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Franks basement/garage grip journey


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Just starting this log. Have been terrible with logging things in the past. I posted in the new member thread more about me. 

Current Grip PRs as of now in pounds: 

315 2" (1.9) axle, 190 3" axle, 290 fatgripz dl, 245 fatgripz extreme dl, 50 Ironmind hub, 80 Arm Assassin 2 3/8 wrist wrench (72 left handed).

Trying to up the reps and see how that works out, have always trained in low rep ranges. 


Sat 2/23/19 

2" axle - 3x7 @ 200, 220, 230 and 1x10 @ 200 

Thumbless wrist wrench - 3x7 @ 42 (first time doing this thumbless, did not enjoy) 

Thumbless reverse curl with fatgripz - 3x7 @ 55

triceps band pushdowns - 5x20

3 sets each pronation/supination - webbing with plate 3x25+

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Tue 2/26/19

Warmup: sometimes I tend to do a lot to warmup. I like to keep my shoulders healthy. I like to get a good pump and warm up my elbows before training. 

3 hangs from rings, 3x10 band shoulder dislocates, 3x20 band triceps pushdowns, 3x15 concentration curls each arm with 20lb dumbbell, 5 singles prying goblet squats with 40kg kettlebell (long pause at bottom) 

Barbell finger curls - 185x7, 205x5, 235 x5

Ulnar deviation - 3x15 standing with loading pin and plates 

Radial deviation - 3x20 seated with webbing and plate 

Hub - 41.5x5, 44x3x2 (this was so hard today, I have no idea why) 

2" axle - 200x5, 220x5, 240x5, 260x3, 200x10

Plate hammer curls - 3x10 with 25 plate 

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Warmup: 3 single prying goblet squats (40kg), 3x10 band shoulder dislocates, 3 kettlebell armbars each side (24kg)


Kneeling Viking press: 5x3 115# + 2 green bands (not counting handle and barbell weight) 

Wrist wrench: 4x5 @ 52.2, 57.2, 62.2, 67.2

was going to do 5x5 but felt really good and went for a PR. Got it 74.7 left, 82.2 right  x 1.

3” axle: 3x3 @ 135, 140, 145 (stupid, wish I made bigger jumps, was going to do 5 sets but hands were roasted by set 3)

Oly bar curls with fatgripz: 5x3 @ 95

Pronation: 3x25 with 25# plate and webbing

Wrist curls: 3x15 2 hand with 25# plate



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1 arm row: 3x10 with 40kg kettlebell 

1 arm wrist wrench row: 5x5 with 24kg kettlebell 

Zercher full cycle: 8 singles - 155, 175, 3 @ 205, 3 @ 225.

Fatgripz original deadlift: 4 singles - 225, 245, 265, 275 

Lots of radial/ulnar deviation and supination/pronation. 

I need to get back to doing rows, zercher stuff and fatgripz deadlifts. Haven't done any of that stuff in a while. Whenever I do Zercher stuff after not doing it for a while I ask myself why I ever stopped. 

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Barbell doh holds: ~5 sec - 295, 345, 375 

2" axle dl: 200x5, 220x3, 240x3 

Wrist wrench: some singles and a right hand PR of 84.8 

Went easy today so I can train tomorrow. Usually don't train 2 days in a row, just had a random desire to go for a WW PR. 


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Fatgripz oly bar curls: 65x5, 75x5, 85x5, 65x10

3" bar seated overhead press: 5x3 @ 95, 115, 135, 145, 155

1 arm front dl: with straps 5 singles @ 185, 225, 245, 265, 285 (PR I think) 

Fatgripz extreme dl: 3 singles @ 185, 225 & failed to lockout 245 (would have been a PR) 

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Last night 

Bb doh holds: 5x~10 seconds - 225, 275, 325, 345, 375

Fatgripz db hammer curls: 3x10 @ 35#

Wrist wrench curls3x10 @ 32.2#

IM hub: 41.7x3, 46.7x3, 51.7x1, 56.7x1, 59.2x1 (10# PR with both hands).

2" axle dl: 200x5, 250x5, 270x3 

Fatgripz dl: 225x5 

Lots of pronation/supination/deviation 

I chalked the hell out of the Ironmind hub tonight. Couldn't believe how much better it felt. Was ecstatic with a 10# PR. 

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Did Ziggy do some grip stuff with you? 😉

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1 hour ago, temmmeeee said:

Did Ziggy do some grip stuff with you? 😉

Nah, he's too busy boosting Mercedes in his $3000 Italian leather jacket 

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2" axle Pendlay row: 135x7, 155x5, 175x5, 200x3x2 

Fatgripz dl: 225x3, 245x3, 265x1, 275x1, 280x1 

3" axle seated press: 95x3, 115x3, 145x3, 145x5

2" axle dl with straps: 5 singles - 310, 330, 350, 360, 370 

Plate hammer curl: 3x10 with 25# plates 

Band triceps pushdown: 3x25 with 2 green bands 

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Garbage day today. Slept terrible the past 2 nights. Only trained because my 2" Napalms Nightmare came in a few days early, thing is awesome. Great product, was really hoping to get close to 400 on it. 

2" NN: 218x5, 268x3, 312x1, 360x1, 312x3 

Fatgripz extreme dl: 185x1, 235x1 

Fatgripz thumbless reverse curls: hard even with just the bar, what a day 

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2 hours ago, FrankSobotka said:

Garbage day today. Slept terrible the past 2 nights. Only trained because my 2" Napalms Nightmare came in a few days early, thing is awesome. Great product, was really hoping to get close to 400 on it. 

2" NN: 218x5, 268x3, 312x1, 360x1, 312x3 

Fatgripz extreme dl: 185x1, 235x1 

Fatgripz thumbless reverse curls: hard even with just the bar, what a day 

360 is great for first try.  It takes a little getting used to.  400 this year!

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So like the true idiot/warrior I am, I went back for more a few hours later. Figured I might as well just get some volume in. So I did: 

2" NN: 182x7, 207x7, 252x5, 277x5, 287x5, 297x5, 307x5, 252x10 

Standing single arm barbell curl: 7x3 with 45# bar 

Band triceps pushdown: 5x25 with 2 green bands 

Had to get that St Pattys day arm pump on 


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Last night 

2” Napalms Nightmare: 222x7, 247x7, 292x5, 317x3, 327x3, 342x3, 352x3 

IM hub: 46x5, 52x1 

Standing single arm barbell curl: 3x5 with 45# bar 

Really liking this NN, so glad I bought it. Need to get more handles for it. Happy with 352x3 as I could only get 360x1 on Saturday. 

Wanted to do a lot more IM hub but my fingers were roasted, could barely hang on. 

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I like doing single arm barbell curls, too 💪 

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17 minutes ago, Kluv#0 said:

I like doing single arm barbell curls, too 💪 

I just saw the empty barbell on the ground and remembered seeing Joe Defranco post on Instagram about them so I figured I’d give it a go. 

Probably going to work up to 3x10 and then start adding weight 

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Last night

Doh bb holds: ~5 secs - 245, 295, 335, 385, 435

2” NN: 247x7, 292x5, 337x2

IM hub: 41x5, 46x3, 51x3, 53.5x2, 56x1

2” axle thumbless reverse curls: 45x10, 55x7, 65x5x3 

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Suitcase dl and 10sec hold with farmers walk bar: 130, 150, 180 

Pronation curls with webbing and plate: 20#x10, 25#x10, 30#x10x3 

3" axle seated overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 145x3, 155x3x3 

2" Napalms Nightmare thumbless: 247x5, 272x5, 297x5 

Starting to train fasted in the morning before work probably 3-4 times a week. Need to get everything done in 1 hour. Will be good for me as I tend to do too much sometimes. 




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2” axle Pendlay rows: 135x7, 155x7, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5 

3” axle deadlift singles: 165, 175, 195 (5lb pr), also 3 ~10 sec holds with 155 

Some radial and ulnar deviation with sledge and loading pin, 5x10 of each 


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3 hours ago, FrankSobotka said:

2” axle Pendlay rows: 135x7, 155x7, 185x5, 185x5, 185x5 

3” axle deadlift singles: 165, 175, 195 (5lb pr), also 3 ~10 sec holds with 155 

Some radial and ulnar deviation with sledge and loading pin, 5x10 of each 


Nice work on the Pendlay rows!

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2 hours ago, Kluv#0 said:

Nice work on the Pendlay rows!

Every time I start a workout with those it ends up being a great workout. I think I should do them every session 

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Homemade one hand "tips tester": 3x3 @ 85# 

2 hand plate pinch seated curl: 3x5 with 35# plate 

1 arm barbell floor press with fatgripz (neutral grip): 75x5, 85x5, 95x3, 95x3, 95x3

2" axle thumbless reverse curls: 3x10 @45# 

My "tips tester" is just a 45# Iron Grip plate with other plates on each side of it, today it was 2 10s on each side all on a loading pin like a euro pinch. The plates have a pretty good lip on either side. 

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Had a friend come over today to train. Haven’t worked out with another person in quite a while, kinda liked it. 

Farmers carries with 2” grip, Viking press, 2”grip parallel landmine rows, reverse axle curls. Didn’t keep track of numbers. 

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Lots of shoulder mobility: hangs, band dislocates, kettlebell armbars 

2” axle curls: 45x10, 45x10, 55x10, 75x7, 75x7 

3” axle deadlift: singles @ 155, 175, 205, 205 (10 lb pr) and 175x5 

Pronation and supination 3x35 and 3x15 

Took it easy this AM, some grip stuff arriving today that I want to play with tonight. 

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Got my 2”, 2.5” & 3” trilobites in from @riccardomagni  

2.5”: 105x5, 115x3, 125x2 

Was really hoping for a bit more but I already trained this morning and it was my first time ever a with single arm rolling handle. I think I might have had more with my right but my left was weak as hell 

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