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Question For The Benders

Bill Piche

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I guess it depends on your definition of "world class". At the moment, it is considered world class due to the fact that only about a dozen people have done it. I think it would be better described as a "temporary world class" feat. Especially with a place like the gripboard to continually raise the bar!

On the other hand, I feel uncomfortable calling it a world class feat when there are guys that are bending sub 6" reds. Anyone remember Tom Black's definition of world class? Maybe a percentage of the top short bar bend.

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I guess it depends on your definition of "world class".

As someone new to the world of grip, what IS the definition of world class? I have my own definition, but I am curious what others think.

To me, a feat is world class only if a very small number of people in the sport can achieve it. "Very small" is subjective, and everyone has their own interpretation which causes some of the controversy. However, as a group, we recognize these feats in several different ways.

One way is through certifications. Anyone who is able to do so, can certify through IM as being able to close a #3 or #4 gripper. I have seen several people say that bending a red nail is on par with closing a #3, but not a #4. However, since closing a #3 will earn you the title of "Captain of Crush", I believe it is still required to provide video proof before you can claim it publicly on this board. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Now, using that logic, why would we require video proof for one IM certifiable feat (closing the #3 gripper), but not for another one (bending a red nail)?

Having said all that, let me also say that I too have no doubt that our latest red nail benders are authentic. They are both incredibly strong dudes, and their integrity is above reproach.

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If I remember correctly, Tom Black said that 75% of the world best is considered (by him) to be "world class." This might be hard to measure with lengths of Red Nails. Does Terminator have the world best bend of the Red currently (6"?)? I still believe the Red is world class, regardless if 100+ people eventually achieve it.

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Come on guys Tom Black's definition of world class is only interesting when the number of people involved in a sport is big enough.

I tell you : every feat of strength i could possibly perform within a few years of training isn't world class, and yes i am that weak :cry

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It is a little difficult to talk in terms of world class, when it is something highly specialized, and very few people do it. Better perhaps wold be to say, that it is very highly respected, and one of the ultimate goals of those who participate.

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i say lock it down. if it wasn't world class then every SINGLE individual on this forum would be able to bend one.

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Bending the red is not a world class feat. In a couple of months of serious bending I can now do cut reds, which don't seem to be an all out max effort. I had to work much harder to shut the #3. World class = sub 10 sec 100 meters or perfect 10's in gymnastics. You won't find anyone doing these without years of training. Guys, myself included, are u'ing reds simply with differant hand placement.

Just because something isn't world class doesn't mean everyone else can do it. For everyone here to do something it would heave to be sub-average, because there are many beginners.

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I think Jeff is right. Sure it's a feat, but it's not a world class feat. Once upon a time we thought it was, but once upon a time the #3 was a world class feat. My honest opinion is that the Red and the #3 are roughly equal, and that the claims should be treated the same, however we do that now when someone says "I closed the #3." How do we handle that?

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