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Leonard Sanchez's Powerlifting And Grip Training Log

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I initially started a training log on here back in '03 but I figured I'd start a new one and start fresh. I've suffered quite few injuries along the way that I don't even know where to begin to explain. I'm posting a link to my old training log in this thread for easier access.


My PR's in powerlifting are a 520 lb squat, 405 lb bench press, and a 610 lb deadlift. All lifts were done raw. Because of a previous back injury and a left rotator cuff issue that is close to being remedied, I'm nowhere near these PR #'s. My goal is to build myself back up and set some more PR's in 2016. Here's a video of myself benching that 405 PR:


As far as my grip goals, I'm looking to certify on the IM #3 and the Crushed to Dust Challenge in 2016. My current best crush on the #2.5 (125 RGC) is 3 reps with a CCS. IM Hub- 35 lbs left, 40 lbs right. Rolling Thunder- 155 lbs left, 150 lbs right. Only the actual weight plates were counted on the hub and RT( not the loading pin or grip device).

  • Like 3

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


I was too tired the last few days to get around to typing up Sundays workout. Here goes the first log of many to come...

Sunday 10/11/15

Legs & shoulders

Side note:An example of how I will input my sets/reps would be " 2x 10,9" which would indicate that the first set was done for 10 reps and the 2nd set was 9 reps.

Dumbell shoulder press- 85 lbs for 2x 9,7

Dumbell side raises- 30 lbs for 2x 12,11

Machine reverse flyes (posterior delts)- 180 lbs for 2x11,12

Hack squat- 380 lbs for 2x 11,12

Leg Curls- 110 lbs for 1x8

One legged body weight standing calf raises- 2x 10,10

V ups- 2x 20,12

Grip work

#2(101 rgc) Left- 2x 10,9 / Right- 2x 11,7 ( All closes were done with a CCS)

IM hub- Left- 26.5 lbs for 18 sec hold / Right- 30 lbs for 16 second hold

TTK- 12 lbs Left 2x 9,7 / Right 2x 11,10

HandXBands (medium) 1x35 for both hands

Lever bar ( supination/pronation) 5 lbs for 2x 12,11

I felt a little pain in my left shoulder after the last set of dumbell presses. I iced it shortly after the workout and it felt good the following day. I took about 2 weeks off from the gym prior to this workout to remedy some wrist pain in my left hand and golfer's elbow in my right.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

Posted (edited)

Tuesday 10/13/15

Chest and triceps

Bench Press- 255 lbs for 1x 8 ( all reps on this set were paused on my chest for 1 sec), 245 lbs for 1x 10

Incline Bench Press- 195 lbs 1x 9

Cable flyes- 70 lbs 2x 10,10

skull crushers- 95 lbs 3x 9,10,6

Overhead dumbell ext- 80 lbs 2x 9,11

Workout went real good. My left shoulder was handling the weight fairly well. I wanted to do another set on the incline bp but the only other person in the gym left so I decided to play it safe and call it good. I'd like to go heavier but I'm wise enough to know that the slow and steady route is the way to go.

Edited by HandsofStone

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

Posted (edited)

Thursday 10/15/15

Back & Biceps

Lat Pulldowns- 170 lbs 3x 11,11,11

Cable t-bar rows- 190 lbs 2x 10,12

Barbell Shrugs- 315 lbs 3x 12,12,14

EZ bar curls- 85 lbs 3x 9,8,7

Dumbell hammer curls- 35 lbs 2x 9,10

Machine crunches (added 15 lbs to the weight stack)- 3x 12,12,16

Grip Work

Rolling Thunder- 117.5 lbs Left- 10 / Right- 9 (repetitions)

Wrist Wrench- 60 lbs Left- 7 sec / right- 6 sec (held for time)

Barbell reverse wrist curls- 35lbs 2x 11,8

HandXBands- (Med) 1x 35

My back and biceps workout went very well but by the time it came to train grip, my hands were already fatigued. Oh well, you can't get PR's in every grip workout...

Edited by HandsofStone

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

Posted (edited)

Sunday 10/18/15

Legs & shoulders

Barbell shoulder press- 185 lbs for 2x 8,8

Dumbell side raises- 35 lbs for 2x 10,12

Machine reverse flyes (posterior delts)- 190 lbs for 2x 13,12

Hack squat- 400 lbs for 1x 14

Leg Curls- 120 lbs 2x 10,10

Donkey calf raises- 270 lbs 2x 10,8

V ups- 2x 17,15

Grip work

#2(113 rgc for the first set and then 114 rgc on the second set) Left- 2x 7*,3* / Right- 2x 3*,4*

*( All closes were done with a CCS)

IM hub- Left- 26.5 lbs for 15 sec hold / Right- 30 lbs for 12 second hold

TTK- 13 lbs Left 2x 9,6 / Right 2x 12,8

HandXBands (medium) 1x35 for both hands

Lever bar ( supination/pronation) 5.5 lbs for 2x 12,13

I could of got a few more reps on the last set of shoulder presses but decided not to push my luck because nobody was in the gym to spot me. Its funny how my left shoulder gives me "subtle reminders" not to push too hard. Rotator cuff injuries suck!! I hate not being able to be 100% confident with it.

This weeks hack squatting went well. I'm going to start squatting and deadlifting next week. I can't wait!

Hubbing time sucked compared to the previous week. It was probably because I ended up doing a 3rd set with the 113 rgc gripper for a burnout with a MMS,

Edited by HandsofStone

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

Posted (edited)

Tuesday 10/20/15

Chest and triceps

Bench Press- 265 lbs for 1x 9 ( all reps on this set were paused on my chest for 1 sec), 265 lbs for 1x 9 ( touch and go style)

Incline Bench Press- 205 lbs 1x 10

Cable flyes- 80 lbs 2x 10,8

Skull Crushers- 100 lbs 3x 11,10,6

Overhead dumbell ext- 90 lbs 2x 9,11

Rotator cuff exercise- 15 lbs 2x 16,18

Grip Work

Rolling Thunder- 122.5 lbs Left- 12 / Right- 11 (repetitions)

Wrist Wrench- 62.5 lbs Left- 10 sec / right- 8 sec (held for time)

My shoulder felt very good. Grip was on target as well. I think I'm going to start training grip three times a week instead of two and see how it works out. However, I'm feeling it pretty bad in my left wrist today. Going to ice it in a bit.

Edited by HandsofStone

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

Posted (edited)

Friday 10/23/15

Back & Biceps

Lat Pulldowns- 180 lbs 3x 11,11,10

Cable t-bar rows- 200 lbs 2x 11,15

Barbell Shrugs- 335 lbs 3x 13,16

EZ bar curls- 90 lbs 3x 8,8,9

Dumbell hammer curls- 40 lbs 2x 7,9

Machine crunches (added 17.5 lbs to the weight stack)- 3x 13,13,12

Grip Work

27# block weight w/ 6 lbs strapped on Left- 2x 8,3 sec / right- 2x 9,7 sec (held for time)

Barbell reverse wrist curls- 37.5 lbs 2x 10,7

HandXBands- (Med) 1x 35

Edited by HandsofStone

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Sunday 10/25/15

Legs & shoulders

Barbell shoulder press- 195 lbs for 1x 9

Dumbell side raises- 40 lbs for 2x 10,9

Machine reverse flyes (posterior delts)- 200 lbs for 2x 13,10

Barbell squat- 315 lbs for 1x 13

Leg Curls- 130 lbs 1x 7

Donkey calf raises- 280 lbs 2x 12,13

V ups- 2x 18,17

Grip work

#2(113 rgc) Left- 2x 8,6 / Right- 2x 5,3

( All closes were done with a CCS)

IM hub- Left- 28 lbs for 18 sec hold / Right- 32 lbs for 12 sec hold

TTK- 14 lbs Left 2x 8,7 / Right 2x 10,9

HandXBands (medium) 1x35 for both hands

Lever bar ( supination/pronation) 6 lbs for 2x 11,11

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Tuesday 10/27/15

Chest and triceps

Bench Press- 275 lbs for 1x 9 ( all reps on this set were paused on my chest for 1 sec), 275 lbs for 1x 9 ( touch and go style)

Incline Bench Press- 215 lbs 1x 10

Cable flyes- 90 lbs 1x 9, 80 lbs 1x 8

Skull Crushers- 105 lbs 3x 11,10,6

Overhead dumbell ext- 100 lbs 2x 10,10

Rotator cuff exercise- 20 lbs 2x 14,14

Grip Work

Rolling Thunder- 127.5 lbs Left- 12 / Right- 9 (repetitions)

Wrist Wrench- 65 lbs Left- 8 sec / right- 6 sec (held for time)

My left shoulder felt good until I started doing cable flyes. I guess I was being a bit too ambitious when deciding what weight to start out at.

I was a little worn out toward the end of the workout but can't complain about the grip work I got out of it.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Friday 10/29/15

Back & Biceps

Deadlifts- 390 lbs 1x 11

Lat Pulldowns- 190 lbs 3x 10,8,9

barbell rows- 200 lbs 2x 11,12

Barbell Shrugs- 350 lbs 2x 15,17

EZ bar curls- 95 lbs 3x 8,8,9

Dumbell hammer curls- 40 lbs 2x 8,10

Machine crunches (added 20 lbs to the weight stack)- 3x 18,18,15

Grip Work

27# block weight w/ 7 lbs strapped on Left- 2x 8,6 sec / right- 2x 9,6 sec (held for time)

Barbell reverse wrist curls- 37.5 lbs 2x 11,8

HandXBands- (Med) 1x 35

My lower back felt good. It was my first time doing deadlifts in almost 2 years.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


I love it Jedd!! Or at least sometimes I do.. lol. The spin action is wicked!

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Tuesday 11/3/15

Legs & shoulders

Barbell shoulder press- 205 lbs for 1x 8

Dumbell side raises- 45 lbs for 2x 8,9

Machine reverse flyes (posterior delts)- 220 lbs for 2x 11,10

Leg ext- 220 lbs 2x 12,13

Leg Curls- 130 lbs 2x 8,7

Donkey calf raises- 300 lbs 2x 12,12

V ups- 2x 17,20

Grip work

#2.5(125 rgc) Left- 2x 0,1 / Right- 2x 0,0

#2(113 rgc) Left- 1x 5 / Right- 1x 5

( All closes were done with a CCS)

IM hub- Left- 28 lbs for 19 sec hold / Right- 32 lbs for 14 sec hold

TTK- 14 lbs Left 2x 10,8 / Right 2x 10,11

HandXBands (medium) 1x35 for both hands

Lever bar ( supination/pronation) 6 lbs for 2x 12,11

I didn't perform squats as planned because I woke up this morning with a back ache that damn near had me walking like I had a stick up my ass the whole day.

My gripper work was off today as well so I'm thinking about starting Jedd's 8 week CBT next week.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Thursday 11/5/15

Chest and triceps

Bench Press- 285 lbs for 1x 9 ( all reps on this set were paused on my chest for 1 sec), 285 lbs for 1x 8 ( touch and go style)

Incline Bench Press- 225 lbs 1x 10

Cable flyes- 80 lbs 2x 10,9

Skull Crushers- 115 lbs 2x 9,9

Overhead dumbell ext- 100 lbs 2x 11,9

Rotator cuff exercise- 25 lbs 2x 12,13

I'll be doing my grip exercises in tomorrow's workout. I wasn't able to get in my regular workouts earlier in the week so I've been playing catch up.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

Posted (edited)

Sunday 11/8/15

Legs & shoulders

Barbell shoulder press- 215 lbs for 1x 8

Dumbell side raises- 45 lbs for 2x 9,11

Machine reverse flyes (posterior delts)- 230 lbs for 2x 11,10

Barbell squat- 345 lbs 1x 11

Leg ext- 230 lbs 2x 12

Leg Curls- 130 lbs 2x 10

Smith machine standing calf raises- 225 lbs 2x 10,10

V ups- 2x 20,15

Grip work

Grippers- Cadence Based Training

IM hub- Left- 29.5 lbs for 14 sec hold / Right- 33.5 lbs for 14 sec hold

TTK- 14.5 lbs Left 2x 10,6 / Right 2x 10,8

I went into this workout with another sore back so I decided to do some foam rolling in between my squat warm ups. It helped out tremendously.

I just started Cadence Based Training to improve my crush, but will not be disclosing information about it on here out of respect for Jedd. However, I will definitely keep you all posted about my results after completing it.

Edited by HandsofStone

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Tuesday 11/10/15

Chest and triceps

Bench Press- 295 lbs for 1x 9 ( all reps on this set were paused on my chest for 1 sec), 295 lbs for 1x 7 ( touch and go style)

Incline Bench Press- 235 lbs 1x 8

Dips- bdywt 1x repped out to failure

Skull Crushers- 120 lbs 2x 8,7

Rope pushdowns- 120 lbs 2x 12,9

Rotator cuff exercise- 25 lbs 2x 14,12

Grip Work

Rolling Thunder- 132.5 lbs Left- 12 / Right- 10 (repetitions)

Wrist Wrench- 66.5 lbs Left- 8 sec / right- 7 sec (held for time)

HandXBands (medium) 1x35 for both hands

Lever bar ( supination/pronation) 6.5 lbs for 2x 10

I trained a bit later than usual today. I had a good workout overall but my head just wasn't 100% in the game.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Thursday 11/12/15

Back & Biceps

Deadlifts- 415 lbs 1x 11

Lat Pulldowns- 200 lbs 2x 9,10

barbell rows- 210 lbs 2x 12,15

Barbell Shrugs- 385 lbs 2x 10,12

EZ bar curls- 100 lbs 3x 8,8,9

Dumbell hammer curls- 40 lbs 2x 10,10

Machine crunches (added 22.5 lbs to the weight stack)- 2x 16,18

Grip Work

Grippers- Cadence Based Training

27# block weight w/ 8 lbs strapped on- Couple secs both hands (held for time)

Barbell reverse wrist curls- 40 lbs 2x 10,8

My back felt a little a sore again as usual before starting but it wasn't anything that foam rolling couldn't remedy. My back and biceps workout went as planned so no complaints there.

However, when it came down to training grip, my hands were already FRIED due to deadlifting. My pinch was complete garbage. I'm thinking about doing the gripper portion of this workout possibly the day before back & biceps next week to see how that pans out.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Sunday 11/15/15

Legs & shoulders

Barbell squat- 360 lbs 1x 11

Leg ext- 240 lbs 2x 11

Leg Curls- 140 lbs 2x 7

Donkey calf raises- 315 lbs 2x 11,11

Barbell shoulder press- 225 lbs for 1x 6

Dumbell side raises- 45 lbs for 2x 9,11

Machine reverse flyes (posterior delts)- 220 lbs for 2x to failure

V ups- 2x 20,20

Grip work

Grippers- Cadence Based Training

IM hub- Left- 29.5 lbs for 9 sec hold / Right- 33.5 lbs for 13 sec hold

TTK- 15 lbs Left 2x 6,6 / Right 2x 6,8

HandXBands (medium) 1x35 for both hands

I trained later than usual so it was hard to get focused throughout the workout. By the time I moved on to do shoulder work, I was pretty tired.

After I got done training grippers my hands were TOAST which you could pretty much figure out by comparing my hub time to last weeks time.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

However, when it came down to training grip, my hands were already FRIED due to deadlifting.

Yep been there. A big no no. :grin:


Tuesday 11/17/15

Chest and triceps

Bench Press- 300 lbs for 1x 8 ( all reps on this set were paused on my chest for 1 sec)

Incline Bench Press- 240 lbs 1x 8

Dips- bdywt 1x repped out to failure

Skull Crushers- 125 lbs 2x 8,7

Rope pushdowns- 130 lbs 2x 12,12

Rotator cuff exercise- 25 lbs 2x 14,12

Grip Work

Rolling Thunder- 137.5 lbs Left- 9 / Right- 6 (repetitions)

Wrist Wrench- 66.5 lbs Left- 5 sec / right- 5 sec (held for time)

Lever bar ( supination/pronation) 5 lbs for 2x 13

I strained my right ring finger a little during the last workout doing gripper work. Its not painful just an annoyance.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Thursday 11/19/15

Back & Biceps

Deadlifts- 435 lbs 1x 10

Lat Pulldowns- 210 lbs 2x 9,10

barbell rows- 235 lbs 2x 10,10

Barbell Shrugs- 395 lbs 2x 11,13

Alternating dumbell curls- 50 lbs 2x 7,7

Dumbell concentrration curls- 35 lbs 2x 8,10

Machine crunches (added 25 lbs to the weight stack)- 2x 15,17

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

  • 2 weeks later...

Sunday 11/22/15

Legs & shoulders

Barbell squat- 375 lbs 1x 10

Leg ext- 240 lbs 2x 14

Leg Curls- 140 lbs 2x 9

Donkey calf raises- 325 lbs 3x 12,14,12

Barbell shoulder press- No OHP work due to shoulder pain

Dumbell side raises- 40 lbs for 3x11,12,12

Machine reverse flyes (posterior delts)- 220 lbs for 2x to failure

V ups- 2x 22,20

Grip work

Grippers- Cadence Based Training

IM hub- Left- 31 lbs for 7 sec hold / Right- 35 lbs for 7 sec hold

TTK- 14 lbs Left 2x 10,8 / Right 2x 12,10

HandXBands (medium) 1x35 for both hands

I was experiencing deep pain in my left shoulder the last 3-4 days so I decided to pass on the shoulder presses this week.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Tuesday 11/24/15

Chest and triceps

Bench Press- 305 lbs for 1x 9 ( all reps on this set were paused on my chest for 1 sec)

Incline Bench Press- 245 lbs 1x 9

Push ups 1x repped out to failure

Overhead dumbell ext- 40 lbs 2x 11,11,10

Rope pushdowns- 100 lbs 2x 19

Grip Work

Rolling Thunder- 142.5 lbs Left- 6 / Right- 4 (repetitions)

120lbs held for max time both hands for 2 sets

Lever bar ( supination/pronation) 6 lbs for 2x 11,10

Well I dropped in to visit my favorite Physical Therapist this morning to have him 'dig" in my left shoulder. I tell you what, it made a WORLD OF A DIFFERENCE later on when training chest. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a PT that just lets me drop by free of charge during his lunch break to work on me.

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


Thursday 11/27/15

Back & Biceps

Deadlifts- 455 lbs 1x 11

Pull ups- bdywt 2x 8,7

barbell rows- 245 lbs 2x 10,11

Barbell Shrugs- 405 lbs 1x 6; 365 lbs 2x 10,11

Alternating dumbell curls- 50 lbs 1x7; 45 lbs 2x 8,11

Dumbell concentrration curls- 35 lbs 2x 10,12

Ab machine- 70 lbs 2x 16,16

I've been training at another gym the last 2 workouts because, quite frankly, I train a whole lot better when other people are around as opposed to being the only guy in the gym at 3am....

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch

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