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Blacksmith513 training log


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Most you all know me here but for those that don't.... Stories of my grandpa got me interested in grip before I knew it was such a thing. Then I found out about Slim and slowly have gotten more and more interested. I'm going to try and keep a log, my mornings consist trying to workout, sh!t, shower and shave and make breakfast and lunch in about 2 hours time, so I might not always be in the right mindset to fill this out. I might not even go into great detail, but this will be a great way to track my progress.

I don't care about bench, squats or deadlifts.. I wish I did and I realize how great they are. But they do nothing for me personally  I'd rather carry rocks..

I'm either 5ft10 or 5ft9.. I hover between 172-180bs.

I've hired Jedd Johnson to be my coach and i'm going to lever 20lbs sledgehammers and lift the inch if it means I die trying. There will be some bending thrown in too...





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Great! I already wanted to tell you to start a log.

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Hell yea man! I'm excited to see this journey!

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You can build some real world  strength with rocks.


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Awesome and nice coach hire - ask him for all of his keypinch secrets:) Enjoy the journey and run your own race. 

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2 hours ago, Kluv#0 said:

Awesome and nice coach hire - ask him for all of his keypinch secrets:) Enjoy the journey and run your own race. 

haha, I think he made a couple jokes about that.. Thats what it is a journey and my own race. 

Thanks @matek and @John Knowltonand @stranger.

I'm going to do my best at keeping track.. Like I said, I might be sporadic but I want to share my progress.   Right now at this point in my life, I want to keep it as simple as possible.. the inch and levering big hammers is the ultimate goal. I've been working on handstand push ups, thats another thing i'd like to do by the end of the year.

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On 7/19/2022 at 7:17 PM, Gripperer said:

Looking forward to seeing your routine.

Thank you.. I can't wait to design one with Jedd. I might buy the blob top from David Horne. I sorta got bit by the blob bug at the seminar... But I want to talk with him first.. I don't want to get too side tracked right now.  Part of my problem with grip has been being over zealous, and having too many irons in the fire. But if there is stuff he thinks I should buy to help me advanced I'll do it. 

On a side note thats grip related, i've been talking to this girl thats a rock climber, we are really hitting it off and I'm taking her out for dinner next Saturday, unless I screw things up before then.🤣 

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5 hours ago, Blacksmith513 said:

Thank you.. I can't wait to design one with Jedd. I might buy the blob top from David Horne. I sorta got bit by the blob bug at the seminar... But I want to talk with him first.. I don't want to get too side tracked right now.  Part of my problem with grip has been being over zealous, and having too many irons in the fire. But if there is stuff he thinks I should buy to help me advanced I'll do it. 

On a side note thats grip related, i've been talking to this girl thats a rock climber, we are really hitting it off and I'm taking her out for dinner next Saturday, unless I screw things up before then.🤣 

You may have hit gold there. Just THINK of all the grip conversations you could have. 


Just... Y'know... Take it easy. Careful telling her how much you love pinching and squeezing blobs, bending etc...

Edited by Gripperer
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14 minutes ago, Gripperer said:

You may have hit gold there. Just THINK of all the grip conversations you could have. 


Just... Y'know... Take it easy. Careful telling her how much you love pinching and squeezing blobs, bending etc...

I know one thing. I’ll never get her mad!

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Talked with Jedd last night, getting the ball rolling. He asked me to buy a loadable dumbbell w/ a 2 3/8 handle from Arm Assassin...  I then realized, if i'm going to do this i'm going to do this.. I mentioned to him buying the Napalms Nightmare..  I've never done much with two hand lifts... He thought it would a good idea for building strength. Bought a pair of 2x5 pinch blocks and 2 3/8 handles.  Also have acquired a Wrist Wrench from a very generous member here. I'll be putting that to good use! Thanks again!

I might just focus on pull ups, dips and handstand pushups to warm up in the morning then go straight to grip/bending..  

I know its going to be sometime before I am lifting the inch, but i'm going straight for the prize. To me if you can lift the inch and lever 20lbs+ sledges, everything else grip related is easily reachable with from practice...  Also going to be some bending thrown in.  Once things really get started I'll be posting more.

I've never been so serious about something as I am about this. They are supportive, but I don't think my family realizes how important it is, and how much commitment this is going to take. 


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this was yesterday.

Warmed up with divebombers, squats and bridges

handstand pushups against the wall

on the gymnastic rings 

dips, rows and pull up

3x3 two handed inch negatives

3x3 with Rolling Grip Thing.. Only did 65lbs... Probably could have gotten another 10lbs but I was feeling real weak yesterday...

Chest Krusher with 3 springs.. Haven't used it in a while, trying to get back to 4 springs

Horseshoe Bender 3 sets of with 2 springs.

Extensor exercises with bands, few rounds with the Sidewinder and stretches to cool down

After work, some sledgehammer swings with the 10, 16 and 20lbs sledge.. plus some online yoga


Today was a quick 15 minutes on the Concept 2. I took a couple pictures yesterday, maybe i will upload them. Not too concerned with the physique but I want to document the changes over time. I think i'm going to slowly bulk up to 185lbs. 

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I have not levered in a while. My right hand is lacking a little but did 3 sets of 3 each hand I think in a couple sessions it will catch up to my left... Plus 3 60ds and one 60d spiral. Here are a couple videos. I don't own calipers, and what i'm doing isn't that impressive so right now i'm not into taking the time to prove my bends/lifts.  Couple videos I attempted to take the wraps off on film, but I said screw it. 






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20 minutes ago, Blacksmith513 said:

I have not levered in a while. My right hand is lacking a little but did 3 sets of 3 each hand I think in a couple sessions it will catch up to my left... Plus 3 60ds and one 60d spiral. Here are a couple videos. I don't own calipers, and what i'm doing isn't that impressive so right now i'm not into taking the time to prove my bends/lifts.  Couple videos I attempted to take the wraps off on film, but I said screw it. 






Videos are set to private now so we cannot watch them. I think you wanted to go with "unlisted". 

Btw I don't think anybody needs to prove anything in their own training log. I only video the whole process if it's a cert bend. 

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5 minutes ago, matek said:

Videos are set to private now so we cannot watch them. I think you wanted to go with "unlisted". 

Btw I don't think anybody needs to prove anything in their own training log. I only video the whole process if it's a cert bend. 

Ok, thanks I’ll fix it later. I’m not the best with technology. 

I just had to say that, im not about to take flak from someone for not proving my bends or lifts.  I’ve got better things to do than lie on the internet or argue.

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Today some calisthenics

RGT 3X3... I stupidly didn't write down and I don't remember what I lifted (real rough night last night).It was at least 65lbs, maybe 75lbs... Whatever it was it felt lighter than last week.

RGT thumbless holds, 3x3. Never did this before, took some trial and error to find a good weight eventually got to 45lbs for 9 seconds.. I know i'll do more next time

Did a couple light reps with my Wrist Wrench

Chest Krusher 3 sets of 8 reps 3 springs.. I don't know how but I lost probably 25% of my strength with this thing.

13 minute flexibility cool down.


Tonights date night with the rock climbing girl.  I got a special gripper i'd like to her to certify on!




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3 hours ago, Blacksmith513 said:


Tonights date night with the rock climbing girl.  I got a special gripper i'd like to her to certify on!





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18 hours ago, stranger said:


In all seriousness, it was our first date last night, i'm not one for "certifying" on the first date. When the time comes, there will be no vids of that cert either! But things went real well.  She really likes rock climbing and hiking. Two things I've wanted to get into.

One thing people must know about me, if you haven't noticed.. I can't help but make stupid jokes with play on words. 

Another thing..Serious training for grip is new to me, i've mainly just used the Wrist Developer, bent 60ds and some sledge stuff the past year, despite the gear i have.  Then I didn't know what direction to go in and sorta spun my wheels for a while...

When I post videos or pictures or anything.. I want feedback from you guy, good or bad. Exposing and working on my weaknesses is the only way I'll get better.

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It's funny because our methods are completely different.

You're training specific movements at low overall volume to achieve specific strength goals, not really caring about size (I think).

I'm training pretty much all facets at high overall volume to achieve rounded strength, with a focus on hypertrophy.

In fact, I even have an experiment going on within this where I'm seeing what happens to my gripper performance despite training everything but grippers, to see what crossover there is. Which is the opposite of specific!

Good to see variety in the grip world.

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29 minutes ago, Gripperer said:

It's funny because our methods are completely different.

You're training specific movements at low overall volume to achieve specific strength goals, not really caring about size (I think).

I'm training pretty much all facets at high overall volume to achieve rounded strength, with a focus on hypertrophy.

In fact, I even have an experiment going on within this where I'm seeing what happens to my gripper performance despite training everything but grippers, to see what crossover there is. Which is the opposite of specific!

Good to see variety in the grip world.

Yeah, I'd like to get bigger and i'm sure I will as a by- product, but its not my goal.  If I had enough time and energy I'd care more but I've learned i'm one of those people that can only focus on a few things at a time.  I actually like high volume training a lot. 

I come from a family of masons, so by the time my dad, grandpa and uncles where in their 40s they had the body of an 80 year old... My grandpa seriously  ruined his back at age 26, doing a block foundation. Had many surgeries and was on painkillers the rest of his life plus 10-20 beers a night, but he was a a freak of nature strength wise.. Two masons and laborer, they'd knock out a block foundation in a day.. That's a grip workout right there.  . My whole goal the whole time i've worked out, was to focus on movements that protect the joints, calisthenics for mobility and weighted carries...  Stuff to make my job easier, I don't want to be 50 and not able to move... But it's time to get strong. 

I put the grippers down early in the year. I picked them up a couple weeks ago and could close a 1.5 easy, also the Vulcan V2, Crom spring on the lowest setting.  I love grippers and I will tackle them some day but I don't recover quickly from them.  Now i'm using them as a way to periodically test my hand strength.  

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20 minutes ago, Blacksmith513 said:

Yeah, I'd like to get bigger and i'm sure I will as a by- product, but its not my goal.  If I had enough time and energy I'd care more but I've learned i'm one of those people that can only focus on a few things at a time.  I actually like high volume training a lot. 

I come from a family of masons, so by the time my dad, grandpa and uncles where in their 40s they had the body of an 80 year old... My grandpa seriously  ruined his back at age 26, doing a block foundation. Had many surgeries and was on painkillers the rest of his life plus 10-20 beers a night, but he was a a freak of nature strength wise.. Two masons and laborer, they'd knock out a block foundation in a day.. That's a grip workout right there.  . My whole goal the whole time i've worked out, was to focus on movements that protect the joints, calisthenics for mobility and weighted carries...  Stuff to make my job easier, I don't want to be 50 and not able to move... But it's time to get strong. 

I put the grippers down early in the year. I picked them up a couple weeks ago and could close a 1.5 easy, also the Vulcan V2, Crom spring on the lowest setting.  I love grippers and I will tackle them some day but I don't recover quickly from them.  Now i'm using them as a way to periodically test my hand strength.  

Sensible approach, can't fault it.

(weighted carries, yes yes yes)

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2 hours ago, Gripperer said:

Sensible approach, can't fault it.

(weighted carries, yes yes yes)

Thanks, the goals I have. I still want to be doing them when I'm 60... If I can even 70. After that, i'll get all the exercise I need from all the funerals i'll be going to...


I stopped doing them but I'm going to start again. I'm very strong in the bear hug  position...A funny story about weighted carries. I never got into strongman territory but i used to carry a 160lbs sandbag on my shoulders plus kettlebells of various weights in each hand for sets of 60 seconds plus...  Our customer needed to swap out the granite on the bathroom vanity... So I offered to load it into the car for him, and it had some weight to it and and literally held it for like 5 minutes while everyone talked.... Then put it in the car for him when they realized I was holding it for so long. The next day, he said to me, I thought that thing was light because you held it for so long..  


Weighted carries of any kind are one of the greatest exercises anyone could do in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, Blacksmith513 said:

Thanks, the goals I have. I still want to be doing them when I'm 60... If I can even 70. After that, i'll get all the exercise I need from all the funerals i'll be going to...


I stopped doing them but I'm going to start again. I'm very strong in the bear hug  position...A funny story about weighted carries. I never got into strongman territory but i used to carry a 160lbs sandbag on my shoulders plus kettlebells of various weights in each hand for sets of 60 seconds plus...  Our customer needed to swap out the granite on the bathroom vanity... So I offered to load it into the car for him, and it had some weight to it and and literally held it for like 5 minutes while everyone talked.... Then put it in the car for him when they realized I was holding it for so long. The next day, he said to me, I thought that thing was light because you held it for so long..  


Weighted carries of any kind are one of the greatest exercises anyone could do in my opinion.

160lbs is a heavy sandbag for a non-strongman let alone with the kettlebells. 

Because I'm on a hypertrophy program my weighted carries are farmer's walks at the moment, and I've upped there volume on them recently because they feel good. 

I was doing sandbag carries before this but can't do everything and keep the same goals, unfortunately (I was doing them as a front carry but not bear hug style, more of an open hand grip, specifically for the grip benefits). 

But yes weighted carries are enormously beneficial to overall strength and have a lot of carryover into regular life or combat training. 

Considering adding some overhead dumbbell carries to my push day now... 

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