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One-handed Barbell Press Log


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It would be awesome if a few of you could start working on you One-handed barbell lift and start logging your numbers here along with your current weight if possible. The main selfish reason is so I can get an idea of what I should be hitting, by correlating your stats and hopefully it will help everyone push each other.

The leverage factor is great for grip and the move is indispensable for most aspects of strength, but of course you already know this. Now, I don't want to be the reason that you get injured, because doing this with a barbell can be dangerous, so please take care if you choose to join me on this quest.

I know a lot of you may be thinking "I can't be bothered" and I understand that, but it would be great if you could help me out on this, and I guarantee it will benefit you aswell.

Today, I started with a light weight because I was training in my living room (yes, you read that right and no it's not a huge room), hence the reason why I had to keep it "easily controllable". Remember I have been ill and my bdyweight is finally creeping back up, so keep the insults on my tiny frame to a minimum if you can.

I am 5ft4'ish (dwarf-power!) and currently weigh 114lbs (51kg)

5x5 @30kg.

My goal is to hit a bodyweight one-handed barbell press (which is MUCH easier with a dumbbell)... I think I can lift quite a bit more than the 30kg if outdoors, but nowhere near a 50kg yet - especially not without a huge hit of momentum.

Now, it's your turn to shame me.

Edited by GotAGrip
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Hey Gary, good idea on the log.

One thing I'm questioning is what type of press counts. Bent press, one arm military, push press?

Seems like you've got some skinny circus power going on! I'm 5'9 and 125 for comparison, but can't lift quite as much as you.

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I may be keeping up with this one. Ive been thinking about working one-arm presses back into my workouts as an assistance lift, but the Y only has fixed dumbbells up to 100lbs, so I've been thinking about doing it with a short (5 foot) barbell, so as to not hit that barrier when I get there. Used to do these and loved em...

Maybe I'll start light it next Friday. It's going to happen after my primary pressing though, so obviously I wont be able to go all-out on it. Haha

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BW ONE HANDED strict press? Wow, what a tremendous goal. A regular strict standing press, using TWO hands on barbell, of one's own bodyweight is considered Elite. (strict, no knee or hip drive). And you plan on doing this with ONE hand? Am I understanding correctly?

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It is definitely a high order. haha. But, he's also a lot more likely to hit a one-arm bodyweight strict press than I am. He's 114lbs. I'm 218. I'm just working to get bodyweight in the two hand military press!

Judging by your one arm press, you can probably do bodyweight in the military press right now, can't you Gary?

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dang i didn't know you were that light

i bet you could break some grip records as they relate to bodyweight

you ever try to two hand pinch? or rolling thunder? heck even pinch pull ups.. i'd be willing to bet you could easily pull 1.5 times your bodyweight with some good training on some of these lifts

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Sorry guys, been a bit too busy today to reply properly, will get back on tomorrow and answer the questions etc.

Thanks for the compliments. Just a quick reply... I can do bodyweight strict military press pretty easily, tomorrow I will test my max. As for the challenge, push press with the barbell is fine, just get the thing up in the air safely - however you want :D

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As for the question on pinch pull ups... I have always considered that but haven't made the pinch blocks for my pull up bar yet - I need to get the jigsaw out again lol.

I haven't tried the rolling thunder but I think my own barbell replicates that quite well - it maybe even harder, but not sure. It's similar width I believe, it rotates - and also, it's the length of a barbell, so when doing one handed lifts - it tries to tilt too.

The good lord looked down on the people of grip and spoke thusly; The pressing shall be strict, and strict thy pressing shall be.

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Last year, I one arm strict pressed a 2"DB in the 103# range. I haven't tried an Oly bar as of late, but it sounds like fun.

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Seems like you lightweight guys would have a field day with the lower weight class records if you ever get out to a comp. You know the lightest class is 59kg and I'm not even sure there are any performances posted yet in that class.

- Aaron

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Seems like you lightweight guys would have a field day with the lower weight class records if you ever get out to a comp. You know the lightest class is 59kg and I'm not even sure there are any performances posted yet in that class.

- Aaron

It would be a bit embarrassing for the other members of the competition to be beating by me though. Being destroyed by someone who can barely walk or get out of bed some-days could definitely be a shot to the nuts.

Maybe I should do it haha.

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I doubt anyone would be embarrassed. This is generally a very friendly sport and people would likely be cheering you on. Heck most mornings i can barely walk or get out of bed myself due to a variety of issues including back and now foot.

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Seems like you lightweight guys would have a field day with the lower weight class records if you ever get out to a comp. You know the lightest class is 59kg and I'm not even sure there are any performances posted yet in that class.

- Aaron

I fall into that category as well, and as far as I know will be uncontested until the 9th at Eric's SOH contest.

Another 59k and I will be setting the bar then for lightweights to come.

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What is the lowest category for strength competitions? It would be nice to put on some weight, but still keep within the smallest group.

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Think I'm gonna have to sit out on this for awhile. Today's military pressing didn't go so hot, and I'm thinking it might have been because I still have some recovery to do from last Wednesday when I did some extra pressing with dumbbells... One of these days though, I'll devote a session to testing it.

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