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From The Ashes......resurrecting My Grip


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A perfect storm of events lead to two serious falls ,concussion,broken facial bones ,dislodged eye and numbness in my entire right arm. For the past 6 weeks it has been learning to do things over and relearning motor skills. Gripper went from a close #3 to a 78lb. Dynamometer and can't quite close a #1. Well, if ever an opportunity to try the skills and what I have learned over the years it is now. I plan on keeping an ongoing record on my workouts and progress . Each day there has been a very tiny increase in vision, balance, and muscle memory. It is a humbling thing to curl 80lb. dumbbells one day and be forced to struggle with 15s now. Pride has been taken over by will, I plan on taking it as far as my body will go. I remarked the other night to great female gripsters both being able to Ccs a #2 to use all their gifts and do great things while you can ,because it can all end in a moment. I am so pleased to see how far grip has progressed and the fine friends I have made. On to the battle ahead. R. Sorin

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Richard, I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I pray for for your full recovery.

Your heart and mind are obviously in the right place, practically insuring you'll come out a better man for it.

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Wow, really sorry to hear that Richard. Wishing you a swift and full recovery.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you. Anyone who has had the pleasure of having any dealings with you knows that you are not only strong in body but also in mind. If anyone can come back better than ever it's you.

All the best,


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All the best in your recovery, Richard.

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If anyone were capable of weathering the road ahead; it's you! Best of luck.

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You have always been a kind and generous man whenever we have spoken on the phone or I saw you in person. You will win this battle, and I wish you the best towards a speedy recovery and comeback!


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Wow, very sorry to hear of your unfortunate times, heal up!

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Richard, very sorry to hear about your accident. Best wishes for your speedy recovery.

- Aaron Corcorran

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Richard -

So sorry about your accident. Keep fighting ... If anyone can rehab their grip, it's you!


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Sounds like the old saying of "lead with your head" may not be what they meant in this case. :) Heal up quick - no doubt in my mind you'll make a complete recovery - but a prayer or two may not hurt anything, so I'll send one along for a speedy and complete recovery.

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You will prevail Pops!

Hang in there and stay focused! Most of all exercise your patience buddy!

You're a Legend of Grip and an icon in the sport for good reasons!

Grip Friends for Life!!!

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Very sorry to hear the news of the accident. I am sending you a PM. I have something that might help you.


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Praying for you Richard.!

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PM is sent, Richard.

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I wish you all the best with your recovery. Thank you for everything fantastic you have done, and do, for the world of grip training.

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You're the man, Richard. Your attitude is inspiring. Hope you come back strong!

...and do you have any pictures of that dislodged eye?

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You're the man, Richard. Your attitude is inspiring. Hope you come back strong!

...and do you have any pictures of that dislodged eye?

I didn't really want to ask, but since you opened the door...

Richard I am interested in any more of the story that you're willing to share. How did the falls occur? I'm not necessarily trying to pry or rubberneck here, it's just such a shocking turn of events.

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Best wishes for a very speedy recovery.

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Very sorry to hear of your accidents. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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A perfect storm of events lead to two serious falls ,concussion,broken facial bones ,dislodged eye and numbness in my entire right arm. For the past 6 weeks it has been learning to do things over and relearning motor skills. Gripper went from a close #3 to a 78lb. Dynamometer and can't quite close a #1. Well, if ever an opportunity to try the skills and what I have learned over the years it is now. I plan on keeping an ongoing record on my workouts and progress . Each day there has been a very tiny increase in vision, balance, and muscle memory. It is a humbling thing to curl 80lb. dumbbells one day and be forced to struggle with 15s now. Pride has been taken over by will, I plan on taking it as far as my body will go. I remarked the other night to great female gripsters both being able to Ccs a #2 to use all their gifts and do great things while you can ,because it can all end in a moment. I am so pleased to see how far grip has progressed and the fine friends I have made. On to the battle ahead. R. Sorin

Richard, I am sorry to here of the serious difficulties that you have experienced recently. Your recovery from cancer several years ago was an example to many on how to continue during tough times, as well as how one can return and continue to make prodigious strength gains. It may take some time, but I would bet that you recover well and continue without limitation.

Take care of yourself, Richard!

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Sometimes life gets in the way of our goals.

Never give up. I have no doubt you will succeed and make a full recovery.

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Sorry to hear of your accident.

Fingers crossed for a full recovery.

If you need a chat anytime I'm always available.

All the best.


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