abysmal as soon as I put the bar on my back. I tuck my hips and round my back like crazy as I even begin to get deep. As soon as I put the bar in front of me for front squats, the problems go away. I did a number of sets / reps trying to get it figured out, but at a certain point it got embarassing and I stopped. I think I'm going to stick with trying to progress on the front squats for awhile while I practice it home. Maybe I'll have time to get decent video with my hollow bar this weekend.

Back Extension Machine




Finally paid attention to the machine settings. Seat at 6, foot rest at 2. It's time to jump to 11 here.

Leg Curls




These were pretty easy outside of the pad pressing on the scrape I had on my ankle. I'll hold it here for one more workout while I see what impact increasing the back extensions has.

Calf Raises




I'm sure I was just bitter because of the squats, but these felt like a waste of time today. What's the point in worrying about my calves if I cannot get my core leg movement working? I'll add 5lbs next time and stick with it though.


Lower Back




I kept zoning out when I was stretching and watching the TVs instead. My head just wasn't in it this morning.

I'm going to try to get to bed earlier tonight so I come into the gym tomorrow well rested and feeling positive. There's no reason for a workout like today's.

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03-07-2006 - Workout 7 of 64 - Upper Body at World Gym

7.5 hours of sleep last night. I got to bed on time last night but still felt a little sluggish this morning. I'm catching up from the weekend.

Warm Up: Elliptical Trainer for 8 minutes, getting heart rate up to a steady 150-160bpm

Standing Dumbell Press




Didn't get the added rep I was shooting for on the last set. Will go for it next time. I look forward to the days of low rep pressing.

Supinated Pulldowns, Shoulder Width Grip




I'll increase to 10.5 or 11 next time. It depends on whether or not I can find a half plate to add to the stack.

Seated Chest Fly Machine, weight in hands, shoulders neutral




Increased weight to 6 this time. Highly doable. Will hold it here for a few workouts though. My shoulders seem to pop a little when I do these. No idea why.

Machine Rows, arms parallel to the floor



I only did 2 sets here, I was getting tired of doing these. I wanted to see how shrugs felt on my bad shoulder since it was bothering me a little this morning.

Dumbell Shrugs


My bad shoulder didn't really like these, unfortunately. I think I may get the 7 minute rotator cuff solution and study it as thoroughly as I've been studying the Starting Strength book. Maybe I'll have more luck fixing up my shoulder than I've had figuring out the squats. It'd probably add more value to my day to day life anyway.

Psuedo Kettlebell Presses


Worked through the tiredness to finish the set on these. They're still fun.


Lats and Triceps

Upper Back

Side Bend

Lower Back / Chest




Next time I stretch my hamstrings, I'm going to focus on keeping my back arched like I would in a squat. Currently I allow my back to round and can grab my insteps. Interestingly, my mid-back was sore today from something yesterday. Not sure what.

Now that the novelty of lifting again is wearing off, I have to keep reminding myself that the order of priority is safety, consistency, then progression. I'm greedy and impatient. I need to get over that.

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