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hey i got my 3" bar. what have i gotten myself into.. it is a beast !

ok so i had this idea because i kind of want to use it..

for all of my 2" bar lifts, i'm going to warm up with the 3" bar.. how should i do that?

there's a couple possible things i could do, such as:

during 5x5 week, i'll warmup to a max 5x5 on the 3" bar, then switch to the 2" bar.. ? that should completely fry my hands.. but do i want that? would this method be too hard on my hands? or would it prime me for the 2" 5x5 making it seem easier?

or i could just easily warmup with the 3" bar during the 5x5, and never hit a true 5 rep max on it.. then switch to 2" bar? this would keep my hands kind of fresh possibly and be less intense on them?

i would do the same thing for thickbar curls, and thick bar bench press... since those are all of my thickbar lifts in this little cycle..

any ideas?


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hey priz!!

well i did some wrist rolling on a 3" bar last night before bed,..i found that with my hands it was more of a finger/thumb workout on the hands. totaly diferent than a 2" so im not sure if it would warm you up or hinder you. i dont do any thick bar lifting myself. i would say the best way to warm up with any excersise is to do that exact excersise only lighter. but hey give it a try! what is the worst that could happen? :rock

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3 and 1/2.. thats sick! i couldn't reverse curl this thing strict either ruffhans..

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12/12 - monday - SQUAT AND PULLUP DAY

injury report: lat tear seems to be feeling better.. suprisingly, i've been icing it alot.. seems good for some BW pullups..

injury report part duce: driving home from grocery shopping i drive by bball court (not a smart idea), i see all my friends there, i play 3 pickup games, 3rd game i got knee'd in my quad real hard.. red circle on it.. can barely extend my leg.. time for squats!


- high knees, butt kicks, jogging in place, footwork etc.. Etc (quad feeling sore, real sore)


- ok, i was just going to do what i could do.. but i guess adrenaline made me stupid, so i max 5x5'd..

- 45lbs. (10)

- 95(5)

- 145(5)

- 165(5)

- 185(5)

- 205(5)

- hit my 205x5, couldn't believe it.. could barely extend my leg prior.. and 205x5 was my goal for this 5x5 week on squats..


- was careful with these..

- BW x 5reps

- BW x 5

- BW x 7

- BW x 7

- BW x 5 (on this last set, felt my wrist about to snap, 2" pullups rock)


- 4x20 reps


- 20 reps front lunge.. 1 set with cinder in left, 1 set with cinder in right hand

- 20 reps back lunge.. 1 left, 1 right

- 20 reps step ups, 1 set left, 1 set right



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12/14 - wednesday - full moon - thick bar curls / neck DL's and bending

injury report: quad still fried, but it's getting better, better ROM today and i could do some bodyweight box squats , couldn't do them yesterday..hope it's good by friday, thickbar deadlift day

news news: filed down my trainer, alot harder now, cool stuff,, also got my #2


- not much of a good warmup, leg still hurt, so i just did arm circles etc

2" and 3" thickbar curls, trying for strict:

- 2" BAR: 20lbs. x 10 reps

- 2" BAR: 40lbs. x 5 reps

- 2" BAR: 60lbs. x 5 reps

- 3" BAR: 45lbs. x 5 reps

- 2" BAR: 80lbs. x 5 reps (leaned back slightly only once)

- 3" BAR: 55lbs. x 5 reps (damn these hurt)

- 2" BAR: 90lbs. x 5 reps (leaned back on 2 reps, i didnt really cheat curl it up)

- 3" BAR: 65lbs. x no reps, couldn't get one..

neck harness deadlift : weight in front

- 10lbs x 5

- 20lbs x 5

- 30lbs x 5

- 40lbs x 5

- 50lbs x 5

- 60lbs x 5

- 70lbs x 5 !!!

- neck kinda twinged up about 5 mins later, couldnt look left without some pain, then i pressed my muscle real hard and it went away.. never had that before.


- 1 white

- 1 60D timber tie

- 1 green

- 1 60D timber tie cut at 5.5"


- MISSED ON 5/16" bolt.. that was a given.. :)



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You need to do some high volume workouts, do as many spirals as you can at 6".

The next workout, beat that number.

After a few of those you should be on that yellow nail like a fat kid on a red smartie.

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12/16 - friday - pinch/bench and gripper day

injury report: neck still burning from neck deadlifts.. getting better though.. quad getting alot better..

news: i gave the #2 for my neighbor to try, he had gotten #1 frirst try, his friend was over, they both are electricians etc... they both got #1 but didnt get #2 within a centimeter.. strong naturally grips, they both claim masonry workers will kill #2.. ??? heh


- not so great, quad still bugging, some jumping jacks/light pushups

2" bar flat bench press supersetted with grippers, then rest for next set

2" bar flat bench press:

- 70 x 5

- 90 x 5

- 110 x 5

- 135 x 5

- 145 x 5 <- was gunning for that

grippers:- everything done for singles

- filed T, right then left

- filed T, R then L

- #1, R then L

- #1, R then L

- #2, R MISS then L MISS

- #1, R then L

- filed T, R then L

two hand pinch, 2 35's (width) then extra weight on my bar:

- 2 35's x 1

- 2 35's + 5lbs. x 1

- 2 35's + 5lbs + 10lbs x 1

- 2 35's + 5lbs + 10lbs + 10lbs x 1 (total 95) that's my max..

- 2 35's + 5lbs + 2 tens + 5lbs x MISS 100lbs

- that was very hard never did that before.....

3" thick bar deadlift:

- 60 lbs x 2

- 100 lbs x 2

- 120 lbs x 1

- 120 is my max on 3" bar, crazy

2" thick bar deadlift - this is where it got fun

- 120 lbs x 2

- 160 x 2

- 180 x 2

- 190 x 2

- 210 x 2

- 230 x 1 <-- nice! had gas left in the tank but stopped here..

situps: 10lbs behind head, 10lbs lifting with feet

1x15, 2x10


im taking out neck deadlift, replacing it with 2" handle one arm DL's, i'm going to combine the neck dl's with my thickbar deads, but, neck dl's will be real light, like < 40lbs, need to give my necka rest..


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my maxes for next 5x5 week should be:

- pullups ; dont know lat was hurt

- squat 215-225x5

- 2" thickbar curl - 95-100 x 5

- 3" bar curl ; 57.5-65x5

- thickbar bench - 150-160 x 5

- no neck deadlifts

- 2 hand plate pinch 2 35's width: 97.5-105 x 1

- 3" bar deadlift - 125-130

- 2" bar lift - 235-250 - i want 250 badddd

- bending hopefully yellow

- make progress on #2

i set up bands on my power rack, i need to get my digital camera thing working i need to take pics it's cooll...

i also got a pulley, one day that will work good..

m,y 3x10 week workouts now look like this:

warmup = footwork, band aparts, etc etc

assistance = max of 3 diff exercises, only 1 set, 10-20 reps, done after last set of my 3x10

bands will be used only for one set of the 3x10.. no bands will be used during 5x5 week

<B>Day 1: squats/pullups</B>

- warmup

- pullups 1x10, 1x10 WITH BANDS (preferrably two green bunjees), 1x10

1 set of each of 10-20 reps for: pulls, such as pro/supp rows, one arm rows

- parallel squats, 1x10, 1x10 WITH BANDS (prefer with 3 each side orange bunjees), 1x10

- core work

- finisher

<B>Day 2: one arm DL/thickbar curls</B>

- warmup

- 2" bar curl 1x10, 1x10 WITH BANDS (prefer greens oro range), 1x10

accessory for curl

- one arm DL, ligtht, done totally max on it.. on 2" handle

- bending

- core

- rubber band finger extensions

<B>Day 3: bench press/deadlifts</B>

- 2" bar bench

- accessory for bench

- 2 hand pinch, plate pinches, use 2 25 widths for light week

- 3" bar up to but not hitting max

- 2" bar deadlift, 3x10

- grippers

- finger DL on loading pin

- core

5x5 week looksl ike this:

<B>Day 1: squats/pullups</B>

- warmup

- pullups ; 5x5

- squats, 5x5

<B>Day 2: one arm DL/thickbar curls</B>

- warmup

- 2" bar curl 5x5

- one arm DL, , on 2" handle. max on it

- bending

- rubber band finger extensions

<B>Day 3: bench press/deadlifts</B>

- warmup

- 2" bar bench - 5x5

- 2 hand pinch, plate pinches, use 2 35 widths max single

- 3" bar deadlift up to max

- 2" bar deadlift, 3x10

- grippers


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damn you tennis dude.... damnnnn youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!


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12/19 - monday - a day of change (already)

ok well i had my internship thingy today............... 8am to 8pm.. sooooo, i'm going to have to modify my routine a little..

plus they want all of the interns to undergo some of their training every saturday, so i have no idea what im going to do with my routine.. im going to lighten it up i guess.. so .. no idea..

anyway i trained from 9:30 - 11pm tonight, and i had such a good cinder block workout it was incredible, so im adding more cinders, and maybe some real stones.. im very drawn to stones.. i think it's the irish in me.


- too tired to type, footwork, broke a good sweat

supersetted pullups with squats:


2 x BW x 5reps

10lbs + BW x 10reps

10lbs + BW x 9 reps

10lbs + BW x 8 reps

squats parallel:






pull assistance:

90lbs 2" bar pronated rows: 10 reps

90lbs 2" bar supinated rows: 10 reps

90lbs 2" bar wide grip pronated rows: 10 reps

this is where the fun began:

1 cinder block per shoulder:

lunges: 1x10 each leg

squats: 1x20

almost passed out

ok so that was it..

i'm going to lighten my light week to just a 1x10 probably, and, throw in stones/cinders all of the place...


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12/20 - tuesday

- 50lbs stone lifting, shoulder walking, overhead pressing

- one shoulder cinder block squats, 25 each shoulder

12/21 - wednesday - thickbar curls and one arm deadlift


- footwork etc, good warmup

main lifts:

2" thickbar curls:

- 20 lbs.x10reps, 40lbs. x 5 reps, 60lbs. x 5 reps

- 70 lbs. x 12 reps

3" thickbar curls:

- 50lbs. x 10

2" handle one arm deadlifts:

- 50 lbs. x 2, 75 lbs. x 2, 100 lbs. x 2

- 110 lbs. x 1,1,1,1,1,1

other crazy lifts:

- one arm barbell curls : olympic bar, 2 reps with 45lbs each hand, then 2 reps again later

- cinder blocks curls, one, and two handed, all kinds of varitations

- some shrug combo: first with 75lbs. on 2" handle one arm, then with square stone 50lbs pinch grip, then

.. 4 sets of 10 with cinders

- 3" bar reverse curls with thumb grip: 5reps

- and tons of other crap but i forget...

- 2 x 10 situps with cinder block on chest


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erm, forgot to include my PR of plate curl: a 25 lbs. plate, 2 reps each hand.

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i'd like to thank rick walker for his generosity !


12/22 - thursday - REST

12/23 - friday - 2" bar bench press and 2" bar deadlifts


- doing warmup from this place i work at now

- foam roller for legs/back/chest/arms etc, painful 15 min

- active dynamic warmup 15 min

thickbar deadlifts

- ... 3" bar

- 3" bar: 100 lbs. 1x10

- ... 2" bar

- 2" bar: 180 lbs. 1x10

thickbar bench press

- ... 2" bar bench

- 135 lbs. x 10 reps, struggled to get last rep... good, hopefully next time i can get 145x10

cinder block and one arm barbell lifts, this is the real stuff i've come to learn

- these lifts all done with 10 reps.. or 8, but ya mostly 10

- two cinder block good morning

- two cinderblock flat bench press

- 1 cinderblock R. shoulder, goodmorning

- 1 cinderblock L. shoulder, goodmorning

- 1 cinder R. hand flat bench press

- 1 cinder L. hand flat bench press

- 1 cinder both hands, one leg GM (L then R leg)

- 1 cinder R then L overhead press (R then L arm) LEFT ARM ISNT AS STRONG

- two cinders both hands, one leg GM (L then R leg)

- 30lbs 2" thickbar, R then L arm presses

- standing on bench, 1 cinder both hands, really low deadlift, fingers got to bottom of feet

- 30lbs 2" thickbar R then L walks, about 10 yards, held the bar overhead for 10 yards

- pinch grip one cinder each hand deadlifts

CORE work

- draw ins

- reverse crunch

- some hip flexor stuff

- single leg crunch stuff

- cinder block rotational stuff

- ab bridges, side, front, and on back (with cinder on stomach)

done, that only took 1 hour total, i did that stuff fast, incredibly taxing

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12/26 - monday - bodyweight: 159 lbs. wtf. squat/pullup max 5 day

INJURY NEWS: back injury bugging out, old one, from a year ago... sick with a bad cold...


- foam roller, hit quads/itb/hams/lats etc

- footwork

- external rotator work with bands, internal rotator work with bands

- some body weight squats


- ... x 3

- 220 lbs. x 5 reps

- last rep was hard, stuck on it for about 10 seconds.. then i blew through it


- ... x 3

- BW + 40 lbs. x 5 reps


- this is the coolest stuff i do, i sware it is incredible

- two cinder on shoulders squat

- two cinder bent row

- two cinders on shoulders back lunge

- one arm pronated cinder row

- two cinders on shoulders front lunge

- one arm neutral cinder row

- two cinders on shoulders deep squat

- one arm pronated 2" bar row: 60lbs x 7 (with pause/slow eccentric)

- two cinders on shoulders one leg calve raise

- one arm neutral 2" bar row: 60lbs x 8 (with pause/slow eccentric)


- draw in crunches with cinder

- rotational stuff

- side bridges with resistance (bunjee pulling body down toward ground)

- dexterity balls training.. my thumbs usually hurt bad after squat, they didnt this time


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ya i've felt incredible strength differences since using them.. they improve your balance at the joints you are using to lift them it seems.. i feel much more stable.. can't wait to add some concrete to them! going to make them maybe 45 lbs.

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12/28 - wednesday - thickbar curl + wrist day

at work i did 4 sets of 135 lbs. 15 rep squats.. i have this little idea i'm going to try and hit 20 easy with no weight.. then up the weight.. so until i get 20 easy no strain i won't up that weight.. i'll probably do this mon/wed/fri when im at work. this is my "easy squats theory :)".


- footwork, balance


- ...

- 95 lbs. 5 reps

- this was so painful in my wrists.. (i only up'd it 5 lbs. from last 5x5 workout)


- tons of cinder movements, performed variation of cinder curls where i couldnt even get one rep

- sledge, every direction, 8lbs. sledge and 7.5lbs. pick axe

- lots of draw in crunches/russian twists for core

- got 55 lbs. each arm for one arm olympic barbell curl, though my left arm is so much weaker in this lift

- 35 lbs. plate curl, one rep each arm.. i put two fingers in the circle because i couldnt hold it with my middle, is that cheating? hehe PR PR PR PR PR!

- reverse curled with 3" bar, could barely get 5..

- wrists/arms were fried after this workout, i could barely brush my teeth.


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thnx rh

12/30 friday 2005

at work just did some high rep deep back squats, real deep ass to calves:

135 lbs. more than 30 reps, lost count at 30, maybe 35-40 i did

i'm going to chew on raisins next time while im doing these and see what hppens!

legs were so tired and back bugging me so i didnt do my 2" bar deadlift/bench workout.. back /legs still sore so i dont know when im going todo it..


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log kind of disorganized, no time to write anythign down been so busy..!

on monday did:

3" bar deadlift: max 140 lb. x1 PR

2" bar deadlift: 235 lbs., 245 got off the ground but i couldnt lock it out

olympic bar: 265 lbs. double overhand hook grip single


2" bar: 160x2, wanted 5 reps only got two....

on wednesday i did:

7 pullups with BW + 35 lbs. sounds correct since i can do 5 with 40lbs + BW.

one arm 2" bar rows: 70 lbs. x 7

i drop setted all those lifts after i maxed on them, except for deadlifts, so bench looked like:

160 x 2, 150 x 5, 135 x 7, 115 x 7, 95 x 5


was kind of fun drop setting..... never really did that before

i'm going to do all of my lifts with barbells like: 3" bar then 2" bar then 1" bar then drop down using the 1" bar and see what happens

ie: 3" bar curl x 10, 2" bar curl x 5, 1" bar curl singles, 1" bar drop set down repping it


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- 35 lbs. plate curl, one rep each arm.. i put two fingers in the circle because i couldnt hold it with my middle, is that cheating? hehe PR PR PR PR PR!

Your fingers should be no where near the circle, put the on your hand, with the end touching your thumb pad, with your finger supporting the bottom (smooth) part of the plate. Now curl it. If you can put your fingers in the circle from here you are heading for guiness. :happy

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ya left i realized it's a different form of plate curl.. brookfield promotes it as a different exercise, so my plate curl pr's aren't "real plate curls"

1/8 sunday

overhead press:

2" bar: 90 x 5

other stuff.. lighter

push press:

110 x 2

thickbar curls:

3" bar: 80 x 1

2" bar: 90 x 1

1" bar: 95x1 miss just doing a warmup for a heavier curl i got some major pain in my wrists.. all day today (monday) my forearms were freaked

some cinder block movements.. my strength is equaling out on them.. did one arm presses/curls etc

core work:

bridges (not neck bridges) with a cinder on me, one arm right and left, two arms front.


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  • 2 weeks later...

cinder + core + bodyweight + sledge workouts i'm doing in a two to 1 ratio over barbell workouts, so it kinda is looking like this: mon = cinder, wed = cinder, fri = barbell repeat..

those workouts are better for me since i can't just throw tons of weight on things and do something stupid, plus, they are awkward lifting and i feel they are much better than barbell/dumbbell weights personally..... barbell workout is full body routine.

friday: 1/13

cinders, core, sledge, bodyweight etc.

monday: 1/16

cinders, core, sledge, bodyweight etc.

wednesday: 1/19 barbell workout

bench press: no arch, pause at bottom

135 x 6, 135 x 7

parallel squat:

135x5, 165x6

dumbbell row one arm:

80 x 10 each arm

pullups, really wide, 6 right after db rows

main lift: deadlift, 1" bar







db hammer curl:

50 x 4 each arm <-- those cinders are paying off

dumbbell shrugs:

90 x 15


after all of that, could only close the trainer, was an inch off the #1 each hand, so i just rep'd out the trainer..

3" bar reverse curls: felt much stronger on these than last time i attempted

ok so next two workouts will be cinders,. then next barbell workout i will stay at same weights trying to bump the reps up.

cinders have really helped my levering /wrist strength, it's very obvious.... crush it feels stronger but, of course i havn't tested it properly since im putting grippers at the end of my routine and my hands were tired.. also didnt get to play with pinch this barbell workout because of time, but i will assume cinders are bringing up my pinch...


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