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Today 25/11/22. 

Bodyweight 150kg/330lb. Looking fairly lean regardless.  


Reverse grip bench

Warmup sets 

210kg/462lb x 5 all paused 


Normal grip bench

182.5kg/400lb x 11 all paused

145kg/320lb x 20 all paused

102.5kg/225lb x 65 touch and go




CoC#3 x 30 warmup each hand

BBE tetting x 25 left only

Coc#3 x 100 clicks right hand


Inch work

30 lifts of 78kg Holle each hand. Most high pulled. 


Short break to help Julia with squats, she did an easy 250kg/550lb... 



2x20kg plates for lifts , a few hammer curls, and Kettlebell swings. Also had decent attempt at 2x20kg pinch with Julia pushing down on them.  Julia won. 🤣  I think I'm good for 3x20kg now should I find the right plates. 


Few feats for the gram (see phatmuscle_coaching Instagram stories). 


Videos are on my Instagram. I am aware that in the old days here every single set would cause a thread to be closed. 









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38 minutes ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

Today 25/11/22. 

Bodyweight 150kg/330lb. Looking fairly lean regardless.  


Reverse grip bench

Warmup sets 

210kg/462lb x 5 all paused 


Normal grip bench

182.5kg/400lb x 11 all paused

145kg/320lb x 20 all paused

102.5kg/225lb x 65 touch and go




CoC#3 x 30 warmup each hand

BBE tetting x 25 left only

Coc#3 x 100 clicks right hand


Inch work

30 lifts of 78kg Holle each hand. Most high pulled. 


Short break to help Julia with squats, she did an easy 250kg/550lb... 



2x20kg plates for lifts , a few hammer curls, and Kettlebell swings. Also had decent attempt at 2x20kg pinch with Julia pushing down on them.  Julia won. 🤣  I think I'm good for 3x20kg now should I find the right plates. 


Few feats for the gram (see phatmuscle_coaching Instagram stories). 


Videos are on my Instagram. I am aware that in the old days here every single set would cause a thread to be closed. 









Nice work dude! Unbelievable strength and grip you are a beast!

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12 hours ago, Nuttgens said:

Nice work dude! Unbelievable strength and grip you are a beast!

Thanks dude, just had a look at your training now. 

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1 hour ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

Thanks dude, just had a look at your training now. 

Following you on instagram now too.

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Cambered bar, slow eccentric squats

Many singles up to 290kg/640lb (beltless and paused)



100kg/220lb 3x10

160kg/350lb x 10

180kg/400lb x 10


Just getting over a glute tear. Weights down significantly on LB at the moment.



#3 x 10

Elite x 30

#3.5 x 8


Inch lift and wrist curl standing 

2x20kg pinch lift and wrist curl standing

2x20kg pinch lift and radial deviations


Julia benched close to 400 pounds tonight, was cool to see.



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Reverse grip bench press

Top set 200kg/440lb x 8 (PR)


Seated shoulder press 

50kg/110lb DBs x 20



100kg/220lb x 15

140kg/308lb x 6


Triceps and lats stuff on machines. 


Played around with some Armwrestling exercises and did a smidge more than Larry Wheels in his latest video. I'm a novice at AW, but it's interesting to see I match up on the assistance exercises.  



Right #3 4x50 clicks

Left #3.5 x 13 (PR), more ROM than clicks, not quite parallel. 

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Cold. Stiff. Considering wintering abroad from next year,  just the logistics of moving kit. 


Few injuries. Need to get my bicep realigned I think. So working around these. It's a shame because I think I'm good to bench 600 and press a pair of inches for 10+ once they ease up. 


SSB 5 sec eccentric beltless 

Worked up to 300kg/660lb x 1 for a PR



230kg/507lb x 10



140kg/308lb x 10




2x20kg for 200 reps in total. 

#3 for 200 reps in total.

Inch for 100 reps in total. 

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2 hours ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

Cold. Stiff. Considering wintering abroad from next year,  just the logistics of moving kit. 


Few injuries. Need to get my bicep realigned I think. So working around these. It's a shame because I think I'm good to bench 600 and press a pair of inches for 10+ once they ease up. 


SSB 5 sec eccentric beltless 

Worked up to 300kg/660lb x 1 for a PR



230kg/507lb x 10



140kg/308lb x 10




2x20kg for 200 reps in total. 

#3 for 200 reps in total.

Inch for 100 reps in total. 

Nice, hope the injuries heal up...


I'm with you man... I live in New England, not England.... But its getting cold here and i hate it,I hate working outside in it and I hate the snow.

I want to go to Texas 4 months out of the year.

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3 hours ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

Cold. Stiff. Considering wintering abroad from next year,  just the logistics of moving kit. 


Few injuries. Need to get my bicep realigned I think. So working around these. It's a shame because I think I'm good to bench 600 and press a pair of inches for 10+ once they ease up. 


SSB 5 sec eccentric beltless 

Worked up to 300kg/660lb x 1 for a PR



230kg/507lb x 10



140kg/308lb x 10




2x20kg for 200 reps in total. 

#3 for 200 reps in total.

Inch for 100 reps in total. 

massive amounts of reps on your grip stuff..is that a common tactic for not only you but what your clients as well?

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 Texas sounds good haha.


I used to live in the south of England, sub tropical compared to the North where I am now. I don't really "feel" the cold being a big dude but I swear it affects recovery and I get more injuries.  In the past I've always been way stronger in summer. 



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14 hours ago, BottledCitrus said:

massive amounts of reps on your grip stuff..is that a common tactic for not only you but what your clients as well?

It's very typical of how I train.

With clients,  if they can handle volume, the progress is always unreal.

If they can't,  we gradually up the work, until they can to a degree, and progress soon catches up.

The trick is knowing when to stop before skin tears etc. 

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Eccentric focus SSB

Worked up to 310kg/685lbx1 beltless PR


Eccentric 8 sec beltless deadlift 

Worked up to 300kg/660lbx1 super easy


Good mornings ssb beltless 

200kg/440lb x 10



Ironmind #3 4x25 with each hand 



10 singles with 25kg/55lb

Once did 100 singles with this in 2hrs while training back, need to get back to this level of condition to even consider attempting Brian Shaw's s blob run. 


Pinch volume 2x20k+added weight

55kg/120lb for several singles lost count. 


Bicep/rotator cuff pain easing up. 


Spent most of today wondering how many reps of rows I could get absent a strap on the unliftable 150kg gold dumbbell after being tagged in it multiple times. I've lifted 150kg without a strap on a long bell here, but it was too long to get a row. The shorter gold ones would be very nice though.  This challenge is right up my street to be fair. 

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4 hours ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

Eccentric focus SSB

Worked up to 310kg/685lbx1 beltless PR


Eccentric 8 sec beltless deadlift 

Worked up to 300kg/660lbx1 super easy


Good mornings ssb beltless 

200kg/440lb x 10



Ironmind #3 4x25 with each hand 



10 singles with 25kg/55lb

Once did 100 singles with this in 2hrs while training back, need to get back to this level of condition to even consider attempting Brian Shaw's s blob run. 


Pinch volume 2x20k+added weight

55kg/120lb for several singles lost count. 


Bicep/rotator cuff pain easing up. 


Spent most of today wondering how many reps of rows I could get absent a strap on the unliftable 150kg gold dumbbell after being tagged in it multiple times. I've lifted 150kg without a strap on a long bell here, but it was too long to get a row. The shorter gold ones would be very nice though.  This challenge is right up my street to be fair. 

Ive got a feeling you'll be rowing it.. I really like the volume you do. Once I  can do some of these feats and hit a certain level i'd like to build endurance with this stuff.

Odd Haugen lifting the inch 65times was so impressive to me.

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17 hours ago, PHATMUSCLE COACHING said:

It's very typical of how I train.

With clients,  if they can handle volume, the progress is always unreal.

If they can't,  we gradually up the work, until they can to a degree, and progress soon catches up.

The trick is knowing when to stop before skin tears etc. 

ive never thought of doing reps to that extent. I mainly stick to doing lower ranges. Some food for thought 

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I think of this as a skill

A good boxer spends hours on pads , bags,  sparring etc

A good long distance runner racks the miles up

A good swimmer spends hours in the water

People tend to approach lifting wrong and don't do anywhere near enough 

If we want to be good at grip, squeeze things , all day every day 

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