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Video: Bfgs I - 1st Cut - Smitty Blue Nail


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OK!! there it goes.I like the way he slams the nail down to the ground after he defeats it!!A true warrior :angry:

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Heres the comical part:

Smitty called for a yellow to be cut to 6 inches :happy and then proceeded to bend it.

Being a fair but strict judge, I told him it would not count as a bend of a blue-when, in fact, it was a blue nail as the blue is the same as the yellow-only 6 inches instead of 7.

Being a champion-Smitty did not whine, complain, or quit. He called for a blue nail and proceeded to bend it as well.

In reality Smitty bent 2-blue nails, not one.

Rick Walker :rock

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Woah!!!! I didn't realize you ended up bending two blues Smitty :bow

Thanks for the tips on changing my style for bending Jim, just not reliable enough the way I usually bend.


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Thanks for everything guys, in fact it was you guys who inspired me!!!!

I have never met a bunch of strangers, who became so close,so fast!!!

Can't wait to see you guys again and set some new PR's!

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actually I recall now we also had at least one guy who bent a blue (easily, too) at the french grip comp. He had done little to no bending before that (Amaury could confirm). He also kinked a much harder nail. A very talented guy (he came second). But (as often) he is lazy and not training grip, from what I know....


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Smitty is now a bending addict. He bent several nails his first trip back to the gym, and once he did two at the same time.

He's got momentum now, bruthas.


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At the end of the video, it says show me a guy who can bend the Blue Nail the first time out. Have you all heard of Heath Sexton? He did it at the AOBS dinner in about 6 seconds, while he was sitting down, and his arms did not touch any part of his body, like his knees, etc.. There you go, you asked, and you received.

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his [Heath's]arms did not touch any part of his body, like his knees, etc.

Are you trying to say that Smitty's arms touched his knees or something? Because they didn't. I was standing right there watching, as well as what...6 other gripboard members, including the official judge, Rick.

Totally legal bend. Good job, Smitty.

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This was not meant to be a knock on Smitty's bend-it was gutsy for sure, but now that you read into my comment, here is my opinion. I watched the video, and I saw many guys standing there at the beginning of the bend, and as Smitty was bending, a few guys walked off. When he went into a squat position a couple of times, it looked to me from the angle it was taped that his elbows made contact with his knees or thighs. Not a brace but some contact, but I would have disqualified it, as no part of the arms should make any contact with the body below the waist. You would be surprised at how much more you can bend when your hand, forearm, or elbow even slightly touches your leg. I am still a newbie at bending, but I have done some experimenting with this. A very good job from somebody who has never bent before.

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I just watched the video again and it does not appear to me that my elbow touched my leg, it looks like it moves between my legs, BUT my adrenaline was pumping and I wouldn't have noticed. Either way, it was the first time I was bending and I need to work on my technique. I appreciate EVERYONE's opinions and praise.

Thanks again.

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I saw many guys standing there at the beginning of the bend, and as Smitty was bending, a few guys walked off.
That wasn't because the bend was disqualified. They were probably restless. They probably wanted to get the heck back up on the platform and go at it since the competition was so close.
When he went into a squat position a couple of times, it looked to me from the angle it was taped that his elbows made contact with his knees or thighs.

It seems clear to me that he did not.

I would have disqualified it
Disqualification for contact???? Are you for real??? I am a novice competitor at grip strength but I think that is absurd to disqualify an attempt for mere contact. My gosh, you have 2 minutes to complete the event. You can't disqualify an attempt for one millisecond of the movement.
You would be surprised at how much more you can bend when your hand, forearm, or elbow even slightly touches your leg.

If his arm touched anything, there might have been some gliding along his shorts. You aren't gonna get any brace support from that. No way.

A very good job from somebody who has never bent before.

Thank you. I am sure Smitty appreciates that at least.

Good bend, Jim. Totally legal in my eyes, and I was standing right there watching it along with Rick W.

Edited by Jedd Johnson
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All I have to go on is what I saw on the video, and it was not taken from the best angle. Did I say that the bend was disqualified? I just stated that I would have DQ'd it from what I saw on the video. I am not here to argue. Since I was not there, I can't really judge, so I'll just end this right here. I am an old man, and my energy is best used elsewhere. Keep training hard, and good luck.

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Disqualification for contact???? Are you for real??? I am a novice competitor at grip strength but I think that is absurd to disqualify an attempt for mere contact. My gosh, you have 2 minutes to complete the event. You can't disqualify an attempt for one millisecond of the movement.

Dude, are you for real? These constructive comments are from someone who knows a thing or two about bending. He was complimentary of Smitty, it was a heck of a bend.

If you've bent enough shit, you know that even a momentary brush on a leverage point can make the difference between a bent piece of metal, and a straight piece of metal.

As for the millisecond rule you are proposing, is it OK for Pudzianowski to use a forklift for a millisecond out of his two minutes in the WSM?

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