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Tendonitis Log

Fist of Fury

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So I decided to start working more with grippers again, have been focusing mostly on Rolling Thunder the last two months and now I'm really sick of it :D I started a log a few days back and I might aswell log it here so it doesn't get lost.




Rolling Thunder


L: 63.5 kg x 1 – R: 58.5 kg x 1






Right hand:


TNS/No Set


RB160 x 5


112# COC#2 x 2


115# GHP5 x 2


119# RB240N x 3




128# GHP6 1x0 (bad set and bad miss)


128# GHP6 1x0 (1 mm off)


38 mm block set


RB240 x 1


128# GHP6 x 1


20 mm block set


RB240 x 1 + 1 braced




RB240 x 1




Left hand:


20 mm block set


128# GHP6 x 2




RB240 x 1


Both hands:


TNS/No Set


L: RB160: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (50)


R: RB160: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (50)




L: LT#2: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (25)


R: 115# GHP5: 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 (25)









TNS/No Set


L: RB160: 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 (25)


R: RB160: 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 4 (25)




L: LT#2: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)


R: 115# GHP5: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)




L: LT#2: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (25)


R: 115# GHP5: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ,1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (25)




Table No Set


L: COC#1 x 27


R: COC#1 x 60




IM Expand Your Hand Bands


Green band


L: 20, 20, 20, 15, 10, 10, 5 (100)


R: 30, 30, 30, 10 (100)








No set


L: 115# GHP5: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5) - R: 115# GHP5: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)


MMS wide set


L: T-Rex (120’ish): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (15)


R: 128# GHP6: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (15)


No set


L: 115# GHP5: 1, 1, 2, 1 (5) - R: 115# GHP5: 1, 1, 3 (5)




Dynamic thumb


RBA Pinch Converter


L: 3-3 x 2x8 - R: 3-3 x 2x8




Wrist Work


Wrist Curls


5 kg Bumper plate


2x10 Left & Right


Pronation & Supination


25 mm Dumbbell


Pronation Left & Right hand:


2.75 kg 2x10


Supination Left & Right hand:


3.5 kg x 10


5 kg x 5


5.5 kg x 5


Radial & Ulnar Deviation


25 mm Dumbbell


Radial Deviation Left & Right hand:


3.5 kg x 10


5 kg x 10


6 kg x 5


Ulnar Deviation Left & Right hand:


3 kg 3x10




Bicep Curls


Strict Olympic Barbell Curls


20 kg 2x10


30 kg 3x8








L: LT#2: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. CPW #119: 1.


R: 112# COC#2: 1, 1. T-Rex (120’ish): 1, 1, 1. CPW 119#: 1. RB240: 1.




Wrist Roller


Twist Yo Wrist


5 kg x 5








Table No Set


L: RB160: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 (20)


R: RB160: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 (20)


TNS/No Set


L: LT#2: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (15)


H: 115# GHP5: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (15)


Credit Card Set


L: LT#2: 3, 3, 2, 1 (9)


R: 115# GHP5: 3, 3, 3 (12)


20 mm block set


L: CPW 97#: 5, 5 (10)


R: 115# GHP5: 5, 5 (10)


Strap Holds with 2.5 kg plate


L: CPW 97#: 3 x 5 seconds


R: COC#2: 3 x 5 seconds




IM Expand Your Hand Bands


White Band


L: 20, 20 (40)


R: 20, 20 (40)






IM Expand Your Hand Bands

White Band








IM Expand Your Hand Bands


Green Band


L: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (50)


R: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (50)




Dynamic Thumb Pinch




L: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)


R: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)




Dumbbell Deadlift 50 mm


Both Hands


35 kg x 1


55 kg x 1


60 kg 2x1




One Hand Pinch


10 kg 150 mm Circular Dumbbell


L: 1, 1, 1 (3)


R: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (6)


+ 1.25 kg


R: 1


+ 2.5 kg


L: 1


R: 1


+ 5 kg


L: 1


R: 1


IM Pinch Hub


15 kg


L: 1


R: 1





IM Expand Your Hand Bands


Green Band






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Wasn't planning on doing anything today but I recently got a camera so I thought I might try to capture a few gripper closes and see how they would turn out. Also I wanted to see if I've made any progress after the wide set workouts but I was definitely not recovered from the pinching the other day. I was still able to get a few closes with CCS so that means progress.



No Set
L: CPW 97#: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)
R: CPW 97#: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)

L: LT#2: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)
60 mm block set
R: 115# GHP5: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (5)
Credit Card Set
L: 128# GHP6: 1x0 (2 mm off)
R: 128# GHP6: 1x0 (1 mm off braced), 3x1 (3-4)
Wide MMS
L: 128# GHP6: 1, 1, 1 (3)

Wrist Work
3 kg 25 mm dumbbell
Pronation: 2x10
Supination: 2x12
Radial Deviation: 2x30
Ulnar Deviation: 2x20

A video of one of the closes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikF0dYmEPXM


It's difficult to shoot gripper closes for sure, I need more practice. I'm also having trouble setting the gripper with my left hand because of pain in the middle and ring finger, so I have to use the thumb. So there won't be much narrow sets with right hand for a while.

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No Set
L: RB160: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (25)
R: RB160: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (25)
L: LT#2: 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (30)
R: 115# GHP5: 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 5, 1 (30)
Credit Card Set One Minute Time Trial
L: 20  - R: 32 
L: 45  - R: 37
Rolling Thunder
Lift and hold 43 kg
L: 20 sec - R: 20 sec



IM Expand Your Hand Bands
Green Band: 20

Trainer x 5, COC#1 x 5, COC#2 x 1, GHP5 x 1, T-Rex x 1

RBA filed 8/20 lvl 3-4 x 5 sec, 112# COC#2 x 5 sec.
L: RB260 filed 17/20 x 10 sec, RB260 filed 17/20 x 5 sec, RB260 filed 17/20 x 5 sec.
R: COC#2.5 filed 16.5/19 x 1 rep, RB260 filed 17/20 x 7 sec, RB260 filed 17/20 x 5 sec.
20 mm Block Set Reps to Failure
L: T-Rex (120'ish): 2, 2, 3, 4, 3 GHP5 115#: 2, 5
R: GHP6 128#: 4, 2, 4 RB240: 4, 4, 3, 3, 1

Bicep Curls
Strict Olympic Barbell Curls
30 kg 3x10

Wrist Work
5 kg Bumper Plate Curls
Reverse Wrist Curls with 10 kg Barbell
Pronation & Supination with 25 mm Dumbbell
Pronation 3 kg: 2x8
Supination 5 kg: L: 8, 5 - R: 8, 8
Radial & Ulnar Deviation with 25 mm Dumbbell
Radial 6 kg: L: 2x4 - R: 2x5
Ulnar 3.5 kg: 2x10


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Strap Holds with 2.5 kg Plate
L: CPW 97#: 15 sec, 15 sec.
R: COC#2: 15 sec, 15 sec.

Wrist Roller
Twist Yo Wrist 5 kg x 10

IM Expand Your Hand Bands
Green Band: 20, 20, 20 (60)


Dynamic Pinch
RBA Pinch Converter
2-2 x 10
Thumb Pinch
IMTUG#3 x 5x1

One Hand Pinch
10 kg 150 mm Circular Dumbbell
L: 7 sec, +3.75 kg 5 sec, +5 kg air, +5 kg 7 sec, +6.25 x 1 rep
R: 10 sec, +3.75 kg 5 sec, +5 kg 5 sec, +6.25 kg x 1 rep

Rolling Thunder
L: 50 kg 3x5 – R: 45 kg 3x5

50 mm Dumbbell Deadlifts
60 kg 3x1


IM Expand Your Hand Bands
Green Band: 15, 15 (30)

No Set

L: COC#2: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (12)
R: 115# GHP5: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (12)
RB260 filed 16/20: 1, 1 (2)
Singles MMS
128# GHP6: 1, 1, 1 RB240B: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 128# GHP6: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (20)


Got a new RB240 will refer to it as "B".

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Trainer 3x5 (speed)
COC#1 x 2x2 (speed)

Block Sets
LH: 33 mm GHP6: 1, 1  T-Rex: 1, 1  GHP6: 1  T-Rex: 1, 1  GHP5: 3, 5, 4 T-Rex: 1
RH: 38 mm GHP6: 1, 1, 1 (33 mm) GHP6: 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1


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50 mm Dumbbell Hammer Curls
17 kg 3x5

1.Narrow bench 55 kg x 5
2.GHP5 CCS x 1
3.Bumper plate 5 kg wrist curl x 5
4.Rolling Thunder 55 kg x 1
5.Twist Yo Wrist 5 kg x 5

Five laps.

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IM Expand Your Hand Bands
Green Band: 20, 20, 20 (60)


One Hand Pinch
RB 50 mm Block
L: 13 kg x 20 sec, 15 kg x 10 sec, 18 kg x 1, 19 kg x 1, 19 kg x 1, 15.5 kg 10 sec - R: 13 kg x 20 sec, 15 kg x 10 sec, 18 kg x 1, 19 kg x 1, 19 kg x 0, 15.5 kg x 10 sec.

Rolling Thunder
L: 53.5 kg x 2, 67 kg x 1, 67 kg x 1, 65.5 kg x 1 - R: 53.5 x 2, 60 kg x 1, 63.5 kg x 1.

Wrist Roller
5 kg 2x10

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38 mm Block Set
L: CPW 119#: 1, 1, 1 RB210: 1 – R: GHP6 128#: 1, 1, 1.
Credit Card Set
L: GHP6 128#: 0 (1 mm off) – R: GHP6 128#: 1, 1.

11/3/16 (Workout 1)

Credit Card Set
L: T x 10, COC#1 x 5, COC#2 x 5x5, COC#1 x 20, 10, T x 20, 10.
R: T x 10, COC#1 x 5, COC#2 x 5
Right Hand:
RB260 filed 16/20 1 x 5s, COC#2.5 filed 16.5/19 1 x 5s
Choked Singles
COC#3 145# @ 25 mm 2x1 x 5s, @ 27.5 mm x 1 x 5s, @ 29 mm x 1 x 5s, @ 30 mm x 1 x 5s
Block Sets
COC#2.5 35 mm x 1, GHP6 128# 35 mm x 2, 1.
Negative Crushes
RB300 2x1 x 10s

Rolling Thunder (Left Hand)

48.5 kg 3x10

11/3/16 (Workout 2)

TNS Singles
L: LT#2 x 30 - R: GHP5 115# x 30

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Did a gripper workout but lost my notes. Right hand felt like shit but left hand felt good. Did some overcrushes with a COC#2.5 with left and one attempt on a COC#3 with left, was around 2-3 mm off. Did some choker with right but cut it short because I felt too fatigued.


Six singles with COC#2 112#


Left Hand Only

Rolling Thunder
33.5 kg x 5
53.5 kg x 1
63.5 kg x 1
67.5 kg x 1
58.5 kg x 3 x 7

5 kg Bumper Plate Curls
8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (40)
IM Heavy Hammer 2.5 kg
Sup: 2x20
Pro: 2x10

RBA 3-3

Im Expand Your Hand Bands (With right hand also)
Green Band: 2x20

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Grippers Set Practice
Trainer x 5
COC#1 x 1
GHP5 x 1
BBSM x 1
BBGM x 1
Trainer x 5
COC#1 x 3x1

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Grippers (Right hand only)
No Set
CPW 97# x 5
CPW 109# x 1
CPW narrow 119# x 2x1
Wide MMS
COC#2.5 x 1
GHP6 128# x 1
BBSM 133# x 3x1
Credit Card Set
GHP6 128# double attempt, click on first rep, missed with 2-3 mm on second.
BBSM 133# one attempt, 2-3 mm off.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Grippers (Right)

SA 78 TNS: 20, 20, 17.
CPW 109 CCS x 1
CPW 120 CCS x 1
GM 149 attempts, braced and hold: 1, 1, 1.
SA 78 x 5


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IM Expand Your Hand Bands
White band 2x25


Grippers (Right)

Morning Warmup
COC#0.5 filed TNS x 10

Afternoon Workout
COC#1.5 filed TNS x 5
COC#2 112# x 1
COC#2.5 x 1

COC#3 145# Choked to 26 mm
1 x 5s (3 min)
1 x 5s (3 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)

GM 149# attempts/braced closes
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)

Smooth Negatives with Baraban Adjustable with Textured Handle
7-7 x 1 x 2s (5 min)
7-7 x 1 x 2s

COC#0.5 TNS x 10





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Choker work from last workout was 27 mm not 26.


IM Expand Your Hand Bands
Green Band 2x20

IM Twist Yo Wrist
5 kg 2x8


Grippers (Right)

COC#0.5 filed x 5 TNS
RB160 x 3 TNS
COC#2 112# x 2 TNS
SM 128# x 1 MMS

COC#3 145# Choked to 28 mm
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)

GM 149# Attempts/braced closes
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)

COC#2.5 filed
1 x 7s (5 min)
1 x 2s (5 min)

COC#0.5 filed x 5 TNS


RBA 3-4 x 5x1


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IM Expand Your Hand Bands
White Band 2x20


Grippers (Left)
COC#0.5 filed x 2x5 TNS

Rolling Thunder (Left)
53 kg x 10

Grippers (Right)
COC#0.5 filed x 10 TNS
COC#2 x 5 TNS
COC#2.5 x 1 MMS

COC#3 Choked to 30 mm
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 3s (5 min)
1 x 3s (5 min)

GM 149# Attempts/Braced closes
1 x 0 (5 min)
1 x 3s (5 min)
1 x 3s (5 min)

Negatives with Baraban Adjustable with Textured Handle
Lvl 7-7 x 2x1x2s (smooth)

COC#0.5 filed x 10 TNS

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IM Expand Your Hand Bands
Yellow Band 2x10

Left hand is healed after a gripper accident last month, will focus solely on thickbar and pinch with left hand for some time now. Right hand will be grippers.

Received a loadable ball in the mail today and tried to do some pinching with it but I think I will use it to work the wrists and fingers as well. Went up to 20 kg with pinch and up to 60 kg with the fingers on the underside of it. Rolling Thunder handle felt very tiny in comparison. Hopefully it can help me with RT a bit.

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Grippers (Right)
Trainer x 2x5 TNS
SA 78# x 5 TNS
COC#2 112# x 3 TNS
COC#2.5 x 3x1 MMS

COC#3 145# Choked to 30 mm
1 x 3s (5 min)
1 x 3s (5 min)
1 x 3s (5 min)
1 x 3s (5 min)
1 x 3s (5 min)

GM 149# Attempts
3 attempts, all of them were poor

COC#2.5 x 2x1 MMS
SA 78# x 20 TNS

Note: Bad workout, the T haven't felt this hard as a warmup in over two years, choker work made me dizzy. Only two workouts like this left then I will rest for a while.

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One Hand Pinch (Left)
Tried out different blocks of wood I made. 70 mm felt best, went up to 24.5 kg with that one, edges need to be rounded off a bit more though. Sore in my thumb pad today, which is a good sign.


Grippers (Right)
Trainer 3x5 TNS
SA 78# 2x3 TNS
GHP 115# x 1 TNS
CPW210 120# x 1
RB240 x 1

COC#3 145# Choked to 30 mm
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 5s (5 min)

COC#3 Hard Bastard Choked to 18.5 mm
1 x 5s (5 min)

COC#3 Hard Bastard Choked to 23 mm
1 x 0 (5 min)

GM 149# Attempts/Braced closes
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 0 (5 min)

Baraban Adjustable with Textured Handle Lvl 7-7
1 x 5s smooth negative

SA 78# x 20 TNS

Note: Choker work felt easy today second and fourth attempt were the strongest so far. First attempt with the Grand Master was good but the second was poor.

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Left Hand

One Hand Pinch
Grip Ball: 12.5 kg x 15s, 14 kg x 15s, 16 kg x 5.
70 mm Block: 16 kg x 5, 20.5 kg x 5

Grip Ball Deadlifts
53.5 kg 7x3

COC#2 x 3x1 MMS

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Grippers (Right)

Trainer x 5 TNS 
COC#1 x 3 TNS
COC#0.5 filed x 5 TNS
SM 113# x 1 MMS
CPW210 122# x 1 MMS
SM 133# x 1 MMS

COC#3 145# Choked to 30 mm
1 x 5s (4 min)
1 x 5s (4 min)
1 x 5s (4 min)
1 x 5s (4 min)
1 x 0   (7 min)

COC#3 Hard Bastard
1 x 5s @ 20 mm (5 min)
1 x 1s @ 22 mm (5 min)

GM 149# Attempts/Braced closes
1 x 5s (5 min)
1 x 0   (5 min)
1 x 0   (5 min)

Credit Card Set
GHP5 115# x 3
SA 78# x 10
Trainer x 10

Note: This was the last day with isometrics. Will do some light CCS training and also test where I'm at with MMS then I will start the 10 singles program with the T-Rex. This was the first training outdoors this year, the grass is getting greener but it's still cold here, can't wait to train outside again. 


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Left Hand

One Hand Pinch

IM Hub
17.5 kg x 5
20 kg x 2
22.5 kg x 0
110 mm Block
17.5 kg x 5
20 kg x 0
20 kg x 1
22.5 kg x 0

Credit Card Set
SA 78# 3x5

Rolling Thunder
50 kg: 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 (60)

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Grippers (Right)

10 singles with Tetting Super Master 133#

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Curls with adjustable INCH
Hammer Curls
15 kg 3x8
Normal Curls
15 kg 3x8


Grippers (Right)

T-Rex @ 18 mm x 5
T-Rex @ 6 mm x 1
T-Rex @ 4 mm x 1
GM 146# x 0 (I think I felt the handles touch for a fraction of a second, not convincing enought to call it a close tho)
GM 146# x 0 (not so close)

Drop Set with four different grippers, one single rep each:
SM 133#
GHP6 128#
CPW210 122#
T-Rex @ 18 mm

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No real training, was putting together this adjustable INCH today, tried some lifts with it, up to 55 kg felt good, missed at 60 kg. Thumbless felt way easier. I will ditch the Rolling Thunder now and use this instead. 60 kg will be the goal weight.


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Left Hand

SA 78# Credit Card Set: 3x7

One Hand Pinch
110 mm
15 kg x 5
20 kg x 5
22.5 kg x 0 (half way up with a really short loading pin)
15 kg x 5

Adjustable Inch
41.5 kg x 3
45.5 kg x 2

Wrist Curls
31.5 kg x 3x5

IM Heavy Hammer with three 1 kg plates
Supination: 2x6
Pronation: 2x6
Radial Deviation: 2x20
Ulnar Deviation: 2x18

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