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Nationals 2014 Training


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So begins my specific training for the upcoming contest about 2 months out

2hp - 5 reps at 182

2hp hold - 182 for 18-19 seconds

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Nice work bro

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Congrats, Jon. Big pinches!

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thanks Eric and Joshua

4/18: Thickbar and wrist training


35 plate curls with back to wall

130 lb inch trainer hand to hand tosses

Notes: Did some singles on my new 2.5 inch barbell, worked up to 290 DO for some fairly easy singles

Rows on the inch trainer felt very strong - so much so that i went ahead and tried for the hand to hand toss, which was easier than i thought it would be

Also did some wrist work with 255 on the axle, just DO grip, let the hands drop into the weak position and then curl it back into the strong position, did 5 for 3 sets very slow and strict

i finished with plate curls, they are MUCH harder against the wall as you can see.. these make any other style of curl feel like cheating!

Edited by jvance
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Very impressive plate curling!

Actual plates don't feel anywhere near as comfortable for me as the replica of the National's implement I made, so maybe I'll perform better than I expect on the event.

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Looking like you'll be a contenda' at Nationals! Strong and strict on the plate curls and nice toss & catch. Looks like the Inch will be a walk in the park for you next time you see it or immediately after you get used to the feel of it trying to rip your thumb away from your hand as if you'd gripped an anaconda.

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Looks like a got a challenge for sure!

Good work bro,

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Very impressive plate curling!

Actual plates don't feel anywhere near as comfortable for me as the replica of the National's implement I made, so maybe I'll perform better than I expect on the event.

Eric, I have no idea what to expect on the curl... I'm just hoping all this work with plates will carry over.

Looking like you'll be a contenda' at Nationals! Strong and strict on the plate curls and nice toss & catch. Looks like the Inch will be a walk in the park for you next time you see it or immediately after you get used to the feel of it trying to rip your thumb away from your hand as if you'd gripped an anaconda.

Bob, that trainer at 130 a year ago could only be lifted on good days and more or less hopped with the left, so it's crazy that I can toss it back and forth. I credit all the snatch work and rows for this drastic improvement.... Talking less than a year

Looks like a got a challenge for sure!

Good work bro,

thanks Josh, hope we can push each other to some huge PRs, looking forward to it
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Did some one hand snatches with 2" axle, worked up to 93lbs for 12 singles per hand total 24. Felt difficult enough to challenge me but easy enough to keep good technique. Also worked some hammer choke and lever training... Finished with grippers, up to 5x3 very slow 20mm block reps each hand- used 126 rated 2.5.

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Easter workout

Did some pause squats at 245, 5 sets of 3

Also did volume pinch with work gloves, 5 sets of 10 at 113lb

Finished with 2 sets of 10 saxonpinch snatches at 56lb

Highlighted: 2nd set pinch snatches

Good volume day, challenged CNS without overly taxing the hands

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Felt strong so i did more grip, worked up to a 215 DOT axle hang clean as posted on Aaron's thread

Also did some bicep and wrist curls with the RT

Everything has been feeling light lately, i feel like my body is adapting to the rigors of the training i've been doing the last 3 months. I believe strongly that i will DO 400 on the axle by years end and also lift the inch, among other goals. Just need to work on my sledge choke, its pathetic!

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4-28 2hp work:

193lb timehold-10sec:

193lb for triple:

hands felt strong while pinching, plate curls felt weak so i didn't do anything strict... also one hand pinched with swings, 2 sets of 10 L&R at 72lbs

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Great stuff in here Jon, keep it coming! Wrist curls with the rt...I never thought of that. Hmm....

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Great stuff in here Jon, keep it coming! Wrist curls with the rt...I never thought of that. Hmm....

Thanks Anthony, yes the RT has many uses beyond the 1HD... i also use it for rows, high pulls where i'll flick my wrist up underneath with momentum and palm down curls that challenge the extensors in the wrist

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I have used my hm rollin thunder

for curls, works good

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4-29, speed warmup and heavy static day..

finished with some heavy wrist curls and plate curls strict

speed warmup: 5 axle cleans L&R at 135

heavy static holds to overload CNS: 410 DO from the rack

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5-1 training:

Volume and conditioning with axle and inch trainer diameters, after lengthy warmup, worked up to set of 5 each hand axle one hand snatches at 105lb, did 8 each hand at 95lb

Did 8 each hand inch trainer snatches with 88lbs

then did 2 sets of 10 each hand trainer hang cleans at 98lb... brutal conditioning with explosive grip element - very winded afterward

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5-4 grip workout

getting over a cough but did a bunch of gripper work and sledge choke; the banes of my existence

6x3 20mm block sets L&R with COC 2.5 (125)

Sledge choke 5 second holds at 192 inch lbs/torque 5x1 L&R

Repped out my filed COC 2 (108) 12/20 L/R:


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5-6 training day: grippers and pinch

worked up to 3 block singles each hand with 149 gripper:

#3 left/RB300n right:

long pinch workout, worked every angle, holds, swings, etc...

200lb hold for 6 seconds - PR from last week's 193 hold for 10seconds... next week i will hold 200 for 12-15 seconds

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You're gonna be tough to beat in your weight class, Jon. Very well rounded

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Yep i got alot of work ahead of me;)

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Thanks Eric and Josh, I have some very strong people pushing me and a great mentor in Kody Burns. I give him a good deal of credit in helping me especially with pinch!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Axle and heavy wrist training

Highlighted PR BW axle hang clean 5 reps, borderline Hungarian style

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Looking strong, Jon.

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