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Bouncing Off Walls


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hi, i'm in south FLA, i've decided to post my workout log. my training won't make any sense.. my protocols and goals change daily.. feel free to input any comments, because i don't work out with anyone, and sometimes i do really stupid stuff :)

i recently have been training for a basketball tryout (took a while off lifting). that didn't go to well, so i've been training since 11/13 at a BW of 155lbs at 6'1 (i'm 23 years old).

ironically i'm an exercise science major, soon to get my b.s., i've trained some people and i actually give them a structured plan and they get results, yet i do all this off the wall no structure (dangerous) stuff.. makes no sense.. anyway !

in that time until now 11/25, i've done some of these lifts:

barely can close #1

bent green/white/60D timber's

plate pinch 2 25's both hands... SOME TIMES!

hook grip DL: 215lbsx1 (safe max)

sumo DL (hook grip): 225x1 (safe max)

parallel squat: 205x1 (safe max)

deep squat 95lbs x 20reps

BW deep box squat off cinder block: 100 reps

flat bench 95lbs x 23 reps

pullups ; bodyweight 17reps, bodyweight+20lbs 9reps

neck deadlift with hercules strap: 50x5

ok so there's where i'm starting at.. here's where i want2 be in the near future:

180lbs body weight

close #2

pinch 2 35's

bend yellow nail

400lbs deadlift

400lbs squat (max rep breathing style with 180, sarge style (he did 98 reps with 225his bw))

200lbs bench

body weight pullups: 30reps

strict single on pullups: 95lbs

strict handstand pushup with no wall support

oh and i want2 be able to overhead squat without pain

ok there's my small little introoooo

peace to the gods

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11/25 early session: 4-5pm

some bball drills, shooting, some sprints, rim taps

11/25 late session: 8-8:50pm

warmup - jumping jacks until i broke a sweat, couple hundred

everything was in superset style:

S1-a - Abs, all variations of situps/crunches for 8 sets

S1-b - Plate pinches, 8 sets of trying to get 2 25's off the ground one handed...

was annoyed so by 4th set i did: two hand lift, one hand lower (negatives) with two 25's for 4 sets of two reps each hand

also did two hand pinches on 2 35's x 5 reps each for 2 sets

S1-c - Neck Deadlifts:

10lbs(10reps), 20(10), 30(5), 40(4), 50(10), 40(20)

^ 50(10) is new best, last was 50(5)

after S1-c of the supersets, i did box jumps, 50 jumping jacks, then rested a minute

ended w/o with 300 jumping jacks, then stretched

ps: if anyone is reading, on those neck DL's, i keep my neck straight up (in neutral position), and squat the weight up... anyone do it diff? i saw a vid of someone doing it with neck neutral but torso flexed forward.. that feels awkward to me

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Interesting variety and well-balanced with the incorporation of ab work and neck work, but imo you need to prioritize your goals and focus on three or four of them (make the other goals "assistance goals", e.g. do high-rep squats to facilitate grip strength increases). Also, perhaps differentiate more between strength training workouts and cardio workouts (?) ...

Some strength training exercises that I've found especially useful (that overlap the areas you mentioned)

- Calves: one-leg only calf raises on a two-by-four. (E.g. 25 reps each leg). Add weight by holding a heavy dumbbell to lower the rep range.

- Abs: weighted situps, legs partly bent, feet anchored, weight plate behind neck. E.g. 25 lbs. for 10 reps. Try these seated/lying on a foam pad to reduce stress on the back and to increase the range of motion as the back of your head touches the floor. Hanging leg raises to the front from a pullup bar (do a chinup and use your chin to help add support while you do the leg raises. This also works the front of the neck). Keep legs straight (15 to 20 reps), add ankle weights to lower the rep range

- Neck: back bridging, front bridging and go from front bridge to each side to work the sides of the neck.

For pinch lifting, it is essentially isometric anyway, so don't worry if you use the supporting hand to help out with negatives; concentrate on trying to squeeze the plates as hard as possible, lifting the plates unassisted mainly just demonstrates that you are at a certain level.

Why/where do you have pain when you do overhead squats? These can be a great exercise for the lower and middle back. Is it a flexibility problem?

Have you checked out the book Super Squats by Randall Strossen? - it's all about basic mass/strength building using the 20 rep squat program.

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hey thanks for the input!

i never did those leg raises while in the chin up position, only from a hang, and i swing along with a hang.. i'll try these tonight.

yes i read supersquats, great book, i have the hip belt too.. i don't use that anymore though.

on overhead squats, i get a really bad pinnch in my mid-traps (left shoulder), and another pinch on my front left shoulder (around where deltoid inserts). palpating it myself it is a wide area.. it feels like subscapularis/anterior deltoid.. this re-occured when i tried 65lbs for 10 reps. every time i see pyros dimas (the 3x gold medalist for greece) snatch, i get all motivated to try and overcome this stupid pain.. he's the man.

my plan for overhead squats was to incorperate some very light o.sq's into my squat/deadlift workouts... real light, 20lbs thickbar with some really high rep. i might do these prior or as a finisher.. i figure i can piss my tissues off to the point where they will really want to adapt, but not piss them off too much :)

i really will try to prioritize!

my neck/trapz always feel torched after those neck deadlifts.. i'll probably do squats, ab work, and calve work tonight..

do you ever do calve work that hits the front of the calve (tibialis exercises...)? ie foot dorsiflexion exercises, bringing toes towards tibia..?

and with neck bridging.. i've tried it and almost killed myself.. i'm working on my flexibility.. i don't think i'm flexible enough for those yet. i'm really tight. what's your advice to people that suck at bridging?


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Agreed, prioritize your goals, and realize it will take time, the bodyweight one especially. Unless you are absolutely lacking in the mass department, that may take a year. Of course, you probably already realized that, I'm just an ass. :whacked

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on overhead squats, i get a really bad pinnch in my mid-traps (left shoulder), and another pinch on my front left shoulder (around where deltoid inserts). palpating it myself it is a wide area.. it feels like subscapularis/anterior deltoid.. this re-occured when i tried 65lbs for 10 reps. every time i see pyros dimas (the 3x gold medalist for greece) snatch, i get all motivated to try and overcome this stupid pain.. he's the man.

my neck/trapz always feel torched after those neck deadlifts.. i'll probably do squats, ab work, and calve work tonight..

and with neck bridging.. i've tried it and almost killed myself.. i'm working on my flexibility.. i don't think i'm flexible enough for those yet. i'm really tight. what's your advice to people that suck at bridging?


I wonder if you have an injury in your upper back or neck area that you are unaware of. I had lower back trouble and decided to get a doctor look at it and X-rays - even though it turned out to be nothing serious, I was then able to use my lower back with more confidence. It can't hurt to get something checked out.

I never did neck work before about a year ago - I came across some stuff online about Matt Furey's exercises and have been using them ever since. I just gradually built up with the neck bridging as my neck got stronger and my neck and back got more flexible. Safety is essential, obviously, e.g. never try pushups from a neck bridge, losing control would be disastrous.

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unseenbeat, thanks for pointing that out.. never thought of that.. syke :)

11/26 workout (saturday): 9-9:45

warmup, about 10 minutes

parallel squats in rack:





ok now the fun began:

28 sets of 145x3 (1 set every minute, all different foot/hand/leg positions; ie close/wide/feet straight/feet pointed out etc)

29th set: 145x10

ok that had my upper back, wrists, and elbows really tired, more so than my legs. 30minx30set lifting is fun, it's mentally tough.

rested about 4 minutes

finished off my workout with: 5 sets of hip flexor exercises (leg raises/knee raises) and single leg calve raises, all 15 reps

next time i do that i'll try 30x160x3


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grh122, ya i've had many injuries (mostly from basketball), i don't like to talk about them anymore because i try to keep them out of my head.. i've had many injuries to that shoulder/arm.. so that definitely has something to do with it..

and matt furey's ideas are great.. i love his hindu squats.. i used2 perform hundreds every day.. i honestly feel like very high rep hindu squats or regular BW squats (around 100-500 reps) are more taxing than heavy breathing squats.. because once you complete the first rep, you're like "499 to go" and that is grueling.


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11/28 - monday - BW 158

my hamstrings are still fried from that 30set squat workout.. can barely walk or get out of a chair :)

11/28 workout: 10pm - 11:10pm (workout lasted a little long because i lost a green nail in the grass)

10pm - Warmup

dynamic warmup: about 15 minutes

- foot work drills, high knees, upper and lower body stability exercises etc

some speed work superset with abs:

- jump shrug from hang with 2" thick bar: 5x3 with 70 lbs. (got good elevation)

- different types of situps with foot supported and 10 lbs. behind neck, 5x20

BENDING! (first real bending workout since i started training again)

- warmup and one 60D timber tie bend

- 2 x white's, center bend!

- 1 x green, center bend!

- FAILED on a yellow, you can see a slight bend with my electron microscope

- 2 x white's, center bends!

i usually never bend on center, i marked the middle with a marker, and they all ended up center bends..

next bending workout i want to do more green's and more white's... maybe 3 green's..


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11/30 w/o: 9:30 - 10:30pm, wednesdaaaaaaaaay (PULLUP DAY)

Warmup - about 10 minutes

- lunges/foot work/bw squats/light fingertip pushups

Pullups: 15 sets in 15 minutes...all tripples (full rom)

-minute 1: BW + 20lbs x 3reps (HARDCORE)

-minute 2: BW x 3reps (SPEED)

-minute 3.. repeat min 1

-minute 4.. repeat min 2.. etc

- ... min 15 repeat min 1..

- These went good.. I was pretty fast on my BW+20lbs ones.. BUT MY BW ONES WERE BALLISTIC.. my speed is getting real good, i had someone time my speed tripples i did 3 FULL pullups in 4 seconds.. i was almost pulling my power rack over..

Back squat position holds: (just hold barbell in upright position for time)

- 95lbs did 2 min 58sec which is bad..

- i'm trying to work my way up to 160lbs. x 5min

- my arms lose circulation etc.. but, my problem was when they were losing circulation i changed my grip wider.. then the bar started slipping.. then the pins and needles disappeared (prolly due to some higher heart rate).. so i know i just have2 gut it out in my strong back squat grip next time..

some conditioning work:

3 sets of: (circuit style)

- 20lbs thickbar overhead deep squats

- BW pushups inclined, 25 reps

- situps, 25 reps


tmw ill post some program ideas i've been writing down.. i'm going to run them by my teacher whose an s&C ph.d see what he says..

basically my program is for: max rep bodyweight on barbell squat (100rep min)

30 Bodyweight pullups.. more would be nice

yellow nail (mostly form issues, so maybe my goal should be blue) & #2..

(the 98 rep squat thing i've been motivated to try from www.marunde-muscle.com, click on articles and "sarge squatting", that is a great lift!)


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12/2 - friday - 158 lbs.

workout: 9:00-10:15 THICKBAR DAY!

warmup: 10 min

- footwork/jumping jacks etc

- overhead deep squats : 3 sets of 15 with 20 lbs. thickbar (soon im going to bump it up to 30)


- 90lbs x 6reps, 6reps (i alternate sides of the thickbar)

- 140lbs. x 3reps, 3reps

- 160lbs. x 3reps, 3reps

- 180lbs. x 2reps, 2reps

- 200lbs. x 2reps, 2reps

- 210lbs. x 1rep, 1rep


- 70lbs. x 10reps

- 90lbs. x 5reps

- 110lbs. x 5reps

- 130lbs. x 5reps (man my palms were dying from this last set)

THICKBAR COMPLEX, did these in circuit fashion: (thumbless grip)

- thickbar curl - 20lbs(10reps),40(5),60(5)

- thickbar reverse curl - 20lbs(10reps),40(5),60(5,hard)

- thick bar overhead press - 20lbs(10reps),40(10),60(10)

- thick bar supinated rows - 20lbs(10reps),40(10),60(10)


- 10lbs(10reps)

- 20lbs(5)

- 30lbs(5)

- 40lbs(5)

- 50lbs(5)

- 60lbs(5) PR PR PR PR!

6 sets of alternating side situps, 20 reps


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Priznr keep up the good work, hammer out a program for your hands and make it well rounded.

You have the #2 in you and much more, train hard.

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12/4 sunday

didn't do squat workout, hamstrings sore from thickbar deads

warmup - 10 min



BW+10lbs x 3

BW + 20lbs x 3

3xBW+30lbs x 3

situps/single leg squats

bending: trying to get proper form, only two fingers on bar

3 whites

2 greens

didnt get yellow, but at least it wobbles now when i roll it

i didnt feel as strong in this form.. but i bet ill get stronger than in my previous form.. maybe i was tired from those pullups

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as far as 6the ab work goes i suggest the evil wheel which is almost a total body exercise, move to the no knee version as soon as you can knock off 50 reps on knees (well thats what i did anyways). Begin the free wheeling by doing negatives against a wall to stop you from falling onto your face..and you will notice how hard you have to squeeze the handles so you get a grip workout as well.

Next are dragon flags on a bench, said to be bruce lees fav ab exefcise...google it cause there will be better explanations than i can give and pics help, its basically where you lay on a bench, holding the underside or side of the bench by your head, raising your body straight up til only your shoulders and head are touching the bench, and slowly lowering your body back down, and repeat..these are mean.

The next thing is called a janda situp, google that as well. its basically a sit up with someone just cupping your claves as you do a sit up, its sounds easy but its not that easy, you dont need someone to cup your legs though, you could use a sandbag or whatever..

I cant really comment on pinching cause im new to it too, i hve worked up to 35kg two hand 10 second pinch in about 3 sessions, my fingers were cramping afterwards i tell ya...keep up the struggle!

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verdigriz thanks for advice, it turns out i have been doing janda situps for some of my ab workouts.. on google it says you can use a barbell etc, i've been using the end of a bench to activate my hamstrings against..

i do ab workouts all the time because my left side was injured bigtime in a dirtbike accident back when i was 14 .. so i have to work hard to maintain strength in those abs (they barely flex when i tighten them).

ok so i actually came up with a little plan.. i'm going to do this for a while and try and improve in each of these lifts..

day 1:

barbell back squat just below parallel



day 2:

neck deadlift

2" thickbar curl


day 3:

2" thickbar deadlift

2" thickbar bench

plate pinch

so i'll have a light week and a hard week:

light week:

warmup, light overhead squats, WORKOUT (mostly a 3x10), ab workout and or awkward object training for 10 minutes.. this week is pretty much to recover..

hard week:

warmup, light overhead squats, WORKOUT (mostly a 5x5, work up to a 5rep max, maybe throw in a max 2 singles below 100% RM), ab workout and or awkward object training for 5-10 minutes.


footwork, balance, etc

awkward objects: basically i want2 make myself almost pass out or puke, and work my functional strength bigtime..

cinder block workout

sandbag workout

awkward stones

totally weird crap (ie rope workouts, innovative stuff, etc)

ill think up other stuff as i go

cinder blocks: add concrete to all 3 cinders, in different areas, to progressively make them harder, every month on the 8th

sandbag: add 2 scoops of sand to sandbag every month on the 8th.

every workout should last at max an hour


day1, rest, day2, rest, day3, rest, all 3x10's week 1

day 1, rest, day2, rest, day3, rest, up to 5rep max, up to 2 singles, week 2


sooo, that's my plan..

12/6 - tuesday, 8-9:10pm


- overhead squats, high knees, jumping jacks, lunges

barbell back squats:

- 95x5

- 115x5

- 145x10

- 145x10

- 145x10

- bump to 155 next 3x10 workout

didnt do pullups because i did them sunday.. soo.. everything will fix by the 5x5 week

grippers: only Trainer, keeping load light, left hand kinda bugging me from bending

- warmup

- 3x10 right and left, slow release when opening..

awkward training:

CINDER BLOCKS, only used one block, never let go of it

- 2x10 lunges in right and left arm

- 2x10 lunges backward in right and left arm

- 20 presses both hands holding it brookfield bricklifting style.. this hit my biceps hard

- 4xshoulders walk

- 4xoverhead walks (about 50 yards)

- 2x10 stepups while holding on shoulder, each leg

- 1x10 torso rotation each direction

- then just walked with it for a while, swithcing arms when i got tired

OK that cinder block workout rocked.. i felt like passing out.. did everything real fast/hard

on a great note, i ordered a 3" thickbar and a #2 gripper.. boom


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thnx ruffhans!

12/8 - thursday


- jogging in place on toes

- high knees

- foot work stuff - hop skotch kinda thing, it's cool

- butt kicks

- some plyometrics, side-to-sides, drop jumps, single leg hops

- some pushups

Super set between neck harness deadlift and 2" thickbar curls:

- TB curl:




60(10) close grip (shoulder width)

60(10) wide

60(10) wider

- neck deadlift:







nail bending:

- white

- white

- timber tie : off center big time

- timber tie

- 20D 3" nail, i can't believe people say these are easy.. i finally really kinked it good, sothat's a PR for me

- timber tie

- timber tie cut down one inch - MISS

i have to be careful on bending, my rigth index finger feels like it's going to pop when i hit a hard nail..


- sandbag, did 10 sets of:

walk 20 yards forward, 20 yards back, then one overhead press

either my upper back is still hurt, or it is just weak, because my upper back feels odd after that.. hehe

ok so next 3x10 of these workouts do:

bump to 3x 50lbs x 10 neck deadlift

bump to 3 x 65 lbs x 10 2" thickbar curl

try that 1" cut down 60D timber tie again


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nail bending:

- white

- white

- timber tie : off center big time

- timber tie

- 20D 3" nail, i can't believe people say these are easy.. i finally really kinked it good, sothat's a PR for me

- timber tie

- timber tie cut down one inch - MISS

i have to be careful on bending, my rigth index finger feels like it's going to pop when i hit a hard nail..

Are you bending high DO style? This style gives me index finger trouble too, I have done the following to overcome this (besides resting from high DO)

- work on form with isometrics on a straight bar, don't push with more than 75% ... keep lifting your arms higher (pull from your neck and traps) and reposition the nail in your hands so that you use your hands more than your fingers.

- mix in the other styles some - double underhand is a great hand and wrist strengthener, even if you only do isometrics with something that you have already bent DO. Low DO (Slim style) is also a good workout and it doesn't hammer the index fingers in the same way as high DO. Reverse grip bending is a very effective wrist strengthener (work it evenly, left hand bracing, then right hand bracing)

- pre-kink some yellows or blues e.g. to 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees, and work on them from there, it's much less stress on the index fingers

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thats good advice thanks.. ya im high DO.. a bad form high do :)

i've never really done any reverse/underhand, you're right i should try that some..

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i meant, my form is bad on a high DO

getting better though..

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12/8 - saturday -

injury news: sore from a heavy bag workout, seemed to reinjur my lat somehow.. i had a tear in my lat a while ago, it's about 3 square inches.. but, the lat is huge so whatever :)


- footwork/high knees/arm rotations etc, until i broke a good sweat

supersetted thick bar bench with 2 hand plate pinch:

2" thick bar bench press:

- 70lbs x 10reps

- 90lbs x 10 reps

- 110lbs. x 5 reps

- 120lbs x 10 reps

- 120lbs. x 10 reps

- 120lbs. x 10 reps

- bump to 130 x 10reps hopefully next 3x10

2 hand plate pinch:

- 2 25's, 10 reps

- 2 25's, 5 reps

- 2 25's + 1 10, 5 reps

-2 35's 5 reps.. got tired, so i finished with 10 reps with 2 25's

- 2 25's + 10 lbs., 8 reps

- 2 25's + 10 lbs., 8 reps

- couldn't get passed 8, so try to get 3x10 on 2 25's + 10lbs next time

-did a couple of singles with one hand 2 25's, got it twice with left hand, none with right hand

supersetted 2" tb deads with weighted full situps

2" thick bar deadlifts:

- 70 lbs. x 5 reps

- 120 lbs. x 5 reps

- 140 lbs. x 10 reps (5 east, 5 west)

- 140 lbs. x 10 reps (wider grip, 5 e, 5 w)

- 140 lbs. x 10 reps (5 e , 5 w)

- these went up real fast.. bump to 160 lbs. next 3x10


- 5 x 20 reps with 10lbs behind neck

ok, feeling sore, my lat is burning in that small area, anyopne ever have a lat tear? i had it before, it healed.. but i thought i strengthened the heck out of it,.. i can't believe it tore again..

ok next workout is a 5x5 week for all those same lifts! starting monday

btsw that heavy bag workout was a great wrist workout...


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i'm posting these so i know what to do next 3x10 week.. starting monday the 12th i'll be doing my 5x5 week in all of these lifts.

new lifts for 3x10 week which should occur 12/18 if everything is good:

day 1:

barbell back squat just below parallel: 3x160lbsx10

pullups: rehab now.. so only bodyweight.. on 2" handles.. no forced reps but try 3x10's still..

grippers: 3xTrainerx10reps with 3 second hold (only do #1 and #2 on 5x5 week)

day 2:

neck deadlift: 3x50lbsx10reps

2" thickbar curl: 3x65lbsx10reps

bending: stick to volume, do 60D timber ties, no max efforts on 3x10 week

day 3:

2" thickbar deadlift: 3x160lbs.x10

2" thickbar bench: 3x130lbsx10

plate pinch: 3xtwo 25's + one 10lbs platex10 reps (and one single after those 3 sets right and left handed)

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