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Rocky 7: The Menopause Years


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Assisted pull ups:

25 total (10, 5 @ 3 reps) 120lb assist

Pull downs:

55x12x1; 60x12x1; 65x10x1

DB Row:




PB: Dylan is right. I'm stronger than I think. 10 and 15lbs are way to light. 25 felt good. Next time I will go up on weight!

Face pulls: 100 total @ 30lbs (30x20x5) too light even at doing 100


Cardio ropes x 2

Edited by Vanessa
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2/28/13 Legs:

Leg Press:

105x10x1; 120x10x1; 130x8x1

Leg Curl (one leg):

10x15x1; 10x10x2

Kick Backs:

30x10x1; 40x10x1

Prowler: 5 x @ 45lbs

Really bad work out today. Nothing felt right and I struggled with weights and reps.

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2/28/13 Legs:

Leg Press:

105x10x1; 120x10x1; 130x8x1

Leg Curl (one leg):

10x15x1; 10x10x2

Kick Backs:

30x10x1; 40x10x1

Prowler: 5 x @ 45lbs

Really bad work out today. Nothing felt right and I struggled with weights and reps.

Bad workouts happen now and then - nothing to worry about - just stick with your plan and things will work out.

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Just read your log, nice work...what about some dips or assisted dips? :)

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Thanks guys. I know bad workouts happen, but I was really disappointed in myself. I will have to find out what a dip is! I'll ask dpc, my son.

3/3 Push

20 assisted pushups

DB Shoulder Press:

10x12x10; 15x12x2

DB Side Raise:

10x12x3 (Up from 8lb wts)

Front DB Raise:

10x12x1; 15x12x2

Elliptical for 15 min.

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3/5: My first good work out since before I left for San Diego. Worked hard, felt great

DB Row:

15x10x1; 25x10x1; 30x10x1; 35x10x2 (This felt great and Dylan is right, going up 5 lbs is useless. Next time I hope to warm up with 15 lbs and then jump 10lbs each set up to 45 lbs.

Pull downs:

55x12x1; 60x12x1; 65x12x1; 70x12x1 (Once again, wearing myself out on weight that is too light.)

Face Pulls:


Barbell Shrug: (something new. figuring out weight)

35x10x1; 55x10x1; 55x20x1; 65x201

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3/5: My first good work out since before I left for San Diego. Worked hard, felt great

DB Row:

15x10x1; 25x10x1; 30x10x1; 35x10x2 (This felt great and Dylan is right, going up 5 lbs is useless. Next time I hope to warm up with 15 lbs and then jump 10lbs each set up to 45 lbs.

Pull downs:

55x12x1; 60x12x1; 65x12x1; 70x12x1 (Once again, wearing myself out on weight that is too light.)

Face Pulls:


Barbell Shrug: (something new. figuring out weight)

35x10x1; 55x10x1; 55x20x1; 65x201

Sometimes volume like you did in you sets of pull downs can be useful in that it develops a motor pattern, however I would agree with Dylan and suggest you start reaching for weights that really test you. Don't be afraid of failing a set, you will learn your limits this way. Nice work!

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I should note that on this day (the day of her last log) she tried to do a chin up with palms facing each other. She could only move up like an inch from the starting position. We did this so we can measure how much better she is doing in a certain time frame.

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3/7/13 Legs

Leg Press

105x10x1; 120x10x1; 135x10x1; 150x10x1 (First time at 150lbs. 105 is history. Tried to do 165 and couldn't even move. Dylan and I laughed so hard)

Leg curls

40x10x1; 50x10x1; 60x8x1

Kick backs

30x10x1; 40x10x1; 50x10x1 (up in weight next time)

Back extensions


Prowler 90x2 (approx 44yds each time)

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3/9/13 Push

Incline DB Press (something new)

10x12x1; 15x9x1; 15x12x2

DB Shoulder Press

10x12x1; 15x12x2

DB Side Raise


Tricep extensions (my triceps are very weak and I will be incorporating lifts to strengthen them)

30x15x2; 40x15x2

"Ran" a few laps in the pool

Ended with a hot tub and sauna. My kind of workout!

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3/12 Pull:

DB Rows:

15x12x1, 25x12x1, 35x10x1,35x15x1

Pull Downs:

55x12x1, 65x12x1, 75x9x1

Face Pulls:



65x20x3 (not good form. going to drop weight a little)

3/14/12 Legs:

Leg Press

120x10x1, 135x10x1, 150x10x1

Body Weight Box Squats: body weightx20x5

Leg Curls (sitting):

40x10x1, 50x10x1, 60x10x1, 70x10x1

Kick Backs:

40x10x1, 50x10x1, 60x10x1 (went up in weight 10 lbs)

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3/16 Push:

Incline DB Press:

10x12x1; 15x12x1; 20x10x1 PR

DB Shoulder Press:

10x12x1; 15x12x2

DB Side Raise:

10x10x2; 10x15x1 PR

Close Grip Bench Press (1st time):

30x10x1; 45x10x2

3/17 Pull

DB Rows:

20x12x1; 30x10x1; 40x10x1 PR; 25X20X1

Pull Downs:

55x12x1; 65x12x1; 75x10x10 PR

Face Pulls:


Bicep curls:


3/20 Legs:

Body Squats

Body wtx20x5

Leg Press

135x10x3 (not machine/free weights)

Leg Curls (sitting)

60x10x1; 70x10x2 PR


50x10x1; 60x10x2

3/22 Push

Incline DB Press

10x12x1; 15x12x1; 20x10x1

DB Shoulder Press

10x12x1; 15x12x2

DB Side Raise

10x12x2; 10x15x1

Close Grip Bench Press



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Morning Matt. Yes the body squats feel fine. My left foot raises up slightly when I sit, but otherwise I'm good. I had been doing 5 sets of 20, but I get so sick of doing them that this week I did 2 sets of 20 and 2 sets of 30 just to get them done. I had to really push on the last 10, but I did it. Any suggestions?

3/25 Pull:

DB Rows: 20x10x1; 30x10x1; 40x10x1; 25x25x1

Pull Downs: 55x12x1; 65x12x1; 75x12x1 (first time I've been able to do 12 reps @ 75lbs)

Face Pulls: 50x20x4; 60x20x1

Bicep curls: 10x12x3

3/29: Legs

Body squats: body wt x 20 x 2; bw x 30 x 2

Leg Press: 135x10x1; 155x10x1; 175x10x1

Leg Curls: 60x10x1; 70x10x1; 80x10x1 PR (these are sitting, using both legs. I'm going to move to doing one leg at a time as that is harder and my left leg is weaker)


60x10x2; 70x10x1 PR

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  • 2 weeks later...

4/3: Push

Incline DB Press: 10x12x1; 15x12x1; 20x10x1; 20x12x1 PR

DB Shoulder Press: 15x12x2; 15x14x1PR

DB Shoulder Raise: 10x12x3

Close Grip Bench Press: 45x8x1 (did not go well)

Push Downs: 40x12x1; 50x10x2

4/4: Cardio

Treadmill; Prowler

4/8: Pull

DBR: 10x12x1; 25x12x1; 40x12x2PR

Pulldowns: 60x12x1; 70x12x1; 80x10x1PR

FP: 50x20x3; 60x20x2PR

Bicep Curls: 15x12x2; 15x25x1PR

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4/11 Legs:

Body squats: BWx15x1; 10x15x1; 25x15x2 PR

Leg Press: 135x12x1; 185x10x2 PR

Leg Curls: (one leg) 10x12x3

Back Extensions: 10x15x3

4/15 Pull (I messed up. This was supposed to be a push day)

DB Row: 25x12x1; 35x10x1; 45x10x2 PR

Pull Downs: 60x12x1; 70x12x1; 80x5x1

Face Pulls: 50x20x2; 60x20x3

Bicep Curls: 15x12x3

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4/17 Push:

Incline DB Press: 10x12x1; 15x12x1; 25x6x1PR; 20x12x1

DB Shoulder Press: 15x12x3

DB Side Raise: 10x12x2; 12x17x1PR

Laying (flat) DB Extensions: (new) 5x12x1; 10x10x1; 10x6x1

Tricep Extensions: 40x12x1; 50x12x1; 60x8x1PR

4/19 Legs:

Body Squats: BWx20x1; 25x20x2; 25x15x2

Leg Press: 135x12x1; 185x10x1; 185x15x1

Leg Curls: (kneeling, one leg): 10x12x3

Kickbacks: 60x12x1; 50x8x1

Sidebends: 35x12x3PR

4/22 Pull:

DB Rows: 20x12x1; 30x10x1; 50x8x1; 50x5x1PR

Pulldowns: 60x12x1; 70x10x1; 80x6x1 (higher wt on rows is affecting pulldowns)

Facepulls: 60x20x5PR

Bicep Curls: 15x12x3

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  • 2 weeks later...

4/24: Cardio

Dylan and I have been traveling a lot and he is much more disciplined than I am. Missed 8 days at the gym and it showed.

5/2 Push:

Incline DB Press:

15x12x1; 20x12x2

DB Shoulder Press:


DB Side Raises:


Laying DB Extensions:

5x12x2; 5x20x1

40x20x2; 40x15x1

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5/6 Pull:

DB Rows:

15x12x1; 25x12x1; 35x12x1; 50x10x1 PR

Pull Downs:

60x12x1; 70x12x1; 80x8x1

Face Pulls:

60x16x3; 50x15x3

Bicep Curls:

15x12x2; 15x15x1

Cardio ropes

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5/8 Legs:

Body Squats: bwx10x1; 25x12x3

Leg Press: 135x12x1; 225x10x2PR

Kneeling Leg Curls: 10x10x3

Side Bends: 35x12x2

5/11 Push:

Incline DB Press: 15x12x1; 20x10x2

DB Shoulder Press: 15x12x3

Laying DB Extensions: 5x20x3

Upright Row: 20x10x1; 35x8x1; 25x12x1 (new)

prowler x 2

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5/13 Pull:

DB Row: 10x12x1; 20x12x1; 30x12x1; 40x20x1PR

Pulldowns: (different bar) 60x12x1; 70x10x1; 80x5x1

Face pulls: 50x20x3

Bicep Curls: 10x12x3

5/15: 2 1/2 mile walk

5/16 Legs:

Body Squats: BW x 12x1; 25x12x3

Leg Press: 135x12x1; 185x12x1; 225x12x1PR

Leg Curls: (kneeling) 10x12x3

Back Extentions: BW x 15 x1; 10x15x2

5/19 Push:

Incline DB Press: 15x12x1; 20x10x2

DB Shoulder Press: 15x12x3

Laying DB Extensions: 5x20x3; 10x20x1PR

Upright Row: 25x10x1; 30x8x1; 30x12x1PR

Eliptical: 11min @ level 4

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5/21 Pull:

DB Row: 10x10x1; 25x12x1; 35x10x1; 50x11x1PR

Pulldowns: (v-bar) 60x10x1; 70x10x1; 80x5x1 this bar is a struggle for me

Facepulls: 50x20x2; 60x15x2

Bicep Curls: 12x15x2 PR; 15x12x1


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5/23 Legs:

Body Squats: BWx15x1; 25x15x2

Leg Press: 145x12x1; 195x12x1; 235x12x1PR

Good Mornings: 25x8x1; 35x8x2PR

Side Bends: 35x12x3

5/25 Push: (I did today at home, so some exercises/wts were adjusted)

Laying DB Press: 10x12x2; 10x20x1; 20x12x1

DB Shoulder Press: 10x12x1; 10x20x1; 10x25x1PR

Laying DB Extensions: 10x12x2; 10x18x1PR

Side DB Raises: 10x12x3

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