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Clubs, Meels And Training To Feel Better.


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5'6" 150lbs

I no longer compete and after causing some permanent damage in my right wrist due to an inoperable ganglion cyst which is pressing on the nerve I no longer Oly lift and cannot practice my hand balancing anymore.

Typically I am terrible at keeping up online logs, if you read and are interested just post from time to time to kick me in the butt to keep it up. Video's and club write ups are always posted on Facebook, both my personal one and at Nic Branson Training (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nic-Branson-Training/111329638893958)

Todays was 3 hours of shoveling snow and ice. Here are a couple older videos. Clubs used in these demos are light 2 lbs poly.

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2-23-15 Morning Session:

Single KB Clean+P followed by windmills without setting down. 45-5presses, 3 windmills. 5 sets. No shoulder discomfort.

2 Clubbells Swipes 15's. 10 sets of 10 in 9min 45sec. Setting down after every set.

Rows with 55lbs kb. 5 sets of 10 nice and easy

Meel work. 5kg each 5 sets of 12each.

Plate Curls. 2 10's 4 reps twice per side. 1 set of 10 with (10lb+5lb)

Bulgarian Bag: 3 hammer swings each side, 15 power cleans. 3 sets

Camera angle is close to show the pinky grip.


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2-23-15 PM Session: IC lunge sequence with 1.5kg British Military clubs, other misc swings with same clubs. Including forward and reverse Moulinet.

My grip is in a heavy rebuilding phase post injury. Aiming for no pain and no numbness.

Grippers: Trainer x5x5 warm up

GHP #3: 5 sets of 2 A bit of "tightness" felt inside the wrist afterwards but improvement. Going to be a long road but at least getting the #2 consistent again is my goal.

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2-24-15 Morning Session:

Clean to Order 45lbs clubbell. 5 reps each grip for 10 sets

Side to Side rock with 45lbs clubbell. 10reps each side for 5 sets

Ring Chin with one hand release between reps. 4 reps for 5 sets

Meels 5kg: Inward pendulums and normal turns. Working on developing a combination. 12 reps each side for 5 sets.

Some trip work for my elbows.

Spartan Bar push ups

2-24-15 PM Session

Some small club swinging and work on new skills.

SWE Pro wrist roller 2 sets of 15

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2-25-15 AM

KBC+P 45x5->55x3 4 sets

2cbSwipes 15's 8 sets of 12

KB Row 70lbs 5 sets of 8

Meels 5kg each 5 sets of 12ea

Plate Curl 20lbs 4,4 15lbs x10

Bug Bag 66lbs cleans 8 for 3 sets

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2-25-15 PM

Some basic work with a #4 BM Club and some skill work. Part of the basics on video. The swings are a bit compacted due to space issue indoors.

Shoulder Park Squats 2 15's 5 sets of 10

Grippers: Trainer: 5,5 GHP3 for a single followed by GHP4 for a single and hold for 3 count (left needs assisted close). 5 rounds per hand.

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2-26-15 AM Scheduled deload. Had to dig a path to the oil tank fill last night through compacted ice and snow, fun times.

2h CTO 45lbs 5 sets of 5ea

StS 45lbs 3 sets of 10ea

Ring chins 2 sets

Meel's Inner Pendulum 3 sets of 5 ea

Tri work

Spartan Push Up's


Small club work

Wrist Roller.

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2-27-15 Computer broke today very annoying

Today was another reload very bland session

PM: Grip was simple. Trainer 5,5 GHP3 2,3,3 Nice and easy. No discomfort forcing myself to go slow and rebuild this right.

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Added some grippers to the collection. Mostly small ones which will keep me honest for now.

Super Advanced -78

Hybrid Advanced -79

Hybrid Super A -92

Hybrid Master -97

GHP5 -110

Hybrid GM -144

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3-2-15 AM

1KB C+P 45x3/55x3 4 sets

2CB Swipe 15's 5 sets of 20 (Thumb pads were burning at the end. Done with short rest)

KB Row 70 8,8,8

Meels 5kg ea 15ea 5 sets

Plate Curl 20lbs 4,4 15lbs 12

Bulg Bag Cleans 66lbs 8,8,8

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3-2-15 PM

IC lunge sequences plus some wrist work with the BM 3's


Trainer x5

Trainer TNS x5

SA x3

GHP3 x2 (right wrist tweaked bad)

SA x2

GHP x2

SA x2

Extensor work

Wrist tweak was odd but very painful. See how it feels later on.

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2h CTO 45lbs 5 sets of 5ea

StS 45lbs 3 sets of 10ea

Sorry I cant guess these acronyms. What is this?
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2h CTO 45lbs 5 sets of 5ea

StS 45lbs 3 sets of 10ea

Sorry I cant guess these acronyms. What is this?

2 hand clean to order with a 45lbs club

Side to side rock with a 45lbs club. Rock only take the club to a low angle not the full side swing.

Reps are done with equal for each grip.

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3-3-15 AM

Ice dam on roof causing water to leak into the house, rest of my day will be fixing that.

2H CTO-45 5 sets of 5ea

StS 2H-45 5 sets of 12ea

Pull ups on straps 3/1R/1L 5 sets

Meels Inner Pendulum 5 sets of 10ea

Some inverted KB (10b) lifts with a 10lbs plate hanging off it. Just toying around to find a good wider grip set up.

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3-4-15 AM

1KB C+P 45x5 53x3 8 sets

2CB Swipe 15's / 2H CB Swipe 25 15reps/8ea 3 sets

KB Rows 70 x8 5 sets

Meels 5kg 15 5 sets

Plate Curl 20 x5x5 easy on these. Wrist is tweaked and pissy.

Bug Bag cleans 75lbs x5x5 (bag is overweighted on one side, need to fix)

Spent several hours yesterday shoveling ice and snow and breaking ice off the roof, doing the same again today.

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Two days of hammering on ice dams and shoveling ice and snow to get around the house. My right wrist is borked and hands are sore from doing it all in insulated gloves. That is my grip work for today.

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3-5-15 AM

Body is not happy, horrible nights sleep and achy from the work on the house.

CTO 1H with 25 and 2H with the 45. 3reps and 5 respectively, 5 rounds

Full Side Swing 2H 25lber 10ea for 5 sets.

Aerial Strap Pulls 3 deep pull ups and one front level. 5 sets

Meels. Inner Pendulums 10 reps ea. 5 sets

Some Tri work.

No push ups or Sang work.

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3-6-15 AM

Yesterday was another all go day. Very tired this morning, stayed conservative on the grippers to keep the wrist happy,

1KB C+P 45x3/55x5 4 sets

2CB Swipes 15's x20 5 sets

KB Row 70 8x8x8

Meels 5kg ea x12 5 sets

Plate Curl 20lb x4x4 15lbs x10

Grippers: Tx5x5 GHP3x2/SAx2/HyAx1(pause on close) 3 rounds. Last round was all singles.

Hopefully next week everything will go a bit better.

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3-9-15 AM Feel tanked this morning. Mother in law leaves tomorrow after a week so hopefully get some video's back up this week.

KB C+P 45x4/55x4 4 sets

2CB Swipes 25 reps 4 sets

KB Row 70lbs x8x8x8

Meels 5kg 12,15,15,15,15

Plate Curl 20lbs x4x4 15lbs x10

Bug Bag cleans 66lbs x8x8x8

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3-10-15 AM 3 hours sleep due to airport run early

CTO 45lbs 5x5 and 3 sets of 8

Side Swings 45lbs 5x5

Strap Pull Ups 3/1r/1L x3sets 2 sets of 3 with pause at top, 90 and bottom

Meels. Inner Pendulum 5 sets of 10

Tri work

Push Ups

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Quick little update. Starting to work on Jori's again. This is very rough, first time I have touched them in months as I feel my wrist is recovering enough now.


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