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I just started super slow hand gripper training with 10 seconds to close & open gripper.

I felt the difference right away after a couple of sets with a lighter gripper because you work all muscle fibers when going for 10 seconds to open & close without changing speed or pausing.

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Do you think this would be better than timed strap holds? If so why.

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I don't know the percentage split in the hand muscles, but Type I respond to differently than Type II to rep speed. There are a number of powerlifting approaches that advocate a mix of fast and slow rep speed. So it's certainly possible that one could build a program off of alternating speed vs. grind workouts, or doing block periodization. I'm planning on experimenting with 2 week speed and grind blocks in the Fall.

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I always thought the idea was to build explosive strength if anything. Wouldn't training to close slower and with less power be less effective?

For one thing it is a lot easier to stay away from injury this way & the answer to your question would be to use both approachs.

Use a hard gripper that is hard for you to close and hold closed for 15 seconds several times as desired & then go to the lighter gripper super slow way 10 seconds to close 10 seconds to open without changing speed of movement or pausing.

You are using more muscle to go slow believe it or not & there's little to no momentum.

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Do you think this would be better than timed strap holds? If so why.

Do you think this would be better than timed strap holds? If so why.

I have done similar to the strap hold but I prefer this new method of training because when your moving the gripper the way I spoke of you should feel most if not all the forearm muscles failing after a couple sets & your hands will lose form extremely quick.

I works for me & I don't have to spend as much time training because it cuts my workout in half.

My hands were pretty much fried when completing.

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Well what the heck Ill try it and see how it feels.

If i can just close a #3 what level should I use for a 10 second close.

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I'd imagine most the gains will be where you spend most of your time, and in this case it would be the sweep. Coupled with overcrushes and speed work it may cover all aspects pretty well. Instead of cycling the three I could see doing just one aspect for a month then on to the next aspect. Doubt it's worth it for MMS. Prob good for CCS. Just thinking aloud here.

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Well what the heck Ill try it and see how it feels.

If i can just close a #3 what level should I use for a 10 second close.

A level that you use for really high reps that's not overly light.

I just use something I can close for at least 50x

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Well what the heck Ill try it and see how it feels.

If i can just close a #3 what level should I use for a 10 second close.

A level that you use for really high reps that's not overly light.

I just use something I can close for at least 50x at a normal speed

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