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Rick Walker

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@103 bodyweight and age 11. 8 games into his football season (11-13 year old league) starting at halfback and cornerback.

100% Raw Worlds, 10/31/2015, Virginia Beach.

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Very impressive!! Makes me wish I had a mentor back when I was your boy's age teaching me the ins and outs of powerlifting. Maybe then I might of avoided a major back injury at 19 yrs old lol. Oh well, enough about me, I wish the best of luck to your boy!!

Edited by HandsofStone
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Lifting is my passion. I started lifting at the age of 14 BUT I never had someone beside me to guide and teach me like you do with your son Rick. Every time I watch your vids, with your son lifting, I see myself back then and I imagine what I could achieve with such guidance. Very lucky and very strong boy your son Rick. I wish all the best.


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