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Mobster's Wrist Roller Work


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[B]Monday PM[/B]
[U]Ironmind Rolling Thunder work[/U]
set up + 25-kilos/55lbs x 8 reps @, +75-kilos/165lbs x 3 reps @, +125-kilos/275lbs x 3 reps @, +150-kilos/330lbs x 3 x 1 reps @

I just needed to warm up and dry my skin and get the pace right  on the heavy set. 

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[U]Two Hand Pinch[/U]
Crap session last week so as I long as I bettered that it was all good
set up (27.7kg) x 8 reps, 57.7kg x 6 reps, 87.7kg x 2 reps, 97.7kg x 1 reps, 100.2kg x 1, 101.45kg x 1, 102.65kg x 1 reps, 103.9kg/228.58lbs x 4 x 1 reps (nearly fell over on the 3rd and 4th was a touch and go rep)

Bwt: 313.7lbs

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@ Powerhouse. Poor on bench. Missed a call from the docs on the shoulder too. Pushed 2 lads in the gym (deadlifts for one and legs for the other).

[U]Close Grip Bench Press[/U]
to 140kg x bombed

to 133.6kg x 6 reps then thumb over for 173.6kg x 6 reps 

Bwt: 314lbs

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Spoke to doc late on Friday - I'll be using more anti-inflammatories for a few weeks and will review.

[U]Power Squat Machine[/U]
Set depth as per last couple of sessions
200kg x 8 reps, 300kg x 8 reps, 400kg x 8 reps

[U]Leg Press[/U]
205kg x 8 reps, 405kg x 8 reps, 610kg x 8 reps

[U]Lying Leg Curls[/U]
4p x 8 reps, 7p x 8 reps, 10p+2.5kg x 5 ugly reps

[U]Leg Extensions[/U]
1/2 stack x 8 reps, 3/4 stack x 8 reps, stack+18.75kg x 4 reps
Bwt: 315.9lbs

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15 hours ago, Allen Heineck said:

I've done the shoulder surgery thing twice now;  I hope you dodge that bullet.


Nice pump from this workout. Looked up the British record for the 'Horn' lift. It's only 68+kg pfft

[U]Front Lateral Raise[/U]
to 23.5lbs x 11 reps

[U]Hammer Dumbbell Curl[/U]
to 94lbs x 8 reps

[U][U]Skull Crushers[/U][/U]
Faff getting into cos of moody right shoulder
to an easy 39kg x 12 reps (will go up quick).
I plan on alternating this with kickbacks

[U]Horn Lift[/U]
to set up +50kg x 3 reps LH and 60kg x 3 reps RH

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Dunno what is going on. My left hand is sore around the knuckles and, like the week before last, my Pinch was off. Slight edema and stomach bloat (blame my hard leg session on Monday). Do I, with only until June 4th to go, alternate the pinch only going to 97.7 and do doubles one week and 103.9 the next?? What grip lift has strained the left hand?

[U]Two Hand Pinch[/U]
to 97.7-kilos x 1 rep, 103.95 x 2 x fail

Knocked that on the head. Peed off.

[U]Hub Work[/U]
Set up x 2 reps EW, +10 (12.5kg) x 3 EW, +11.25 (13.75kg) x 3 EW, 
+12.5 (15kg) LH 1 x OH and 2 x WA
+12.5 (15kg) RH 2 EW
+15 (17.5kg) x 3 RP reps

Bwt: 317lbs+

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Another c**p day at the gym. Grr

[U]Iso Lever Bench Press[/U]
Doing this in lieu of bench until the shoulder heals
to 50-kilos a side x 8 reps (easy power wise but a little pain)

[U]Iso Lever Low Row[/U]
to 125-kilos x 6 reps (really pulled on my injured side)

[U]Rolling Thunder[/U]
No where near the in house efforts Grr

Bwt: 317lbs

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4 weeks to #gripfest
[U]Power Squat Machine[/U]
to 410-kilos x 6 reps

[U]Leg Press[/U]
to 620-kilos x 6 reps

[U]Lying Leg Curls[/U]
to 10p+2.5-kilos x 5 reps (better than last weeks)

[U]Leg Extensions[/U]
to stack+18.75-kilos x 5 reps

[U]Stub Work[/U]
to +11.25-kilos (13.75-kilos) x a few sets

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[U]Incline Press [/U]
with light bar (hollow... 5-10lbs?) for high reps for shoulder range of movement. 
45-degree bench x 50 reps, 60-degree x 50 reps

[U]Side Lateral Raise[/U]
bar x 12 reps, 10lbs x 12 reps, 18.5lbs x 12 reps, 21lbs x 10 reps a side

[U][U]Hammer Dumbbell Curls[/U][/U]
18.5lbs x 12 reps, 47lbs x 12 reps, 94lbs x 9 reps (easy)

[U]Tricep Kickbacks / TPD[/U]
18.5lbs x 12 reps, 29lbs x 12 reps, 47lbs (been doing 44lbs for weeks as it was a 8.8lbs added and NOT a 4lbs plate...tsk) x 8/9
+8p x 16 reps

[U]Inch / 78kg Strength Shop Circus Dumbbell Lifts[/U]
Picked it (all with a tilt for now) onto a chair
3 x 1 reps then did 2 reps - easy

Nice over all arm pump

Bwt: 316.6lbs

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In lieu of Thursday. Focus b*tch!! #gripfest
[U]Two Hand Pinch[/U]
Took a step back to take a step forward
to 97.7-kilos x 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 and 3 reps 

Right forearm 16-inch plus and 20-inch plus

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@ Powerhouse. I took a 500mg Naproxen before for the shoulder. Once it kicked in that helped a lot
[U]Iso Machine Bench Press[/U]
to 55kg/121lbs a side x 8 reps
[U]Lat Pulldowns[/U]
to stack x 12 reps

[U]DH 'Horn' Lift[/U]
UK record is 68kg...  
LH: 57.5kg x 3 r/p reps
RH: 71.25kg x 3 r/p reps

Bwt: 318lb 

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[U]Iso Bench Press[/U]
Trained this with P and I
to 55-kilos a side x 8 reps

[U]Lat Pulldowns [/U]
to stack x 8 reps (leaned back to take stress off shoulder)

[U]'Horn' work[/U]
*UK record is 68kg
Weight does not inc set up (2.5kg). Worked to 
LH: 55kg x 3 r/p reps
RH: *71.25-kilos x 3 r/p reps

[U]Penny Pinch work[/U]
to +15-kilos (about 16.6kg) x 4 x 1 reps each hand
Played around with the squat for the first time in weeks (that shoulder issue kicks in big time on Hatfields)
[U]SSB Hatfield Squats[/U]
tested this so...
worked to an easy 260-kilos x 1 rep and decided to give 300-kilos a miss

[U]Leg Press[/U]
to 620-kilos+ (used a wheel so... 622??) x 8 reps

[U]Lying Leg Curls[/U]
to 10p +2.5-kilos x 3 piss poor reps (meant to be 6... squats probably knackered the hamstrings)

[U]Leg Extensions[/U]
to stack +18.75-kilos x 6 reps

Bwt: 318lbs 

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[B]Tuesday am[/B]
PM will be grip - poss with Shay
[U]Press with bar[/U]
working on that frozen shoulder range of movement
45' x 40 reps, 60' x 40 reps, 80' x 10 reps (that was hard due to shoulder)

[U]Front Lateral Raise[/U]
to 21lbs x 10 reps

[U]Hammer Dumbbell Curls[/U]
to 94lbs x 10 reps (loads more there)

[U]Skull Crushers + TPD[/U]
to 49kg x 8 reps (usual faff to get it in position) + 8p x 16 reps

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Another PM session with Shay later

[U]Two Hand Pinch[/U]
to 98.95-kilos x 1/2 rep then 6 x 1 solid reps

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PM session (Shay was at a meeting)
[U]One Hand Wide Pinch[/U]
An event at the June competition
I made a set up to about 100mm (approx 4-inches). I had to mix weights around.
LH: to 25kg x 3 reps
RH: to 33.75kg x 1 rep 

Set up adds 2kg. Top weight was about 77lbs

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[B]Friday am[/B]
[U]Iso Bench Press[/U]
to 57.5kg @ side x 8 reps
[U]Mid Iso Row[/U]
to 110kg x 8 reps (heavy on my left side only as it pulled on the shoulder joint on my right side)
TL to 153.6kg x 6 reps TO to 173.6kg x 2 reps

Bwt: 321lbs 

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[B]Friday am[/B]
[U]Iso Bench Press[/U]
to 57.5kg @ side x 8 reps

[U]Mid Iso Row[/U]
to 110kg x 8 reps (heavy on my left side only as it pulled on the shoulder joint on my right side)

TL to 153.6kg x 6 reps TO to 173.6kg x 2 reps

Bwt: 321lbs

[B]Friday pm [/B]
[U]Penny Pinch[/U]
to set up + 15.5kg x almost...

Hand shot from the thick bar deadlifts

[U]Fence Post work[/U]
to 100kg x 3 x 1 reps @

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[U]Lever Squat[/U]
to 200kg (added the support belt here) then 260kg x 4 reps (power belt here)

[U]Iso Lever Leg Press[/U]
to 155kg x 4 reps @

[U]Lying Leg Curls[/U]
to 10p+2.5kg x 5 reps (did these forced style by pulling on the cable in the positive part and let it go for the negative)

[U]Leg Extension[/U]
to stack+18.75kg x 7 reps

Bwt: just under 322lbs

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[B]Monday PM[/B]
Brief PM workout - no Shay (away??)
[U]Reverse Wrist Curl - Dumbbell[/U]
Gotta make the forearms look hench for the June 4th event lol. First time in years on these so started light
10lbs x 20 reps, 18.5lbs x 20 reps, 21lbs x 20 reps

[U]Inch Dumbbell work[/U]
I still need to work on less of a tilt. The event will be the 53kg Dumbbell sans tilt. I'm using the longer handled Strength Shop 78kg Circus Dumbbell
5 x 1 reps @

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Took no pills for shoulder last night and only 1 (250mg) this morning
[U]Press with light bar for shoulder range of movement. [/U]
40' x 40 reps, 60' x 40 reps, 80' x 20 reps

[U]Side Lateral Raises[/U]
bars x 12 reps, 10lbs x 12 reps, 18.5lbs x 12 reps, 21lbs x 12 reps

[U]Hammer Dumbbell Curls[/U]
18.5lbs x 12 reps, 47lbs x 12 reps, 100lbs x 11 reps @

[U]Tricep Kickbacks + TPD[/U]
18.5lbs x 12 reps, 29lbs x 12 reps, 47lbs x 12 reps +8p x 16 reps

Bwt: 322lbs  

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[B]Tuesday PM[/B]
[U]Stub Work[/U]
The David Horne 'Stub'*
Set up (implement, nail and loading pin = 2.4kg) + 5kg x 3 reps @, +7.5kg x 3 reps @, +10kg x 3 reps then +13kg (15.4kg/33.8lbs total) 
[U]Hub Work[/U]
The David Horne 'Hub'*
Set up (implement, nail and loading pin = 2.5kg) + 10kg x 3 reps @, +12.5kg x 3 reps @,
LH: +15kg x 2 x 1 reps, +15.5kg x 2 x fail
RH: +15kg x 2 x 1 then +15.5kg (18kg/39.6lbs)
*both, or very similar, are part of the medley event in the June 4th competition

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[B]Thursday am[/B]
[U]Two Hand Pinch[/U]
to 98.95-kilos x 7 x 1 reps (last one was rock fkin solid)

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[B]Friday am [/B]
Poss pm workout

[U]Iso Bench Press[/U]
to 60kg x 8 reps

[U]Low Cable Row[/U]
to stack x 20 reps

[U]Penny Pinch[/U]
to set up + 17.5kg x 2 x 1 reps (1 solid, one less so)

Bwt: 23st/322lbs/146kg

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