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    • DoctorOfCrush
      Workout 6/16/24: A. Grippers:      Right:            A. Tetting Grand Master (150), Choked at 21mm: 1 make, 2 misses           B. GHP 6 (126), MMS: 5, 5, 5           IM 2.5 (121), MMS: 5           GG4 (115), MMS: 8      Left:           A. Standard Iron (136), Choked at 19mm: 2 makes, 1 miss           B. GHP 5 (112), MMS: 3, 3, 3           Standard Cu (106), MMS: 6           IM 2 (101), MMS: 9 B1. Bench Press; 92.5kg x3 | 95x3 | 100x3 B2. Overhead Press: 65kg x3 | 68x3 | 72x5  A. Daisy Chain Wrist Curls, Cable Machine:  7.5kg x 4 sets of 20 B. Reverse Formulator: 6kg x 4 sets of 15 stretching Grippers were not quite 100% today. Not sure why. But it wasn't terrible overall. I still got some reps in and did some lighter sets to finish. For next week, I think I'll keep choked reps where they are (or even go back to last week) while I bump reps down to heavier triples leading into heavy singles the following week.  Benching felt fine, but OHP felt way better than usual. I moved my grip in after seeing some videos about using a narrower grip, and it felt like it made a huge difference. I was only supposed to do 3 reps on the top set, but I went for 5 since it felt good. It was definitely not a 5RM grinder set. I feel like I could've done even more.   
    • Eric Roussin
      He’s not shooting for first overall, but he does think he could possibly crack the top ten overall in King Kong, which would be super impressive.
    • David_wigren
      Managed to put a wobble on the DF #3 25x10 (The Bergmann/Ivan shoe). I’ve been using it as an iso shoe and to my surprise it suddenly started to move.    Ribs have gotten a bit tender. I overexerted myself a few weeks back. Felt like my ribs were legitimately close to breaking while trying to crush a shoe. Probably have a few micro fractures and/or connective tissue damage and/or inflammation. It’s affecting my crushdown. I finished two SSP #3 22x8 today. Relatively easy shoes. But they still hurt quite alot to crush. It’s all part of the game though. Horseshoe bending is hard, and you have to manage pain and stress as your body adapts to it. It’s a slow, tedious and painful process. Nothing of worth ever comes for free!
    • Aroostook Barbell
      https://ironpodium.com/browse/event/stronghold-3     Hey all. The deadline to register for the contest (in order to get a personalized shirt) is July 1rst. The printer needs time to do the job.       Food, drinks, (usable) swag bags, trophies from Arm Assasin Strength Shop, personalized competitor shirts, and group dinner after. Please help me to make this another amazing contest!  Thanks everyone! 
    • featsofalex
      Maybe I’ll plan to just do weekly updates each weekend and then I won’t be late when I wait until the weekend😂 Monday - Heavy Bending Day I had my first stumble in the SteelBendRussia Secha 2024 (cordura singles) contest and failed the 225kg bar right at the kink. This is a massive cordura bend and at the time would’ve put me into first place but my bend was dead on arrival. My cordura kink is the weakest part of my cordura bend so I do think if I can get it kinked I can get through the bend even if 1 minute will be tight😬 And as it goes, I promptly felt the consequences of my failure as Sergey K successfully bent this bar (with 2 seconds to spare!) only days later to move into first place and drop me to third. There’s 9 days left in the contest and probably 2 contest bending days for me, so I’ll have my rematch with this bar and hope to conquer it!!! I then finished the 225k in doubles and decided that bending a 6.5” square would make me feel better, but it was fairly off center and got stuck with a little under an inch to go. This one was from Midwest Steel, and a month ago I failed one from FBBC with half an inch to go so at some point I need to get the best of this bend before it becomes my nemesis!!! 0 for 2 what a day haha, but never fear, I had a 3/8”x6” brass hex from @Austin Seitter calling my name and I knew I wouldn’t let him down! I’ve done brass hex at 7” before but never shorter but still wasn’t too worried, and my unjustified confidence paid off and I got it bent in a little under a minute to save the day!!! Finished up with a Cx7” drill rod barehand attempt but failed to get a nice kink so threw on 1/3 imps for the kink and then finished it barehand. Cx7” was rated many years ago at 210 but I was convinced this was harder only to have the rating come back by @devinhooa couple days later as only 220. I guess I can’t keep pretending it’s actually really hard and instead need to work on that barehand kink😂😭😂 Tuesday - Horseshoes and Push Day I’m in a nice rhythm on my Tuesdays Horseshoes in the morning and the Push in the afternoon with Feet up Bend as the main lift, single are dumbbell bend as the secondary lift and then tricep accessories and this was more of the same. Had trouble kinking a Meister D7 (what’s with my kinks this week😤😤😤) but did a good job finishing easier shoes with thigh crush! Wednesday - Pull Day Likewise I’m in a nice rhythm of rows with my multi grip camber bar as my primary pulling movement. From there I did various deadlifts and rows with 2-3/8” handle dumbbells to get some thick bar in since I planned to skip grip on Friday to be more prepared for the rematch on the 225kg bar! Highlight was getting 5 reps without reset on a 140 pound shot loaded Barker Bell with 2-3/8” rolling handle (right hand only for that 😅)! Thursday - Volume Bending Decided to stick to only the SBR cordura singles as long as my skin held so that I could work on a new kinking style with them. Plan was 4 easy drill rods and 10 red nails and I bend 4 easy drill rods and 10 red nails 🎉🎉🎉 got some good practice in and set a cordura volume pr as well!!! Friday - Squats and Grip Just stuck to “exercise squats” with a light kb and then hit a set of 30 on the reverse hyper, skipped grip and called it for the week with the hopes of being primed for a mega contest bend on Monday!!! Fingers crossed!
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