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"3 1/2" Certification List


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I think within a couple of years or so, the 4 will be dropping just like the three has.  I know I will eventually close it.  Plus theres a handfull of people who have videos posted on here that are millimeters away.  They'll probably certify this year.  I think the four is a lot like the four minute mile, in my opinion.  It IS possible, just very tough.

basically, as grip training becomes more popular, more people will gain interest, and the three list will grow.  I think that is a lot of what has happened with the three list.

I disagree.

It would be happening already if that was the case.

The 4 is on a whole different level than a 3.

I think that I fall somewhere in between. The physical difficulty of the #4 is certainly an impediment to closing it, however it is but a part of what is needed. I think that, right now, the mental difficulty persists strongly because only one man has closed it and that was more than five years ago. I think that part of the elusiveness is the mystery, controversy, and iconic status given to Kinney for having been the only person to have done it under Certified conditions.

I know one very good crusher who used to believe that Kinney didn't close it because he simply didn't think it was possible for anyone to close it. But now that he's seen others getting so close he not only believes that Kinney did close it, he also now believes that he can close it. The #4 will certainly be closed by others in the future and the more people close it, the more the mental hurdle will be overcome by others. It's a difficult job to pave the trail, but the journey becomes much easier for others once the trail is paved. But, naturally, we won't see the #4 list grow like the #3 list.


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As a side note, you'll probably see that 100kg is only 220 pounds. "But," you say, "if I can close my #3 and it is supposed to be 280 pounds, why can't I pull 100kg on the dyno?" All grippers are not created equal!

Actually, I think it's because a dyno is static. The first 1/2" of the squeeze is 220lbs. The last 1/4" is 220lbs. But with a gripper, it goes on a slope, so to speak. The closer the handles get, the closer it is to the max resistance. So while they may be the same movement, it's a different exercise, if you know what I mean. :blink If the entire movement of the #3 was 280 from start to finish, it'd be a whole different ball game.

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One more thing before I go back to the salt mines:

I agree that the growth in popularity of grip traiing is leading to more natural talent discovering it. So to respectfully disagree with Wannagrip, I think that if ti continues to grow in popularity, I think the "freaks" will discover, and then crush the #4, potentially at the rates previously seen with the #3. I think the numbers will show through. Just from a genetic odds point of view, there are hundreds of Joe Kinneys out there who have never even thought about training grip, because their grip is strong enough that they don't drop their silverware at dinner. Now as gripping grows and these people get discovered, they'll make waves. It's the natural progression of things. We've got "normal" people with work ethic closing the #3, now I think we're gonna see "freaks" with work ethic closing the #4. My prediction. Starting now, it will start to mirror the #3 list. We'll see one or so per year for a while, then around 2013, there's gonna be about a 20 people getting certified in one year.

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Interesting comments about the dyno by Dale harder,which dyno did he mean,or was he refering to all dynos in general,afterall did he not realy slate the RB Dyno(the best made dyno so far) at the AOBS.

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Well, if we're makin predictions, I say the average number of certified #4 closes from here on out will be no more than two a year. And if I'm

wrong... :blink:whacked:rock:bow:mosher

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Here's a thought to consider. IronMind is currently putting out BEASTS for #4's. Even someone like Heath can attest to how hard they are. Now, consider the number of 4's that have been sold to date and to who. Assuming no one is out there searching and asking everyone in sight to try their 4 and find a "weak 4" (there is no such thing IMO), that leaves a limited pool of EXISTING people right now. So, if IronMind continues to be consistent in their current #4 production for the next 5 years, you can forget having a big list of 4 closers just based on this info.

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Well, if we're makin predictions, I say the average number of certified #4 closes from here on out will be no more than two a year.

I agree

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I agree with Bill.

Even if Nathan,Heath,Tommy,Dave,Magnus closed it this year or next,that is still a very small percentage of those that have them.

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How many actual #4s are out there in ciculation??

I think you have to look at the number of #3 closers that went after it and got it just because they thought it would be neat to get on the list. After that, they kinda fall by the way side-never pursuing, or even squeezing a #4 for that matter.

Whereas the #3s out there are probably in the 1000s-and they vary so much. I have closed #3s with ease, and I have missed very hard #3s (Tommys!) Every #4 I have touched that has ben made in the last year or so is the equivalent of squeezing a brick.

Now-it has been said before if one can close a #3 they shoud be able to get the #4 handles parallel or past. HA! I challenge you guys that dream of closing the #4 to get mine or Steve M's. past parallel!!! Our springs are so deep they are a good quarter inch BELOW the handles :blink:whacked And yes-Tommy Heslpe agrees fully with that statement!

Now, Dave Morton may close my #4. I hope he does and history is made. But gentlemen, we have to really see the #4 as what it is. It isnt a 4 minute mile. It isnt a 600 pound bench press.

I would rate the #4 on the difficulty of some of the greatest athletic feats/events in the world! The #4 is winning an Ironman, winning the Tour, squatting a RAW 900 pounds, benching a RAW 700.

Yes, I think IT IS THAT HARD!

And, as others have said, it isnt genetics. It is mental strength, combined with the will to give this goal 10, 15, 20 years of your life to achieve. Not to many poepl can give that kind of comitment. I dont know yet if I can-but I will enjoy the ride regardless!

Just keep squeezing- :mosher

Rick Walker :rock

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"I would rate the #4 on the difficulty of some of the greatest athletic feats/events in the world! The #4 is winning an Ironman, winning the Tour, squatting a RAW 900 pounds, benching a RAW 700."

I agree. As I said, it's a whole new level. It's like a comparing a Jetta to a Ferrari in levels of strength.

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I think Joe has asked about the number of 4's out and about with it being quite low and the 3's only a little over the low 100's if that.

As for me doing the 4 - may be after the Irongrip. I'm gonna want a new target and if I can't do a seminar between now and Xmas then a target of shooting for the 4 will do.

First up will be my RB 300ip and then maybe, a la the real collectors here, I'll get me some US Weightlifters warehouse / Tetting grippers.

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How many actual #4s are out there in ciculation??

I think you have to look at the number of #3 closers that went after it and got it just because they thought it would be neat to get on the list. After that, they kinda fall by the way side-never pursuing, or even squeezing a #4 for that matter.

Whereas the #3s out there are probably in the 1000s-and they vary so much. I have closed #3s with ease, and I have missed very hard #3s (Tommys!) Every #4 I have touched that has ben made in the last year or so is the equivalent of squeezing a brick.

Now-it has been said before if one can close a #3 they shoud be able to get the #4 handles parallel or past. HA! I challenge you guys that dream of closing the #4 to get mine or Steve M's. past parallel!!! Our springs are so deep they are a good quarter inch BELOW the handles :blink:whacked And yes-Tommy Heslpe agrees fully with that statement!

Now, Dave Morton may close my #4. I hope he does and history is made. But gentlemen, we have to really see the #4 as what it is. It isnt a 4 minute mile. It isnt a 600 pound bench press.

I would rate the #4 on the difficulty of some of the greatest athletic feats/events in the world! The #4 is winning an Ironman, winning the Tour, squatting a RAW 900 pounds, benching a RAW 700.

Yes, I think IT IS THAT HARD!

And, as others have said, it isnt genetics. It is mental strength, combined with the will to give this goal 10, 15, 20 years of your life to achieve. Not to many poepl can give that kind of comitment. I dont know yet if I can-but I will enjoy the ride regardless!

Just keep squeezing- :mosher

Rick Walker :rock

Re Dale Harder and his book which compares such feats. I think he, using some formula or other, used a similar comparison as does Rick ie: 900+ squat etc.

However, I wish it was 100% accurate as I'd love to be able to train up to those numbers on my other lifts as opposed to being a little above average in most lifts and (perhaps) outstanding in grip.

That said Dale used an analogy (from a review of the book) to show that while the worlds fastest bowler cannot bench 700, if he trained for it, to be able to throw the ball etc as fast is as good as a CoC 3, a hole in one and so on.

I agree with Rick also in that, once having achieved CoC status, most will stop right there. The reasons are obvious. If a 700 bench is the same, how few have had a go at 800 or even racked 900 - not many. To do so, as we have said about Joe Kinney, is to take yourself into a whole new place of hard work, dedication, perseverance etc. Not many like that level of effort and discomfort.

Those of us who will try may well be many, those that succeed - very few.

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I think he might have been implying no set will be aloud. That ought to knock the list down.
It will knock the list down to people with big hands. I can't get my last two fingers on the #3 without doing a set. I would essentially have to train to do a two-finger close to make up for this "defect"? Not impossible but it seems unreasonable. Perhaps I misunderstand.
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Guest gripmaster316
How about Magnus Samuelsson, Nick Mckinless, Mobsterone, and David Horne?

Oooops... my bad I should have known that Magnus thing. However, I think, I am not too sure but Dave and Mobsterone both said that they are not going for the 4. I could be wrong.

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Guest gripmaster316

Yeah I skipped the 2nd page I shouldn't have. I asked you before if you were going for the four and I thought you said you weren't even trying for it. But I guess people can change their minds.

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Tis true or was. Its on my 'to-do' list but, at least until the IG 2003 is out of the way, isn't at the top. After August 2nd...??

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I thought the newer #4s were actually easier than the "old" ones with wider handles. As everybody says, the new #4s have pretty narrow to normal handle spread and have the spring set extremely high.

I have 3 #4s. Two new ones who are almost identical in strength and apperance. One is a little higher and with a little wider handles, just marginally though. Handle spread is around 2 3/4 to 3 inches.

I also have a single stamped #4 with wide handles that I bought from c-o-c.de. The handles width is 3 1/4+, but the handles are not set that high. However, that #4 is CRAZY hard compared to my two new ones I have. I cant set it or even begin to squeeze it. It is much much harder to cheat close too, definately a difference.

Are there #4s that are "easier" compared to the new #4s? Ofc there is, but how much easier are they?

I remember a long time ago when someone sent a #4 to Heath Sexton if I am not mistaken, and he said that it was "tons harder than his" or something similiar?

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Wannagrip has mentioned this before but these guys getting close aren't anything compared to Mr. Kinney. Heath is the current crush monster but in his prime I think Joe would have made him look like a boy. No disrespect to Heath he can do things most can only dream of but I'm just saying Joe was unreal.

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I think what you said is true but only if talk about Crush grip. All round grip strength goes to Richard Sorin and or John Brookfield. Then there are guys here, David H and Wade and others that have certain feats not even the top three - Joe K, Richard S and JB - have yet to achieve. Also and I hope the top three don't take this the wrong way, there are others here who will surpass them in time and it might also be argued that, again the top three, will not improve on what they can do right now - that they have peaked and will not get better.

Using Heath as an example - has he peaked yet? I doubt it. Can Rick Walker improve, will Nathan Holle do reps with his 4? - oh yes and so on.

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Wow. To be mentioned in the same paragraph as guys like Heath, Wade, Joe K., Brookfield, and Sorin is mind boggling. :blush

What makes me feel even better? I talked to Brookfield the other day on the phone and he told me he has been hearing good things about me? I was like-WOW.

Sorin has told me on the phone that he will be glad to know my name in a couple years. Again, WOW.

I look up to a lot of guys on this forum-too many to mention. If one day I am walking down the asile at the Arnold and some walks up and wants a picture with me and an autograph, like I did with Wade, Sorin, Eddy Coan, etc. I will know that I have made a difference and that I am inspiring people like so many have inspired me.

Mob-I hope I am a long ways away from my peak and I hope I am still pushing the limit well into my old age!

Rick Walker :rock

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Wow. To be mentioned in the same paragraph as guys like Heath, Wade, Joe K., Brookfield, and Sorin is mind boggling. :blush

What makes me feel even better? I talked to Brookfield the other day on the phone and he told me he has been hearing good things about me? I was like-WOW.

Sorin has told me on the phone that he will be glad to know my name in a couple years. Again, WOW.

I look up to a lot of guys on this forum-too many to mention. If one day I am walking down the asile at the Arnold and some walks up and wants a picture with me and an autograph, like I did with Wade, Sorin, Eddy Coan, etc. I will know that I have made a difference and that I am inspiring people like so many have inspired me.

Mob-I hope I am a long ways away from my peak and I hope I am still pushing the limit well into my old age!

Rick Walker :rock

Ditto for me and my fragile ego dude!! :mosher

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